《Realmshaker: Giant Progression LitRPG》Chapter 76 - Summer and Adventure
On the early morning that would see Moffee, Cassandra, and me depart, I rested in the waters of my personal bath chamber. It was a divot of stone that was twelve feet deep at most and spanned thirty feet wide. The water was drawn from an underground aquifer.
All I needed was a pulse of my willpower to make the bath glow blue with magic, heating the water and illuminating the area for my attendants—Hannah, Gloria, Patty, and Rebecca.
It had become a daily delight when my servants bathed me. But today, there would be no use of herbal scented oils or heady flora remedies to soap my skin. I would only have water and the hands that cared to massage and help me relax before I depart. I needed it after another night comforting Logotha and collecting my shards during star dreamer’s activity.
While I sat at the shallow end, the girls would usually laugh and jest with each other around or on my body. They hadn’t at first when this became a duty for them, but I gently encouraged them to lighten the mood. There had been many times when Patty or Gloria knocked each other into the water. They would wrestle each other while Hannah served as a judge. Rebbecca would shun them all, for she was an icy female rogue. A third of the servants were rogues.
I found that a curious thing and had asked Hannah, another rogue, about it. Apparently, the rogue class was the most popular adventurer class in the Aersari Empire. It allowed easier solo exploration when one wanted to avoid certain encounters and seek out treasures and riches without fighting. But it was also a troublesome class since the perks and powers granted one the ability to steal from others easier. My servants found themselves guilty of abusing their rogue abilities and were more than thankful that I had granted them mercy here.
“You’re really leaving us, milady?” Hannah asked from my shoulder. Her hands worked against my neck.
“For some time,” I said. “Perhaps for more than a season’s worth. It would take one month to reach central Brogheimr by travel through the lower lands. It would take a month and a half to traverse north to Surtr’s Mountain. You could imagine how long it would take to reverse course and return here.”
“For us shorter folks, we’ll take twice to thrice as long to cover such a distance,” Patty said from behind my back.
“Lots of ogres and trolls and other nasties in the lower lands of Brogheimr,” Gloria said from my arm. “Scary, that thought. Can’t believe I slipped by them all once. Wouldn’t want to face the terror again.”
“Please be safe,” Rebbecca said quietly from my feet. “All of you.”
“We will return victorious and more powerful,” I said. “I assure you all that.”
Silence filled the chamber. It lasted for a moment until a playful fight broke out against Gloria and Patty once more. They used my hair to chase each other for a time until Hannah got them under control.
The girls gathered to work on my hair. They swung about and scaled my strands like they were climbing ropes. They wove my hair into a patterned braid that would keep my curls in check for the fighting to come.
While donned in a light wool dress, I toured around my manor for one last time before the journey. The transformation had changed much of it.
The halls were spacious. It had grown wider and taller as if expecting me to grow bigger. My former quarters had turned into a layered compartment that stacked a hundred individual rooms over each other. Every servant had their own quarters, and they had a nearby bath chamber split between the men and women folk. The manor’s rune magic was accessible to them for simple uses, so they could enjoy the pleasures of a warm or cold bath when they wished for it.
The master chamber seemed to belong to me now, even though it lacked furniture. I gathered some of the pelts and quilts I had down below and moved them here so I could be closer to my servants.
The manor created walkways and steps that led them up and down wherever they needed to go. The kitchen had options for both my use and for my servants’ uses. I had no cooking talents, unfortunately, but one of the male servants did. Edgard would make me scrumptious meals. I nearly broke decorum to hug him for it. I may have a hunger for fresh flesh, but I wouldn’t turn down a homecooked meal.
The actual throne room was larger and greater now. At the center were a series of steps with a platform at the top meant for the throne chair. I would have to move it up from the treasure chamber to here one day. As grand as the room was, it was bare. It lacked the necessary tapestries, braziers, rugs, and all sorts of decorations that would make it grander. I would have to work on that later.
I stopped at a corner when I heard Milford and Moffee speaking on the other side. The relationship between those two made me curious. They didn’t know I was near, for I had picked up the habit of moving lightly around the manor for such occasions, fully utilizing the magic of my home to cloak my presence. It was fun to hear what others said when they didn’t think I was around, though I imagine it could be quite intimidating to have a large mistress that could stalk about silently.
“Will you be alright taking charge of the others without me?” Moffee asked.
“I will do my best in Lady Moffee and Lady Rhonda’s absence,” Milford said. “And Lady Cassandra as well.”
