《Congratulations, You're Dead!》# 84


Clara is waiting outside for us with apricot, even though we didn't call ahead. "Mommy!" She runs forward and tackle-hugs her mother the moment the carriage door opens.

Apricot comes up to us and whispers. "I caught a hint of Time Mana from her a few minutes ago, and then she knew that you were bringing her family here."

"Shit." I hiss out the oath. "I was hoping she wouldn't have to deal with that."

Amelia is about to say something when the former Mrs. Hudner walks up and curtseys to our orange haired wife. "Thank you Miss Apricot for looking after Clara."

"You are most welcome... " She pauses, not knowing the woman's name.

"Lorelai Esmond, and the twins are Darrel and Daniel." Lorelai looks back at her children who are marveling over the manor-house.

"Lorelai, your daughter is a lovely girl." Apricot says with all seriousness. "I can't imagine what today has been like for her, but she hasn't let it break her."

"Thank you." She nods to the pixie. "But, your man said he had some tests to determine if this... Moura thing is affecting Cici." She eyes the girl that's clinging to her older sister right now.

"Yes, she'll just have to drink a glass of liquid. Though I think it somewhat likely that any magical differences will only appear with puberty like Clara." The girl is tough, but I see her shying slightly every time she sees a man. "But, please let me arrange some rooms for you first."

I contact Pepi's secretary and he puts them up in the suite right next to ours. I also ask that some guards keep an eye on Clara's father, as drunk as he was he should be out for hours still, but I'd rather he didn't do anything stupid when he wakes.

Once we're all in the sitting room of their suite, I turn to the girl that started all this. "Clara, would it be easier for you if..." My sharp masculine features turn round and feminine with a slight elven cast. My hair grows out over pointed ears as I lose over ten centimeters, and put the mass straight to my hips and chest. "...I look like this." While Lorelai and her children gape at the new half-elf woman sitting before them, I shift my clothes into a blouse and skirt similar to Amelia's.

Mittens, spotting a new perch, immediately decides to hop ship. My new breasts are right in-between Apricot's and Amelia's in size, and apparently feel just like home, if his purring is anything to go by.

"Traitor." My blonde says, but there's a smile on her face as she scratches him and just happens to cop a feel at the same time. Putting up a sound barrier, she adds. "You know, we haven't tried this before."

"Say yes, please." Apricot swiftly adds

"H-how?" The mother of four finally finds her voice.

"Yes. I can shape shift." I give Apricot the answer she wants to hear, and explain to Lorelai. "Just like I believe that Cici can, or will be able to, to some extent at least." I conjure a small glass and fill it with Healing Sap. "All she has to do is drink this, and I'll be able to get a good look at her insides and see if her innate Magic has activated yet."

"Don't worry momma." Clara chimes in. "That's the same stuff that he... she gave me to heal me up." She takes the cup from my hand, and passes it to her mom.


She dips a finger in and tests it first. "Okay, Cici hasn't eaten yet and is looking a bit hungry." The girl looks more out of it than hungry to me.

"Is this how she always looks when she's hungry?" She nods while coaxing the lethargic girl to drink. "That ties in with the fugue state from the Moura myths. They would often ask for milk, cake or bread to cure themselves. And your daughter seems to have an unusually low blood-sugar which causes the same in her." The Sap is plenty sweet and the little girl quickly perks up.

"Is there anything else I should know?"

"As I said before, I'm not very familiar with the tales, and like Clara they may not align perfectly, but they are typically associated with gold, often by their hair color." A feature both her daughters share. "And, are said to be great builders with stone."

I pull some granite from underground and fashion it into some building blocks for the girl. She doesn't seem overly interested in them though, so I just shrug my shoulders.

"What about Sirens?" Clara asks, obviously interested in what else may be in store for her.

"These I do know more about, but that doesn't exactly help as the tales are all over the place. But, their musical ability, and singing voices are universal amongst all the stories."

"Well, that's not me." She snorts. "I can't carry a tune in a bucket."

"There are two other powers that tend to stand out, and you've already demonstrated one of them." Her eyes go wide when I say this. "Can you remember exactly how you knew that I'd be bringing your mother here when I did?"

"... I just knew." She seems confused.

"Because you divined it." I smile at her. "Apricot sensed the Time Magic when you did."

"I'm a seer?" She scrunches up her face like she's trying to squint into the future.

"I don't think it works that way." We all laugh a little bit at the blush that crosses her face.

"So, you've explained what they can do, but how did they get this way?" Lorelai seems to have noticed my reluctance to mention the last power, and moves the conversation on before Clara notices.

"This is pure speculation, but my best guess is that you and their father both have ancient ancestors that were not human." I thank her with my eyes for not bringing up the last power. I'm never going to be comfortable with anything that deals with spirits or souls. "Most likely one of the naiad variants, or possibly a selkie, considering that both the Siren and Moura myths have strong connections to the sea." There's a connection between dragons, and Sirens in at least one story, but I find that somewhat unlikely in this case.

