《Shattered Helix》2.29 ‌‌-‌‌ Best Laid Plans


~‌‌ ‌‌2.29 ‌‌-‌‌ Best Laid Plans ~‌‌

Tenzin’s Lorien

4th Moonday of the Full Moon

Flea sat on the plush chair and looked at the five brightly glowing orbs inside the cloth sack. The Gnome looked up to see Bob pulling an orb out and crushing it between his two bean-filled paws. Looking back down at the contents in his sack, Flea removed one orb and crushed it, immediately feeling the almost euphoric effects. He then pulled the other four out, crushing them as well one at a time.

Absorbed 5 Brilliant Cores

+ 3273 Energy

Five of them didn’t even come close to half of the Divine Core Bob obtained.

Bob Absorbed 5 Brilliant Cores

+ 2937 Energy

Flea pulled up his status and studied it. Looking down at the new [Identify] skill, he clicked on the info button.

[Identify] ⏣⏣⏣

Identify System Information

15:00 cooldown

+5 range / - 0.30 per level.

“Shit, Bob. The [Identify] skill is tier 3. It’s got a base of 75 Energy per level.”

“I’ve seen. I’m torn between leveling it or my attributes.”

“I’m going to upgrade it to level 5. That way, I have some range.”

Looking back to his Status screen, Flea leveled [Identify] to level 5. Leveling his Dexterity next, he found he couldn’t raise it past 20. Thinking on Tenzin’s advice, he brought his Intelligence up to level 15 next. With still over 1300 Energy left, Strength and Constitution both went to level 15. Now down to 462 Energy, he leveled his [Shadow Meld] twice. The lower cooldown could be useful tonight.

“I have 137 Energy left, Bob. I’m going to transfer it over to you so that you can use it.”

“Thank you, Flea.”

Hitting confirm Flea was quite surprised when he received his level-up prompt.


You have leveled to 15

3rd Mana Gate now open

“Looks like the third Mana Gate opens at level 15.”

“Yea, it allowed me to reach level 15 as soon as you leveled. I have 590 Energy left, I am unsure what I should use it on, Flea.”

“I’d go three in [Identify] and maybe one in your [Predator Eye] or start upgrading your magic bag.”


Flea watched as Bob’s eyes seemed to lose focus while his companion thought over various options for a split second. Pulling up Bob’s status, he wanted to see what he had leveled.

Companion Lv.15: Bob

Persian Earth Cat

15 Energy ➕



➕ [160]







➕ [110]



➕ [110]


Magic Bag 🛈

➕ [50]

Mana Gates

Predator Eye 🛈


➕ [150]

Identify 🛈


➕ [300]


“Won’t let you level past 20 ether, I see. The next time you can level, make sure to level your Strength to match your Dexterity. I believe Tenzin’s advice will help us both out.”

“I asked the others. One of them says the game won’t allow you to level an attribute more than two times your lowest.”

“Hmm, that’s interesting. I guess it’s to prevent someone from going a hundred percent Strength and no Dexterity and causing them to have issues with movement. Or it could just be a way to prevent someone from becoming too overpowered in some way. We could ask someone at The Guild about it later.”


Flea removed the leather Manarikan holder from his inventory and soulbound both the bracer and it’s weapon. Strapping it onto his right arm, he inserted the red folding star into the holder. Bob watched from a few feet away as the Gnome stared at the collapsed star.

“Shouldn’t you use hand movements or something like what Tenzin did?”

“Details, details.”

Getting out of his chair, Flea moved to the door and went outside. Bob followed right behind him. The next hour or so was frustrating for Flea. No matter what he tried or Bob suggested, he couldn’t get the weapon to work.

“I believe I’m missing something. Like with the bow Tenzin gave you, I think I need better stats to use it.”

Bob shrugged. Flea threw the red star at him, missing him by inches.

“Good thing you can’t control it. Those blades looked sharp,” said Bob.

“Alright, it will be dark soon. Let’s head to the baron’s place. We should circle around the town and through the forest to avoid running into the fake Zan or any of his group.”

Flea and Bob headed down the hill towards the small forest northeast of town. Using the forest as cover from prying eyes, they traveled towards the small mountain east of town. The long, winding trek through the dark forest broke open to the road that would take them up to the baron’s compound. After checking to make sure the coast was clear, they crossed the roadway and followed it. As much as possible they remained in the forest, so as not to be spotted by any surprise patrols. By the time the duo reached a good scouting spot on the mountain above the compound, night had completely fallen.

“Be on the lookout for the thing that caught me. They are absolutely silent,” said Bob.


Bob turned his attention to the compound, checking on the guards and patrols.

“That’s odd. There were so many more guards the other night. I only see one in the tower at the center and two patrols around the grounds. There were three times that many before.”

“My bet. Zan warned the baron we would be scouting tonight. They want to make it look easier for us to get inside. What I hope they didn’t count on is the rescue attempt happening tonight.”

“I believe, I would count that bet as having great odds. Hold on. I got more movement below.”

“What’s happening?”

“I’m not sure. Two guards are carrying someone out of the barracks. There is a sack over their head, so I can’t identify them. The guards are dragging the body towards the wooden tower where they have everyone caged.”

“Think it’s the real Zan or Genji?”

