《Shattered Helix》2.14 B ‌‌-‌‌ Well Oiled Stabbing Machine


~‌‌ ‌‌2.14 B ‌‌-‌‌ Well Oiled Stabbing Machine ~‌‌

Collin Holmes’s MicroWorld

Saturday, July 5th

"Kinetic, can you draw everything we've seen so far inside Tel'dar?" Collin said.

“Yes, Sir.”

The anthropomorphic German Shepherd saluted Collin and faced the war table inside the large military-looking barracks. On the table sat a large, disjointed world map of Mea. Details were now being filled in places that were still blank. Once finished, the five men looked down at the map.

"Tango, can you fill in this area over here? I'm pretty sure that's our current location," the oldest looking of the five said.

“Affirmative. That is where we have entered Fantasy after finishing with Ventill Island. I will draw in the maps we found in town,” a voice said from the air.

“Do any of you or your AI’s, see where you three ended up?”

The three men shook their heads after a moment.

"Damnit, this world is too damn vast. Makes Earth look like a damn pebble in space. Alright, Stevenson and I will try and meet up first. Kinetic’s calculations show we’re about two weeks of travel from one another. If you guys have a good location to level, stay there for now, and try to collect as much intel as you can,” Collin said.

“Roger,” came from the four others.

"Everyone heard the news on Outbreak, correct? I've sent an email to this facility’s admin, asking them to notify those who are with us, they may join us if they wish. We will plan to play Outbreak during its hours and go back to Fantasy after," said Barricade.

"How many do you think will join us? I don't think there are many ex-military at this location. Do we really want to play with the Civi’s?" Stephenson grunted towards Barricade.

“Affirmative. We will need those who can help run a base of operation. The rules are hinting at territory claims. They seemed to be forcing the cooperation of players within Outbreak.”

Two of the looking younger men around the table grunted.

"Let's meet back here Friday evening before Outbreak launches. I will try and get anyone who wishes to join us to come to my MicroWorld as well. That way, we can find out everyone's strengths and weaknesses. Then go over a plan to hit the ground running. We don't know what to expect during the first day of launch." Collin said.

Collin walked with his four buddies deeper into the large building and through a bulkhead into a large circular room. At its center was a large polished black monolith, the word Fantasy over its door. On the edge of the room to the right sat five monoliths with doors in them. Each one unique to its owner's MicroWorld. Stephenson and the other three each walked through their door and into their own MicroWorld, leaving Collins.

“Are you ready to get back into Fantasy, Kinetic? We’re going to need to march hard if we’re to reach the town between Stephenson and us.”

"Yes, sir! Can we buy more meat before we leave, please?"

“Of course, we’re going to need to stock up on supplies anyway. A lot can happen while traveling that far.”

Collin walked up to his Fantasy door and passed through.


4th Spirtday of the Full Moon

Barricade awoke in a bed at the inn where they were staying. Getting up and throwing his legs over its side, he looked down at Kinetic, who was still lying in his own custom bed. The dog's eyes open, staring back up at him.


Heh, even if you’re an AI, you act more like any dog I’ve ever met.

Reaching down, he scratched Kinetic's head and then stood up. Walking over to the mirror, he stopped to take a look at himself. The old soldier had stayed with the human race during his avatar's creation. Though Collin had made himself taller and a lot younger than his Earth self. In Fantasy, he was a seven-foot two-inch twenty-something looking wall of muscle.

Brushing his hand through his bright blond hair, Collin started taking out his armor pieces and strapping them on. With that task done, he reached into his magic rucksack and removed his main weapons, two long half shields with razor-sharp edges on the sides coming down to a blade-like point at the bottom of them. He placed them in their respective holders located on each side of his legs. He would only need to reach straight down to pull them free and equip them. Barricade had found these shield weapons by accident and immediately fell in love with them. They were called the Shield Wall style in combat. Both offense and defense in one package.

Looking over at Kinetic, he caught his eyes and nodded. The dog jumped out of his bed and with a practiced motion, spun around, then placed his bed into his magic bag.

“Want help with your gear?”

“I think I can manage now. I’m getting the hang of it.”

Kinetic pulled out pieces of gear. First, he put on a small spike collar designed to protect his neck from any creature going for his throat. He also had a set of glass goggles custom made so he wouldn’t get blood, venom, or other liquids splashed into his eyes.

