《Destiny Online》Chapter 7


---Warning, Adult Content---

Irish was getting his exercise earlier in the morning than normally would. ‘lovin the bed Olympics.’ The lights were still off and a lithe form lay under him on her belly moaning as Irish thrust into her from behind. They both were already sweaty from the exertion and the room was musty with the sent of sex. Irish felt Haley Scarlet under him begin to shutter giving him permission not to hold back anymore and thrust harder keeping her in climax. She was already spent but Irish was not so he held her in place as she tried to escape thrusting her head into a pillow until he spent himself in her.

Irish rolled off of Scarlet and she continued to gasp in-time with her shuttering. After a few more seconds she recovered, scooting over and placing her head on his chest. Still slightly out of breath she asked, “Do you want to go for round two?”

Irish smiled in the dark while shaking his head, “Not that it wouldn’t be fun but I need to see Chief before I head to the bridge for my shift.”

It had been more than two month of Hyperdrive travel and Irish had performed his job exceeding Captain Harlow's standards and had been promoted to Junior Lieutenant giving him command of third shift. During that time he had also gained 7 more levels making him level 12 due constantly working and learning. He was no where near a medical facility so he couldn’t get his Piko-bot injections. For now the levels meant absolutely nothing. One thing that was now obvious is once he hit level ten it over a week to get to level 11. The same went for level 12. It seemed gaining a level was almost ten times harder after level 10 no matter how hard he worked. During that time he was able to download a few more of Laya his LAI’s routines into his noggin. The benefits took awhile to even notice. It was hard to even see that Laya had a better reaction time in correcting him on errors. Stopping him barely before he messed something up, like missing a small part while constructing something. Irish assumed the new routines of the LAI were related to his expanded mind reflex and perception reflex because of the routines it triggered in Laya allowing her to perceive mistakes sooner. He still didn’t see any other way it was benefiting him yet and it took Irish awhile just to figure that out.

Scarlet’s sandy blonde hair was tickling his neck, he brushed it away as she swung her leg over his and tightened her grip on his arm, “Why can’t I have the same shift as yours?”

Irish replied, “You know why. Your the one that proposed it. You didn’t want the Captain and Commander thinking I’m favoring you. Your idea not mine but I agree, there's no reason for anyone aboard to know are activity’s.”

Scarlet huffed, “Still it would be nice to see you more than a few hours everyday. Mr. important officer.” Teasingly she kissed on his chest.

Irish pinched her bare bottom hard till she released her vice grip on him and before she could get another hold on him he leapt out of the bed towards his shower. Miss Scarlet had 1st shift with Captain Harlow and she just arrived in his quarters a few hours ago to wake Irish to a feisty romp. Irish had third shift but he still need to go see Chief first.

Irish ducked into the shower locking the bathroom door so Scarlet couldn’t follow. He remembered back when he had told Scarlet that he was a player. She had been extremely pissed at first and avoided him as much as possible. She figured that she was the only player and thus would reap most of the rewards from being on the Ravenger. She also didn’t like the fact that he had somehow conjouled his way into a officers position above her.


After a while she started asking for help with learning things on and off the bridge. One day about a month ago Irish was going over how to perform maintenance on her Ultralight. They were working real closely together when she kissed him out of the blue. One thing led to another and Irish ended up bending her over a crate and taking her right their in the empty hanger bay. It turned out she liked rough sex and their first time was just that. A grease covered pounding.

Their relationship had started quickly in an intense instance of lust and passion. It was rough and crude but Irish loved it.

Scarlet was already sleeping by the time Irish got out of the shower. He quietly got dressed and headed for engineering. He was going to help Chief put the final touches on his new XTR Raptor Battlesuite. At first it was only going to be a crew standard set of power armor but Irish worked out a deal with Chief to pay for better materials out of his own pocket. The cost was astounding but he gladly paid over 5500mcc. Over the last two month or 61 day he’d brought his account back up to 9390mcc at 150mcc a day and now after the 5500mcc material cost it was only 3890mcc.

Irish saluted the Chief as he walked into engineering, “Morning Chief, wasn’t sure you’d still be awake during my shift?”

Chief was sitting at a console typing away, adjusting and recalibrating the ships function to run optimally. “Ah, Hermano you came by. I was just finishing up a few things here. We need to drop out of Hyperdrive before our final destination. I’m getting some vibrations in the forward warp ring.”