The goblin snorted, then fell silent for a moment. “I want to say sorry before I go. I’ve never had power like this before. You’ve helped me a lot to understand I didn’t need to be harsh. I feel like I’m not liked, and it’s my fault.”
“It’s easy for us to judge those who hold power and not understand what it can do to you,” Milford said. “I’m an old man, and I’ve squandered lots of responsibility for easy pleasures. I’ve made many mistakes, and I’ve run from responsibility constantly. To see young ones pushing beyond their limits invigorates my spirit. It’s okay if you make mistakes as long as you learn from them.”
“Ah, yes, I see.” Moffee sounded embarrassed. “You are not what Jessica made you seem like. You are an amazing human.”
I peeked around the corner.
I found Milford grinning and standing with his head held high as a [51 ★ Human Steward]. The moment I had signed the contract with him a month ago, the system recognized his new job status. He was both a conman as a class and a steward as a job. I could flip from one or the other through my identification perk.
I also found his new star power helpful in raising confidence in him and others. Cassandra had done a lot of physical work to help raise the star power of every servant. She’d taught them survival tactics against creatures bigger than them.
It made a great difference, apparently, for there needed to be a change of tactics when fighting giant creatures compared to the monsters across the southern lands. Adventurers who failed to adapt to the changes got killed in Brogheimr often. Reach and size made a difference, and the stars enhanced what was already there in the first place.
Moffee glanced past Milford and saw me peeking. We had bigger windows with glass panels that allowed in more light, and I purposely leaned into the a ray to suit my vanity.
Milford turned around as I came out from around the corner. My steward dropped to a knee before me. The goblin bowed. Since Moffee was a noble now, I had her and Cassandra learn to bow when I come around.
“Rise,” I said. “I found it appropriate to walk my estate before I leave. I was on my way to look over the crops and could use the company if you both care to join me?”
They agreed, of course. It gave me the practice to walk with a slow and soft stride next to others. Milford had to walk at a brisk pace. Moffee ran, staying on the ground rather than letting me carry her. She didn’t mind the exercise, she’d told me. Sometimes, it helped her brain work through issues she found during her magical studies.
Behind the manor, the hill sloped gently down toward a meadow hedged in by tall shrubs. Here, my servants had tilled, sowed, fertilized, irrigated, and grew giant crops. I stopped near a tomato plant bearing juicy red delights that could fill my palm. One of these bright red orbs could feed all of the servants.
I plucked one and bit into it carefully. It was ripe and ready to burst. I mind the juices to keep from staining my dress and recently cleansed body.
“You’ve all done so much work here,” I said, turning toward the shack where the meat was dried. There were plenty of squirrels in there. It filled my heart with happiness to know those mongrels would feed the occupants of my manor. “It’s almost enough to make me want to stay and enjoy myself for a longer period.”
“We would not mind if you decide that, milady,” Milford said.
Moffee kept quiet. Her magical studies and growth had met a wall. She couldn’t acquire any fragments from spell studies anymore. Not quickly, at least. I could feel her anticipation to leave like the heat of a bonfire.
“Where’s Lady Cassandra?” I asked.
“Last I saw of her, she was in the wardrobe chamber,” Milford explained. “She’s trying on the new gear, milady.”
“She’s eager,” I said.
“I’m eager, too,” my goblin said.
“Of course,” I added. “I am just as eager as the two of you, but it’s nice to enjoy these slow moments. We will miss it when things get hard again.”
“I’ll worry about missing the manor when I start missing it,” Moffee said, chuckling. “I’ll start by missing you, though, Milford.”
“I’m glad to be of service, Lady Moffee,” Milford said. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll check on the kitchen to see how Egard and the others are doing with breakfast, Lady Rhonda.”
“You are very much excused,” I said, my stomach rumbling lightly.
Milford departed.
Moffee moved to stand beside my foot. We remained quiet for a time. Then my goblin reached over and touched above my ankle.
I glanced down at her.
“Will it be okay for me to have that detour?” Moffee asked.
“To retrieve fangs from the slain army of Garmra and then make the trip to Giantspear?” I asked. “Yes, it is very much fine. You haven’t gotten your reward for the commission.”
“Seems like a moot point when I’m vastly richer with you,” Moffee said.
“But you’ve done the work, and you should receive your reward,” I said. “Unfortunately, it is not yet time for me to reveal myself to such a large settlement. Cassandra and I will have to wait outside of Giantspear.”
“What of the adventuring parties we’ll see along the way?” Moffee asked.