"Thayne always used to brag about their being dragon blood in his family." Lorelai makes me pick up that discarded connection. "But, I don't know of anything like that on my side."

"I've not met any but the most common races, and even if I had, It's unlikely that I could pick up a connection in your blood. And, for all I know, this all happened by pure chance. I never even read about anything like your girls happening, let alone encountered the same."

"Fine, it is what it is." She breathes out through her nose. "You can help make sure there's never a repeat of today though, right?"


"Of course." I nod to her. "I can create an enchantment to block Clara's power. Cici doesn't have any active magic, and likely won't until after menarche. But, I'll make one for her as well, just in case." I'm going to throw in a set of defensive charms too, but hopefully they'll never need it.

"And, what do you want in return?" I get the feeling she'd be narrowing her eyes at me if I had a penis right now.

"I would love the chance to study them as they grow into their powers." I don't bother hiding my motivations. "But, I offer the enchantments with no strings attached. Your children need help, it's my duty as their lord to provide that help."

"Most nobles don't see it that way." She lowers head for a moment before taking a deep breath and looking me straight in the eyes. "But, I believe you do. Who else would turn themselves into a woman just to calm down an eleven year old girl? Fine, we'll cooperate, but I want you to take us out of Riverton."

"Done." I agree instantly. I'd feel bad for Thayne, but out of your mind or no, your daughter is still your daughter. "You can stay in the manor here until we leave, and then I can set you up in the Capital, or if feel that you need something less crowded. I'm starting a pilot village in the coming days, it will be populated mostly by dungeon widows from Circle Orchard."

"I left Beechhallow for a reason." She sends a sad look in her daughter's direction. "But, somehow I feel that whatever village you build won't be like that, and likely won't stay a village for long."

"Just wait until you see it." Amelia says with a smile.

"Okay, we'll leave you to get settled in. Please don't hesitate to ask the servants for anything that you might need." The girls and I get up, and Lorelai escorts us to the door.

Once there, she brings up the dropped topic from earlier. "What was the last power attributed to sirens?" She asks in a quiet voice.

"Soul magic." I answer in a similar tone, despite it not being needed because of my Soundproofing. "Some stories had them tasked by the gods to soothe the souls of the departed with their music. I didn't mention it because I dislike that branch of magic."

"Understood, and thank you." She nods before closing the door behind us.


"You walk like a boy." Apricot slaps me on the ass, again.

It's too late for shopping now, but they decided we should go out to eat, and that I had to stay as a woman for the rest of the night. They keep giving me 'helpful' comments like that too, when they aren't taking liberties with my body, that is.

"I'm copying you." I try to defend myself.

"I'm a pixie, what do I know about walking?" She does have a point. "Just, you know, move your hips some more. No, too much. Yeah, that's better."

"That does look better." Amelia licks her lips. "Mmm, we really should have done this sooner."

"I feel like a piece of meat being drooled over by a pair of hungry lions." I say that and then laugh when Mittens lets out a mighty roar from my chest that sounds more adorable than fearsome. "Yes, you are more mighty than any lion." I scratch him under the chin.

"Aww, that is so cute." Apricot take the opportunity to cop another feel while petting Mittens.

"You know? We could just skip dinner." I offer in the vain hope that they'll take me up on it.

"And, miss watching that cute little butt of yours squirm while we tease you all night?" Amelia breathes in my ear. "I wouldn't dream of it."

"Oh, Elle. Look at you blush." Apparently, I've got a new name now.

"Let me guess. You're waiting to call me Sore until later tonight." My quip gets both them and Temmie laughing.

"Well, I was going to take it easy since it's your first time." She smiles lasciviously. "But, after a set up like that, I'd not be able to call myself a proper pixie if I didn't at least try."

"Walked right into that one." I let out a fake groan. "You know you're cute when you act like a dirty old man." I lean over and give her quick peck on the lips. "Ooh, now look who's blushing."

"Shut up." She blushes even harder.

"Oh, this is fun." Amelia switches targets. "We never get to see this side of you. You dirty old man, you." She copies my kiss and leaves Apricot flushed from head to toe.

"Quit teasing me." Apricot shrinks down and hide in my hair.

"Aww, but we never get to tease you anymore." Amelia pouts. "You were so cute when you used to get flustered when we first got together."

"Just tease Elle instead." Apricot does just that to my ear. "Ooh, looks like her ears are sensitive." She says as a blush creeps onto my face.

"Oh, I'm going to have fun with that later." Amelia grins as my blush deepens.


Spoiler: Spoiler

Amelia POV:

"Oh gods, Sorrel." I breathe out when she lets her dress slip to the floor. "You are beautiful."

"Call me Elle." She says shyly as her cheeks turn rosy. "Tonight, I'm your woman."

I can feel my insides heat and tighten as the candle light plays against her supple body, painting her pale flesh in golden tones. Her wavy crimson hair, now nearly black with ruby highlights. But those emerald green eyes shine with a green fire all their own.

