《Monsters and Maidens》Chapter 147 [Kat]


Kat glared at Lizzy. Lizzy blinked back at Kat. The human slowly circled the tent, hands extended open on either side as she was very carefully approaching the naked, scale-covered green-haired sexy feral-born maiden. “Just a bit… closer…” the human whispered under her breath.

She leapt forward.

Lizzy reacted faster, springing over Kat, lightly touching the ceiling, and hopping right back down on the opposite side of the tent. The scaly maiden reached into the pouch she’d stolen from Kat, pulling out another strip of boar jerky and chewing on it.

The Salalexis blinked at Kat as if wondering why the human had tried to do that in the first place.

“Ma’am, if you ask, I could…”

“No, no, this is personal.” Kat brushed off her bruised pride, glaring at her target.

Ginny blushed and kept herself on the corner of the tent, hugging her knees as she sighed in exasperation. The Draco looked at Kat and then at Lizzy, claws twitching as she clenched her knees a bit more tightly. Kat, for her part, was approaching the Salalexis again, slowly, inching her way closer and closer. This time she made sure not to jump out, very carefully and slowly getting closer to the very still maiden.

There was no escape attempt, but as Kat began to reach out for the bag, Lizzy began moving it away from her grasp. It ended in a rather predictable manner, with Kat hugging Lizzy as the maiden kept her other arm stretched out and doing her best to keep the baggy out of Kat’s reach.

“Come on~!” Kat complained, changing strategies and blowing air into Lizzy’s ear. The maiden squirmed and grimaced, and with that the human had managed to snatch the bag. “Aha!”

Lizzy’s mouth opened, the tongue shooting out and ripping the bag right out of her hands. This time she didn’t even chew, the whole damn bag went down her gullet, Lizzy barely looking bothered by having swallowed the whole thing. Kat was pretty damn sure there was a smug edge inside those wide, unblinking eyes.


There was a whirlwind of movement. A blur of color that mixed the green with the blue, and a moment later there was a cry, and by the time Kat realized what had happened, Lizzy was pinned on the ground, both arms painfully twisted behind her back as Ginny had her knee behind the maiden’s head.


“Ma’am, are you alr-?”

“What are you doing!?” Kat raised her voice, pushing at Ginny’s shoulders until the Draco had lifted her knee from Lizzy’s head and stepped away. The human glared at the Draco. “We were playing a game, it was perfectly safe!”

“Ma’am, she used-.”

“I know what she did! I didn’t ask for your help.”

“But she…” Ginny hesitated, meeting Kat’s glare and faltering. She lowered her head. “I’m sorry ma’am, it won’t happen again.”

A single pause and Kat faltered, her focus shifting to Lizzy as the feralborn maiden had shot right from the spot she’d been laying on and stuck herself to the roof. The scales shifted in coloration, going from green to an off white. “Fuck, fantastic.” Kat growled, stomping her foot and looking up at the maiden that was attempting to camouflage herself with the cloth. “It’s going to be another hour before she calms down.”

“It… won’t happen again, ma’am.”

“I’m sure it won’t.” Kat gestured at Lizzy as the maiden tried very hard to remain very still. “Just… just get her down of there. I’m going for some air.”

Ginny hesitated, her stubby tail going stiff. “Ma’am, I should-.”

“There’s nothing out there with the balls to get close to Monica, it’s safe enough.”

She didn’t wait for a response, stepping outside and feeling like there should be a wooden door for her to slam shut. Instead, she got a very flimsy curtain to leave rustling behind her. And she might have been more mad about it if she hadn’t very nearly rushed head-first against a very familiar broad chest.

“Tomas?” she asked, startled and stepping back.

“Oh, hi.” The young man awkwardly scratched at the back of his head, glancing towards the entrance to the tent, hut, thing. “Having… trouble?”

“No, no, just… needed a little air.” Kat’s eyes scanned the area. “Where’s… your elf?”

“Freya? She’s doing some perimeter patrol… thing.”

Oh? “Great! I mean, erm.” She coughed. “I mean, great, erm… you… wanted something?”

“You. No, wait-.”


Kat chuckled, leaning closer, grinning up at him. “Hey, if you wanted some fun~…”

The young man shook his head. “No, yes, I just, I don’t know?” He nervously smiled. “Just wanted to hang out.”

Close enough. “Sure.” She grabbed his arm and yanked him away from her hut and into the mess within. With practiced ease, she led the way, with Tomas stumbling to follow.

Kat didn’t really have much of a destination in mind, but anywhere else was sounding like the greatest idea in the world right now. It was an easy search. There was a nice open spot not too far from the camp that felt lonely enough and was just enough out of sight that they could pretend they were some place else.

“Here sounds nice.” She proclaimed and gestured to Tomas to sit down. Instantly she was on his lap, arms wrapped around that sexy strong neck of his and looking into his eyes.

He didn’t need her to tell him twice and kissed her. Kat really wanted to be able to purr right about now, God above, she’d been feeling so pent up she would’ve exploded if she had to take another week of having a nun disguised as a sexy dragon-girl following her every step at every moment of the day.

“I’ve missed you.”

“Shhh.” She did not want words. She kissed him harder, hands fumbling to pull her shirt up and expose her skin to some much needed air. Tomas fumbled with her bra, but points where they were due, he’d been faster than any of the previous quickies they’d gone through back before hitting the road.

He was hot and bothered, his body was hard and there was something about how certain he moved his hands that was pushing every button inside of her.

“Oh Master~!”

Both humans froze. Tomas was the quickest to panic of both of them, and Kat had to cover his mouth before he could say anything. They remained perfectly still, looking around, carefully staying very close to one another.

“Harder, harder please, give it to me haaaaiiiieieee!”

The voice was recognizable. The pink-haired nurse. It could be no one else. Still, Kat hesitated, trying to find the source. “Shit.” She spoke the word right as they’d spotted some of the stuff Rick had been lugging around. In the silence, they’d become very aware that their teacher was very clearly fucking the nurse not too far from them.

There might be only a bush in the way, maybe two.

“Stay very quiet.” Kat whispered into Tomas’ ear, hand reaching down, and-.


This time Tomas did jump. “Freya!?”

She was knocked off of his lap, falling to the ground and quickly trying to recover a sense of dignity or at least balance as she spotted the elf. The maiden had been right next to them, she could’ve tapped their shoulders if she’d wanted to.

“What was-mmfmff!?” Dia’s voice was muffled from the other side of the bush.

A long, shared silence, Tomas looked at Freya and then at Kat. And she saw guilt on his face as he did so. The expression felt wrong coming from him. The young man was quickly covering up his chest as he turned to Kat, reaching down to help her stand up.

She reacted without thinking, slapping his hand away.

“Kat?” He frowned.

“Sorry, I…” Kat went up to her feet, scrambling to lower her shirt and cover her chest. “See you later.”

She walked away before anyone could say anything and make things more complicated. She hurried back towards the tents, ignoring the sound of Tomas’ bumbling, fumbling attempts at excusing himself to that elf. Kat wanted to scream, but knew that the moment she raised her voice there would be a dozen different people asking her if she was alright or hurt or whatever.

That only made her want to scream louder.

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