“We shall deal with them case by case,” I said. “If I must present myself, then we shall announce me as Lady Rhonda the Giantess. Realmshaker might be contentious if the Star God’s Gospel has agents posed against me.”
“I’m sorry you have to hide your true self once again,” Moffee said.
“For now, dear, for now.”
I knelt and offered my hand. Moffee hopped onto my palm and bent into a couch as I rose. My stomach growled.
We went to the dining hall. There was a log table that had been built by the menfolk and me for our meals. Here, I changed the rules of proper statuses and allowed everyone to eat with me at the table—or on the table.
We had a hearty feast of meat, veggies, and milk. The latter came from giant sheep creatures that had taken to grazing in the fields near Ironhidr, the central city of Ironshield, my ruined Chiefdom. It was quite the sendoff for us adventurers.
Cassandra arrived late, unfortunately, and apologized for it greatly. I forgave her and watched her eat rapidly before chatting comfortably with the others. Under my gaze, I noticed my servants stiffen around Cassandra. It was as if they hadn’t always been particularly strict with decorum around my human death rogue while I wasn’t looking.
Oh, well.
Since we started the day early, the sun was still rising above the horizon when Cassandra, Moffee, and I met in the courtyard. We were dressed in the leather and antler pieces of the Mooser Bull, which ended up as our toughest outfits yet. For some reason, the outfits remained uncommon, which had me ask Moffee why they wouldn’t come out as rare quality.
Moffee explained the outfits needed magic enchantments to cross over the boundary from uncommon to rare. She assured me that the Herd Bull materials would make for great canvasses for enchanters to work on.
If I knew the nature of magical rune carving myself, I probably could’ve enchanted them with giant’s magic. As of now, all of my own markings were nothing more than decoration.
When it came down to gear, Cassandra wore the lightest set relative to her size. Twin uncommon [Herd Bull Long Knives] and twin uncommon [Herd Bull Short Swords] dangled in their sheathes on her belt. Her trousers were parted at the sides and only held together by tough rawhide strings looped through many holes running down the length. Lightweight boots covered her feet. Her shirt was made from soft wool sheared off of the giant sheep near Ironhidr. Laid over the shirt was a leather vest with a stiff collar covering her neck, completing the uncommon [Roguish Bull Chopper Outfit].
Despite her size, Moffee’s outfit seemed a little thicker than Cassandra’s. She quite liked the previous outfit with the overcoat, so we adapted that again. Light wool shirt and trousers. Rare [Boots of Propulsion] covered in Bull Herd skin. In the end, her outfit came out as the uncommon [Wizard’s Bull Burner Outfit] paired with a new uncommon [Little Bull Huntress Knife]. There was no harness for her chaos tome. She kept it in her pocket dimension from now on. None of the servants knew she was a chaos wizard, a secret Cassandra and I kept for Moffee’s comfort.
The debut of our outfits had me as the centerpiece. And what a marevelous sight I had become to behold.
I repeated my leather plated outfit from before and used more material to create a flexible, lightweight armor set formed around my body. I wore closed-toe leather boots that reached up to the meat of my calves. A leather-plated skirt dangled down to my lower thighs from the waist of my leather-armored top. The bracers on my forearms helped complete the uncommon [Giantess Matador Leather-Plated Outfit].
Wrapped around my waist was a belt holding a firm goblin pouch on my left side and 12 uncommon [Ent Queen Paralytic Throwing Darts] slid into a sleeve on my right. Next to the darts was a leather vial containing uncommon [Last Breath Poison Paste] for special occasions. Behind the small of my back, Garmra’s fang was sheathed with a wooden handle adjusted for my larger grip—it was now a rare [Paralytic Fanged Knife of Garmra].
I had found it after sifting through the piles of bones that remained on the battlefield. It had soaked in the poison of the ent blood, and now it permanently oozed the substance with a magical aura. The moment I found it, my Tier 1 [Identification] improved to Tier 2. I could identify rare objects now, which led to another piece of equipment on my hip. The previously 150 star-locked hammer—the rare [Giant Blacksmith Enchanted Hammer]—had a loop dedicated to it on my belt behind Moffee’s pouch. It was not meant for fighting, but Father’s journal suggested I take it with me to Surtr’s Mountain. There were dwarven-steel ingots held at Goldbeard’s Fortress along with an impressive forge ready for my use.
