《Shattered Helix》2.31 ‌‌-‌‌ Sweet & Sour Pink Candy


~‌‌ ‌‌2.31 ‌‌-‌‌ Sweet & Sour Pink Candy ~‌‌

Baron’s Compound

4th Voidday of the Full Moon

“Climb faster, Genji. You’re the last one.”

“I’m moving as fast as I bloody can, you damn cat.”

I glanced over to the burning tower in the distance, then back down to the Dwarf who by now, was still only halfway up the rope. On the ground behind me, the rescued prisoners sat pensively near the other side of the wall, trying to speak in hushed whispers. Finally, Genji pulled himself over the top of the reinforced stone wall.

“Ok ready,” the Dwarf said.

“Jump,” the group said below in a loud whisper.

The Dwarf swore, then jumped off the wall. The group caught him, with most falling to the ground due to his weight. Looking back again at the tower, I wanted to go back and help Kyle, but I promised to get this group back to Dustgrove. Waiting until they all got back into position, I tried to review a slew of possible outcomes, but concerns about Flea’s safety seemed to be slowing my ability to concentrate. With the group ready again, I put those thoughts to the side and leaped from the wall.

I led them to the road, keeping them as close to the wall as possible so as not to draw any attention. Peeking my head out from around the corner of the wall, the coast looked clear. We then quickly crossed the road in pairs and into the edge of the forest. While waiting for the rest to make their way across, I felt a sharp pain first on my left arm and shoulder, then my entire back a moment later. Kyle must have been hurt and I had felt the effects. As the pain went away, Genji made his way across the road. The Dwarf was the slowest of the group.

“Alright. We’re going to run from here. Can everyone change?” I asked.

Everyone seemed to nod in acknowledgment. Genji, Zan, and the other two who still had clothes, stripped down and put everything into their magic bags. Moments later, I stood in front of eleven dogs who were staring at me. I walked through the group and began running on all fours, the dogs right on my heels.


Flea looked towards the crates and wall. Not seeing Bob and the others, he let out a sigh of relief. Turning back, he now focused on the massive yellow man coming towards him, holding a huge club, and Baronetti the chihuahua in charge of the region.

“Smash him!” Baronetti yelled.

The small Tanuka looked to be having a seizure as she kept barking out orders.

“You know, you wouldn’t shake so much if you got someone to make you a little coat or something,” Flea said, emphasizing the word ‘little’ as he walked backward.

“Insolent Gnome! As soon as Than’ro turns you into paste, you’ll be gone from my territory for good!”

Flea heard an alert, and then a prompt flashed at the bottom of his vision. Concentrating on it for a moment, it grew large enough for him to read.

Dustgrove Crystal’s respawning and teleportation privileges have been revoked by the territory’s leader.

Oh, come on. Not again.

The yellow brute started charging towards the Gnome. Flea looked up from the prompt, and rolled to the side just as the club came rushing through the air. The brute took around fifteen feet to stop his charge and turn around.

He’s strong but slow. Maybe I can use that to fight him.


Looking around to try and figure out what to do next, he noticed the wooden tower was now fully ablaze. Flea began to move sideways, keeping the baron and her brute in his front view. Before Flea could get closer to the tower, the yellow hulk charged towards Flea. Halfway into his charge, Than’ro took a small hop and then slammed his club into the earth, From that spot formed a cone of soil and stones in a massive wave towards the Gnome.

Flea dove to the ground, but was still pelted with debris. A sizable stone hit him in the side, breaking a rib or two with an audible ‘crack.’ Letting out a scream, Flea tried to stand up, but collapsed back onto the ground. The large yellow man giggled like a child.

“I got him good! I outsmart fast Gnome! I hit the ground. Ground hit him!”

“Yes, yes. You did good, Than’ro. I will give you candies later. Now kill the damn Gnome!” Baronetti exclaimed, spittle flying everywhere with each word.

Thon’ro began walking towards the Gnome as he raised his ridiculously large club into the air.

“Wait, Than’ro! You like candy?!” Flea shouted.

The large brute stopped. His club, still in the air, cast a substantial shadow over the Gnome.

“Than’ro loves all sweet things!”

“I have a super sweet candy! It’s worth a lot of money and is as big as my head!” Flea yelled.