Vibrations in a warp ring usually meant it had some kind of damage, “I take it their within exceptable levels or the redundancy's would have kicked us out of Hyperdrive? I don’t really want to wake the Skipper yet but its your call Chief.”

Chief waved it off, “Na, it fine for now. Its the reason I haven’t racked out yet. The vibrations are so minuscule that I won’t have us drop out of Hyperdrive till the Skippers up and maybe not even then. I’ll talk to him about. Ah, but I do know why your here. Let go over to the parts shop and get the final pieces put into your X4 Battlesuite.”

Irish was excited he practically skipped along behind Chief as he fallowed him to the parts shop. Irish had a really good feeling about finishing the complete schematics for the X4 Battlesuite. If he finished the schematics he could build a X4 Battlesuite any time he had the materials. He had from start helped Chief with every little detail of the Battlesuite. It meant he knew every system in the suite and how each piece of it worked.

It was the exact same for the Ultralight he was able to completely recreate a blue print schematic for it. He had worked on his and Scarlet's Ultralight so often that he knew every part of it backwards and forwards and was finally able to make a complete blueprint. That also includes a complete working knowledge of how the Hyperdrive system worked and how to create one, why it worked and how to build them for larger ships if he wanted to. Now the blueprint and all subsequent blueprints for all parts of the Ultralight were now stored in his data-pad. The X4 Battlesuite was an even simpler concept than a whole ship, even if it was a small one like the Ultralight Peniace.


However, they still had two things to complete today. One the most important was its miniature fusion reactor. He had a full working knowledge of a fusion reactor for the Ultralight and the Ravenger, he could even build one for a larger ship. The problem is when creating something so powerful into something so small you run into other problems like fusion reaction containment. You need different materials and construction designs. It like making a whole different kind of reactor when building on a miniature scale but the outcome would be similar if only slight less powerful.

It was a long four hours till they had the last of the mini fusion reactor printed out from the parts replicator. Irish went over each piece meticulously checking each and every nook and cranny learning the exact need for every indent, wire or connection and recorded everything into his data-pad. Once they had the mini reactor assembled they hooked into a testing computer and containment box. Pushing a small fission rod into it and hooking up a line to supply Helium 3 reaction mass for test. It didn’t take long for the mini fusion reactor to power up and start producing massive power for its size. All of the reactors readings were ran through the testing computer and Chief and Irish ran down a list to refine the reactors out-puts, intake levels and containment pentameters. All told over a hundred adjusted levels until the reactor was purring like a kitten, just how they wanted it. Hooking the reactor into the X4 Battlesuite was child's play considering the work they just went through. Finally the mini fusion reactor schematics were completed on his data-pad.

Irish looked at the time. ‘Damn I only have 15 minutes till my watch time.’ He turned to Chief saying, “Chief I got to run. I have to be on the bridge for my shift. I’m sure you already updated Commander Bosick about the forward ring vibration? Let me know if anything happens with it and we’ll emergency shut down whether the Captain is awake or not.”

Chief inquired to Irish’s retreating back, “Hey Hermano, do want me to finish this without you? It will only take a couple of hours.”

Irish turned shaking his head, “I’m excited for it to be done as well Chief but I’d like to be here for all of it’s construction. If your still awake after my shift we can finish it then.”

Chief waved Irish on, “Okay, okay, I got it. Yes ill be awake because of that cono(damn) ring acting up.”

Irish had five minutes to spare when he finally reached the bridge. He saluted Commander Bosick and was saluted in return. Commander Bosick asked, “Your usually 15 minutes early Lieutenant(Junior Lieutenants are still called Lieutenants even if that is not their rank, same goes for all Lieutenant grades)?”

Irish walked up to the Captains chair as Commander Bosick exited. Irish responded, “I was down with Chief working on my Battlesuite. He told me about the vibrations in the forward Hyperdrive ring. Do you think we should wake the Skipper?”

Commander Bosick shook his head, “Na, that’s Chief’s call. If he don’t think its a big enough concern to wake the skipper to drop out of Hyperdrive then we gotta trust him.”

Irish nodded then went on record with standard procedures, “Commander Bosick I relieve you from command.”

Commander Bosick responded, “Lieutenant Fey I stand relieved. Have a good shift.”