Being so short, without goggles, he quickly learned the hard way that stabbing his spear up into tall or flying creatures was not a smart tactic. Blood and other liquids tended to come down in a torrent on him. The AI had once spent an agonizing three minutes waiting for a healing potion to help reconstruct his eyes after the blood of a flying wasp creature landed on his face.

The AI finished his ensemble by putting on a thick leather vest that covered most of his upper body. Kinetic then moved on to his weapons. First, he placed his throwing daggers into the various nooks made for them around the vest. Then the canine pulled out his main weapon, a spear which stood around two feet taller than himself. He placed it into its spot on his back, clipping in with a loud snap.

“Ready, captain.”

Barricade pulled up his status; he wanted to see if it was yet possible to level up his Strength and Constitution.


Lv. 15





Tin II

92 Energy







➕ [160]



➕ [121]



➕ [121]


Magic Bag 🛈

➕ [150]

Mana Gates

Retreat 🛈


➕ [300]



He had been unable to raise either attribute since they hit level 20. Barricade made a mental note to swing by the Adventurers’ Guild on their way out and ask about it.

The two left their room and headed downstairs. They said their goodbyes to the inn's owner, who had been very helpful to them over the past two weeks. Their first stop was the general goods store to buy provisions for the trip towards Stephenson. After securing their list of needed items, including extra stacks of meat and cooking supplies, they left the shop and headed straight to The Guild.


“Hello, I was curious if you could answer a question I had about leveling,” Barricade asked as his turn came up to the receptionist.

“Sure, what are you trying to figure out?” replied the young female Gnome sitting on the stool behind the desk.

“My Strength and Constitution are both currently level 20, and they won’t allow me to raise past that.’

“Ah, I take it you have an attribute at level 10 still?”

“I do, both my Wisdom and Intelligence.”

“That’s your issue. You can’t have an attribute more than double your lowest. This is to prevent you from throwing your body’s cultivation out of control.”

“Thank you for the information.”

Barricade flipped a silver to the Gnome and left.

“Let’s head out, Kinetic.”

The two left Tel’dar’s north gate and began walking north towards their goal. They hadn’t even reached the next crossroads out of the territory before four Kobolds and a Ratman stepped out onto the dirt-packed road in front of them.

“Charlie, Foxtrot,” Barricade said in barely a whisper.

Kinetic heard the command and immediately made his way right behind Barricade.

"You need to pay a toll if you plan to leave the Tel'dar territory, you know," the Ratman said as he pulled up a dagger to clean his yellow nails.

“Sorry, fresh out of fucks for you lot.”

“That’s too bad. We can help you get back to town faster, so you can bring your fucks next time,” the Ratman sneered.

Barricade bent his knees slightly and grabbed both shields. Kinetic followed suit, pulling his spear out while moving even closer to Barricades back. The four Kobolds around the Ratman removed their weapons and started walking towards the two.

“Charlie!” Barricade yelled.

Barricade started charging towards the now surprised five robbers, Kinetic right behind him on his six. Getting in close to the five targets, barricade swiped both shields out towards the group, the point of his right shield clipping one in the arm, causing a large gash. That Kobold screamed out as he fell backward. The remaining four were now solely focused on the extremely large human directly in front of them.

“Foxtrot!” Barricade yelled.

Barricade triggered his [Retreat] ability. This allowed him to jump backward at over a forty-five-degree angle up to a distance of twenty-five feet. The four still in the fight were forced to look up and trace him with their eyes. During this time, they did not notice Kinetic move forward with his spear, hugging as close to the ground as possible. The canine thrust his weapon’s business end up into the throat of the Ratman, then yanking and stabbing forward again into the closest Kobold's throat as well.

The two remaining Kobolds, both of whom had been watching Barricade land, heard the sudden gurgling of blood as the air escaped the lungs of their partners. Startled by the noise, they looked down just as Kinetic thrust his spear into the next Kobold closest to him and dropped the furry fucker.

Barricade began running forward as soon as he landed. Just as Kinetic put down the third Kobold, Barricade dashed in and slammed the tip of his left shield into the last Kobold's chest, piercing it. With a sickening crunch of bone, the Kobold screamed and then fell to the ground.

Like clockwork, Kinetic went over to the two Kobolds still screaming on the ground and pierced their throats with the tip of his spear.

"Well done, Kinetic. They always seem to follow the bigger target and allow the real threat to close right into striking range. Let's loot what we can and then toss these fuckers off the road."

