《A dungeon core story: Magic with a hint of Science》chapter 9: A beast of myths and legends


Well, that was quite the excitement.

What a mess as well. Blood, bone and brains everywhere.

congratulations on your first kills as a dungeon.

Your kill count consists of:

Five first rank humans.

One second rank Yeti.

Since yetis are beasts, the Yeti species is now added to your list of spawnable animals and beasts.

Unfortunately, due to the nature of humans, humans as a species can't be added as a spawnable race.

Because the humans and the Yeti died in your dungeon, they were absorbed. You gain 5000 mana for the five humans and 2500 mana for the Yeti.

The items that the humans carried were absorbed as well, you are now able to recreate them and are granted knowledge about them. The items they carried were:

one common quality steel claymore, one common quality steel one-handed sword, one common quality steel banded oak shield, five common quality steel daggers, one box containing a paralysis-inducing poison, one common quality yew wood bow, one common quality quiver with regular steel-tipped barbed arrows, one exquisite quality high steel dagger, four pair of common quality fur lined snow boots, one pair or exquisite quality lemur fur lined snow boots, four sets of common quality fur-lined clothes in various sizes, one set of exquisite quality lemur fur-lined clothes, five money pouches containing 815 gold coins, 85 silver coins and 71 copper coins; two tinderboxes, two torches, a couple of undecipherable letters, various bits of jewelry.

Due to the nature of a dropped item, the dungeon was unable to absorb it as well. It currently remains near where it was dropped when the owner's body was absorbed.

This is a lot of information to digest. Where to start even.

That thing was apparently a Yeti. A mythical beast that was talked about in Earth's myths and legends. As famous as Bigfoot, Elvis still being alive, along with Hitler and Tupac. All those people that tried to give meaning or explain what the abominable snowman, the Yeti, could have been. And now I have the answer. It is apparently some sort of beast.

But what exactly is it now?


The abominable snowman, a creature of legend.

This being is, in fact, nothing more than a mere animal.

The Yeti is an apelike creature from the monster ape family. Yetis have exquisite noses that can smell blood from a kilometre away. Unlike their normal ape brethren, Yetis and monster apes are purely carnivorous and have sharp teeth and an impressive bite strength, which allows them to tear and cut through flesh as if it were butter. Yetis mostly walk on two legs and because of this and their human-like gait and posture, Yeti's, when seen in blizzards, are often confused for being impossibly tall humans or one of the giant races.

Mana cost to create a Yeti of your own:

3000 mana

So, looks like some of the crazies and scientists back home were right. They speculated that the Yeti sightings were nothing more than the sightings of some yet undiscovered species of mountain apes.


Although I'm quite sure that there were no monster apes on Earth, and that ape-like creatures mostly eat fruits, vegetables and nuts instead of meat.

Anyway, fortunately for me, I can now make them for my dungeon and increase my safety by a huge margin. Especially if I were to create a couple of them. 3000 mana a piece is a bit steep but is most like worth it, seeing how easily just one of them dealt with five humans. Granted, the fat one was useless anyway and another one had the bad luck of dying to a poorly designed trap because he broke his neck of all things. Still, the amount of punishment a Yeti can take is impressive and regular poisons, like the rogue used, seem to do little against them.

The dropped items netted me another 1500 mana, most of it coming from the exquisite quality gear that the fat one dropped. With the digging I did previously and the mana I gained from the little incursion, I currently have a little over 10.000 mana. This will come in handy later after I expand the dungeon a bit.

The item that my dungeon couldn't absorb intrigues me. With a little bit of mental effort and mana, I manipulate the stone underneath the item so it forms a small bowl around it before I make it come sliding towards my core so I and WIKI can have a better look at it. The item is a ring, made from gold and lined with a small gemstone that is oddly shaped and coloured. The gem is in the form of a brown, greyish pyramid and capped with white. With a little bit of imagination, one would almost think that it represents a mountain. But that would be silly.

Who in their right mind would wear a ring with a mountain shaped and coloured ring? The discomfort alone would be annoying, every move you make with your hand would result in accidentally poking yourself or someone else with the pointy tip of the ring.

Whoever the fat one was, the mystery around his identity only grew bigger.

Hopefully, the young woman can enlighten me when she wakes up.