The shift was extremely boring. After checking over the ships status Irish began looking over the schematic for the mini fusion reactor that he had just built with the Chief. Then he add that part to the X4 battlesuite blue print. All that was left to do would be securing the Carbon-nanotube-fiber and vacuum cooled composite titanium armor plaiting to the exoskeleton. It would be a quick job. Since the suite was of a completely new design it would need extensive testing. It wouldn’t be the best on the market but far better than most if the testing went well. The whole design was based off of the XTR Raptor Battlesuite, one of the more powerful battlesuite ever created supposedly in this game. Chief used to repair the high ranking Officers suits when he served in the military. He didn’t have the full designs because the full design were classified even to him at that time but he did have a pretty good working knowledge of them and looked froward to attempting to create a battlesuite even close to one of those monsters. The reason they called their suit an X4 was because it was their 4th attempt of perfecting the suite. It still wouldn’t be even close to as powerful as the XTR Raptor battlesuite but the X4 should be at the top of the line compared with other civilian class battlesuites, even better than regular standard issue marine battlesuites.

By the time the Captain came on the bridge for his shift followed shortly by the 1st shift bridge crew Irish was anxious to get back down to his Battlesuite to finish it up. Not wanting the rest of the crew knowing about his and Scarlet's relationship so they ignored each other when she came on the bridge. In Irish’s hurry to get to his battlesuite he almost forgot to tell the Captain the status update of the ship.

Irish walked over to the Captain to inform him, “Skipper the shift was quite for the most part. Chief found a vibration in the forward hyperdrive ring during second shift and we’ve been monitoring it closely. He says its minor and nothing to worry about. He says he already sent you a detailed report.” Captain Harlow thanked Irish for the update and went through the standards of relinquishing of command for the oncoming shift. However, the Captain commanded from his office during his shift allowing Mr. Coseck to run things on the bridge. The Captain left his door open during his shift just in case something came up.

As Irish left Scarlet winked at him from her console at coms. It brought a smile to his face as he left. It had been to long since he had been in a relationship. Well to be honest they never agreed they were in a relationship. Irish liked being around her. She was fun in more ways than one and smart ass funny to boot. That was another thing Irish had never done to frequently was laugh. She brought that out of him by constantly making fun of his serious demeanor. It has lightened his heart a bit making him relax a little at a time. She was a really easy friend to talk and laugh with.

The Chief just as excited as Irish had already timed his arrival at the workshop at the same time as Irish. Fitting the last few pieces of armor to the X4 Battlesuite was easy but time consuming by making sure each piece was shaped properly. It took a couple extra hours to hook up the suites sensors that could retract into the armor.

Chief smiled as he activated the mini reactor on the suite. He asked, “You ready Hermano. Go ahead get in and lets started powering this baby up.”

Irish stepped up to the suit and looked right at the armored headpiece while placing his hand on the chest piece. The armor was covered in a micro-optic paint that used the metallic mesh layered with carbonized circuitry into outer layer of the armor allowing the suite to camouflage itself to any environment. Therefore the suit could also read fingerprints and it did just that. It was part of the security system to get inside the suite. The other part was a scanning laser that scanned his body along with his retina’s at the command to, “Open.”

The suites Armor began to slide away from the front half of the suit including the heads face-plate. It all shifted out of the way. Than the exoskeleton began collapsing away, tucking its framework to the side. Giving Irish just enough room to squeeze his body into the suite. They had already tested the exoskeleton a dozen time to make sure their was no way Irish could get crushed by enclosing the suite around him. Irish gave the suite the command to close it would only fallow his voice-print. The suite could even tell if someone tried to recreate his voice with electronics. Someone would have to create a perfect biological replica of his throat, traquea and tongue and get the pitch of his voice right in order to trick the X4 Battlesuite.

The suite began to slowly close around Irish. It could close faster if Irish commanded it to but for safety reasons he allowed it to close slowly. It wasn’t long before the pieces of the suits exoskeleton bean latching themselves onto his body. His body and the suite becoming one.

Irish began the start up sequence, having to wait first for the HUD to come up. This suit was unique for this game, at least as far as he or the Chief could tell. He was going to be connecting the suit directly into the LAI core in the base of his skull. Laya was of little help with this like usual but once Chief had helped Irish write a program that theoretically should work. They already tested the program on a test computer and Laya was able to hard connect to the computer and programs written within. The suite moved and reacted to his movements by pressure senors within the suit. Irish only had to barely move to make the suit move with him. The biggest problem with advanced battlesuites are not in the over-powered movements but with all the attached tech. The operator would usually use a variation of words, eye movements and head movements to activate everything which was hard to do in extreme situations and very error prone. Now though all of that has been removed and with Laya connected directly to the suit through Irish’s brain, all he had to do was think and the suit would react to his thought.

