《Monsters and Maidens》Chapter 122 [???][🍋](Volume 2 Bonus)


There was a strangeness in the air as Miranda’s wings took the warmth of the sun, her gaze coursing through the forest in search of potential signs of dangerous ferals. The fact that she could spot mice and dogs going about was a strong clue there wasn’t anything in the immediate vicinity that might have scared them off. Still, the Phoenix kept her gaze sharp, the report had mentioned the Pyrebear had run in this general direction, and she’d definitely want to at least catch a trail.

If the feral opted to leave for good, that would be nice, but the bigger concern was that she’d remain sulking about. The last thing they needed was a smart feral sticking around and watching them. Who knew what it might learn? It could very certainly end up being far more dangerous next time it opted to show up.

A flicker of light caught Miranda’s attention. Her eyes turned eastwards, towards the mountain. There was a spot of light that was shining her way. For a moment she thought it to be just some random object, but the light was keeping track of her. And she recognized the flicker-pattern for a request for help.

Someone daring to go through the pass during spring? Trouble indeed. “Shit.”

Turning towards the village’s direction, Miranda charged her flames, letting out four quick upwards bursts, a pause, and then two more. Within seconds a flicker of light from the village acknowledged they’d received the message. Miranda turned towards the original source and beat her wings faster, summoning her heat to push her higher into the air.

The location was a fourth of the way up the pass, whoever they were, they must have barely spotted the village. Miranda frowned as she wondered what kind of threat she ought to expect, she wasn’t seeing anything flying nearby, so that should make her job easier. It would take her quite a while to get there, however, so it would take her at least an hour before she could properly ascertain the details.

Following protocol, she made sure to check for other fliers every handful of minutes, using her own portable mirror to send some flickers towards the source of the emergency signal, requesting for details about the threat. The response only appeared after half an hour, the same pattern as before. The people were likely unfamiliar with Hunter code.

So not a merchant.

What other kind of lunatic would dare the pass then? The list of options was growing shorter, and Miranda wasn’t too sure of the prospects.

A quick look from overhead as she approached confirmed three people. At least one was a human male, considering how he’d taken off his shirt to signal at her. Miranda ignored them for the time being, checking the surroundings for potential threats.

No ferals.

The cliffs nearby also were devoid of the kind of dangers that might attack from afar.

Something was off.

Better not risk it, she descended but only enough to keep herself within shouting distance. “What’s the emergency!?”


“She’s hurt!” The man gestured at the one next to him. Miranda spotted some blood. “Do you have medical supplies?”

A few. Miranda descended, glancing at the two other figures. Maidens no doubt, the second one was a mouse, her skin was pale, so unlikely to be a Tigermouse. But the wounded one… it was hard to discern her breed what with how much clothes she wore, probably weak against the cold? The Phoenix touched down on a nearby boulder once she was sure there was no one else near the large rock. It gave her a vantage point, easy access to fly away, and enough distance that if she were attacked by these strangers, she could protect herself.

Still, she could feel a trickle of unease, a strangeness in her flames. “What sort of injury?” She pressed on.

“We were attacked by an Ursine, she had to block them off, got some deep cuts.” The human spoke hastily, not moving to approach the Phoenix but urgently gesturing at the hunched over hooded figure.

“We would also like some information, ma’am, if you have any to share.” The mouse pipped up, moving to stand between the human and Miranda. Brave for a mouse to try to defend her human like that. “We saw the village smoldering, has it been overrun?”

“No, we got battered a bit but we’re doing mostly alright.” Reaching into her satchel, Miranda tossed a potion. The mouse caught it right away, hurrying to approach the heavily dressed maiden.

Miranda’s eyes narrowed as she spotted horns peeking out of the cowl, their shape not one she could immediately recognize. The feeling of strangeness increased within her. “What’s your business in our kingdom?”

“We’re just travelers.” The human quickly stepped forward, arms wide with a disarming smile. His eyes focused on her with measured concern though. “Has anything else occurred besides the rush?”

“The Lord died during the fight.” Miranda straightened slightly at the feeling of a shiver running down her spine, turning away to confirm there was nothing else around them. Her gaze caught sight of three dark spots above the village that were flying their way, reinforcements.

“That’s a shame.” The man nodded slightly, glancing at his two companions and then in the village’s direction. His lips curled ever so minutely, and the hooded maiden shifted slightly, muttering something the Phoenix couldn’t make out. The human tensed, almost jumping in place, nodding emphatically. “Seems you’ve got everything covered, we thank you for the help.”

The Phoenix glanced at the hooded figure, frowning. “If you’re going to come into the kingdom, you will need to check your documentation and get approval from the Baroness.”

“We will keep that in mind.” The male nodded again. “Thank you for your help, my mi-maiden wouldn’t have made it without it.”

With a frown, Miranda ignored the human, using a flicker of her wrist to send a small fiery spark of power to bounce off of the dirt in front of the hooded maiden. “Take off your hood.”