The two checked the remains of the lowlifes, finding almost nothing of value. The bandits turned out to be at least smart enough to soulbind their gear and weapons. Once all of the bodies had been checked out, they dragged the remains off the road and then continued on the path heading north out of the territory.

An hour later, Barricade heard a familiar faint chime. Removing a book from his bag, he opened it to the last page with writing on it.

Group of 7 left soon after you. I'm trailing them now. Will Report as things develop. #J60212

"What time is it back home, Kin?"

“Two thirteen, sir.”

"Aright, looks like we got a tail. Davy Jones is trailing them.

Barricade looked back at the road they had just come from. Not seeing anyone, they walked down a small embankment by the side of the road and into the forest's edge. Finding a spot to sit behind a massive tree’s trunk, Barricade took out a small bottle of ink and a pen, then began to write in the book.

5 x 5 - 2 klick passed 5 dead fleabags on the right side of the road.

The two waited at the edge of the forest for another twenty minutes before Barricade heard the chime in his ears again.

ETA 5m: Back two, clothies. Mine.

5 x 5 - Piercing Wall Formation


I wish he wouldn't do that. How did I get stuck with a damn squid?

Barricade turned to his companion, "Ok, piercing wall. Get ready."

Barricade pulled out what seemed to be a random jumble of leather and straps. With the ease that only comes from hours of practice, he hooked the components to their proper spots around him before finally buckling the apparatus in. Barricade bent down on one knee. Kinetic pulled himself onto the platform now on Barricade's back and held onto a loop of leather just below his companion’s neck.

“Secure!” shouted the canine.

Barricade stood up and walked back onto the road facing the way they had come from. Kinetic made himself as small as possible, holding his spear to the side, so his companion’s massive body would hide both him and his weapon. Kinetic and Barricade waited in the middle of the road until the group following them walked closer.

"Oh, looks like he knew he had followers boys." the Dwarf at the front said as they stopped twenty or so feet from Barricade.

"Really, guys? Don't you folks ever give up?" Barricade asked.

"Nah, not our style. We want what's ours. Give it to us, and we'll let you and your dog on your merry way. Wait, where is your mutt?" the Dwarf said as he started scanning the area.

"Potty break, Sick Boy. Look, like I’ve said before, the Skill Core is mine. You guys whipped while trying to kill the Bunnyfly. I just came in and cleaned up your mess. The quest was open to any adventurer."

“Not how we see it. We claimed rights to that Bunnyfly. Even if we died, we would have returned and killed it,” Sick Boy said.

"You keep saying that, but that's now how this game works. You should read The Guild's rules, or you're going to get kicked out."

"Bah, what happens outside of their halls means nothing to them. Now, hand over the Skill Core, and then you can go."

“I think not. How about you pay me 5 gold, and you seven get to walk back to town.

The group began to laugh.

"There are seven of us, and one of you. You may have a few levels on us, but there is no way you can take us all on. You should have joined Lethality when we offered you the chance, Barr. Now, we’ll fuck with your gameplay wherever we find you."

“Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance, punks.”

Barricade began to run towards them, his shields pointing at the group. Just before getting into striking distance, screams came from the back of the enemy group. Sick Boy kept facing the charging wall of metal, ignoring the scream from behind. One of the archers looked behind to see their two casters on the ground with daggers buried to the hilts in their temples.

Before the archer could shout something to the rest, Barricade crashed into the group. Sick Boy deflected the shield pointed at him but was immediately stabbed in the shoulder by a spear that seemed to come out of nowhere. Moving past the falling Sick Boy, Barricade would slam and stab out with his weapons, while Kinetic would stab down from the protection of his perch on top of his tank. While this went on upfront, from behind Davy Jones used the pandemonium caused by his two comrades to close the distance and kill both archers, plus wound a large axe-wielding warrior in his side before he too was taken out by Kinetic’s spearhead.

The battle had lasted no more than seconds. The trio had outplayed the group of deadbeat players, again. Only Sick Boy lay on the ground alive, grunting in pain.

"I gave you a chance, man. I'm tired of your childish games. Maybe if your group grinded and got stronger, you wouldn't have to rely on others' hard work. At this rate, your guild is going to be nothing but a third rate waste of time.”

“Fuck you,” Sick Boy spat.

Barricade just sighed as he stood directly over the Dwarf. He let the handle of his shield go over Sick Boy’s head, letting gravity take over. The shield’s point passed through the Dwarf’s left eye, the weight of the weapon quickly crushed his skull with a wet crunch.

“Let’s get out of here. We got a long way to go before Friday.”

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