《Shattered Helix》3.22 - BEING HUMAN


Chapter 3.22 BEING HUMAN

Akhetaten Dungeon

5th Lightday of the Full Moon

Than’ro continued to charge towards the green and blue Dynast Lord. A screech from behind the large yellow man caused the lord to turn away from the charging Dengre. The move proved fatal, as Than’ro’s first swipe removed the creature’s two right-front legs. The beetle, no longer able to support its weight, crashed down onto the stone floor.

His follow-up swing sliced through the lord’s head, killing it. The Dengre then turned his attention towards the glowing lord in the center of the room. But before Than’ro could attack, Flea called out for everyone to make sure they weren’t near the glowing parts of the beast. The Dengre didn’t understand and was blasted backward as a bolt of electricity left the Dynast Lord.

Flea, seeing the large man take flight backward, took off after him. Bob, in the meantime, kept drilling shots into the body of the fire and earth lord. The bow-wielding cat had figured out the monster’s attack patterns. As a result, the lord’s carapace was starting to look a lot like swiss cheese.

As Bob finished off his target, his companion came to a skidding halt in front of Than’ro’s prone body. The little Gnome slapped the Dengre’s face until the large man showed signs of waking up. Than’ro opened his eyes and moan in pain. But still, he groggily got to his feet. Flea couldn’t see any wounds on the large man.

Taking a bolt of electricity to the chest had to hurt even him.

Than’ro, sweating and breathing heavily, headed to where his ax lay. Flea couldn’t tell if his face was one of frustration or confusion. He didn’t like it either way. Flea caught up to the big man, grabbed a finger, and pulled till he stopped.

The Dengre looked down at his new boss. He knew that look of worry all too well. It reminded him of his baba. The first person in his life, he never wanted to disappoint. As he petted the Gnome on the head as lightly as possible, Than’ro realized he’d found another much like him.

With a reassuring grin, he said, “Than’ro think easy. Just take small nap. Than’ro kill this boss now.”

As Tharn’ro picked up his ax, Bob slid in next to Flea. The cat fired off another arrow at the remaining lord, but the boss deflected the arrow using its electrified carapace.

The Dengre walked right past the little cat, twirling the two-handed ax with ease. He quickly picked up the pace to a full charge. Bob, not wanting to be left out, took off in the direction he came from, all the while firing arrows downrange at the boss. But none of the shots connected as the interlude between shots allowed the lord more than enough time to dodge or deflect the projectiles.

Closing within thirty yards, the Dengre let out a battle cry that resonated throughout the entire cavern. The beast recoiled from the sound, then quickly turned its attention to the big yellow man. The distraction provided just enough time for Bob to slip a few arrows between the monster’s defenses. His first arrow passed without hitting the target, but the second drove through one of the boss’s front right legs, shattering it to pieces. Than’ro, seeing the boss sway to the side a bit, changed course to the creature’s left side and swiped his ax at its legs as he passed by. In one swing, he cleaved the back two off with a ‘crack’ of air.

The lord hit the ground hard but was hardly out of the fight. The creature immediately began forming more of the silvery-metal spikes above itself. As soon as the spikes finished developing, they launched towards the cat and Dengre. Than’ro deflected the first away with his ax but took the next in the shoulder. The spike drove itself a few inches into the yellow man’s bulk.


The lord’s entire carapace began to glow yellow as the beast charged up again. Than’ro took a hard swipe at the boss’s tough shell, but the ax bounced off the electrical field. Small arcs of lightning danced over the Dengre’s body, all making their way to the spike in his shoulder. Realizing what was going to come next, Flea screamed for Than’ro to pull the spike out.

Even though he knew he’d never make it in time, the Gnome sprinted toward Than’ro with all he had left in him. While dashing forward, he caught a glimpse of Bob. His companion had a most unhappy look on his face. The cat fired off an arrow at the beast’s head in frustration, but it easily batted the projectile away. As the Gnome’s tiny legs ate up distance, Flea thought he saw the look on Bob’s face change.

Aww, come on, little guy. Tell me you got an idea.

But Bob just knocked another arrow and shot it at the boss's head again. The monster knocked that one down as quickly as the previous one.