Flea turned himself so he could sit somewhat comfortably. Reaching into his bag, he took out a shiny pinkish egg the size of his head and held it out with both hands.

“Than’ro! Kill the Gnome! We already have enough candy!” Baronetti screamed.

“It’s okay Than’ro. You can eat it first, then smash me!” said Flea, trying to sound encouraging.

“Hear dat baron, win-win for Than’ro!”

Baronetti went berserk, yelling and jumping in the palm of his minion’s hand. Than’ro dropped his club, shaking the ground around the area where it landed. He bent down in front of Flea, causing another small quake as his knee hit the ground. From Flea’s outstretched hands he picked the egg up gently with two fingers, stood up, and then examined it.

“It’s shiny like your candies, baron!”

Before Baronetti could respond, Than’ro popped the egg in his mouth and then bent down to grab his club. Flea heard Than’ro bite into the egg with a crunch a few seconds later and then immediately a strange look overtook his yellow face.

“Sweet and Sour, I want more!” the yellow giant decided.

“I don’t have anymore. But if you left me go, I could get you more,” said Flea.

“No, you get smashed now.”

Than’ro raised the club in the air and stepped closer to Flea. With no other options coming to mind, the Gnome closed his eyes, waiting for the prompt to tell him he had died. One, then two, then a few moments passed. He could still hear Baronetti yelling at her minion, asking why he hadn’t killed the Gnome yet. Opening his eyes, he looked up at Than’ro. The giant yellow man had a look of disgust on his face.

“Than’ro not feel good.”

He dropped the large club, setting off a small third tremor, and took a step back. Then he dropped Baronetti the dog fell the eight or so feet, landing on her side with a squeal of pain. Than’ro who was also crying out in pain, fell backward, causing a fourth, more sizable quake. The giant howled and sobbed like a child as he clawed at his stomach.


“What Gnome do?!”

Seeing he now had time, Flea took out his single remaining Greater Healing Potion and drank it. The Gnome could hear two ‘snaps’ as his ribs went back into their correct places. Groaning as he stood up, Flea walked over to Baronetti, grabbed her by the scruff of her neck, and picked the little mutt up. She whimpered in fear and tried to turn her head to bite Flea, but couldn't reach his hand. As he contemplated what to do with the ‘baron’, Flea’s attention turned to the sobbing yellow giant rolling around in pain.

“Please don’t let Than’ro die! Than’ro’s race don’t get new lives anymore. Please, please!”

Flea began feeling bad for the baron’s giant minion. Than’ro was continuously crying out in pain as he rocked slowly back and forth. The sad sight of the massive yellow manchild was pulling at the Gnome’s heartstrings.

“If I heal you, promise no smashing the Gnome?”

“Yes, yes, yes! Than’ro follow and listen to Gnome.”

Sighing to himself, Flea took out an Antidote and Basic Healing Potion from his magic bag. He then walked over to the teary-eyed, snot-nosed pile of muscles.

“Here, drink these. They will make you feel better.”

Than’ro stopped crying for a moment and lay his hand on the ground, palm up. Flea placed both vials onto the massive hand. Than’ro shoved both potions in his mouth and crunched down on them. Hearing the glass ‘crack,’ Flea cringed. A few moments later, Than’ro began to scream and sob again.

“Gnome lied again! It hurts much harder now! Than’ro’s legs hurt now too!”

Flea could hear loud ‘cracks’ coming from Than’ro’s legs.

“Calm down big guy. Healing potions have to heal you. The healing hurts. It will stop soon; just hold on please,” said Flea.

“Don’t trust him! Kill him before you die! I’m your master! Who saved you and fed you?!” yelled Baronetti, still hanging from Flea’s grasp.

Flea could see the large man’s internal struggle. Than’ro’s face showed he was still in a massive amount of pain, but looked at the Gnome and dog more closely now that he wasn’t screaming anymore. The gigantic yellow man laid there for another minute before sitting up and rubbing his stomach.

“Gnome not lie. Than’ro feel gooder than since long time.”

Than’ro rolled his body to the side, then stood up. He jumped up and down a few times, causing everyone nearby to steady themselves, then bent over and poked his left leg.

“My leg all better! Gnome fix leg! Gnome fix my leg!”

