《Druidification》Chapter 182


Sheera was the first one to wake up the following morning. Well, it was technically morning as it was at some point after midnight going by where the moon sat in the sky. Normally she was one to get up at the same time or shortly after Charlene, but a full bladder in the middle of the night tends to mess that whole thing up. As softly as she could, Sheera hopped out of the entrance to the tent back down to the ground below. She slowly stalked over towards the bushes on the edge of the clearing so as to not wake the other two people in the tent. Once she felt she was far enough away so as to not mess anything up, Sheera relieved herself as quick as was possible. After all, the spot where she was cuddled up against Charlene was really comfortable and she could not wait to get back. However, as she was making her way back to the tent, a giant green wave came flying through the trees, passing right through her and continuing on westwards. As it did, it felt as if something clicked in her mind, clearing up the world around her. Confused by the recent change, she headed back to the hanging tent and nimbly jumped up in a way that reduced any swaying to a minimum. However, as she went to lay down back in the spot beside Charlene, Sheera's eyes drifted over towards a spot she had not seen before. It looked far comfier than where she had been resting before, regardless of whether or not that was possible. Deciding that it was worth it to try, she climbed into Charlene before going back to sleep.

Hours later, Charlene finally woke up when the morning sun cresting up in the east hit her face. Matis had always been of the mindset of setting the door of the tent to face the east, as it helped him regulate waking up in the wild with sunrise. He always wanted to maximize his use of the daylight hours. And sure enough, she heard him stirring beside her. She did notice that it was feeling a little drafty on the other side of her. Looking over, she finally realized that Sheera was not currently laying own in her usual spot. It must have been one of the few times that she woke up early and was most likely just walking around outside. Not terribly worried, she got changed into a new set of clothes that she had packed before hopping down from what had been her bed to start getting breakfast ready.


Starting back up the fire from the ashes required more wood, but that was not an issue. There was still plenty left over from her excessive gathering the night prior. Charlene tried to get it lit at first with their barbeque lighter, but for some reason it didn't want to ignite at all. Figuring something broke when they used it last night, she just went and used some flint and steel. Once she got it all stoked and lit, her attention then turned to the side once it was starting to grow. Opening up the same cooler that had the food for burgers the previous night packed up, she pulled out some bacon, bread, lettuce, and tomatoes. The grill they had was grated, and as such she did not pack away any eggs. They would have just fallen through without a proper implement such as a frying pan that she did not feel like lugging along into the car. Tossing the bacon on top of the grill, she started slicing up the lettuce and tomato thinly. Too thick and it wouldn't work for the BLT's that she was making. The sizzle of the bacon signaled when she had to turn them over, while also being cautious of the grease that was dripping off them. If anything, it was all helping the fire get larger and hotter as they were cooked, which was exactly what she wanted. Nothing quite like crispy bacon worked deliciously in a sandwich.

Matis stumbled out of the tent and made towards the bushes as Char worked on the food. He felt a need to relieve himself as well, and while he was on board with the idea of poop packing, he still liked his privacy while he did the deed. As he went out into the bush, he narrowly avoided the pile of dung that had been from Sheera. He recalled that he had not seen her next to Charlene while she was cooking, but he guessed that they had just missed each other going in different directions. It wouldn't have been the first time she tried to make him think he was seeing things after all. He did not even question where she got that playfulness though, having also had similar pranks played on him over the years by his loving wife. After finishing, he zipped back up his jeans and went back to their camp, storing the excrement in a very clearly marked container that they had installed on the back of their vehicle. They did not want that stinking up the inside they had to ride in after all.


As he came back up to the makeshift fire pit, Charlene was just putting the bread over top of the fire to toast it quickly before getting the sandwiches made for breakfast. Matis was surprised to still not see Sheera anywhere around. Maybe she was making rounds around the camp to make sure that the smell of food had not attracted any unwanted attention? Deciding not to think too much on it, he walked up behind his wife and gently pulled her into a hug. She turned her head to give him a quick peck, before turning back to the fire in front of her. Once she was satisfied with how toasty the bread was, she quickly plated up the food for the three of them. Everyone got two sandwiches, but while hers and Matis' were fairly well balanced, majority of the bacon went on Sheera's sandwich. She was a predator after all, and meat was the best option she could have food wise. Once it was all done, Charlene called out, "Sheera! Breakfast is ready!" However, neither of the two Vilkas were ready for the moment that Sheera seemed to have leapt out from inside Charlene!

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