Irish just thought that he wanted the suit to go through power up and test sequence. Holding his breath hoping the LAI connection would work. A second later his HUD started scrolling through the tests. On the outside of the suit Chief watched as the suites armor shift, its weapons cycled, sensors popped up and down through armor ports.

Irish finally got system status on his HUD with little green box’s proclaiming all system were functioning normally. He thought about external speakers and notified Chief, “CHIEF SYSTEMS ALL CHECK OUT.” The external speakers blasted out. Chief jumped back and went slightly pale for a second. Irish’s voice had boomed throughout the room so loud it almost made Chief deaf.

‘Whoops, I better adjust the volume down.’ Just with that thought a volume bar popped up and lowered than just as quickly disappeared, ‘Thank you Laya.’

Irish tried again and this time the volume was at normal speech levels, “Sorry Chief, didn’t check the external speakers volume.” Irish thought to Laya, ‘Laya switch all settings of the suite to normal human standards. Once I get used to the Battlesuite we can increase the settings. That includes the strength and speed of the suite. Do you under stand what I am asking?’ Laya replayed that she would.

“Alright Chief lets see how this thing moves. So far the LAI connection is working great,” Irish told Chief and Chief backed away from Irish and the suite.

Good thing to that Chief backed away because Irish’s first step landed him flat on his armored face-plate. It was mainly do to Irish not being use to having to balance the suit and was exaggerating his movements. Chief picked up on it right away, “Eh? Never been in a powersuite before and now your in a Ferrari of battlesuites. Just react normally. The suite will compensate for your normal movements. In time you’ll learn how to manipulate your movements to get the full potential out of the suit. For now just move normally.”

Irish got back on his carbon layered titanium feet leaving a good sized gash in the floor where his armored elbow broke his fall. Trying again normally he was able to take a step. Fallowing Chief they made their way to the range where he could test the suites movements without crushing through thin walls. Irish only dented a couple corridor walls on the way. He would also need to test his weapons at the range. They were now in the right place for most of the testing. They would need allot more room to fully test its strength and movement speeds but for now they’d be able to determine its operational parameters.

Slowly Irish had Laya increased the armors strength and agility that the suites servos and iMax hydraulics operated at. iMax hydraulics worked differently than normal hydraulics. The fluid was different and ran on pressures from the servo's instead of expanding the fluid through electricity. This made the hydraulics both faster and impervious to EMP’s of any kind. The servo's worked almost the same way. Instead of being fed power through electricity from the mini fusion reactor the servo's were fed pure fusion energy to spin. In short EMP’s wouldn’t effect the movement of the suit. The electronics of the suit were all encased in a thick coating of electrical impulse resistant fiber. So most EMP’s weapons wouldn’t effect the suit. Most won’t not even a 50 kiloton nuclear detonation. However, their were some weapons out their that had direct pulse EMP that could kill the electronics in a suit but the were rare and required enormous amounts of energy. It would just be simpler to totally annihilate a battlesuite with destructive force.

Irish ran around the range at speeds reaching 45 kilometers an hour. The suite was capable of almost triple that but for the small confines of the space on the target range he didn’t have enough room. Not to mention at about 40 km/hr he had to start bounding to increase speed and their was only about a half meter of clearance above his head.

After running through all the range of motions for the suit it was time to test the less destructive weapons of the suite and targeting system. The suites right arm has a mounted 15mm adjustable long barrel railgun. It fired a round about every 2 seconds, 30 rounds a minute. On the left arm was a short 7mm gatling tri barrel auto-railgun, firing a round about every 0.25 seconds at 240 rounds a minute. On his back was an armored rack for three small missile that could hold a payload of up to 5 tons explosion power (“The ton, kiloton and megaton of TNT have traditionally been used to rate the energy output, and hence destructive power of explosives.”) The warhead and missiles packages can be swapped out for several different purposes like surface to air, zero-g to zero-g, area effect or hard core penetration against armor. However, they were not going to check the missile system aboard ship.