Flea watched as Than’ro began running around the yard and screaming like a kid on a sugar high. While watching him run around, he noticed all the red plated guards taking in the entire scene. None of them wanted to go near him or towards Flea for that matter. They seemed to be just, waiting around, unsure of what to do next. Than’ro came running back up to Flea and stopped just before crashing into the Gnome.

“Thank you, Gnome,” Than’ro said as he bent over and scooped Flea up into one of his massive hands.

It took Flea a moment or so to get his balance. Than’ro was holding him like he had held the baron. The Gnome stood in the palm of the yellow hand, still gripping the baron by her scruff. Flea caught movement out the corner of his eye and turned his attention to the single guard coming towards them.

“Sir, do you plan on taking control of the town?” the guard asked.

“I didn’t plan on it. But how does one take control of a town?”

The guard looked towards the fuming Baronetti, then looked down as if reading something.

“Please, take over. I just had my privileges revoked. I have a family here, please.”

“What do I have to do?”

“If she is the baron, then kill her. When the leader or leaders are dead, someone can place their hand on the Crystal in town and either take control of the territory or pass it over to another person or group.”

“I see. That’s how you took over the town back then. You had your dogs poison the Elders and waited by the Crystal. No one suspected a tiny dog would take control of the territory. Wait, what do you mean if she is the baron?”

“We always thought he was the baron,” the guard said, pointing to Than’ro.

“He always gave us our orders. Anyone who tried to assassinate him would be killed as soon as they grabbed him, then never seen again. A few of us even tried to kill him while he slept, but no one could do it. The dog always alerted him.”

“Alright, I’m going to take her with me and speak with someone in town first. Will the other guards let us pass?”

The guard turned around, sticking two fingers into his mouth, and whistled. He then raised his hand into the air and made a circle motion. Flea could see a few cheered a bit, then they started dispersing. Some guards headed straight for the front gate, while others towards the large cabin Flea assumed was their barracks. The helpful guard had started to walk away, but turned back around towards Flea and bowed.

“You have no idea how happy you are about to make the town of Dustgrove. None would dare try and stop the baron if it meant a fast rebirth. She had turned our lives into a living hell.”

Flea snapped his head to the right as the tower came crashing down onto itself. The Gnome could hear no screams emanating from the fiery debris and hopped Esalune had rebirthed into a much nicer place.

“Wait, If someone takes over the town, can they give someone back their privileges?” asked Flea.

The guard shook his head no.

“When someone’s privileges are revoked, the Information Crystal is removed from your bag. And that’s it. . If you can get back to the Crystal and reregister, then a new Information Crystal will appear in your magic bag. I will do just that when we return to town. Those people with revoked privileges who have been killed will be rebirthed. They would have to travel back or pay the price to teleport to a town close by and then make their way here.”

“Teleport? I’ve never had that option.”

“Sorry, I should have been more clear. You may teleport between two Crystal locations you have registered using Energy. The longer the distance, the higher the Energy cost.”

“If a Crystal is destroyed, can it come back?”

“Yes, it often happens with towns that are overrun by a horde of creatures. The Crystal is destroyed and will regrow in a cycle. Great battles are also fought over the control of towns so that one faction or another can be there when a Crystal reforms in its entirety.”

Flea looked at the panel when he thought of his inventory. Noto Island was still listed under Crystals, but greyed out. Though Dustgrove was no longer on the list.

So I can go back to Noto once the Crystal regrows.

“I’d like to confirm something…” Flea said before being interrupted by Baronetti trying to bite him again. He looked up at his new large yellow friend.

“Than’ro, hold the baron for a while. And make sure it’s nice and tight.”

Flea placed the baron in his other palm. The giant closed his hand till it was a loose fist around the little dog. The Gnome could still hear her muffled screams even from within his closed hand.

“Sorry. So once the Crystal on my starter island regrows, I can spend Energy to teleport back there?”

“Maybe, as long as no one revokes your privileges. If the old leader or leaders are still around, they would most likely regain control. If any other faction finds out about a dead Crystal, then they may take control and remove any or all privileges from the previous Crystal holders.”

“Thank you for explaining this all to me. I think it’s time we head back to town now. I want to speak with someone before anyone new takes control of the territory.”

Flea asked Than’ro to begin walking towards the gate, but then had him stop near the manor first. The Gnome ran inside and grabbed the communication book from the desk now that he had room in his inventory.

“Ok, Than’ro, let's go to town.”

“Than’ro gets to go town!”

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