《Congratulations, You're Dead!》# 88


"Are you okay?" Amelia wraps her arms around me from behind once we get back to our room at the inn.

I was happy to let the villagers go off and visit their loved ones. All I can think about right now is taking a long hot bath. So, as soon as the door closed I pushed the bed out of the way and started filling up a giant tub with steaming hot water.

"I feel like I held a dragon down with one hand." I answer snarkily and lift her hand to my mouth. "But that's not what you're asking." I say after kissing it.

"No, it's not." She hugs me tighter with her free hand.

"Let's get in the tub, and we can talk about it." I strip all three of us naked while Mittens curls up to sleep on the bed I pushed out of the way so I could put the tub down.

"It's okay Sorrel." Apricot slides the opposite side of the tub from me.

"No, it's not." I cut her off before she says anymore. "And, get your butt over here." I pick her up with an arm made of water and plop her down facing me in my lap. "You've been doing so much to be with us. Aside from the odd pixie-day you rarely shrink down to your normal size anymore. You're used to being part of a much larger family, and frankly we, or at least I, have been ignoring this side of your sexuality." She opens her mouth to rebut me, but I shush her like I did Amelia earlier.

"I think I'm going to be sticking around." Elle says while hugging Apricot from behind much like Amelia did to me. "It's good practice, and kinda fun to let me feminine side out without having to give up my masculinity."

"And, we can talk about bringing in more lovers." I continue in my real voice. "I wasn't exactly a prude to begin with, but you two have long since fucked away any prudishness I might have once had. I don't want anymore wives, or husbands for that matter, but I saw how important it was to you when Amelia brought it up in the heat of the moment."

"Sorrel's right. We have been ignoring this side of you." Amelia takes Elle's place. "And, despite the circumstances that made me say it." Her nose wrinkles at the thought of the dragon. "I wasn't lying when I said how hot it was to see you Elle." She looks me in the eyes and asks. "Are you really able to keep her around all the time?"

"I won't lie. It is a bit difficult, but I'm already getting used to it. And, when have I ever done anything easy?" I lean forward and kiss her on the nose while Elle wraps arms and vines around both of them.

"Okay, we can do this." Amelia moves to sit next to me, so she can look Apricot in the eyes. "We're going to have to go slowly and find partners that we're all comfortable with. And, like Sorrel said. We're husband and wives, everyone else is just..."

"Friends with benefits." - "Fuck buddies" Elle and I offer making her laugh.

"Oh, thank you." Apricot kisses us both before burying her head into the crook of my neck. "I know this wasn't an easy decision for either of you to make. I swear I won't ever do anything to hurt you, we'll set up rules and if anyone is ever uncomfortable about anything, all you have to do is say so."


"Well, can we make rule number one 'No Dragons!'?" They laugh with me, and I feel myself finally able to relax into the hot water.

"That's just a good rule, no matter what." Amelia says as Apricot shifts over and pulls her onto my lap. Elle starts massaging both of their backs as they snuggle up with me. Having two sets of arms is quite useful when you have two wives.

Apricot tries to return the favor... in her own way, but I have to stop her. "Sorry sweetie, rubbing that isn't going to do much. All my energy is going into rebuilding my body right now. Speaking of..." I take out a garden box, and start growing everything I need to replace our snack boxes, along with another giant everything smoothie.

"Nothing?" The pixie looks forlorn and redoubles her efforts.

"It feels good, and he can shape shift a hard-on for you if you want." Elle says for me while I down the smoothie.

"But." I continue. "I damaged almost every bit of connective tissue in my body... what, fourteen hours ago? Hells." I waggle my stump. "This is probably the least hurt part of my body."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Amelia says and hugs Elle for comfort. "Hells, how are you even conscious, and moving about?" She fingers the Zinc necklace. "What about this, and the Sap you drank?"

"Thank Marcus for that." I say as Elle pushes her back onto my lap. "I learned how to deaden pain signals when working on him, so I'm only feeling a fraction of the pain right now. The essence is helping, but it's slow, and the sap was spent fighting off the toxin in her bite." I pull her into a kiss.

"He's going to be fine Amelia." Elle breathes into her ear before starting to massage her neck and shoulders again. "A couple days, max, and then he can get to working on the arm. And, don't you worry either." She coos to Apricot. "Your favorite toy should be up and running by tonight." The pixie finally gives up in defeat.

"The worst of the damage has already been fixed while I was asleep." I use my vines to turn my pixie around so I can work on her neck. "I really just need food and a bit of time to handle the rest." My vines work on her shoulders while my hand snakes between her thighs to return the favor she tried to bestow on me.


One very relaxing bath later and I'm working on the enchantments for the rest of the village while we're all laying in bed chatting about sex, and which women that we know might be up for a roll in the hay.