Which is, in fact, the biggest surprise of it all. Throughout all that racket; the fighting, the howling and the cries of pain; the woman never woke up. She must either have been utterly exhausted or she must have hit her head on the way down and is sleeping off a concussion. Let's hope for her sake that she was just that exhausted. After all, the splitting headache that comes with a concussion in a bitch. Because if she has a concussion, and if it is one of the more complex variety, she might die from the buildup of pressure and fluid in her brain. No, if she suffered a concussion, please let it be a mild one. I can handle some puke, most likely. Although, in my previous life, if someone puked when I was around, the sight, sound or smell was enough for me to start gagging as well. Let's hope that this new body of mine is free from things like that, otherwise, this is going to be my personal hell for me.


"WIKI, what do the notifications mean with ranks? Like the first rank of the humans and the second rank on the Yeti?"

"Much like you, master, do living beings level up to get stronger. Or rather, because they get stronger, they get assigned an appropriate rank from which others can tell how strong someone is. In between ranks are sub-ranks aswell but I can only assume that the system wasn't interested in those."

"Oh? Why wouldn't the system be interested in those?"

"I can only guess, but I assume that there is no difference between sub-ranks when it comes to mana gain."

"So, if a highly ranked person or creature were to die in here, I would gain much more mana."

"Indeed, but do keep in mind that if a sufficiently high ranked person were to wander in here, he would most likely be able to defeat all of your minions and monsters, leaving you undefended and vulnerable to his whims."

Ideally, if I want to get stronger, fast, I would need to lure and kill higher ranked creatures, but not too highly ranked.

Looks like, if I want to walk this path, I need to find a fine balance between powerful and overpowered.

There's just one problem though. Even though I don't mind killing whenever it is necessary, wanton slaughter for the sake of getting stronger, or even worse, for the sake of killing itself, is something that doesn't quite sit well with me.

It would be nice if I had a more casual way to get stronger, to get more mana. Some sort of diet that I can supplement with the occasional kill.

Anyway, before I even need to break my head about this, I will need more visitors. Due to the snow and my starting location, I must assume one of a couple of situations has to be true. Either it is the middle of winter and snow has fallen over the entire mountain. Or, it isn't necessarily winter and my dungeon's location is above the permanent snow line. Whatever it is, I can safely assume that, apart from this unexpected visit that was most likely a fluke, other people aren't likely to visit me just yet. People don't like to travel through snow, this was true for my previous life, I can only assume that it is the same here. And since there were no survivors of the incident, there's no-one alive to spread the news of the birth of a dungeon.

One good thing about this incident, besides getting another animal species to spawn, is the fact that I now know how to create clothes and crude torches. This way, I can create something that will keep the woman warm and give her a way to see something when she wakes up. After all, waking up in a nearly pitch dark environment can be quite frightening.

With a flex of my mind, I gather the necessary mana to create six torches, a torch for each side for each entrance or exit of a tunnel. With a slight twist, I make it so that for now, they keep burning forever by making them 'burn' mana instead of the material they are made from. With the room quite well lit considering there are 6 torches for a room that is only 3 by 3 metres, I turn my attention to creating clothes for her. Since the fat man's clothes looked the warmest and were by far the best quality, they will be better suited to clothe her. Gathering some more mana, I try to form the clothes as they were when they were dropped. Immediately, I encounter some problems. First of all, they are covered in blood and are ripped in some places. Secondly, they seem to be sized for the fat man and are thus way too big for such a slim thing as the woman that is currently sleeping on my floor.

I reabsorb the clothes I created and try again. This time, I try to picture how the clothes would have been when they were in pristine condition. Removing the blood and grime is easy, I just have to think them away and the template that is within my mind gets rid of it. Repairing them takes slightly more work since I have to imagine them the way they should have been when new. The easiest way to do that is to take the torn or shredded pieces and puzzle them back together, sewing them back together in a way; without doing the actual stitching.

With the clothes looking like new, I can try to find a way to fix the second problem.

Sizing them in such a way they will fit her perfectly. I mentally project the clothes over her body to get an idea of how big they are and what needs to shrink.

I keep shrinking various parts of the projected clothes until it seems like they would fit her snuggly yet comfortably.

Feeling satisfied with my creation, I feed the projection the mana it requires.

With a slight glow, the projection becomes reality as the clothes come to existence around her, making the clothes AND clothing her in one action.

With those two basic needs taken care off, I'm feeling confident that when she wakes up, she will be less likely to panic.

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