《Monsters and Maidens》Chapter 174 [Royal Knight Captain Deneva]


Royal Knight Captain Deneva sensed Rick approaching his room not because of his presence, but because the Sabertooth within the room had stopped pacing behind the door. The human was frustratingly hard to detect through his aura. It was weak enough Deneva was certain she’d seen newborn humans with a stronger presence. By comparison, the feline maiden that had remained at his side was a miniature sun. She held back nothing, and even when asleep her power was annoyingly washing over everything around her as if laying claim to it.

Deneva had seen cadets with better control over themselves. Still, she had to begrudgingly accept that the feralborn cat was strong enough any of the knights would not really be able to stop her. The Lord’s decision to put her on guard duty was understandable, but did he really need to make her act like some lowly maid?

“Excuse me, miss Deneva?”

It was the human, Rick.

“Do you need anything?”

She eyed him, acknowledging his presence. Everything about him was as feeble as his aura, yet Deneva felt her gaze gravitating towards his hands, as if a part of her half-expected him to attack. There was an intensity in his pose, his gaze, his gestures. Like an echo of the feral that was bonded to him.


“Would I be correct in assuming that your orders are to keep a check on Monica so she doesn’t harm anyone?”


“And would I be correct in assuming that if you saw the need to intervene, it would be seen as a failure on my part to handle her?”

Deneva kept her expression impassive as she spoke. “Yes.” Sensing a twinge of amusement from him, she wanted to frown, but she’d be dead before she did such a basic misstep in protocol.

“I would like to request a small game involving Monica. Though I guess the intent would be to consider it more like a training exercise. Would I need to speak with the Earl over the details? Or would it suffice to talk it over with you since you’re the captain?”


A game?

Deneva caught herself half-way into scoffing at such a proclamation. Her gaze moved upwards to meet his gaze. “It would depend on the details.”

With a nod, Rick began to explain his idea. The more Deneva heard, the harder it was to keep her expression impassive. One thing became clear: the Lord would have to be the one to approve of it.


“And you intend this to be a… learning experience?”

Deneva stood next to her Lord, the man’s aura hidden behind layers of enchanted protections, impossible to read by even herself. But it was easy to tell there was an edge of enthusiasm behind the otherwise dubious cadence of his voice.

“Yes, sir. I’ve been trying to seek alternate ways to teach Monica societal values, and I believe this may be one way to go about a rather important lesson.”

Rick, on the other hand, was a study in opposites. The human had the fearful aura of a thief that had been caught mid-burglary. Yet his body kept a tight appearance of confidence, almost calm. His tone was cordial and respectful, but his eyes held no deference. His words were controlled, but they were spoken in a hurry.

Deneva had stood next to his room for long enough to know the man to be weak and deferential to his own maidens. What they wanted, he gave freely.

“And what lesson would that be?” The Earl asked, pretending to be bored.

“Trust, sir.” Rick answered quickly enough. It was clear he’d expected the question. “Monica’s relationship with knights has been… harsh. She would sooner assume they would attack us than protect us.”

The truth in Rick’s aura gave Deneva pause. She urged her own aura to press against her Lord’s hand. A signal that the words were important. To Deneva’s senses, the statement had been true and not just in reference to the feralborn maiden.

“I see.” The Earl nodded slowly. “I will approve of this. Though you would understand the need for caution.”

“Indeed, sir.”

“Deneva? How long would the preparations take?”


She would have to gather as many of the knights as they could spare. This was an opportunity for them as well, after all.

“Thirty minutes, my Lord.”

“Very well. Rick, you may leave.”

“Thank you, sir.”

A curt bow, and he departed.

The Lord waited until after the doors had closed before he acknowledged Deneva’s presence. “What are your thoughts on this?”

“He has no more control over his maidens than over the weather. The Rapha has some semblance of discipline, but it is clear that it is by no merit of her current owner.”

“Is that so?”

“It is, my Lord. It is in my humble opinion White Claw is merely humoring him. It is only a matter of time before her amusement runs out and disaster comes.”

“Are you suggesting I take her from him?”

Though his tone was calm, there was an edge of steel in his posture that brought a chill. She quickly spoke up, lowering her head further. “I would never dare presume such a decision, let alone suggest it, my Lord. Excuse my impudence.”

“I’ve been pondering on it. As you’ve said, he does not control his maidens. Yet it is clear he is not passive either.” A contemplative edge emerged on his plump features. “There is something about his ways that feels familiar…”

Deneva lowered her bow.

“What is your command, my Lord?”

He nodded sharply. “I think I would like to… surprise him.”


The sun glared down upon the dusty ground from its zenith.

Three fourths of all knights in the city had gathered in the training grounds. The orders had been clear, and everyone had moved with the discipline of a royal knight captain. Within the half hour, nearly a hundred maidens stood at attention. Save for a handful of exceptions, all high ranking knights that had been within the city were present.

And even through their stoic silence, there were murmurs.

Everyone had heard of White Claw and her owner. The fact that the two had remained locked up in the room had only fanned the flames of curiosity. Anyone with a bare minimum of perception of elemental energy would have been able to feel White Claw’s energy permeating over a third of the fortress, and anyone with heightened hearing would have surely heard of the nightly activities she and the human engaged in.

Now the mythical feralborn maiden was there in the flesh, pushing her presence outward with a level of force that was making the poor pink-haired Rapha pale. But it wouldn’t be enough to intimidate the knights. Deneva had long since ensured each and every maiden under her command could not be scared by cheap tricks.

“Would you do the honors, Rick?”

The Earl spoke with magnanimous grace.

Rick had been practically invisible. His aura was hidden within the downpour from White Claw’s own. If not because he stood in front of her, no one would have been able to acknowledge his existence.


“You did intend to be part of this. You should be able to explain it better than I.”

“… right.”

The man moved stiffly towards the center of the combat training field. White Claw’s behavior turned her focus from the gathered knights to him. The intensity of her gaze would have made many a maiden freeze. Yet it did not appear to affect Rick as he turned his back on the Earl so he could address the gathered knights.

“I am looking to aid in training Monica to be more trusting. To do so, I will need volunteers for this game.” He gestured at the feline. “The game is simple. She will attempt to reach me, and the volunteers must stop her. But you must neither use weapons, spells, nor special abilities. The goal is to show her that she can trust your skills in ensuring a human’s safety.”

Deneva felt the Lord’s mirth as he called out to those gathered. “Any volunteers?”

As one, all hundred knights took a step forward. Next to Deneva, the Earl’s lips curled in amusement.

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