The trio hesitated, mouse and human sharing looks of concern.

And the maiden under the cape spoke. “Could you let us continue on our way unperturbed?” Her voice was sweet, melodious, a song that tickled the ear and left goosebumps running up and down Miranda’s wings.

The wrongness within her grew.

Alarm bells rung in the Phoenix’s mind, her wings spread wide, heat instantly growing all around her until the air was shimmering from her flames. “Take. Off. Your. Hood.” Her feathers glowed with power, ready to unleash them in an instant. There was something wrong here, something that made her heat feel weird, out of place, hot but in all the wrong ways.

The human and the mouse froze, looking between Miranda and the hooded figure.


Slowly, the maiden rose to her feet, both hands raised in the air. Clawed fingertips and flawless pearly pink skin. Power pooled within the bulky clothes and everything within Miranda’s mind screamed at her to attack. So she did. Fire exploded in a stream to the maiden.

There was a shriek, but it did not come from the hooded figure. It came from Miranda.

Something had rushed into her, through her, taking the very flames she’d been using and locking them within herself. The Phoenix screamed, the fire exploding within her body as the elemental energy brought a completely different heat to her.

Falling to her knees, Miranda gasped, eyes turning towards the hooded maiden. The clothes had been burnt away, leaving behind only naked flesh.

She was the very definition of sex made flesh.

Child bearing hips swayed with every step of the maiden’s plump thighs, her waspish waist a perfect pinch to the hourglass that her body had been sculpted to have. Large heavy breasts swayed with every step, dark pink areolas capped with nipples that made the Phoenix’s mouth water. The pink skin glowed against the flames, granting a natural beauty and an ever present blush to the maiden whose golden eyes burned with alluring determination, long locks of azure blue swaying with the wind brought about from the flame’s heat.

Miranda’s knees faltered, a hand reaching for her chest, arousal burned in her body, her own fire turned against her. “A charmer.” She grunted, unable to look away, gasping as her fingers brought tingling burning pleasure against her skin.

“I’m a succubus, dear.” The maiden spoke, bat-like wings spreading behind her as she flapped once, reaching Miranda’s location with a single beat of her wings.


A shriek escaped her as the clawed fingertip caressed her neck, trailing over her golden collar but not breaking it. Instead the digit continued its way down, slicing through her clothes with razor-sharp precision.

And the Phoenix could do nothing but moan, the Succubus’ touch was igniting an inferno within her, and it was making any attempt to think become harder and harder.

“You shouldn’t have attacked me, what a naughty little woman.” The Succubus spoke.

“Aberrant.” Miranda closed her eyes shut, trying desperately to purge the invasive energy out of her system. Power meant to twist and disrupt, weak on its own, but once it took hold…

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you.” The horned maiden spoke, the finger reaching down, pinching a nipple. “No sense in having the Hunters going after me.”

With a moan, fire burst all around her, searing her clothes away, leaving her just as naked as the Succubus. Her legs completely crumbled under her own weight, collapsing onto the glowing hot stone. How was this maiden not being burned? Everything was spinning in an ever escalating need.

“I am going to have a lot of fun with you. I’m hungry.” The Succubus’ finger continued trailing downwards, gripping Miranda’s flushed body with the familiarity of a long-lost lover. “But first…”

A single digit penetrated into her snatch, and all thoughts scattered in a single moment of searing white fire. Miranda bucked her hips, head pressed firmly against the rock as her eyes rolled up into their sockets. Pleasure and euphoria like she’d never felt before burst through her like a volcano, instantaneous and without any capacity to prepare, the orgasm hit her with a force that knocked the air right out of her lungs.

And another one followed.

And another.

Choking on her breath, the Phoenix screamed until she chocked on her own breath. Only collapsing into the boulder as she could feel she’d been allowed respite from such powerful a sensation.


“We’ve only started.” The horned maiden smirked down at her, and Miranda felt fear course through her as she did.

“No, wait, I-!”

The words ended, a moan erupted forth, white noise searing itself into her mind until she collapsed again. Her hands had melted into the stone, her body was red-hot and glowing. But the Succubus had not even been scalded.

“We’ll start with some questions.” The maiden spoke softly, stroking Miranda’s neck and making her shiver, pulling the red-head’s face against her breast. “You’re going to tell me everything you know.”

Her attempt to summon the ability to resist shattered with the next orgasm that was forced upon her body. Teeth bit into the offered tit with everything she had, but her tormentor only moaned into it, digging her finger deeper into Miranda’s cunt.

In an instant the Phoenix knew, she would be unable to resist. Each explosive burst of pleasure was followed by supplication for it to stop.

Soon enough, everything she knew began to spill out from her lips. The kingdom, the village, the Hunters, her husband, her family, the Baron, White Claw, the offworlders.

And Rick Cross.

When the reinforcements arrived, they found an unconscious and exhausted Miranda floating atop the pool of cooling magma that had once been a boulder. With no sign of their assailants to be found other than the Phoenix’s own lust-addled memories.

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