《Congratulations, You're Dead!》# 91


After I finish with the scans, we head off into the woods to track down Gwynne. We find her a few kilometers away, naked and frustrated, holding a smoking vibrator. Once she notices us, she lets it drop as her eyes lock onto mine with wordless pleading.

"Look at you." I shake my head, while showing her nothing but pity and disgust. "Can you really call yourself a dragon when you're this pathetic? It's no wonder your descendants can't control their powers, it's because you can't control yourself." My eyes light up with Truesight as we stalk closer.

"But, I'm-" She finally finds her voice only to use it to blubber.

"Only a half?" I finish for her in a mocking tone. "Half a dragon! Is still a fucking DRAGON!" Spittle flies as I roar the word into her face. "Or." I continue in a normal conversational tone. "Maybe you aren't, maybe you're just an overgrown lizard. How else could a twig of a Plantkin have dominated you not once, but twice?"

"Don't look away when he's talking to you." Amelia snaps out when Gwynne tries ducking her head away in shame. "I can't believe I ever thought about taking you to bed, even just to hate-fuck you, as Sorrel so eloquently put it."

"You do know that you're the one holding all of them back?" I grasp Gwynne's chin and force her to look into my glowing eyes. "There's a connection that ties them all to you, but it's frayed on your end because you refuse to accept what you really are."

"I wonder." Amelia says while playing with her wand. "If they wouldn't just be better off without you." She snaps Ramoth out and cuts through half a dozen trees like they weren't even there. "Step aside baby. You're right, she isn't a dragon just an overgrown lizard that can't control itself."

"No." The overgrown lizard whimpers and clutches at me when I step back.

"No?" I say curiously. "Are you a fucking dragon or not? If you are, then don't you think it's about time you started acting like one?" I push her away and give Amelia a nod.

"RRRROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Amelia's water cutter is blocked by shimmering blue-green scales that coat Gwynne's body as a roar loud enough to level half the forest rips out of her throat. It would have too, had I not dropped my Avatar and put all that Magic into a soundproofing bubble around her.

"Feeling better?" Elle says after reforming. "Hmm, the link is more solid, but you're still holding them back."

"What are you going to do?" The dragon growls at me. "Try to kill me again? Your little trick won't work now."

"Oh, you dear little child." Amelia steps forward and pats her on the cheek. "We were never trying to kill you, if we wanted you dead, you would be dead." A simple black throwing knife, it's sides covered in glittering runescript, appears in her hand and slices Gwynne's cheek just deeply enough to draw blood. "You're actually very lucky that your roar when we first met stunned Sorrel, leaving him only enough time to save us. Otherwise this." Amelia licks the drop of blood from the blade. "Would have gone straight into your brain."


Gwynne blanches after touching her cheek, only to see a drop of shining scarlet appear on her fingertip.

"See, Sorrel is very paranoid." Amelia explains to the now hyperventilating dragon. "And, there's no way in all the hells that he would take his wives into a dragon's den of all places, without a way to insure that they came out safely. He prepared this a while ago, just in case he ran into something his magic couldn’t deal with. Used a king's ransom worth of metallic essences to forge the sharpest, hardest, blade imaginable. And then, he used even more essences to enchant it to be even sharper and harder."

A gulp is her only reply.

"Impressive huh?" She waves it around and the already pale dragon turns as white as a ghost. "He thought so too, that's why he made three more. One for each arm... well, each arm that he used to have." Another scratch appears, this time on Gwynne's right arm.

"W-w-what d-do y-you want?" She's so afraid that I'm surprised that she hasn't pissed herself.

"Haven't you figured it out yet?" Amelia makes the dagger vanish, and pushes Gwynne backwards onto the ground. "I want you to embrace your inner dragon." Straddling the prone woman, she adds "Without losing control." before leaning over to lick the wound on the dragon's cheek.

Gwynne flushes and I can sense her pheromones start to spread out again before she reels it back in.

"Good girl." I kneel down and whisper into her ear. "This really does it for you, doesn't it? Knowing that you've been completely dominated, and that no matter what you did you were still fated to lose."

"Look at her girls." I say while running my fingers slowly down her scales. "I know I made a no dragons rule, but I'm still not sure that she isn't just an overblown lizard. See, she lost control of herself again."

"And, I'm sure that had nothing to do with Amelia nibbling on her earlobe?" Apricot says with a quirked eyebrow.

"What can I say?" She breathes out. "I wanted to see if she'd react like Elle. Gods look at you Gwynne, you're leaking everywhere. You really are just a lizard aren't you? That's a shame, I think Apricot really had her heart set on fucking a dragon today too. And, I know I wanted to take some of my frustrations out on one." Amelia says and climbs off of the panting woman.

"Wait, don't stop." Gwynne tries to sit up and grab her arm, but is too slow.

"Look at you, can't even catch me when I'm right in front of you." She shakes her head and pushes the dragon back down. "If you really wanted this then you know what you have to do." Amelia takes out the dagger again and starts running it lightly over her scales, just like I was doing with my fingers.