I had a sturdy basket of leather and bones strapped to my back where I held supplies for Moffee, Cassandra, and a few books for myself, including Mother’s crafting book and Father’s blacksmith manuals. Blacksmithing had been part of my Father’s family lineage. Now I would learn it to create greater armor and weapons for myself and my friends.
Next to the back-basket was a wide quiver containing 30 uncommon [Reinforced Mooser-Antler Arrows]. Next to that was my new uncommon [Recurved Bull Strongbow]. It took a great amount of effort to create. While it was shorter than what I would normally create for a bow compared to my size, it had a heavier draw than anything prior. Due to my greater size now, I needed such a weapon to shoot at targets without unleashing Jakki fully. The Skyripper was now shorter than me, which I found comfortable for my uses. I held her haft beneath the cleaver-axe head next to my side.
Overall, Moffee, Cassandra, and I stood gallantly together. Since I had time and extra hands to help me, the hunters and I gathered plant material to use as dyes. The body of our outfits was white with lines of purple that accented the wardrobe. On our chests was a golden star split in half by a fissure as a representation of me—the Realmshaker. The purple accent was a mix of my father’s red and my mother’s blue, advancing my family crest to something more representative of the house of the last noble giantess. Though, that did depend on what my great uncle Goldbeard the Undying turned out to be when we meet him.
As the girls said their goodbyes to our servants, a message appeared in the corner of my vision. I took a glance.
You’ve decided to rise out of your despair and continue your Realmshaker path.
You’ve crafted 1 uncommon [Rougish Bull Chopper Outfit], 2 uncommon [Herd Bull Long Knives], 2 uncommon [Herd Bull Short Swords], 1 uncommon [Wizardly Bull Burner Outfit], 1 uncommon [Little Bull Huntress Knife], 1 uncommon [Giantess Matador Leather-Plated Outfit], 12 uncommon [Ent-Spine Paralytic Throwing Darts], 1 uncommon [Recurved Bull Strongbow], 30 uncommon [Reinforced Antler-Tipped Arrows], 1 vial of [Last Breath Poison].
You’ve also found 1 rare [Paralytic Fanged Knife of Garmra].
You’ve gained 15 star fragments from this experience.
You’ve furthered your relationship with your servants and your friends.
They look to you with adoration and loyalty.
Your star dreamer activity has been consistent.
You have a total of 48 star fragments.
Divinity Defragmentation at 26% completion.
I dismissed the system message, chuckling to myself. I had an inkling that the system had two versions to it. The one that ran automatically no matter what. And the one that involved the Star God when he wanted to reach out to me directly.
I wondered what such a being could do to intervene against my conquest. Oh well, I would not put too much mind on it now. The best I could do was continue the course, unearth further secrets, grow more powerful, and fulfill my desires.
After some thought, I allocated my new star fragments to grow from a 151 ★ to [155 ★ Giantess Battle Ranger]. My windfall of stars from the revelation till now had me invest in wis/int, seeing it grow to 6 big stars now! Or 30 basic stars if I broke it down further. It was a surprising development for me since vit/end and res/per both had 5 big stars—25 basic stars—and could use more growth. I was leaning into the magic now.
“Lady Rhonda!” Moffee called sharply with an authoritative tone.
Instantly, I turned rigid, knowing what was to come.
“Show me your spell,” Moffee requested.
Freehand reaching forth, I drew the symbols that would call upon my learned power. Wizard magic had a science to it. The circles acted as the platforms in which you plant specific glyphs according to an odd-even pattern.
The spell Moffee had trained me on had a simple design involving four circles of 3-4-3-4 glyph arrangements. The actual magic only had seven glyphs needed to direct the pull of outer-mana, to bend reality to my will, to make use of forces that weren’t specifically mine. Because wizards were using magic that wasn’t meant for them, there was always a risk of failure that could end catastrophically.
To avoid this, every spell required repetition of the essential components. Then a wizard could make adjustments by inputting the necessary glyphs needed on additional circles to alter their spell. It was the process Moffee took to alter [Fire Bomb] to explode at an angle. As her apprentice wizard, I had memorized the design to my one spell and kept it the same based on my notes contained in the basket on my back.
“[Fire Light],” I said as I finished drawing the glyphs and circles with my free hand. I felt the pull of outer-mana that didn’t require inner-mana to use, leaving my stamina intact. That was one of the major differences between learned or gained powers—learned magic could work with outer-mana purely.
Above my head, a little fireball ignited out of thin air, shedding a warm light over me and the others that competed with the morning light. I felt a negligible tick of mana-burn, but my higher wisdom overwhelmed the burn and cooled me almost instantly. Theoretically, I could run this spell forever since it had a low cost. My wisdom’s ability to recover from mana-burn was high enough.