We unanimously ruled out Abigail, I get the feeling that she'd just be too clingy afterwards. Amelia agreed, saying that she'd try to worm her way into being third wife. Apricot still wants to fuck her, but said she could wait until the girl matures first.

"You know, there are three of us." Elle says as a blush spreads across her face. "We could each just take on a Guild receptionist and make poor Sorrel watch."

"Oh, yes." Amelia deadpans. "I'm sure that would be such torture for 'Sorrel'." She pinches Elle on the ass.

"Heheh." I chuckle. "Well, if all three are too much, we could just invite Damita."

"You and your damned bunny-girl fetish." She says, but there's no heat in her voice. "But, seriously." She huffs. "I didn't think it'd be this hard to think of someone, our titles are the big sticking point. Anyone we do choose is likely to feel entitled to be more than just fuck-buddies, as you put it." She smiles.


"Well, we can always go incognito." A black domino mask appears on my alter ego's face. "That, or just travel around to where nobody knows us."

"It's just sex." Apricot sighs exasperatedly. "You lunkers over-complicate things that really should be simple."

"What about Marta?" I offer, knowing that even though Apricot is right, there's not a lot we can do about it. "We'd have to keep it secret from Abby, but I think Marta would be fairly relaxed about it."

"Mhm. I don't think she's into women." Amelia counters, leaving us back at square one. "Your incognito idea is probably our best bet." She peels the mask from Elle's face and puts it on her own. "The only problem is that I don't want to be disguised when we're together."

"Me either." Elle reaches out and touches the mask on Amelia's face causing it to evaporate into nothingness. "Which leaves travelling every time Apricot wants a bit of strange." The pixie chuckles at her phrasing. "Or, we find some way to vet people. Half the kingdom will find out after we ask her, but Florence is probably our best bet for that."

"Save that as plan B." Amelia scrunches up her face. "I don't care if people find out, but if word spreads that we're actively seeking bedmates, then we're back to the problem I already mentioned, only more so."

"What about Vivian." Apricot suggests we bed the Queen. "Wait, hear me out. She still loves her dead husband, so she's not going to want Sorrel as a new king, or anything like that. And, he's already giving her everything else she wants, anyways."

"Well, shit." Amelia swears. "I have seen her checking us all out, and if anyone will want discretion, it's her."

"Really?" I raise an eyebrow. "Well, I guess it won't hurt to ask." I take out my phone and pretend to call her up. "Hey, Queenie. My girls are looking to have a bit of fun, and are wondering if you'd be up to joining us."

"Cute." She rolls her eyes at me. "But you do bring up a good point. How does one proposition a Queen?"

"I say we let Apricot do it, it was her idea, after all." Elle says while running her fingers up the pixie's spine.

Apricot is about to open her mouth, likely to whole-hearted agree, when I look to the door and groan. Amelia and Apricot both extend their senses, and I swear they both growl like predators sensing an intruder in their territory.

"Go away." Apricot takes the lead and shouts through the door right before a certain dragoness is about to knock. "We're naked and you can't join in, so just leave us alone." That line has both me and Amelia shaking our head while Elle just giggles a bit.

"Can I please just speak with you." Gwynne says in a tired voice from outside the door.

"We might as well get it over with." Elle gets to her feet. "Nothing says stubborn quite like dragon."

"I heard that." She mutters a second before Elle opens the door.

"You were supposed to." My alter ego has a chipper smile on her face while letting Gwynne into the room. "Now, what do you want?"

"Do you always throw so much magic around during sex?" She asks while looking from Elle to me.

"When I feel like it." I glance up from my enchanting to answer her. I also didn't bother to cover up before having Elle answer the door, so my 'twig and berries' are in full view.

She blushes for a moment before taking a breath and turning sheet-white after scenting the damage she did to me. "Oh, gods. Your body-"

"-Will be fine in a couple days." I cut her off.

She drops to her knees and bows until her head hits the floor. "I cannot apologize enough for how I've treated you."

"We don't want your apologies." Amelia says with a tired sigh. "Sorrel will recover; he should even have his arm back in about a week. And, as you can see, the big softie-"

"Hey, it happens to everyone at some point in their life." I cover myself up and force a shy blush to my cheeks.

"Hahahaha." - *Ding**Ding**Ding* Apricot and Temmie crack up at my self-deprecating humor, but Amelia just gives me the stink-eye and continues on. "'Sorrel' is still going to help your girls like he said he would. So please, just leave us alone."

"Please." Gwynne lifts her head enough to look at Amelia while begging. "I have to make up for this, somehow. I was so out of my mind that I didn't even register how injured he was, and then..." She trails off.

