《Congratulations, You're Dead!》# 87


"..r the last time no." Amelia's annoyed tone breaks into my sleep.

"It's not like I'm going to keep him, I just want to... play with him for a bit." Gwynne's amused reply sparks a hint of fear in my only half-awake brain.

"No!" I cry out. "She's going to eat him." I rush to protect Mittens from the evil dragon, only to fall flat on my face when I try to use my missing arm to prop myself up. "Ack!" I let out a strange noise before hitting the ground, face first, with a thud.

"Sorrel!" - "Bwahahahah" - "Snerk." Amelia rushes to my side while Apricot and Gwynne start laughing at my pratfall.

"Oww. Owowowowow." I groan and levitate myself back onto the bed while checking my nose with my vines; fortunately it's not broken, or even bleeding. But, once the sharpness of that pain recedes, the bone-deep ache caused by what I did to my body during the fight makes itself known. "Ugh! Note to self: Next time a dragon tries to eat you, just run away."

"Baby!" Amelia wraps her arms around me. "Are you okay? What's the matter?" She starts by checking my nose, and then all over my body for injuries.

"I'm fine." I grab her hands with my vines and touch the side of her face with my hand, once she's looking me in the eyes, I continue. "I'm alright, just a bit sore, and... well, feeling more than a little stupid because I forgot about this." I wiggle my stump.

"I'm sorry for laughing Sorrel." Apricot comes over and helps me to sit on the bed. "But, I think that was the funniest thing I've even seen."

"Mhm." I mumble, and then perk up as Mittens comes to sit in my lap. "Buddy. You were on the bed keeping me company the whole time, weren't you?" I scratch him under the chin, and re-assure the little guy. "Don't worry, I'm not going to let the mean ol' dragon lady gobble you up."

"He's not the one she wants to gobble up." Amelia grumps.

"Huh?" I follow her eyes over to where Gwynne is looking at me like a piece of meat, and recall a very interesting fact about dragon's mating behaviors. "Oh! Uh-oh." I fiddle with Amelia's watch and bring out the book that I read it in.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" The growl that comes out of her makes me wonder if she might not be part dragon too.

"What is it?" Apricot snags the book, and starts laughing almost immediately. "While -hahaha- dragons mate for many of the same reasons as other sapients. There is a rather notable difference -Hah!- to how they treat courtship. This -hahaha- ritual involves the male -heheheh- facing a charge from the female without giving ground. And then, physically -hahahahahahahah- dominating her while only inflicting token wounds. -Oh, shit!- It's said that the more thoroughly defeated the female is -hahahahah- the more aroused she will be afterwards. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!" She's laughing so hard by the end of the passage that tears are coming out of her eyes.

"Well, it was lovely meeting you." I say while stand up to leave. "But, we really must be getting back. We'll uh... get in touch about those examinations... later." Mittens in my arm, I start leading the way out.


"Hold up." She blocks the doorway, and puts her hand on my bare chest to stop me. "Look, I'm not going to jump you just because a book... Mmm." She strokes my chest muscles while licking her lips, before coming back to herself and snatching her hand away. "Okay. So, maybe that book may have been more accurate than I thought. But, what about my girls?" Her eyes may have a pleading look to them, but they're still locked onto my chest.

"Look sister." Apricot steps forward, blocking her line of sight. "I get you, but Amelia doesn't like to share. So, we're going to go to Newlake where Sorrel will enchant the bracelets for them. And you..." She pulls a sleek, rabbit-style vibe from her inventory. "...will stay here and get it out of your system." Gwynne's eyes go wide when Apricot activates the vibration Rune.

The dragoness audibly gulps before tentatively reaching out a hand to stroke the vibrator. "So warm and soft." She licks her lips before peering past Apricot to look me in the eyes. "You made this, didn't you? Are you sure you don't want to stay and... show me how to use it?"

"We're leaving now." Amelia shoulders her way past the randy dragon and tows me outside. "Goodbye, we'll send someone over with the bracelets." Soft moans are her only answer.

"I know you want to keep him to ourselves, but damn!" Apricot breathes out a disappointed sigh. "I bet she would have been one hell of a lay."

"Nnh, I'm so sore -and frankly, more than a little terrified- that I doubt I'd be able to get it up." I say with all honesty. "Hells, I really shouldn't even be moving about right now." I groan and cancel my weight, so that the pressure of standing upright doesn't do anymore damage.

"Fucking dragon." Amelia spits. "She's not getting anywhere near my man, but maybe we should take her girls like she was afraid of." She licks her lips and I can see her eyes dilate when she looks around at the women going about their morning routines.

"Really?" Our pixie's eyes go wide with lust.

"Yes, really." Amelia sighs and pulls her into a hug and starts pawing her clothes off. "I know pixies are used to having more than a couple partners, and it was so fucking hot watching you with Elle. I can only imagine what it would be like to see you in a pile of women." They're both half naked at this point and my brain starts short-circuiting.