"Well, if we didn't already know she was a water dragon." Apricot quips. "We would now."

"What dragon." Amelia counters. "All I see is a lizard that can't control itself."

"Arrrghh!" Gwynne thrashes and does her level best to rein herself in.


"Oh, don't even bother Gwynnie." Amelia says as we both press her into the soft earth. "Just accept that you're not dragon material, and the only way for you to get off is with a vibrator that a pixie gave you out of pity. Oh, wait. You can't even use that because you broke it."

"Fuck you!" Gwynne finally comes to her senses and throws us off of her.

"Kinda hard to do when you toss us away like that." I say with a smug smile as I float in mid-air with my arm around Amelia.

"Fucking bastards." She growls at each of us in turn.

"You're welcome." I project an image of the village women. "Looks like you're a dragon after all, fixing their connection to that half of yourself seems to have given them all a measure of control that they can feel already."

"You're still a bastard." She spits back, but we can all see the smile on her face.

"A bastard that makes really nice clothing, though." The torn remains of her old outfit fly up off the ground where she threw it in her ealier passion, only to reform better than before.

The clothes bundle themselves up and drop into Elle's arms. She walks over to Gwynne and holds them out. "Why don't you go tell your girls the good news." She leans in closer, and the dragon seems unable, or unwilling to stop her from whispering a parting line into her ear. "And, don't forget to stop by our room at the inn afterwards; no need for you to spend the night alone when you can share it with the four of us."

Gwynne just blushes and runs off, clutching the bundle to her chest. Apricot's throaty laughter chasing after her as she dashes through the woods.


Spoiler: Spoiler

Gwynne's POV:

"You're late." The door flies open causing me to jump, and start blushing furiously at the sight that's just been revealed to me. "Quit gawking and get your ass in here." Amelia orders before returning her attention to Apricot.

The pixie is laying on her back while Elle sits on her face as Amelia buries hers inbetween those slim thighs. Meanwhile, Sorrel is just sitting back enjoying the show.

"Doesn't she need to breathe?" I gulp while closing the door behind me.

"No, but I think she'd like this even more if she did." Elle says and a blush starts spreading all along her body as I stare at her.

"Is it always like this?" I ask and start nervously undressing.

"No." Elle gasps and leans forward as Apricot starts sucking hard on her clit. "I'm -haah- new, and -nng- they're still putting me -aahn- through my paces." The moans that escape from Apricot's throat, and the lustful stare from me seem to be enough to drive Elle over the edge.

She shudders and tries to collapse off of Apricot, but the orange haired beauty grabs her thighs and holds her in place. Just watching what the pixie is doing to her sends a thread of heat out from my center.

A grunt from Sorrel draws my attention, and my mouth drops open as I watches him shoot rope after sticky rope of cum all over that muscular belly and chest. The thread of heat turns into a raging inferno and I start walking in his direction, my eyes glued to his cock, only for Amelia to grabs me and throw me onto the bed.

"No! He's mine." She growls. "And, tonight... So are you." She grips my hair tight before slapping me on the ass. "Sorrel said you owe him a kilo of flesh, and that I'm allowed to take it out of your ass." She hits me twice as hard. "I fully intend to get that kilo and then some." The smacks come heavy and hard after that.

At first I tried to worm my way free, but Apricot and Elle held me in place. My screams soon turn into gasps and pants, and finally moans as a wetness spreads from between my legs. Even then, Amelia doesn't let up. It's not until long after I'm left nothing but a blubbery, quivering mess that she finally stops her spanking.

"Don't check out on us yet, Gwynnie." Amelia signals for the other girls to flip me over. She then reaches over the side of the bed, and pulls back what looks like a copy of Sorrel's erect penis attached to some sort of straps. "You came her for his cock, didn't you? Well, this is as close as you're going to get." The angry blonde dons the perfect replica of his cock before slamming it into me in one quick thrust.

"Ahhh!" I scream out again, and try to buck, but Apricot and Elle are holding me down. "Fuck, please. Don't stop!" I cry out when Amelia pauses. "I'm sorry, and I deserve everything you do to me, just please don't stop fucking me."

"Oh, I haven't even started fucking you yet." Amelia grins and activates the motion enchantments built into the strap-on. "And, once I'm done, then it's Apricot's and Elle's turns. Poor Sorrel is just gonna have to watch though, somehow I don't think that he minds too much." At those words, I looks over just in time to watch him cum for a second time.

"Look at her spasm just from watching him." Apricot licks her lips before leaning down to tease my nipple, Elle following her example a beat later. "Mmm, I knew it would drive you wild to not be able to touch him, but I never imagined he'd get this turned on."

"Nnh." Elle mumbles around my big, round nipple. "One of those was your fault."

"You loved it and you know it." Apricot teases the nipple on her side between her teeth. "Speaking of loving it." She bites down harder and making me gasp and shudder once more.

Getting worked over by the three of them was both one of the best, and most frustrating nights of my long life.


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