《Monsters and Maidens》Chapter 118 [Major Gabriel Huge](Volume 2 Bonus)


Major Gabriel Huge hated chairs.

Some might claim the distaste was born out of chairs and his size not making for a good combination, but to him it had always been more than that, unless food was involved, using a chair would universally precede something bothersome or uncomfortable.

Or both.

“Please Major, take a seat.”

Today was undoubtedly going to be both.

The man opposite of him was an old man, older than Gabriel by at least a decade. His hair was a coal black, but he could spot the bright pink roots that were showing, betraying his ancestry. The doctor had all the signs of someone who cared more about their blood purity than what they actually did with their lives.

He never did like Doctor Hale, and the feeling was undoubtedly mutual.

“This is only a formality, Doctor.” Gabriel kept his voice tight. “Her Ladyship already gave the order.”

“I cannot fathom why her Ladyship would have asked to requisition one of my nurses.”

Gabriel’s lips curled, inhaling sharply through his nose to make sure he didn’t say something that would only complicate things further. Turning inward, he let out the single question to bounce through his thoughts. “Irene?”

“He’s not the owner of the hospital, even if he acts like it. But he could get to become the owner if he plays his cards right. Lean into that.” The telepath spoke back without missing a beat.

A slight nod to his head. “The hospital is owned by her Ladyship. This is not a question but a command.”

The Doctor visibly bristled at his words, and Gabriel realized he’d fucked up. Why was it his job to be the messenger, anyway?

“… dullard.”

“Look.” Gabriel leaned forward before the Doctor could speak up. “We both know the Baroness is the one holding all the cards. All I’m saying is that, if you want to be in charge of the place, she’s the one you’re going to have to work with.” A tight, courteous nod. “At least she’s more agreeable than her husband.”

That visibly calmed the man. There was a moment as he appeared to consider the idea, leaning back into his large chair and stroking that tuft of a beard slowly. “I guess that would indeed be advantageous to me.”


“Remind him that the Baroness is a widow now.” Irene quickly threw his mind. “But don’t mention anything else, or you’re going to get gouged by the Minotaura. Repeat these EXACT words.”

Huge nodded again. “And let’s not forget that there is no husband for her to lean onto.”

Hale perked up at that proclamation. “That does seem like an unfortunate thing.” The smile he had been one that Gabriel wanted to punch.

Hale pulled open one of the drawers. “I’ll see what I can do for her Ladyship, then.”

“Glad that’s been cleared out.” Gabriel could not lift off of the chair any faster. “Good day, Hale.”

“Doctor Hale.” The man openly shot a glare his way.

And he ignored it, ducking under the door and closing it behind himself. The Major shifted his shoulders to relax them as he removed the most annoying item of the list of things he had to do today. “Why the fuck do they make office doors so small…” he could only grumble under his breath.

“Because it’s for purebloods.” Irene quipped.

Gabriel rolled his eyes, not feeling argumentative enough to want to point out how most maidens weren’t that tall to begin with.

“But if you happen to be taller than the normal human, you’re made to feel uncomfortable.” The thoughts projected into his head came with a smug edge. Of course she’d know more about this than he would. “Take a right in the next corridor.”

That wasn’t the way out, though. Gabriel’s brow furrowed slightly but obliged, coming to a halt right as he’d been about to get run over by a nurse with pink hair. The exact one that had been the talk of the village. “Dia.”

The word jostled the maiden. She straightened up and looked up at him. “Sir, I mean, Major, Major Huge, sir, hello?” There was a tiny squeak to her voice, as if she’d been caught in the middle of a thought. “May I help you?”

“Her collar’s too tight.”

“Your collar.” Huge frowned, seeing the piece of leather pinching into the maiden’s throat. “It’s tight, and you look a bit out of breath.”

His mind screamed out alarms as he saw her shrunk pupils and pale lips.


The maiden was one shock away from panic.

“Oh, oh! I… I must have done it without realizing it.” A nervous chuckle followed as she reached out to fiddle with the item. Her fingers were shaking slightly.

Gabriel frowned. He’d known her for long enough to know the maiden was certainly not in a good place. To say nothing that letting her work herself up could result in someone getting hurt.

Reaching out, he grasped her hand. “Follow me.”

“Next door to the right, empty.”


His steps quickly led to the door, opening it up and pulling Dia inside, closing the door behind them. “Irene’s here.” His words caused the Rapha to tense, eyes wide as he tapped his forehead. “What’s bothering you?”

There was hesitation, and another quick look around. “I… I’m bonded to Rick, sir.”

“We know.” A nod. “So what’s bothering you?”

Dia opened and closed her mouth several times, trying to speak but not finding the words. He could see the thoughts running rampart right until she hung her head low. “… am I a good maiden, sir?”


Dia looked at him in confusion. “You didn’t let me explain myself, sir.”

“You saved a life, several lives. You helped someone in need. How does that make you bad?”

“I… I’m a bond-breaker, sir.” Her shoulders shrank downwards, shuddering like there’d been a chilly wind.

“You keep having as much tact as a Minotaura.”

“You keep my mother out of this.” He thought right back, reaching out and gently patting Dia’s shoulder. “Look, you’ve patched me up more times than I can count-.”

“Fifty three, though if you count every time you came to get healed at the hospital, it’d be two hundred and twelve.”

“Shut up.” He inwardly grumbled at her. “-and, let’s be real here, the Baron was a down right menace.”

The nurse gasped at the insult. “Sir!”

Gabriel flinched slightly. He might have let his emotions slip a bit there. But this wasn’t the time to back-down. “He was going to kill humans for the sake of his pride and ambition. I know you girls can become jaded because of the bond, but Rick would not have been his first victim.”

“Sir?” Dia hesitated, looking up at him in confusion.

“Don’t over-think it, ok?” Gabriel quickly shook his head, ending the conversation before it could go somewhere he didn’t want to dwell on. “Right here, right now, what do you want?”

The nurse hesitated. “I don’t-”

He crossed his arms and stood as imposing as he could. “None of the ‘deserve it’ crap. I want an answer. Consider it an order.”

The nurse gulped, lowering her head, a creeping blush. “I want to be… with him, sir.”

Gabriel let out a bark of laughter, patting her shoulder. “Great. You’re going to come over to my place for dinner tomorrow.”


The Major only laughed. “Look, I’ve read the reports. The Sabertooth’s stuck to that guy’s side every minute of the day. You’re going to need every bit of help you can get.” He laughed. “And I happen to have two wonderful wives who started out by trying to kill each other, so I have hopes their wisdom will be of use.”

“… oh… ok.” Dia nodded, her shoulders relaxing. “Thank you, sir.”

“Don’t mention it.” He patted her back reassuringly. “Now go, before you get into trouble.”

The nurse nodded, quickly leaving to continue on her work.

“It still surprises me how you can be so dense when it comes to humans but not when it comes to maidens.”

“I had fifteen sisters. This stuff’s easier than trapping a Mousegirl.” A moment of pause as he tapped his chin. “Also, if you don’t play games with the poor lass, I’ll make sure to fuck you like a Succubus put a curse on me.”


This time he laughed loudly, turning to leave as he indulged in the feeling of surprise that he’d caught out of the wordless telepathic impression his second wife left behind right as she pulled out.

It was nice knowing he still had the ability to surprise her from time to time.

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