"You almost pulled us into one of your village orgies because you were too horny to think of the consequences." Gwynne shrinks in on herself when Amelia delivers that barb. "Or, you did it hoping that we would get pulled in and then you could have your way with him."

"I didn't want that." Gwynne says emphatically. "I just couldn't think straight earlier. I swear to you that I've been extremely careful about that ability, and today was the first accident I've had since I first discovered about it."

Amelia is about to deliver another stinging remark when Elle wraps her up in her arms and vines. "She's telling the truth Love. I know you have every right to be upset with her, but considering what happens to her girls, do you really think she would rape someone?"

"No, dammit!" She turns around and hugs my feminine side. "She almost killed you baby, why aren't you more upset?" She stares at me over Elles shoulder with tear filled eyes.

"Oh, baby." I ignore the fact that I really shouldn't be moving, and get up to pull her into my arms. "No one is going to take me away from you. Shh, no buts." I put a finger on her lips when she goes to open her mouth again. "Not even getting chomped in half is enough to kill me, though it might have taken me more than a few days to recover.

"Listen to him Amelia." Apricot says while she and Elle sandwich her between the three of us. "Even if his staff didn't get in the way, the bite would have missed his head, he would've had plenty of time to recover from the shock and cut her to pieces."

"I'm sorry for scaring you Amelia." I kiss her tears away. "I promise next time I see a charging dragon it will die before it can take a single step towards me. The roar catching me by surprise is the only reason Gwynne is alive, and I'm not the one crying right now because I killed someone."

"Promise you won't leave me."


A soft cough reminds us that the one who caused this trouble is still in the room.

"Gwynne." I sigh a tired sigh and sit down on the bed, pulling the girls down next to me, Amelia still sandwiched between Apricot and myself, with my other self sitting behind her.. "I'm not mad at you... well, I am still kinda pissed about the arm, but it'll grow back and that's not relevant right now. And, would you get off the ground already."

She does so sheepishly, and I conjure a chair for her to sit in. "Thank you." She says in a quiet voice, but won't look at us directly.

"Look, your little accident actually helped us by bringing to light something that we've been over-looking." I reach my hand over to stroke Apricot's back while Amelia brings the pixie's hand up to her mouth to kiss. "So, you really don't have anything to make up for. I think you're as much a victim of circumstance as your girls, and I would like to help. I even have a few ideas, but I need to recover first. Okay?"

"Really?" She finally looks at us, and I can see the hope in her eyes.

"Yes, and it may even help the women from the village." Now that I have the chance to calmly observe her; I activate Truesight and, as I thought, I can see a connection between her and the Sirens and Moura, but it looks frayed for lack of a better term, almost as though it's not fully connected to Gwynne. "I doubt you're going to like it though. You need to embrace your draconic heritage, integrate it into yourself instead of treating it as a seperate existence."

"..." Her mouth opens and shuts a few times before she simply nods.

"I'll help you through it but, like I said, I need a couple days to recover first." I levitate up the handful of bracelets I've completed so far. "The rest of these will done by tonight; we can go back out to the village tomorrow, and I'll hand them out while I examine the girls. Then, if I'm feeling up for it, I'll help you in the evening."

"Are you sure you'll be okay by then?" She asks nervously.

"I just need some rest and food." I take out another smoothie and give her one of the bracelets. "Why don't you go see how your girls are doing, and maybe stop by and chat with Denna and her parents. She's too young yet, but this should help ease their minds."

"I will, and thank you again." She stands and bows -no curtseying for this dragon- before blushing furiously when she sees that she's only feet from my genitals. We chuckle as she backs quickly up to the door. "I'll leave you be then." One last peek at my junk and she's out the door.

"A bashful dragon." Elle laughs for me while I lie back with a groan. "Now, I've seen everything."

"Maybe we should rethink that 'no dragons' rule." Apricot says in a low purr and pushes Amelia down next to me. "Just imagine working out your frustrations on her body; teasing her with the prospect of Sorrel's cock, but not giving it to her until she's a quivering mess, unable to do anything but beg wordlessly." Amelia doesn't reject the idea out of hand, so I have Elle give her a little push.

"I know you love topping us shy girls." My alter-ego starts breathing faster and blushes furiously at the heat filled look that Amelia gives her. "What would it feel like to dominate a dragoness? I'm getting wet just thinking about you having your way with her."

"She owes me a kilo of flesh, and then some." I lift what remains of my arm. "I certainly wouldn't mind watching you take it out of her ass."

"Fine." She snorts, but I can tell she's excited at the prospect. "But, if she wants this" Amelia cups my flacid member. "She's going to have to work for it."

"Speaking of working." Apricot whines. "How much longer?"

Things started working shortly after sunfall, for which Apricot was very happy. So much so that she almost broke her favorite toy again.


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