《Congratulations, You're Dead!》# 99


It didn't take me long to modularize the runes, leaving me with a fairly simple and easy to build mana projector or mp for short. This magical screen has inputs, and will function just like a tv, letting people plug in various modules. Modules like the movie player, rune games, cameras, or the various Runes I have planned.

The phone relays are next, but get built just as swiftly. I've already done all the heavy lifting for this upgrade, I just needed to sit down and put it together. And, now that I have the network up, I can finish off the charging stations and have them report back to a central database.

I'll work on digitizing media later. Right now, I want to play around some more with that magical preservative fruit.

"Mmm, that smells good." Gwynne's nose twitches. She's still idly paging through that catalog I made for her. "Are you making snacks, or is it already lunch time?"

"Neither. And, this thing doesn't taste very good, you're just smelling the magic." I toss her one after growing a bunch more. "It's got a preservative effect, and I wanted to try adding it to my Healing brew."

"Bleh." She spits out the bite she took from the fruit. "I'm not sure even Lana could make a good tasting drink out of that."

"Heh. Good thing I don't care about how it tastes, just whether it'll work or not." I turn the zinc back into a small barrel and fill it with a mix of fruit juice and Sap.

I focus on infusing the fruits magic into the drink as the yeast convert it into alcohol. Unfortunately the preservative effect just inhibits the yeast's growth, I can push through it, but this doesn't seem to be the way.

Dumping it out, I try again. This time I brew the Sap first and then add some concentrated juice once it's finished. "Hmm, it's a little better, still nowhere near where it needs to be. It might be good as a general tonic if it need me to pour my vitality into it."

"I'm sure you'll get it sooner or later." Gwynne reaches over and pats me on the knee, her hand then slowly works its way up my thigh.

"Looks like you're trying to get it right now." Amelia says with a laugh as she plops into a lounger on the other side of me. "I'm surprised you can even think about sex after the pounding you got last night."

"I am still sore." The dragoness admits. "But, he showed me this catalog, and said I couldn't get a copy of this." She gives me a squeeze. "Not, without your permission, that is."

"I suppose I don't mind, but no playing around without my permission, okay?"

"Okay." Gwynne reluctantly takes her hand away.

"Good dragon." Amelia smiles and takes out a book on Air Magic. "Speaking of playing around, how are Apricot and Elle doing?"

"They're good." I grin. "Elle just showed Apricot the low gravity playroom I put in yesterday."

"Hah! At least Marcus knows how to get over a break up. Wonder why it didn't work out between them, hope Abby's not still hung up on you."

"Might be the whole nobility thing, or it could just be the level difference." I shrug, hoping right along with Amelia that Abby isn't still hung up on me. "She was almost level four last time we bumbed into her, that would make her stronger than the average man, and Marc is still recovering."


"Friends from the city?" Gwynne asks.

"Yeah, we met Abby at the dungeon actually." I fill her in on them.

"So, she's been crushing on you ever since Amelia decided to put on a little show for her?" Gwynne doesn't laugh, but the amusement is clear in her voice.

"Mhm, I'm not sure who liked it more, the watcher or the watchee." I tease my wife by playing back that scene. "But, we got a lot closer after that, and Amelia found out she's the jealous type."

"And you don't think this Abby would be down for anything casual?" She concludes. "That's a shame, she's cute."

"So, are you." Amelia counters. "But, you're fine with this just being sex."

"Regular sex, hopefully." Gwynne grins and looks to Amelia while stretching out her hand to my leg again.

"You know I still have a lot of work to do, and Apricot is already distracting me plenty." I say after Amelia gives a small nod.

"I'm sure you'll manage, somehow."

I did manage, if only just, to build some tools for the village workshops. But, then Amelia joined in and I had to admit defeat. Wonderful, wonderful defeat.


"Can I work on the chocolate making runes now?" I beg.

"For now, I suppose." Amelia says with a regal air.

"Are you guys done having sex now?" Kacey asks rather matter-of-factly after I drop the privacy bubble. "Clara's mom called and she's wondering when you're going to bring them all down to Circle Orchard." Clara on the other hand is blushing furiously.

"Nng. I did say a couple days." I groan. "If I fly there and back directly, it should only take a couple hours. At least Apricot finally seems satiated, so I should be able steal Elle away."

"You go ahead with out me." Amelia leans back and resumes reading her book. "I don't plan to move from this spot for the rest of the day."

"Okay, Apricot's on her way down right now." I say, and turn to Clara. "Do you want to come with, or wait here?"

"...wait here." She gets over her embarrassment enough to squeak out.

"Alright, I'm going to set you guys up just north of the town. Let your mom be something of a gatekeeper on the town side, and a go-between for the more shy women. She was a clerk in a shop right? So, she should be able to handle merchants and stuff like that for them."

"I think she'll like that." She nods.

"I'm also hoping that your brother are young enough to help everyone get used to boys again without triggering any anxiety."

"My girls are resilient." Gwynne states with pride. "I'm sure it won't be long before they're spending their days in town, but a dedicated merchant is probably a good idea. Jocey handled that stuff for them before, but she wasn't very good and mostly took the job for the benefits." She winks.

"If only every job had benefits like that." Apricot lands next to me with a laugh. "And, so much for this being a free day."

"What can I do? Lorelai misses her kid." I pull my pixie in for a kiss. "It'll only take me a couple hours, and sorry for taking your playmate away."

"I'll live, but you'd better hurry back." She licks her lips before taking my freshly vacated seat.