Flea had just gotten to Than’ro when he noticed the lord staggering, and its bright yellow glow seemingly starting to fade. The brightness pulsed for a moment before vanishing altogether as the beast slumped over.

“Than’ro, smash! It’s asleep!” Bob yelled.

Than’ro grabbed the spike and, with a little help from Flea, yanked hard, blood squirting from the wound as he did so. The Dengre then walked over to the now sleeping lord and ended its life.

“Thank you, Gnome,” said Than’ro.

“You’re welcome big guy, but why thank me?”

“Seem right. Gnome bring Than’ro to fun dungeon.”

Flea patted the large man on the side of his knee, then walked over and began to cut open the lords for their Cores. Flea was surprised to find Dim Cores inside the first two lords. The Gnome was then speechless when he saw the Core inside the yellow and silver Dynast Lord. This one looked like a metallic ball bearing with a slight rainbow hue when it caught the torches’ light a certain way.

“Wow, I think we may have found our first Skill Core, Bob.”

The cat jumped over the corpse and landed next to Flea, who was still wiping the blood and bits off the shiny metallic marble.

“What kind of skill do you think it is?” asked Bob.

The Gnome shoved the marble inside his pack, then retrieved it again.

“It’s a [Metal] Skill Core. Give me two minutes, and my [Identify] should be back up.”

“No need. It’s a rare elemental Skill Core. Its user can create metal spikes or other objects with mana. If the skill is upgraded enough, the user will have a stronger affinity with the element and control it easier. Hold on a moment, I’m having an AI ask their owner to inquire about something,” said Bob.

Flea looked over to Than’ro, who was holding his finger over the hole the metallic spike had made. The Gnome grabbed his last remaining Basic Healing Potion and handed it to the large man.

“Drink up, bud. It will heal you.”

The Dengre nodded and tossed the entire glass vial into his mouth and crunched down on it. Flea winced at the sight and made a note to explain to his friend that glass shards had to be bad for his insides.

“Ok, Flea. I really want this Skill Core, please?” Bob said, giving his companion large kitty cat eyes.

“Alright, but explain why you want it so much?”


“Arrows! I can create arrows with mana, never needing to buy them again. Well, unless we need specialty arrows. The skill evolves to the [Metalmancer] skill and will basically allow me to make arrows even cheaper. I’m told I could even imbue the arrows with better metals down the line. The only downside is, once you evolve a skill into the “Magic Mancer” category, I can no longer take on any other elemental skills. There seems to be an incredible number of things a player can do once they’ve mastered this ability. Still, I wasn’t going to have that poor AI keep asking his user to ask them,” explained Bob.

“Them? Where is the player now that he has access to all this information?” asked Flea.

“The player is currently attending classes at a magic college. I think we should find and attend one ourselves when we can. He’s the only player currently in one, so we don’t know much on the subject. The AI only had his user ask about the Skill Core because he owed me for some of the info I released to the others.”

“Alright, then. Let’s find the exit and head back to the inn,” Flea said as he tossed the rainbow-sheen metallic orb to Bob.

Bob snatched the shiny marble from the air with both paws and crushed it immediately. A few moments later, a thin spike of metal began to form over his open paw. Flea watched as Bob focused intently on the stick of metal. Slowly it began to morph a tip at one end, then suddenly, the entire stick of metal shattered into motes of light.

“It’s going to take a lot of time and Energy to get this skill right. Hmm, I may need to also level it up as well. That should help me alter the metal’s form and stabilize it long enough for me to fire it from my bow. But, I’m excited at the possibilities with this skill. Thank you again, Flea.”

Don’t worry about it. What helps you helps us. Alright, does anyone see the way out of here?

“I can see a slight glow coming from under the lord’s corpse,” said Bob.

Than’ro walked over and grunted as he pushed the yellow and silver lord’s corpse to the side. The center had turned into a pool of water like the previous gates. Flea walked over and bent to touch the surface of the water.

Claim dungeon reward


Not seeing any other option and not wanting to pass up any kind of reward, Flea selected the option. The group immediately transported into a room filled to the brim with chests spilling out coins and gems from their sides. Flea could see weapons and armor pilled in various spots among the chests.

The moment Bob took a step off the dais at the center of the room, a message popped in front of their vision. Flea knew Than’ro got it as well, as the big man let out a surprised grunt and swiped the air.

