《Monsters and Maidens》Chapter 127 [Alice]


Alice glanced at the green-collared winged woman that stood in front of her.

“My name’s Helga. It’s a pleasure to meet you in person, ma’am.” The blond maiden was smiling from ear to ear. “I’m sure I will be of great service.”

“In person?”

“I’ve been in sentry duty, so I’ve spotted you a couple times.” The woman made a gesture towards the radio tower. Or more accurately, to the top of the radio tower. She quickly did a brief salute, placing her right hand on her left shoulder.

“You… don’t have to do this.” Alice grimaced slightly. “I don’t really need to… own… anyone.”

“Ma’am, the Major mentioned your… opinions in this matter, and asked only for volunteers. I volunteered.”

“To be my property.” The teacher rubbed her temples. “Helga, look, I’m not…”

The maiden stepped closer, light gray wings rustling. “Ma’am.” She smiled brightly. “It is illegal for a maiden to not have an owner, and considering my duties are to assist and protect you. Being under your ownership is the most convenient arrangement.”

Alice frowned. “Willingly, not coerced or bribed or…”

“I am able to wield radiant energy, I could use it to cast a truth spell if you’d prefer?” She was not deterred an inch, grinning brightly.

“No, no, let’s… not go into that particular hole.” She sighed, shaking her head. “Could you at least tell me… why?”

Helga blushed slightly, her eyes widening along with her smile. “I’d been hearing much about your group from the Baroness’ guards, especially over how you specifically had tried to attack the Baron when he’d threatened you.” The pale-gray wings spread behind her before quickly retracting. “That shining determination even in the face of impossible odds was so…” A little squirm before quickly making another salute. “It would be a great honor to serve under you, ma’am.” And then, hesitation, the smile tightening at the corners. “Would you take me?”

“I, erm, uh…” Alice felt like she was looking straight at the sun, she felt like the young woman was being, perhaps, a bit too intense. “Could we try to see if things mesh and see where it goes from there?”

“A trial?” Helga nodded eagerly. “I will do my best! What task would you have me do first?”

The teacher coughed, nodding slightly. “How about just… staying together for now? See how we get along? I heard the Major was calling out for the… recruits?” Her brow furrowed slightly. “Is that how it’s called?”


Helga nodded. “Technically, citizens are enlisted into working for the league in fighting the feral threat. So ‘enlisted’ is the terminology used in the laws. But they have different names, especially depending on who’s calling it and on what they do.” A little nod followed. “Though out here so far from civilization, the enlisted are kind of slotted into doing a bit of everything. The people over here tend to just call them ‘militia’, and most just follow the Hunter’s directions.” Helga frowned slightly. “I also heard some folk call them ‘tamers’, but that’s mostly for those who’ve been listening a bit too much to the radio.”


Walking across the village, Alice nodded slightly, trying to put together how to approach this brand new conundrum that had been shoved onto her lap.

“Is there anything else you’d like to know, ma’am? I was born in Balet, but grew up in Seledo and Astunes. I’ve studied a bunch about the law ever since the Major got into that spat with the Baron, so there’s much I can answer if you’ve got doubts!”

“Spat?” The teacher quirked a brow.

“Yeah, it was about his son.” She shook her head. “Lost him to the Pyrebear six years ago. There was a dispute over how the Baron had meddled with the Hunter’s job and that’s how things went wrong, but… well…” Helga shrugged slightly. “It was messy, and the Earl determined the Baron had been within his rights.”

Alice’s lips thinned but didn’t mention anything else, following the general directions towards the building the Hunters used as a base of operations. She tried her best to avoid paying attention or noticing how every maiden that crossed her path would quickly look her way and then attempt to pretend to not have done exactly that.

It seemed the novelty of the whole “human females” thing had yet to wear out amongst the locals. What was slightly unnerving was how the human males seemed to be far more openly willing to gawk. None had approached, but the psychology teacher was quite willing to bet it would only be a matter of time.

“The Major’s this way, ma’am.” Helga pipped up, pointing to the side.