“It may be Zan, Genji is a Dwarf.”

Bob continued to scout below. Flea lay on his back, watching the sky for any predators.

“I got two more red plates coming out now from the same building. Behind them is a massive person. I can’t tell what race he is, but he’s at least two or three heads taller than the guards. He’s cradling a small dog in his arms.”

“You think that’s the baron? Is the dog being harmed or anything?”

“No, he’s um...I think he’s petting and making baby noises to the dog. I can’t tell for certain. I’m not very good at reading lips.”


“Odd. What type of dog?”

“Small, very small compared to the man. Looks kinda like a chihuahua from Earth.”

“That is an interesting design choice. The big bad of the region has a Dr. Evil complex.”

“Dr. Evil?”

“A classic! You should watch the Austin Powers film series when you can. I think you’ll really enjoy it.”

“They all just entered the manor. The other two guards from earlier came back out of the cage tower and are now heading back to the barracks. How do you want to move forward?”

“Go and start rescuing everyone. I’m going to go into the manor and find out more about the baron. I’ll join you shortly in case you can’t find the keys for the cages.”

“Alright, let’s get down there. I can climb up a wall and anchor the grapple for you to get up.”

The Gnome and cat walked back down the path they had found. Getting close to the wall, Bob leaped up and climbed the same tree from the previous night. Dropping onto the wall, he found a spot to wrap the rope around a couple of times and anchor the grapple. Bob then threw the rest of the rope over the side to the waiting Flea.


I waited for Flea to get to the top of the wall. He pulled the rope up after him and then dropped it down the other side. As soon as he reached the bottom, I unhooked the grapple and tossed it back down to him.

With a wave, he began sneaking towards the far side of the manor and the back kitchen door I had told him about. Once he was gone from view, I hopped off the wall, easily landing on all fours. Listening closely, I could faintly hear his footsteps as he drew closer to the manor. I could also hear one of the guards walking away on his patrol to my left.

Taking my time, I followed the same path I had before. Climbing atop the barracks, I heard nothing coming from the window I had listened to the night before. After waiting a few moments to see if I could hear or see anything, I ran to the other side. I made my way down to the ground and ran to the back of the wooden tower. There were no guards at the front of the tower this time.

Climbing back to the window above, I stopped there and peered into the room. The first thing I noticed was Zan lying at the bottom of his cage whimpering.

He was the one they dragged from the barracks. It looks like they may have tortured him.

Not seeing anything out of place, I hopped into the room, startling Genji in the process.

“You’re back! We didn’t believe you were going to return,” the Dwarf said.

“I did, and I brought my companion as well.”

“Where is he?”

“He’s scouting out the manor. Wanted to get a better look at the baron.”

“Everyone, take one of these and put them in your magic bag.”

Bob walked around the room, giving each of them a page of the book. Going over to Esalune, he handed her the stack of fifteen papers.

“What are these?” Esalune asked.

“Will these really work?” asked an excited Zan, who barely sat up.

“They are pages from our communication book. Esalune has each of your pages. This is for plan B. If we can’t get everyone out, this way you will know where everyone is. It’s better to get out of here and take your time meeting back up.”

“Thank you, Bob. I had not thought you could use individual pages like this.”

“There are fifteen pages here, Bob. Who has the other three?”

“I gave the three at the mines their pages already.”

“Three? What were their names,” asked Genji.

“Finch, Glen, and Laral.”

“Oh, no. Did you tell them you were coming here?”

“Yes, why?”

“Laral is here. The one at the mine is an imposter,” said Zan.

Just then, everyone could hear a bell ringing just outside the wall of the room they were in. Spinning around, I caught the sight of a cage opening and a dog walking out, a cord in his mouth.

“Sorry to ruin your plans kitty, but no one will be leaving tonight,” said the beagle.

“Wait, the Laral at the mine is ours? You’ve been caged with us for months?” asked Genji.

“Yes, all for a Golden Cry…,” the imposter said before an arrow went through his right eye socket, killing him.

“I hate monologues. We need to hurry. I doubt we have much time. This is going to hurt, Esalune.”

I ran over to the Elf’s cage and removed the queen’s venom sack and a dagger from my bag.

“Give me your arm.”

Esalune stuck her hand outside of the cage. I sliced a long cut down her arm, and before I could pierce the sack and pour it into the wound, the gash closed up.

“The cage is going to heal any injury right away,” Esalune said as she rubbed her arm.

“I’m really sorry about this.”

Before Esalune could form a question, I plunged the dagger into the sack of venom and then stabbed her in the throat. The surprise from the brutality of it was all over her face. I had made sure the amount of venom coating the dagger had been a lot. It took only a moment after removing the blade for her throat wound closed back up. And then she began to scream bloody murder. A range of emotions passed over me. Somewhat stunned by the experience, I slowly backed away from the cage as the poor Elf Tanuki convulsed on the ground. Genji’s yelling knocked me back to the present.

“Can you unlock our cages?”

“I think so. Who knows how to pick a lock?”

One of the large dogs in the back called out that he did. Running over to the Saint Bernard, I pulled out the picks Flea had given me and laid one on the floor in his cage. The now naked Dwarf grabbed the pick and began fiddling with padlock.

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