Congratulations on clearing the Akhetaten Dungeon with three members in two attempts. The System will now calculate the rewards based on the players’ needs.

The group swiped away the message and looked around at the riches seemingly out of their reach. A moment later, another message prompt came up with the list of loot they could select from.

Your group may select one.

1500 Clear Cores ¼ Golden Crystal [Clean] ⏣

“Get the man a life, will you,” said Bob smiling.

“Yeah, I was planning on it,” replied Flea.

“What say?” asked Than’ro.

Flea ignored the yellow man and selected the second reward. A small flash of light washed over the room and when it cleared, in front of the Gnome was a small ornate box. Flea opened it to find an oddly shaped Golden Crystal. He assumed it would be a quarter of the size of the one he had in his bag. Instead, it was the same length but looked as if it was part of a four-set puzzle that interlocked together to form a full-sized Crystal.

Worried he wouldn’t be able to give it to the Dengre without the other three parts, Flea used [Identify] on it.

¼ Golden Crystal

Used by The Fallen to once again become a player in The Games. Eating the crystal will grant the new player 25 lives.

With a sigh of relief, Flea handed the Crystal to Than’ro.

“Here you go, bud. Candy that will make you a player” said, Flea.

Than’ro gently picked the Golden Crystal from Flea’s hands and scrutinized it. The giant-yellow man began to sniffle, then cry as he tossed it into his mouth and chewed on the item.

Flea and Bob watched intently as the large man swallowed the bits of crystal. They could tell he was reading messages as his lips moved and his eyes seemed to cross every once in a while. While reading one particular message, the Dengre suddenly seemed to get excited and started clapping. Then he just vanished.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” shouted the startled Bob.

“Oh shit! What the hell happened? Wait… you can curse?” asked Flea.

“I have no fucking idea. And why couldn’t I? The game’s not made by Disney.”

Flea shrugged at the cat, getting a glare back in return. The two companions decided to sit down and wait for a few minutes. Those minutes turned into an hour before Flea finally stood up and stretched.

“I think we may have lost him, Bob. If he isn’t back by no…” Flea tried to say before finding himself, and Bob teleported back into the hall at the Cradle of Creation.

“Oh, good. Please help me out here,” said a twenty-foot tall woman who at the moment seemed to be under a lot of stress to the two surprised companions.

Looking down at the floor before her, they found Than’ro curled up into a ball crying his eyes out.

“Umm, okay. If you don’t mind me asking. Who are you? And what’s going on here?” asked Flea.

“You may call me Bastiva. I am a God of life and death. I was one of the chosen to help your kind join The Games. As for what is going on here. Well, that is a bit more complicated. You have graciously given a Golden Crystal to your friend Than’ro.

“The issue is the Dengre race have been banned from The Games for upsetting the balance in which the System tries to maintain. Than’ro must therefore create an avatar to rejoin The Games as a player with a new race. I've tried to explain this many times, but he just keeps asking for you two. Can you please help me explain it to him?” asked Bastiva.

This is beyond weird for any kind of gameplay mechanic.

Flea caught the massive woman smiling at him as he thought that. He shook the feeling away a moment later.

“Sure, I’ll help you out. I want to make sure Than’ro is taken care of. What should I explain first?”

“Have him make an avatar.”

Flea walked over to the still crying Dengre and patted him on the knee as he had done many times before. Than’ro stopped crying for a moment to raise his head and look down at Flea. Seeing the Gnome, Than’ro smiled and scooped his little friend up into a hug.

“Than’ro happy to see you. Tall woman say Than’ro need new body and will leave you.”

“Wait, leave? What does he mean?” asked Flea.

The large lady sighed before speaking, “As he is creating a new avatar, Than’ro will technically be treated as a new player coming into The Games. He will be sent to an island just as you had. I’m sorry, there is nothing I can do about that. I’ve used my powers recently on another of your species and can’t do so again for a while. I am truly sorry.”

“Alright, Than’ro, this doesn’t mean goodbye. We can find one another again in the future. Once you find the Adventurers’ Guild on your island, have them send me a message to let me know where you are. We will try and meet up with you in the future. Right now, buddy, I need you to make your avatar. It’s going to be a new body you can use. Do you know what you want to be?”

“Smart like you, strong like Than’ro.”

