《Monsters and Maidens》Chapter 121 [Rick][🍋🍋](Volume 2 Bonus)


Stepping into the shower, Rick held back the grimace as the warm water washed down his right arm. The feeling of the water made his nerve endings light up and become hyper-active, as if the whole limb were ticklish in all the wrong ways. As if he’d fallen asleep on it and just woken up.

It would take a while to get used to things again.

Still, this felt like the only moment when he could actually relax.

Every other second of the day had been spent with a certain overly clingy cat holding his hand.

In quite the literal fashion.

He wasn’t even sure how he’d managed to work through the documentation and paperwork let alone keep her from kidnapping him. Again. Fortunately the attempt had stopped short at the village’s edge.

This was draining, Monica was not… getting along well with civilization.

And the Earl’s invitation…

There was so much going through his head, so many things to worry over, so many…


“Monica, no.” He grumbled, of course he’d forgotten to lock the damned thing. “Out.”

The door softly closed.

Dismissing the thought before he groaned himself into the next century, the young teacher leaned back against the wooden wall, letting the warm water run over him. How much time did he have before it would run out? Probably best to wrap things up before the impatient cat barged back in.

He tensed as he heard the rustles of the curtains. “Monica, I-.” Frowning, he pulled back the curtains with indignation, ready to bark something at her.

But Monica wasn’t the one standing there. Rick froze.

“Dia.” And just like that, a whole new series of problems began to emerge to the forefront of his mind. Words failed him, why was she here!?

The maiden seemed uncaring for his lack of anything else to say, she smiled. “Sir.” Slowly. Purple eyes and pink hair, the maiden almost looked like she was glowing. Her hands reached up to her shoulders, fingers tracing outwards, the white frilly dress she wore falling down and pooling around her ankles and revealing that there was nothing beneath.

The woman stood before him, naked, cheeks gaining coloration that spread all the way down to her chest. Her modest breasts stood proudly, milky white skin and light pink areolas, the shape of her figure flavoring ample hips, there was a softness about her shape, a homely ‘next-door-neighbor’ appeal to her figure that with curves drawing his attention down to her shaved crotch.


Rick felt himself flush. “Dia, I-.”

The pink-haired nurse stepped forward, soft thighs rubbing against each other as she placed herself right in front of him. Her finger softly pressed against his lips as she entered the shower, closing the curtains behind her. “If you don’t want me, tell me to stop.” There was hesitation in her eyes as she spoke, a hint of fear. “I want you.”

Her cheeks went from pink to red, flushing hard as she pressed him against the cold wet wall.

A moment of concern shot through him. “Monica…”

“Monica is distracted right now, sir.” She spoke with a hushed voice. “We better stay quiet.”

He hesitated. “Why weren’t you there when I woke up…?”

“I didn’t work in the hospital anymore, sir.” She proclaimed in a hushed whisper, pressing her breasts against him, face inching closer. Her purple eyes were wide, her skin soft, there was a lingering scent of lilac.


She leaned forward, and he grew silent, her gaze met his own, white pools of violet, intense, determined. “Kiss me, sir, before I lose my courage.”

That snapped him to move, leaning forward and meeting her soft lips. Dia’s arms wrapped around his neck, biting down on his lower lip in need, fingers tracing through his hair, one leg rising and pressing against his hip, her crotch against his thigh. The maiden didn’t lose a single second, hand reaching down to his loins, fingers brushing against his shaft.

There was a pause, slightly surprised.

“You’re this hard, for me?” Her voice was a husky whisper. She giggled a little, moving with an unexpected urgency as she pressed her hips against his own. The nurse’s fingers stroked his length, squeezing it tenderly, just enough to draw a slight gasp out of the human.

“Dia, I-.”

“Shhh.” The maiden silenced him with a finger. “Let me do all the work, sir.” The leg that pressed against his hip slowly took the weight off of him, and he slipped. The Rapha showed a great deal of strength, keeping him from falling altogether and slowly moving him down to sit on the floor.

With his ass grounded, she didn’t waste a single moment to straddle his hips. She leaned forward, taking his lips in an impassioned kiss once more, using one hand to guide his hardness into her, the other using the wall to brace for support.


“I’ve… wanted this… so bad.” She whimpered, moaning as her pussy stretched every inch of the way. Slowly bottoming herself out on his shaft. “So bad.” She whimpered, biting his lip, fingers brushing into his hair until her clit was firmly pressed against his pubes.

Then she tightened, squeezing down on him. They shared a moan, her body hot and ready for more.

“Richard.” Dia spoke his name almost with reverence, her hands traced over his chest, pulling him into another kiss.

“My arm.” He complained, trying to move his right but needing to focus too much on it to do so effectively.

The woman froze, glancing at his pale right arm and then shaking her head. “This is all for you, sir.” She caressed his shoulder gingerly, using her other hand to pull his left hand up and against her modest chest, the flesh fitting perfectly into his palm. “All of it, all of me.”

That appeared to click something in him, his gaze lowered to her neck in realization. “Your collar.”

Dia’s smile faltered slightly, biting her lower lip and easing herself further into his embrace. Her tight sex quivered. “Just imagine it, Rick, I’m your human woman.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. “All yours.” She kissed his cheek, his chin, his ear. “All ready to be bred.”

A million and one thoughts ran through him, and they came to an abrupt end as she squeezed down on him, moaning and thrusting her hips down in impatience, friction and warmth. She began to bounce slowly, working herself faster and moaning louder into his shoulder. Gritting his teeth, Rick found the strength to lean forward, Dia gasped as she was pushed back, falling and laying on her back while he pressed down on her.

He couldn’t use his right, but his left was enough.

“Just like that.” She beamed, legs wrapping around his hips and locking in place. “Take me. Claim me.”

He thrust, and she whimpered, quivering as she pulled him into her arms, kissing him needfully. Her body was burning up, hot and eager, and Rick completely forgot of the running water, her skin a smooth pliable eager hot receptacle for his hands. Or hand mostly, his left was all he had to keep himself stable, his right resting gingerly against her ass but unable to properly summon much strength.

Thrusting into her at a maddening rhythm, Rick lost himself in her lips, her skin, her softness. There was only enough presence of mind to pull out before he could finish, not that the maiden missed a beat. Dia’s hand reached down to his shaft and stroked him, her touch tingling against his skin and pushing him over the edge. Orgasm came in thick white rivulets, and a cooing smiling nurse. Breathless, he collapsed into her, feeling her kiss his shoulder and neck as he did the same in turn.

The hot water washed it away, and Rick was left with the sense of suddenness in all of this. “This…” He pulled back to look at her.

Dia was one step ahead.

The maiden took his hand, pulling it upwards and leaving it to caress her throat, naked, devoid of the green choker, a discoloration mark the only proof there was ever one to begin with. Her eyes twinkled as she did so, something about the gesture carrying a meaning he couldn’t quite puzzle out.

“When a maiden gets an owner, a specific owner, they wear a blue collar.” She spoke in a whisper. “I… want you, Rick, sir. I want to be yours.”

“And if I say no?”

“I… I don’t want to beg.” She squeezed down on him, making him groan and shudder, feeling the blood quickly flowing back.

“You… don’t need to-.” She silenced him again, placing a finger against his lips.

The quiet confirmation made her smile, the hand stroking him squeezed a bit, and a tingling sensation overcame his whole lower body. Rick felt surprised as his cock rose back to attention within instants.

“I want you to fuck me, Rick. As hard and often as you can, as many times as you want, in every way you want me.” With a face that regained its intense blush, she smirked. “At least until Monica runs out of catnip.”

“Wait, what?”

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