Next, I imagined my spell dissembling itself safely by plucking the glyphs off the circles in a controlled manner. The spell sealed away without causing backlash, snuffing the flame over my head. The pull of outer-mana disappeared per my mental request.
“Bravo!” Milford shouted, starting a round of applause for me.
I lost my composure and giggled like a little giantess. A flutter of happy feelings made me dance under such praise. My servants shouted and cheered louder. I couldn’t help but play along and bow for them like I had accomplished a remarkable feat.
This felt good. I had worked hard to learn the Tier 1 power [Fire Light]. My studies had resulted in star fragments that helped me reach my current star power. It made me respect the goblin wizard and all wizards like her. They had to conjure complex spells quickly no matter how many glyphs and circle arrangements they had to memorize.
Moffee nodded her head proudly. We would start my pocket dimension studies while on the adventure to Sutr Mountain. It would take a while, but I could gain a huge boon from having my own dimensional storage space if I worked diligently on it. I would also further my progress to either double-classing or creating a new class—something greater than Battle Ranger.
“I believe it’s time for us to depart,” I said.
I helped Moffee into her pouch. The rare [137 ★ Goblin Wizard] squirreled around a bit before poking her head out to look around. We had practiced every other day to get her used to my new dimensions. She had grown proficient with adjusting to the sway of my hips, which would allow me to walk at a brisk pace.
Cassandra used [Super Leap] to hop onto my basket where a lid covered the top. From here, the uncommon [138 ★ Human Death Rogue] would watch my back. She could lean against my head and rest there comfortably as I moved, too. She also had access to my shoulders, although I was not big enough for her to sit comfortably on either side of my head.
I was a moving platform for my friends, which I found helpful for us all. We were strong enough where I didn’t have to use stealth and could move briskly down wider trails. The Dragon Defense Fortress stop would be an eight-hour trip for us this way.
“Everyone ready?” I asked.
“Let’s burn the daylight,” Moffee said.
“I’m nervous,” Cassandra said. “I haven’t left this place in a long time.”
“Well, it shall be quite the occasion,” I said. “For I am eighteen summers, and the realm is ours to explore and shake upon our whims!”
“Skol!” cried Moffee and Cassandra in unison.
“Skol!” cheered my servants.
I waved farewell to Milford, Dillon, Hannah, Egard, and everyone else. Then our trio departed with me extending my stride as far as I like.
It felt good to walk at my pace. The wind gusted coolly against my face. The loamy floor felt soft through the sole of my boots. The day hadn’t warmed up just yet, so we could make great progress before the temperatures bogged me down. What good was heat resistance if it couldn’t deal with humidity?
Oh, well.
“Do you think we might fight something along the way?” Cassandra asked from the back.
“I hope for something challenging,” Moffee said from my hip. “I haven’t burned anything worth my attention in a long time.”
“But we’re so strong now,” Cassandra said. “I’ve only grown because I ran into some Ironwood monsters near enough to my star power. You should’ve been there. I fought these huge spiders and centipedes! I nearly died a couple of times.”
Cassandra laughed.
I chuckled. “Have you warned our servants to keep from that area?”
“Yeah, I had,” Cassandra said. “The crops and meat shack should have enough food if they have to hunker down for a while. Hopefully, we’ll return before Ironshield gets overwhelmed again.”
“Good, good,” I said, turning my attention to Moffee. “I’m excited to see what new spells you’ve discovered.”
“They’re different,” Moffee said. “I’m branching out to non-flame spells now.”
“So it’s true,” I said. “The goblin girl who was [Fire Bomb] this and [Fire Bomb] that had become someone else.”
“Oh, you just had to tease me,” Moffee groaned. “I feel so embarrassed now.”
“Hey, look at the bright side, Moffee,” Cassandra said. “At least you have new powers. I hadn’t gotten anything new other than some improvements on my perks.”
“You have two ultrastars,” Moffee replied.
“Had to grind like I was climbing the below hells,” Cassandra said. “And I, uh, haven’t paid much attention to my other attributes as much.”
“Well, it’s not like we’ll improve much during the start of our Surtr Mountain journey,” Moffee said.
“Why do you think that?” I asked.
“You’ll see,” Moffee said.
Four hours later, we came across an [82 ★ Gianteating Black Bear].
