《Monsters and Maidens》Chapter 153 [Alice]


Alice glanced at Helga as the Valkyrie nervously shuffled towards the tray. “Please don’t, just… take a seat.”

The maiden turned towards the only thing they could sit on in the room: the light green cambroile sofa. She hesitated as she looked at it and then at Alice. “Yes, ma’am.” Her proclamation was soft, almost passive as she approached, leaning to the side so her wings wouldn’t become squeezed against the back of the sofa. She leaned slightly forward, trying to get comfortable with the extra pair of limbs shuffling over the armrest uncomfortably.

And Alice mentally berated herself for what clearly was the first screw-up. She made a bigger mental note to remain mindful of the maiden’s wings. “Would you prefer a chair, or…?”

“No, ma’am, I’m perfectly fine… ugh, like this.” Helga’s smile didn’t waver as she ruffled her wings a little until she’d found a comfortable position. “Most importantly, you wished to talk to me?”

“Yes, it’s about the whole ownership thing.” Better go straight to the point. “I’m going to take you in, I think, it’s just that… I need to clear some things out first.”

She’d apparently only focused on the first part of the proclamation. The maiden’s face lit up with a wide smile. “I am honored, my Lady, I will do my best to-!”

“Before that, just… calm down.” Raising her hands slightly, Alice took the best professional expression she could summon. She waited for Helga to stop giddily vibrating on the spot, but it looked more like the Valkyrie was about to explode into sunshine and rainbows.

So she quietly waited, keeping her expression calm and serene, smiling softly and meeting Helga’s gaze until the maiden had started reasserting herself over her emotions. A quiet minute of shifting and her wings bouncing lightly until the physical ticks, and only then did Alice speak up again.

“I would like to first reiterate I am an offworlder. That means I do not subscribe to many of the lines of thought that people have in this world.” She reached out to touch Helga’s warm hand, meeting her gaze meaningfully. “You will never be admonished for asking questions or stating your opinions. I don’t know many things, and having clear communication with you is important. Is this clear?”

“Of course, my Lady.”

“Call me Alice, please.” She said. “I… don’t want to consider this situation as me being your owner.”

“But you would be, ma’am.”

“I know, it’s just that I don’t believe in slavery.” She replied. “I want you to know that if you ever wish to leave, I wouldn’t stop you. I consider you a person, an equal.”


Helga frowned. “But we’re not.”

“We are, it’s just that the culture of this kingdom hasn’t been very kind to maidens.”

“But…” She hesitated. “May I ask a question, ma’am?”

Alice pipped up. “Yes! Of course, ask away.”

“Would… you go insane if you were alone?”

That caused her to wince. “I know that the feral state is a very big concern for maidens, it’s not what I meant.”

“Ma’am, if… if I were to ever go feral, I’d kill those I love. I would likely even attack you. It’s because of this that we need humans to serve, otherwise…” Her smile tightened, eyes glimmering. “I might look like a human, but I’m not. No maidens are. If I were to be treated like a human, others would get hurt.”

“I started on the wrong foot.” Alice quickly put up a reassuring smile, grasping Helga’s hand between her own. “I understand that you are a maiden, and that you have different needs than a human would. I just want you to understand that I firmly believe that you should have the same rights a human should have.”

Alice shifted slightly as she saw her companion’s troubled expression. The maiden was holding back a grimace.

“You… have something to say?”

“I mean no disrespect, ma’am, but… I don’t think that would be fair.”

“Why would you think that?”

“Rights are earned, we prove our worth, the ways we can help each other and the kingdom.” Her head shook slightly. “And no matter how much I would like to, I cannot help other maidens avoid going feral.”

“There are things called inalienable rights.” Alice quickly replied. “They are rights that belong to every individual. The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are among them.”

“I am alive, and I am happy.” Helga declared. “But I am a maiden, and I cannot live without having someone to protect me from myself. Am I not free for what I am?”

There was a long pause. The teacher closed her eyes and carefully considered her next words. “I want you to be aware that I do not desire to dictate or control your life.” She grasped Helga’s hands once more. “I want to consider this to be a… business arrangement.”


The simple and easy nod she gave her was almost startling. “That’s… it?”