Both railguns could use different rounds like armor penetration, explosion and scatter shot. The gatling would be used with mainly only armor penetration rounds because switching out rounds for it would just be a pain since it fired so fast. The 15mm long-barrel was a different story. It could easy be switched to dozens of different rounds including rocket assisted rounds that could travel perfectly straight up to 20km making an excellent sniper round. However, the suite targeting only allowed accurate long shots between 1km to 5km depending on the variables.

Irish spent the rest of the 8 hour of 1st shift testing out the suit and slightly refined the suites settings. An hour after the first shift ended Chief asked Irish, “Hey, hermano mind if you stay in engineer for four hours to let me get some sleep. I don’t trust anyone else with monitoring the vibrations in the forward hyperdrive ring?”

Irish spoke through the speakers, “Yeah no problem Chief. Im actually well rested ill let you sleep until my shift on the bridge. Just give me an hour I want to show off my battlesuite to the crew.” Irish just wanted to show Scarlet.

Chief smiled shaky his head slightly, “Your gonna give someone a heart attack roaming around the ship in that battlesuite.”

Their was only one person he wanted to show the suit to and that was Scarlet. He had to have Laya pull up what room she bunked in because he has never visited her their. She had always came to his room because they had privacy tin his room. He wanted to try and scare her with the suit. ‘Mwahahahaha!’

Irish stood in front of her crew quarter ready to leap in and scare the hell out of her and her roommates. He used his Officer override to open the door. When he opened the door he was confused several second. ‘No. No. No. No. This is not happening.’ Irish thought as he saw Scarlet bent over a crew member sucking his dick while another was fucking her from behind. It was rough looking as the guy with his cock in her mouth held her hair slamming her head down forcing his cock down her throat. They guy fucking her from behind had a hard grip on her hips and trusting hard and relentlessly into her. They all turned and looked at the intrusion. Her eye’s were shocked when Irish looked into them. Irish misread the situation. ‘The fucking bastards are raping her.’

Irish in full battlesuite armor rushed forward backhanding the guy fuck her from behind. Irish heard bones crunch as he sent the man flying hard into the nearest bunk denting its hard metallic frame. In a blink of an eye he had the other guys skull in his powered battle gauntleted right hand and was about to squeeze when Scarlet through herself on his armored arm. She was screaming something, Irish was to amped up to here at first. As he faintly heard her his heart tried to escape through his throat and out of his mouth. She was yelling, “IRISH, IRISH FUCKING STOP! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? GOD DAMN IT, PUT HIM DOWN!”

Irish released the man and stepped back staring at Scarlet. ‘This isn’t happening. What the fuck?’ Irish realizing what was happening and stepped back again. Scarlet stepped forward trying to explain, “Irish its...it....”

Irish interrupted her as she took another step forward, “Don’t come near me you FUCKING WHORE!”

Stepping out into the corridor Irish took a deep breath then had Laya call up the Bosun, “Bosun this is Lieutenant Fey send the Doc down to the forward starboard crew quarters. We got one person possibly seriously injured. I will meet you in the brig. Out.”

Scarlet stepped out into the corridor and before she could say anything he said, “Doc’s on his way.” Irish took off towards the brig in a flash leaving Scarlet nothing but recycled air in his place.

When at the brig Irish peeled himself out of the battlesuite and sat on a bench thinking. He was way beyond pissed but he didn’t know why. They had only been fucking around about a month. He didn’t Love her but she had became a really good friend with several nice side benefits. It was the hurt of betrayal that really got to him. ‘Fuck, why the fuck did she do that to me?’ Irish hadn’t had any kind of relationship for a long time and maybe that was why he felt so hurt by what she did. They weren't in a relationship at least not one they talked about but still seeing her fucked by to guys in front of him? It was just to much. Not to mention they were fucking NPC’s. It felt like a hammer smashing their friendship into little bitty pieces.

It didn’t take long for the Bosun to arrive . Only took him about 20 minutes to figure out what happened before arriving at the brig. He walked in right up to Irish looking down on him, “So you fucked up Chief Williams pretty bad. They say you came bashing them up in your battlesuite because you have some sort of deranged crush on Spacer Scarlet. Care to explain?” Bosun Heller point to the Battlesuite.

Irish shook his head, “Chief can download the suites video. The reason for what I did is a bit more complicated. Me and Scarlet have been messing around with each other the past couple weeks. When I walked into her crew quarters just now she was....was being roughly fucked by the two crewmen. It was rough and we had a thing going so I assumed she was being raped. I reacted quickly before I could see or understand what was really going on.”