It trotted boldly at my front and growled at me. Because of my new height, I could see over its back while it was down on all fours. If it rose, it would still tower over me.
I looked past its tag and felt my blood boil with excitement. I hadn’t faced a challenge in combat for three months. My savage side refused to stay dormant. I needed bloodshed!
“May I have it?” I asked with great need.
“Go for it,” Moffee said with a sigh.
“Sure,” Cassandra said casually.
I threw Jakki with a simple forward snap of my arm.
Jakki Chuff! Chuff! and Thunk! Thunk!
The bear burst apart in two halves cleaved down the middle. Skyripper continued its course of destruction unbothered beyond the massacred creature and through the forest.
I reached out to Jakki’s mystical bond and yanked her back. She whirled into my hand and met it with a loud thump! She barely moved me, leaving Cassandra and Moffee unshaken at their positions on my body.
I waited for the system to call the end of the encounter.
I received no message.
“This is the part that kind of sucks with fighting weaker creatures,” Cassandra explained. “The system won’t message you. At the latest, it’ll message you toward the end of the day if we did enough to earn a fragment or two.”
“But we have to stay on guard,” Moffee said. “Just because we’re strong doesn’t mean we can’t get taken out by surprise. Powerful adventurers have died because they got arrogant and didn’t keep up their guard.”
I pouted. “It seems like another trick of the Star God. But it would have a hard time tricking us then. Your mistress is a ranger, and I know these lands.”
“And I got your back,” Cassandra said.
“And… well… I’m just here until things get more interesting,” Moffee grouched.
“It’s okay, Moffee. You will show your greatness soon enough.” I rubbed over Moffee’s head. She whined and fussed against my fingers. I cooed, unable to resist displaying my adoration by doting on my cute goblin.
I ate some from the bear. I recovered my stamina from throwing Jakki thanks to Tier 3 Ravenous Eater perk.
We continued our journey and slaughtered many beasts that tried to get in our way. It was a little worrying that the system wouldn’t tell us when an encounter ended.
But I started to get used to it.
It was like going back to a time before the system and the Star God’s evil influences. Back where I could’ve been part of a powerful group of giantesses enjoying the slaughter together if I hadn’t been busy with lessons from Mother or Father. I had never gotten the chance to be part of such a clique. Moffee and Cassandra weren’t giantesses, either. But they gave me feelings that made me want them to be giantesses next to me.
It scared me. Logotha had suffered for being close to me. If she had been a giantess, she wouldn’t have suffered. But would we have been friends, sisters, if she hadn’t been human?
I shook the thoughts out of my head.
My friends didn’t have to be giantesses.
I liked them for what they were.
Rhonda the Realmshaker
Star Power | 155 ★
Vitality & Endurance | ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Strength & Agility | ✪
Resilience & Perception | ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Wisdom & Intellect | ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Composure & Charisma | ✰ ✰ ✰
Faith & Fortune | ✰ ✰
Moffee Booknose
Star Power | 137 ★
Vitality & Endurance | ✰ ✰ ⋆ ⋆
Strength & Agility | ✰ ✰
Resilience & Perception | ✰ ✰
Wisdom & Intellect | ✪
Composure & Charisma | ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰
Faith & Fortune | ✰ ✰ ✰
Cassandra Richmen
Star Power | 138 ★
Vitality & Endurance | ✪
Strength & Agility | ✪
Resilience & Perception | ✰ ✰ ✰ ✰ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆
Wisdom & Intellect | ✰
Composure & Charisma | ✰
Faith & Fortune | ✰
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No Longer Alive
"Sometimes, I wonder who is more human? Dazai or the world." Inspired by Dazai Osamu's "No Longer Human" (Ningen Shikkaku)
8 169 - In Serial39 Chapters
Raised by Heroes
A Percy Jackson and Fate Series crossover_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_&_Born in Japan and mostly raised in America. Mika Akashi was just a simple girl from Vermont. Though by simple, I meant being raised by Heroes from legend and History and etc. whilst living in Vermont where her family moved to before they died by monsters before her Mom's friend can stop them killing the parents after she saved Mika...Now going to a school at New York, the Japanese girl will have to experience all the new things she has never seen. Be it Furies, New Friends, or actual fights which most have been in Greek.Will she face danger? YesWill school be fine? ProbablyWill she be alright? There is a chanceWill her friends that raised, taught, and made her help in the journey she will face?Now that is a question I can't answer unless you read this book.-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-//-/-/-/-/-/-/Started: April 2020Ended: Unknown
8 70