“I do not mind if my services are as an official thing. That sort of was the point.” A little squirm and she scratched her cheek, smiling slightly. “There might be some talk about how some nobleladies have a preference to share their beds with maidens, but you didn’t seem to be that sort, ma’am.”


“Definitely not that sort.” Alice almost jumped, her hands pulled away from Helga as if she’d been touching a red-hot stove. “Nope, no, I am not looking for that sort of thing, at all.”

“That’s what I thought, ma’am.” A cheerful energetic nod, relaxed shoulders. There was even a slight hint of amusement on Helga’s smile. “It’s a bit reassuring. It means I can focus on being your guard and guide.”

“Yes, about that.” A small cough to clear her throat. “I don’t expect you to die for me.”

“What do you mean, ma’am?”

“If or when danger comes, I don’t want you to die. If things come down to it, running away is acceptable.”

She straightened at that. “I would never leave you in danger’s way. Ever.” The harshness with which she spoke startled Alice.

“Could you at least promise you would consider… strategic retreats?”

“Of course.” Another harsh nod and a look of determination. “I do not wish to die.”

Sighing, Alice nodded, rubbing her wrists as she moved to stand up. Helga followed instantly after. The woman had a thing or two to complain about that gesture, but held it back. She’d have to rein things in and be patient about this. “I think this about covers the more important aspects.”

“Does that mean…!?” A happy smile. “Will you let me serve you, my Lady?”

“Please call me Alice.” She wriggled on the spot a bit. “And… yes.”

Letting out a shout, Helga jumped slightly on the spot. Her wings burst outwards and spread out, nearly covering the room end to end as she proceeded to very quickly fold them back and lower herself to her knees right as the door opened in a burst of movement. Two startled maidens had stepped inside, swords drawn, looking wildly from side to side and then at Alice.


“Everything’s alright.” She quickly replied. “Helga just got a bit excited over the good news.”

Both maidens looked at the kneeling Valkyrie and her bright red face. Shaking their heads, they stepped back outside, the doors shutting with a soft click.

“Sorry.” Helga whispered under her breath, squirming on the floor as her hands kept themselves firmly on her knees and her wings were trembling as they remained tucked tightly.

“Is this… that important to you?”

“I always wanted to serve a noble Lady.” She was looking straight at the floor, her ears glowing red. “Could I-? Could we-?” A pause, her hand reached into her pocket, trembling slightly. “If it’s not too much ask, could you use this collar?”

Helga pulled out a strap of leather, a dark blue that was so worn out the color was faded. Some of the spots had lost so much it was far darker. Alice hesitated as she saw this. “Wouldn’t… people potentially mistake it for a black collar?”

“I don’t mind if you don’t, ma’am.”

The teacher reached out to hold the collar, feeling the worn out edges. “Who… did this belong to?”

“My sister.”

The weight of the simple strap felt like it multiplied itself within Alice’s grasp. “I’ll use this, then.”

Raising her gaze, Helga quickly closed her eyes, exposing her throat to the chemistry teacher. A loud gulp followed as Alice reached around her throat, removing the clasp that kept the green collar in place.

“I hereby vow my life to you, my Lady.”

She knew what came next, and though the words felt wrong, she couldn’t bring herself to keep them unspoken. This moment was clearly far more important to Helga than she’d given credit. “I accept your vow. May you serve well… Helga.” She latched onto the worn blue collar as she spoke.

Alice shuddered, a jolt running through her whole body from head to toe. Helga did the same, becoming very still as she kept her face looking at the ceiling of the room. “Thank you, my Lady.” She whispered under her breath, a lone tear running down her cheek.

The teacher squirmed, feeling left on the spot, but not wanting to disrespect Helga’s feelings. She quietly remained in place as the Valkyrie waited another minute before drying her cheek and moving to stand up.

Their gazes met.

Alice did not expect Helga’s gasp, nor how her eyes widened in shock.

“What?” she asked, startled. “What is it? Are you alright?”

A quick bow. “No, it’s nothing, my Lady.” Her ears turning red once more. “The bond is just… stronger than I expected it to be. I…” She straightened up, swiftly turning around while avoiding Alice’s eyes. “I will patrol the area!”

The maiden hurried out the door.

And Alice was left far more confused as to what had just happened.

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