《Monsters and Maidens》Chapter 150 [???][🍋]


Running a stable was one of the easiest jobs out there. The maidens took care of themselves, and so long as the Lord of Seledo didn’t give some orders to send out the knights, most of their work was patrolling the roads surrounding the town. For Louis, it was a rather simple life he’d inherited from his father. All he really had to do was focus on making sure their health and dietary needs were in top shape, and from time to time he’d have to take in a feralborn filly and teach her the ropes.

Well, that would be the case normally. Ever since the feral rush, however, Louis had been particularly busy coordinating with the various reconstruction attempts. Those of the Centaur genus were highly sought after since they could quickly deliver most of the needed supplies back and forth.

So it was not much of a surprise to see a well dressed Mousegirl rushing up to him with a desperate look in her eye. The older man expected her to hand over a request for nails or perhaps even glass, insisting it was the most important thing in the world.

“Sir! Sir! A woman has come to meet you!”

Her words caught him by surprise. “A woman?”

“A human woman, yes!” She nodded emphatically. “The Lady is waiting for you in your office! She insists it is very important business!”

That jolted him right up. A Lady? But it could not be THE Lady, the local nobles had left when the ferals hit, and had yet to return. Perhaps this was one of the alleged women that had been rumored to appear in Astunes? Louis dismissed the diminutive maiden as he rushed towards the stables.

The moment he entered through the main doors, his gaze immediately went towards the new fillies working on packing up the grooming gear. They were pale and quiet, looking at him with startled eyes and slowly shaking heads.


There could be no louder signal that he should play things with extreme caution. Whoever this Lady is, she was important. “Rachel, I want you to stay outside for the time being.” He whispered to his fiancée.

The coal black Centaur still put up a face was of protest, but she knew better than to complain over the preferences of nobility. “Best of luck. I will keep a sharp ear if you need me.” She leaned down in a slight bow, her hands reaching for his hair and gently combing the mess of light blue into something more presentable. Her hooves clopping twice as she turned to usher the fillies out of the stables so as to ensure there would be no other eavesdroppers other than herself.

A slight pause as he straightened his shirt, approaching his office’s door and opening it.

Stepping inside, the door closed behind him, and three things became apparent to him at the same time. First, there was a stuffiness in his ears that seemed to muffle out any sound within the room and from outside of it. Experience told him of a spell meant to dampen noise. The second was the scent. A floral sweetness that filled his lungs instantly, his whole body becoming too hot for his clothes.

The third was the woman sitting on his chair.

Naked and glowing with dark purple energies, her breasts hung heavy on her pale skin. Her hair had looked black for a split second, but a second look confirmed it to be a fiery red. The flames cascaded down her figure, framing those massive tits and deliciously pink nipples. Louis found his mouth dry and starving, his whole body shivering as thoughts were starting to become harder to put together.

There was some attempt at an alarm, caution, maybe even fear, but those large orbs of flesh called to him.

Without a sound, without so much as a whisper, the man walked towards the woman, feeling as if in a dream. His hands reached out for the hefty mounds of flesh, fingers digging into them. Their perfect softness pulled his hands further in, as if he could sink into them. He didn’t know what was happening, and the longer he touched, the more he realized he couldn’t bring himself to care.



The command need not be said twice. Louis felt his knees fail him and his face fall at the level with the two most perfect breasts he had ever witnessed. He leaned forward, kissing the thick nipple and tasting the sweet aroma that filled his mouth like the sweetest of treats.

Something was wrong. His mind fought against the notion. What could be wrong about this? There could never be anything wrong with this.


The sound came from behind him, but Louis couldn’t care, not when he was tasting the most delicious nipple in the world. There were words, other words, but not ones relevant for this, for what really mattered. He licked and suckled, hoping for liquid that didn’t come, yet satisfied with the taste all the same.

The human only cared about the other things when he had to move to make space. Dimly he realized Rachel had taken it upon herself to tackle the other breast with her own mouth. His body shuddered with waves of bliss that were becoming more intense with every suckle.

And then, horror of horrors, the perfect breasts pulled away from his grasp.

He moaned in complaint right as Rachel whinnied next to him. Their dazed eyes could not look away from the pair of tits, finding himself too weak to get closer.

“I have some things I will ask of you.” The breasts spoke, and they nodded. “And you will give it to me.”

“Please.” Rachel begged, her whinny of need only vaguely drawing Louis’ attention enough to realize she’d used her powers to turn her body into its more pleasing fully human shape.

“Anything.” Louis added.

“Shhhh.” The breasts called, hands caressed Louis’ body, and his skin burned for the attention he was receiving.

The human realized all too quickly he needed to be naked, he had to be, he burned and throbbed, his every desire pushing out of him and screaming against the scratchy clothes. He could not bring himself to strip fast enough, fortunately Rachel was there to help him. The look on her eyes was glass, far away and distant, hidden behind a fog of impenetrable ecstasy.

The stranger’s hand was caressing her head, and Louis realized this was the true pleasure. His focus shifted just in time to see the other hand reaching for his own scalp, and immediately everything exploded into white hot bliss. Fire consumed his every sense, boiling pleasure that removed all capacity for thought or desire. It was like nothing he had ever experienced and so much more than what he could have hoped for.

His body felt like it had all reached orgasm at once. But calling it such would be an insult, his nerve endings sang with a pleasure that seared itself into his mind. So powerful was the sensation that he barely even registered that he was madly thrusting into someone, fucking, somehow, it didn’t matter, all was bliss.

“That’s good.” The breasts spoke, praising them, them? Louis thrust again, and Rachel moaned. “Let’s start simple. I will be taking two of your girls.”

“Yes! Yes!” Man and maiden nodded in agreement, delirious and feverish, entirely unable to stop.

“One more thing…” The hands caressing their heads clutched slightly, tightening its grip on their skulls. All it did was send more tingles through their bodies. “You will tell me everything you know about the merchant called Victor… and about the man who captured White Claw.”

Nothing would bring them greater bliss than to tell the woman everything they knew.

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