"Umm, do I get any say in this?" I'm just as willing to do whatever it takes to make my girls happy, but jumping into an open relationship seems a bit sudden. "If you want, I can be Elle for you. Or, if you want more partners, I can keep her around as an Avatar!" I cast a modified Embiggen/Ensmallen that gives me a second body while tears run down the face of my real one.

"I'll do whatever you need." I say with a hint of nervous panic through Elle's mouth.

"Oh, Sorrel." - "Baby!" They ignore 'Elle' and pull me into a hug. "Shh, don't cry baby." Amelia thumbs a tear that I didn't realize I had shed from my cheek.


"I'm sorry." My throat is too tight to speak, so I use Elle's again. "I'm not able to support a second avatar right now, but if you need more partners, I'll get strong enough to be as many people as you need."

"Nononono, baby." She kisses the tears that are now gushing down my face. "You're all we need. I don't know what came over me."

"I think I do." Apricot says sternly. "Sorrel. Toss up a barrier around the house, and Cleanse the air around us now." She orders.

"O-okay." I squeak out in my own voice. "Barrier! Cleanse!... Fucking dragon pheromones." As soon as I cast those two spells I start to feel more level-headed and less emotional.

"What's going on?" Amelia looks confused. "It's like all I could think about was sex. I'm sorry Sorrel, we're not going to do anything you don't want to."

"It's Gwynne's fault." Apricot spits and gestures around the village. "Sorrel was blocking their power, but hers is different, more subtle. Subtle enough that both he and I missed it. Because it's physical not magical, it's those pheromone things Sorrel was going on about."

"My body is too messed up for sex right now, so I just got all emotional and thought you were going to replace me." Amelia starts to open her mouth, but I just place a finger on her lips and talk over her. "I know that you would never do that, and we can talk about this later, but first we should warn the villagers... Though, I doubt this is the first time this has happened." I say after thinking it through.

I spot Joceline a few houses down and call her over. "..." She's about to speak when she hears the moans coming from inside. "She's going at it again." She shouts out a warning to the village. "Get upwind if you don't want to join in."

"No need." I call out as I see a few panicked faces looking in my direction, and many more that look rather happy about Joceline's statement. "I've got her whole house in a barrier, her pheromones can't get out." The handful of relieved sighs are greatly outweighed by the frustrated groans.

"Can you drop the barrier?" I get several variations of that question.

"Eep." Elle squeeks as one of the women crowding us gets a little handsy. "Watch it sister." She gives the molester the stink-eye before ducking shyly behind my back. "I'm with them."

"Alright." I speak up in my true body. "This seems to be a regular occurence here. So, anyone that doesn't wish to join the impending orgy, please raise your hand. We can head into Newlake and get started puzzling out how to fix you."

A dozen women, including a reluctant Joceline raise their hands. The rest are already starting to disrobe. I lower the barrier as soon as we're all clear, and the effects are immediate. I just shake my head ruefully and transform the carriage into a wagon large enough to hold all of us.

"Well." Amelia says with a blush as we start back to Newlake. "I think you found a big clue to the puzzle."

"Yeah." I chuckle. "Does this happen everytime she masturbates?" I ask Joceline and the women that came with us.

"She usually heads off into the woods, but the girls talk her into doing this for them at least once a week." The go-between gives me an embarrassed shrug. "There's not much else to do around here. Umm... What set her off, and why didn't you join her?"

Amelia hands her the book we were looking at earlier. "That's what set her off... well, that and Apricot giving her a sex toy to get her off our backs. And, if it wasn't for Sorrel's body being so messed up right now-"

"We would have gone through the town like a tornado." Apricot finishes for her.

"Oh!" Her eyes widen as she reads the entry. "I guess that would do it. Umm." She glances from Elle to me.

"Sorrel is using me as an Avatar right now." Elle answers. "His body needs to rest, but there's still a lot of stuff to do. Well, that and the girls really like having me around." She ducks her head shyly after glancing at Apricot and Amelia.

"Man, I thought we were strange when it came to sex." One of the village women laughs.

"I know that you need to examine us..." The only teenager of the village says fearfully. "But, could we visit our families?"

"Of course dear." Elle takes her hand. "I'll get started working on your protections right now." My enchanting crate appears next to her just as a loud rumble rolls from my belly. "Amelia, baby." Elle bats her lashes. "Did you pick up his snack crate yesterday?" The villagers all look a bit flustered when she mentions the food.

"You are having far too much fun with this right now." She laughs. "And sorry, but I didn't see it when I went to get mittens. Take mine." She sets it down in a free spot next to us. "And, you girls don't need to worry about taking the food, we can replace it easily."

"Thank you." The young one bobs her head. "We don't get a lot of variety out here, and we just couldn't help ourselves when we saw all that delicious food just laying there."

"It's alright dear." Elle pats her hand while I gulp down an everything smoothie.

"Kacey" She offers her name.

"Kacey. Please help yourself." Elle hands her a chocolate bar the she was eyeing. "Everyone else too, feel free to take whatever you want. Like my love says, we can replace it easily." She looks Amelia in the eye while taking a bite out of a heart-shaped strawberry that just grew in her hand.

Kacey and some of the women blush at the look of heat that they share, but that doesn't stop them from raiding the food crate.


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