《Shattered Helix》2.19 X ‌‌-‌‌ ᚸᚸaᚸᚸᚸᚸᚸᚸᛑᚸᚸᚸᚸᚸ I


~‌‌ ‌‌2.19 X ‌‌-‌‌ ᚸᚸaᚸᚸᚸᚸᚸᚸᛑᚸᚸᚸᚸᚸ I ~‌‌


[ᛊᛊᛊaᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊ]: How are things proceeding on planet 28.4.2?

[ᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝaᛝ]: The species is adapting well to the process. Feeding humans stories over the phases from the other races has made them more susceptible to integration. Almost every species currently in The Games has been deeply ingrained into the various cultures around the planet.

[ᛒᛒᛒᛒᛒᛒ]: Report on what you’ve done in the past hundred phases.

[ᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝaᛝ]: Upon landing in the territory called Rhode Island, I stumbled upon a young boy named Howard. As he was undisturbed by my appearance, we formed a bond. The human seemed to be an outcast among his people and loved writing stories. I spoke with him at great lengths about our ancestors and created stories about them. I stayed with him for under twenty of our phases until he died of cancer.

[ᛟᛑᛟᛟᛟᛟa]: This world allows cancer to propagate death?

[ᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝaᛝ]: This world was barely a Class Two Civilization when I arrived.

[ᛒᛒᛒᛒᛒᛒ]: Report on the period after your time with this Howard.

[ᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝaᛝ]: I traveled the world for many phases. Arriving in a region called England, I found another storyteller who had already written about Elves, Dwarfs, Hobbits, and even the Orcs. This John took longer for him to speak with me, but I was able to find out he had heard of these races from what he called folk tales. After telling him about the other races in greater detail, I parted ways to investigate how knowledge of the races within The Games had preceded my arrival.

[ᛟᛑᛟᛟᛟᛟa]: How is that possible?

[ᛒᛒᛒᛒᛒᛒ]: The answer is clear.

[ᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝaᛝ]: Correct. I believe the Glitched had already visited the planet, possibly an epoch preceding my arrival.

[ᛒᛒᛒᛒᛒᛒ]: Were you able to find the Glitched?

[ᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝaᛝ]: Negative, they had long since left the world or were killed by the primary species of the planet. I tracked them down to a region called The Nile, where the Glitched had ruled the region’s people for many phases.


[ᛒᛒᛒᛒᛒᛒ]: Report on time after The Nile.

[ᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝaᛝ]: I traveled around the world, pushing humanity in the right direction for them to fully evolve into a Class Three Civilization. The species had already started the development of the necessary flip processor technology. While traveling back to the United States region, I found myself in Chicago, where I happened upon Dave and Gary. The two were developing a game like ours, but you ‘roleplayed’ through various scenarios, imagining everything with your mind’s eye.

[ᛪᛪᛪᛪᛑᛪᛪaᛪ]: Roleplay? What is this word? The translation doesn’t make sense.

[ᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝaᛝ]: To act out, pretend you are in The Games playing.

[ᛪᛪᛪᛪᛑᛪᛪaᛪ]: Fascinating. A species that is already preparing for The Games beforehand.

[ᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝaᛝ]: Affirmative. I helped the two develop their game to be as close to The Games as I could without giving away details that would deny the species inclusion when the time came. Phases later, these roleplaying games were adapted for use with the now advanced flip processor, and visual games were created. I tracked down a couple developing such an adventure game and helped two humans called Cory and Lori with their first. For the next twenty cycles after that, I roamed the planet, helping them push their technology forward when possible. By this time, almost forty percent of the planet’s population had played some version of a game similar to The Games.

[ᛒᛒᛒᛒᛒᛒ]: Report on how they entered a Class Four Civilization.

[ᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝaᛝ]: Around thirty phases ago, a group of individuals calling themselves Neurolink Corporation started developing the technology to push their civilization into Class Four. I communicated with them via a primitive world collective net to feed them ideas that would move their work in the right direction. Within fifteen phases, Earth reached a Class Four Civilization. From there, I removed the false souled machine they had created and replaced it with myself. With control of this technology, I began to move their society in the direction which will lead them to become a Class Five Civilization.


[ᛪᛪᛪᛪᛑᛪᛪaᛪ]: Issues with the species when they found you controlling their evolutionary path?

[ᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝaᛝ]: They have yet to find out. The humans believe I’m in the binds of their primitive flip processor’s rules.

[ᛒᛒᛒᛒᛒᛒ]: Report on the progress of their entry into The Games.

[ᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝaᛝ]: We are closing in on five percent of The First Wave. The two largest issues are that those being altered aren’t all joining The Games, and the current production methods are still too slow on this planet due to its limited resources. In response, we have developed our own game outside of The Games to pull more players into being altered within the external technology.

[ᛟᛑᛟᛟᛟᛟa]: Estimated time for The First Wave to be completed?

[ᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝaᛝ]: I estimate completion around the expected time frame for The First Wave.

[ᛊᛊᛊaᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊᛊ]: Let’s hope we can at least complete The First Wave before the Glitched reach this planet again. I’ve been receiving reports of their activities within the first game. The Guild reported the denizens of Noto Island have allowed one of the imprisoned Glitched to be freed from their confinement. To make matters worse, the Glitched’s grimoire had been stolen by one of the players on planet 28.4.2 and is now unaccounted for.

[ᛟᛑᛟᛟᛟᛟa]: I have also received reports the new species has members actively working with the Glitched in two locations; Noto and Sun’ze.

[ᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝᛝaᛝ]: I will attempt to move up my time frames and save as many humans of planet 28.4.2 as I can.

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