The Bosun sat next to Irish, “That's not what Miss Scarlet’s saying. She says she didn’t know why you acted the way you did. She’s saying that you have been hitting on her since you have been aboard. She’s also saying that she asked you repeatedly to stay away from her.”

Irish signed. [b]‘Now what the hell is this he’s talking about? Would she really say that.’[/b] Irish’s blood bean to boil again, “Bosun, you should know me better than that. Anyways, im to confused right now to care. Besides it’s my word against hers anyways, since I just about killed two crewmen for having fun with that fucking whore. Just lock me up like your suppose to do for now. I’m to exhausted to download video from my skull to show you the full story, unless your insisting on it now?”

Bosun Heller stood slapping Irish on his shoulder, “Not to worry Mr. Fey, I believe you. Ill pop you into a cell until the Skipper see’s what he wants to do with you. For now get some rest. The Skipper will come down and see you, most likely at first shift.”

Irish began to unstrap his pistol to hand it to the Bosun. Bosun shook his head, “No need Mr. Fey I trust you.”

Irish finished unstrapping it, “Bosun, don’t make me write you up for not following procedure. Here take it, I don’t want you getting on the Captains or Commanders bad side over this shit. Ill have Laya start compiling all of mine and Scarlet’s interactions.”

Irish was mentally exhausted and laid back on the tiny bunk in the cell the Bosun just locked him into. He quickly fell asleep. That day had been royally fucked up.


After the debacle with Irish and talking with the Bosun Scarlet’s was worried. She had messed up everything. She should not have went off mission and begin getting involved with Irish. She looked over at Chief Adam’s the guy who she was sucking off when Irish arrived. It wasn’t his fault she was caught but she sent an evil, disgusted frown his way before she exited the crew quarters. She was even more disgusted with herself as she walked down the corridor. She just didn’t have any choice in the matter. 'I'm so sorry you had to see that Irish.'

She turned and headed to Commander Bosick's quarters. She needed to see if she could fix this situation. She didn’t even hesitate at the door. She entered his private code and entered. She asked Felix her LAI who is named after Felix Dzerzhinsky the first head of the soviet secret police, ‘Felix com Commander Bosick.’ Commander Bosick didn’t pick up so she left a quick message, “Your quarters, Now.” was all she left.

It took 30 minutes for him to show up. When he did he didn’t look happy. “What the hell Scarlet you were suppose to get Irish on our side. Not have him almost kill Chief Williams. We need Williams, he’s the only one that can deal with engineering without the Chief. After all we won’t be able to trust Chief not to sabotage the ship. That mans so god-damn stubborn.”

“SHUT THE FUCK UP ABRAHAM, we are going to have to take this ship at the start of 1st shift. Irish has a LAI just like I do, he’ll be able to prove I was lying to the Bosun. It will then spur the Captain into looking into all my interaction with the crew. He won’t know exactly what all I’ve been talking about or why I was fucking half the crew but he’s not dumb. He’ll know somethings not right and he’ll set precautions. By the way Irish was never gonna help us, he’s too prideful to betray his comrades. 'He's too good for betrayal.' Unlike you who did it for some extra credits and a quick fuck,” she said with a disgusted face while looking over Commander Bosick.

Abraham Bosick lifted his hand to strike Scarlet but she had already drawn a make-shift knife and held it to his throat before he could even blink saying, “Now, now Abraham. I still need you. You can’t get out of this now.”

Commander Bosick lowered his arm, “What are we going to do than?”

“Same as we planned. Just sooner than we thought. We’ll have Chief Williams cause the computer to make that forward ring really look like its vibrating during 1st shift. The Captain will call yellow alert making everyone strap in. Everyone besides our guys will think its real. Chief Adam’s has five others and will secure the Armory. I and a couple on the bridge will get rid of the Captain. Your job Mr. Bosick will be to secure engineering with Chief Williams and his lackeys. The signal to start will be when we drop out of Hyperdrive,” She turned and began to leave.

Commander Bosick asked before she left, “What about Irish. He’s a good man he doesn’t need to be hurt.”

Scarlet spun back around in an instant, “DON’T FUCKING WORRY ABOUT IRISH, hes in the brig for now and from what I heard he even gave up his pistol when the Bosun was going to let him keep it because it was against procedure. That’s one less person with a pistol ready to shoot you. Let me worry about Irish and you worry about your own shit.” Scarlet turned around and stormed out after checking to see no one was in the corridor.

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