They circled around the building and into a large patio. There were several groups of people, the first of which being Major Huge and Irene, standing in the center of the area. In front of them stood eight men, students and parents from the field-trip. Alice noticed Victor as well and quickly turned her attention to the other half of the patio.


There were three metal cages, with four Hunter-uniformed maidens standing at each corner of each cage. But the teacher’s attention was quickly drawn towards the contents of the cages. Within each one there were between three and four other maidens. Naked, gagged, and bound in wire.

“What the…!?”

“They’re ferals, ma’am.” Helga quickly spoke up in a hushed voice. “The Major’s likely prepping them for their first maiden.”

Alice promptly snapped her mouth shut, eyes turning intensely towards the Major. The man hadn’t looked her way, but his broad shoulders stiffened as if he’d been able to detect the gaze all the same. With a nervous cough, he gestured at the cages. “They’re all Doggirls, found injured during the rush. We put them to sleep, patched them up, and have some black collars to help break them from the feral state.”

“They won’t wake up naturally, I am keeping them under.” Irene pipped up, her red gaze sweeping over those present, pausing on Alice last. “Please pick whichever seems best. They’re all Doggirls, one of the easiest maidens to bond to, and regardless of what task or role you wish to take, they’ll prove useful, if nothing else, to keep you safe.”

Already she could hear her jaw tighten as she watched him.

Huge’s posture tightened further, shoulders drawing back as his spine arched like a bow ready to snap. “Though some might consider it best to make the decision while they’re conscious, they’re ferals and still dangerous, so prioritizing one’s safety should always come first.”

The crowd of men glanced at one another, nodding and splitting up, approaching the cages. Alice took the chance to do the same and head towards Huge. Though Irene stepped in her way, the naked red-skinned woman keeping a stony cold look.

“Ma’am.” She spoke the word curtly. “Unless you intend to enlist, we would appreciate you refrain from potentially disrupting a lesson that might save the life of your companions.”

The psychology teacher paused. “Shouldn’t you seek to have these girls taught by experienced people and then given the option on whom to join?”

“Ma’am, a feralborn’s best teacher is the one they bond to, as they’re far likelier to pay close attention to their human. By bonding them from the start, it lets them adjust to their partner’s idiosyncrasies and preferences.” Irene didn’t so much as blink. “This also gives them valuable experience. Being able to tame a feral now while under safe circumstances allows them to be likelier to not die when trying their hand on their own.”

“We… also don’t have enough greenie’s that we could spare.” Huge added, scratching his chin. “Ma’am.”

“But Helga-.”

“It was under the Baroness’ insistence.” Irene snapped up. “Since you and many others have opted to postpone your enlistment, potentially to join the military academy instead, then having a Hunter-experienced maiden would be a minimum to ensure everyone’s safety.”

“What she said.” The Major nodded emphatically. “We’re stretched thin enough we can’t even send your group off, we have to wait for a sortie from the Earl so they can safely escort you to Balet… I mean, those wanting to join a military academy, and anyone wanting to tag along… ma’am.”

“Besides.” The psychic’s lips cocked upwards ever so slightly. “Would the lady prefer these ferals learn from the values of OUR society and culture, or yours?”

Alice’s mouth snapped shut, brows furrowed for several long quiet seconds as she turned to look at the others. “And there’s not one woman here amongst the volunteers?”

“If any women from your group have opted to enlist, we’ve not heard about it.” The Major declared.

With a slight frown, she crossed her arms, trying to think it over. Was this yet another move from the Baroness? Maybe Ms. Dodson had stuck her nose into someone’s business? Or… a grimace followed, the only one she’d seen enthused with the idea had been Kat, and she’d left with Rick.

“I’d like to stick around and see how this works.” She finally pipped up, watching the Major squirm a little. Irene glanced at her, and Alice added. “Regardless of if I enlist or not, or if I end up joining a military academy or not, this would be a learning experience all the same. No?”

The psychic’s lips pursed, eyeing the Major a little.

“Very well, ma’am.”

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