"It's like she took the best parts of us and mixed them, only to come up with something even better." Apricot hits the nail right on the head.

"Is that what you did Elle?" I close the distance and slide my hand up her thigh, careful not to brush against her most sensitive part. She ducks her head and lets out a shuddering breath as my finger-tips play across her skin.

I walk behind her, my hand still trailing along her skin, and spot the same little dimples in the small of her back that Apricot has. "She even has your dimples." I trace my nails across them and then up and down her spine before cupping that tight little ass. "I'd say her butt looks like mine, but feels more like yours."

Elle hasn't said another word, but her body is speaking volumes. The shivering when I ran my nails along her back, the slight tremble when I lifted my hand, and the sharp intake of breath when I grabbed her ass. It's all I can do not to just throw her down and have my way with her, but she was right when she said that she's my woman tonight. And, I plan to take my time playing with her.

"Look at her. You barely touched her and she's already wet." My pixie is letting me take the lead, but she's clearly excited and can hardly wait for her turn. "Fuck, she even smells like us." Apricot starts kneading her breasts through her dress with one hand as the other snakes under her skirt.

I pull Elle's hair to one side and whisper in her ear. "Is that true? Did you even mix our scent together?" I very, very carefully lift a drop of her wetness onto my finger, without touching her sex. Bringing that finger to my lips, I lick that dewy drop of nectar, and shudder as the perfect mix of Apricot's and my sweetness coats my tongue.

I can hear Apricot's breath hitch, and the wet sounds coming from under her dress intensify. "Give me a taste." She pleads. So, I repeat my trick and gather a much larger drop, as the little doe under my hands is positively gushing now. "Oh, yes. Please." My sweetie stretches forward and takes my fingers into her mouth. She moans as she sucks on them trying to get every last drop of that perfect taste. "Oh, fuck! Fuck, fuck. Nng!"

"Look at that." I step back and breath into Elle's ear again. "Just a taste of you made her cum."

Apricot flops back onto the bed as the shudders pass through her body. And, this perfect creature before me looks like she's about to go herself, just from watching. She's so wet now that even I can smell her sex filling the room.

"Do you want that?" I flick my tongue across her ear lobe. "Do you want to cum?" She gulps and gives the barest of nods, so I take the fleshy part of her ear in my teeth and bite down, ever so gently.

She shivers and starts panting as I pull back until it pops loose, only to go back in and start sucking on it. Sensing that she's getting closer, I let my nipple tease across hers. This tiny touch is the most direct stimulation I've given her, and it proves her undoing.

Her shivers turn into shudders, and her panting into gasping. She lets out the softest and sexiest moan I've ever her, and her knees go weak before she locks them in place to keep standing.

"Good girl." I slide a finger through the flood that is now her inner thigh. "A few more of those, and I might even touch you down here." I bring my hand to her lips and she eagerly licks it clean. "Ooh, what a cute little tongue, I think it would go perfectly inside my little sweetie."

I cut Apricot's clothes away with a water blade making her gasp again as the cool air hits her hot wetness. She knows what I want, and spreads her legs wide after scooting to the edge of the bed.

"Kneel, and crawl to her." I breathe the order into Elle's ear. "And don't think shaking that ass around is going to get my to touch you any sooner." I smack the cheeky little thing causing her to jump. "No hands." I stop her a second before she touches my lover.

"Oh, yes!" Apricot moans as this little vixen flicks her tongue out to lap up her wetness.

"Don't just tease her." I give Elle a matching handprint on her other ass cheek. "Get in there and eat it like you mean it." While she does as I ordered, I start playing with her cute little butt, massaging away the bright red marks.

My hands stray close, but never quite touch her center. Not that she seems to need me to, not with how damp she is. That sweet dew dribbling down her thighs is just too much for me to resist. Kneeling down myself, I start licking it from her smooth, tight flesh.

Even though I'm still careful not to touch her there, the rough texture of my tongue against her soft skin proves to be her undoing yet again. Soon another flow of sweetness is dribbling down to replace what I just lapped up.

Shuddering and panting, Elle doesn't dare stop eating out my little sweetie. It's not long before both my girls are shaking and moaning as orgasms rock through them.

"What do you say Apricot, has she been a good little pet?" I crawl onto the bed, trailing my nails up Elle's spine as I go. "Should we reward her?"

"Yes, please." Apricot begs and licks a drop of liquid candy from my lips, all while Elle continues her ministrations. "Anything let me taste more of that."

"You heard her pet, my little sweetie wants a taste of your sweetness." She looks up from Apricot's thighs with hope in her eyes, and a blush coloring her cheeks. "Get up here and swap places."

I thought for sure she'd rush, but Elle takes her time, by kissing her way up Apricot's body. My hand has no choice but to slip between my own thighs once their lips lock. That mix of Elle's shy timidness meeting Apricot's questing hunger is one of the hottest things I've ever seen.


{AN: One of you all asked for a scene with a gender-swapped Sorrel ages ago. It may have taken me a while to write it, but you're welcome. }

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