"I love you too." I say and turn to kiss Amelia goodbye. "I love you. I'll be back as soon as possible."


"Not if you never leave you silly man." She swats me on the butt and shoos me away.

I just smile and throw myself into the sky pushing my speed as fast as I can go, so I'll get back sooner. Turns out that extra level to mastery means I can go really fucking fast. Not break the sound barrier fast, but not far off from it.

"Good afternoon Lorelai." I greet Clara's mother as I land. "You all ready to go?"

"Uh... I thought you'd be arriving in that strange carriage of yours." I suppose I was a little vague when I called and told her to get ready.

"It's faster to fly, but if you're afraid of heights, we can take the road." I set about building another camper van. "Fortunately there's little traffic on this side of the dungeon, so it should only take us an hour or so."

"..." Her mouth just hangs open.

"Well, pile in. Don't worry about the luggage, I've got it." I place it all into my inventory and hop into the drivers seat.

"Can we fly mom?" Darrel the eldest twin asks. "Yeah mom, can we?" Daniel parrots him.


"How about I take us up, and you tell me if it gets too much." I say and do just that after the boys drag her into the van. "See it's perfectly safe, and smoother than if we were on the ground."

"I miss Clara and all, but there's no need to rush." She says while studiously avoiding looking out the windows.

"No, but I am." I say and push us as fast as I can. "I had hoped to take today to relax, and catch up on some work."

"I'm sorry." She bows in her seat to me.

"Don't worry about it." I wave her off. "I can take a couple hours out to reunite you with Clara, and most of the work was just enchanting designs that can be done in my head anyways. So, are okay with the plan I set up, I can get another go-between if you'd rather do something else?" I ask in order to distract her.

"Yes, that works great." She nods and starts to loosen up. "Clara said that you're hoping to turn them into a village of artisans, and I know how to run a shop. Little Cici wasn't old enough for me to take up my old job, but if the store is attached to the house, it shouldn't be a problem."

"It's more that most of them already are, their long life coupled with the lack of any else to do led to them exploring whatever crafts caught their interest." I explain. "I'm just giving them the tools and opportunity to take it to the next level."

"You're still going to an awful lot of trouble for a bunch of people you don't even know." She says with a hint of suspicion.

"True, but in doing so I made very good friends with a dragon." I give her the easiest answer for her to understand. "That, and the chance to study a brand new magical bloodline as it unlocked was not something I could pass up. I'm Plantkin with one human and one fae wife, I have no idea what our children are going to be like, or what powers they might have."

"Mhm, but they're still a village of beautiful women with sex magic." She grumbles just loud enough for me to hear.

"Hahahah. That's true, and I won't lie, we are having sex with Gwynne." I admit. "And, may bring in other partners from the village in the future. But, I'll never pressure anyone, or go where I'm not wanted."

"And, your wives are okay with this?" She asks skeptically.

"It was their idea... well, mostly Apricot's, but Amelia's okay with it as long as she's in charge." And, it's not like I'm going to turn down sex. "The three of us love each other very much, but love is love and sex is sex."

"At least you're honest about it." She huffs out. "Clara said the women are 'very' open about it there."

"They're not shy, that's for sure." I laugh. "But, I've already told Clara that if she's ever uncomfortable that she need only speak up."

"Fine." She heaves out a deep sigh. "I believe you actually want what's best for everyone, as rare as that may be."

"I already have everything I could ever want." I project an image of Amelia and Apricot. "And, the ability to easily help others, so why shouldn't I?"

"See, it's that." She barks out. "People just don't think like that, at least not the ones in power."

"What do you want me to say?" I shake my head, somewhat dissapointed. "I was given a gift, and feel that it would be wasted if I kept it to myself. Look, you can see Dragon Falls from here, I made that whole thing in a single day, and that weird storm yesterday was me filling the lake. This village is the start of Arcadia, of my paradise. I may be altruistic, but I'm doing this for selfish reasons as well."

"It's beautiful." That's all she has to say before we land at the beach.

"Mommy!" Clara runs up and tackles her mom before she can fully get out of the van. "It's amazing here, and everyone has been so nice." She starts babbling about everything that's happened since they parted.

"I missed you too baby." Lorelai smiles, and hugs her daughter.

Meanwhile the twins run out to play at the water's edge. There's a few more villagers around than when I left, but they don't seem to mind the boys.

"That was quick." Amelia snakes her arms around my waist. "But, I still missed you."

"Missed you too." I say with a smile. "Where's Apricot?"

"Oh, the girls told her that you hid secrets everywhere, so she's off hunting them down. I think she's exploring that palace you left at the bottom of the lake."

"Ah." I made a bunch of oversized seashells and stuck them together with some equally large coral in the shape of a fantasy castle surrounded by a seashell village. "I might do a bit more with that, I sorta just threw it together as an after thought."

"I liked it, and I'm sure she likes how you put a bunch of naked women everywhere." Amelia laughs at artistic choices. "It's cute how you put humans, elves and such underwater, while the water races are up on the hill."

"Sorrel!" Apricot comes flying out of the water. "I love it. Why didn't you tell me there was more 'art' to find?"

"Hahaha." I laugh and pull her into a hug. "Because finding 'art' is half the fun."

"Ahem." Lorelai clears her throat.

Looking over, I see that she's covering the twins eyes to keep them from see Apricot's naked body. "Sweetie, you should probably put your dress back on now."

"Thank you." The mother of four nods to me.

"Not a problem." I nod back. "We should probably get you guys set up in your new house. And then, I need an actual break."


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