“Can you let me make his avatar?” Flea asked Bastiva.

Bastiva nodded and, with a wave of her hand, vanished. Flea stood up and looked around the room. He wanted to make Than’ro something that would still be him but hopefully wouldn’t be too bad for the giant child. Flea left the Dengre, who had stopped crying, and watched the Gnome as he moved away.

Flea first looked at the larger races, but they all seemed to have the same negative intelligence bonus. After making a pass through the statues on the right side, Flea came to the Human figure. Seeing the plate had no positive or negative attributes, the Gnome touched it. Flea turned around to the familiar sound of someone knocking on the glass.

Flea walked up to the mirror and began to change the Human displayed there. Flea kept the same shade of yellow for the skin and gave the avatar medium black hair styled in large spikes similar to the current stone spikes he had on his head.

The Gnome pushed the limits of height for the avatar, making him seven foot six inches. He would still be a foot shorter than his current size, but there was nothing he could do about that. Flea spent a few extra minutes making sure Than’ro’s avatar was good-looking in the ways of Humans.

“Alright, buddy. What do you think? It’s a Human version of you. Human is what I look like outside The Games.”

Than’ro got up, walked up to the mirror, and grunted in approval.

“Than’ro small. This Than’ro smart?” the Dengre said, tapping the glass.

“Yes, you’ll be like me, buddy.”

Than’ro nodded down at the Gnome and tapped the glass one last time. The Dengre began to shrink in size. Flea and Bob watched as Than’ro’s features morphed into those of a Human. In moments Than’ro had become a tall human with the same yellow skin he once had. Than’ro looked down at his hands for a few moments, then at his feet now inside leather boots.

“Than’ro has boots now! Than’ro’s head is clear, and I... I can think so much better.”

“Hopefully, over time, you’ll get used to the changes,” said Flea.

A portal in the center of the room materialized with a flash. The voice of Bastiva then filled the hall.

“Before you is the portal to Mea. Stepping through, you’ll be randomly teleported to one of the millions of islands around the world of Mea. These islands are what you may call starter zones. On these islands, you’ll find a small town with quests to help you learn about the rules of The Games. Speak to its inhabitants, complete your quests, and explore all you can. Make sure to learn as much as you can before continuing your journey off the island, as the major territories can be a harsh place for the uneducated.

“You have lived all your life on Mea, Than’ro. Always fighting with your brothers and sisters for food and playing bodyguard to an agent of chaos. Go forth and begin your new life as a player.”

“Thanks, pretty God Lady,” said Than’ro. He then turned to his friends. “Thank you. Both for rescuing me and giving me this chance, Flea. I hope to see you and Bob again someday,” said Than’ro.

“Aww, man, get going, or you’re going to make me cry. Please be extra careful as you only have twenty-five lives. Take your time and get used to your new body first,” said Flea.

Bob walked over to the yellow man and jumped up and hugged him. Than’ro patted him on the head and placed the cat back onto the ground. Than’ro gave one nod to Flea, turned, and walked through the portal. The Gnome was pretty sure he held back his tears until the big yellow guy had turned away.

“We keep losing everyone we become friends with. Martina, Khorwin, Nispeh, and now Than’ro,” said Flea.

Moments after Than’ro walked through the teleporter, both Bob and Flea found themselves back in the final boss’s room a few yards away from the exit portal. Flea started for the exit but then stopped. The new player felt like he had to get something off his chest.

“Hey, Bastiva? I don’t know if you can hear me, but I wanted to say thanks for letting us help Than’ro and say our goodbyes. I get that I don’t really understand much about The Games yet, so please just take this as an uninformed opinion from a new player. If Than’ro was a proper representation of their race, then I don’t see how banning the Dengre is fair. He is loyal, brave, and a caring friend. They’re not really the traits I’d expect to find in a species that’s been hunted to near extinction. In my short time here, I’ve witnessed my own species cause terrible havoc. Makes me wonder how many chances we get before the System thinks we’re the next Dengre. Maybe it’s only me who thinks everyone deserves a fair chance.”

Flea suddenly felt self-conscious as he realized how ridiculous he sounded.

I can’t believe I just complained to an NPC about their own game. I think I need a break.

Flea walked over to the edge of the water and teleported them back outside.

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