《Titan Warriors - A Mech LitRPg》Titan Warriors: House Nubran Military Ranks


Common Rank Structure for Pyillous Star System

Rank: Rank Name (US Army Equivelent)

E1: Dreg (Private) Base Pay: 100/Month

E2: Dreg (Private) Base Pay: 120/Month

E3: Cotter (Private First Class) Base Pay 150/Month

E4: Socman (Corperal) Base Pay: 170/Month

E5: First Socman (Sargeant) Base Pay: 200/Month Leads: Squad

E6: Master Socman (Staff Sargeant) Base Pay 220/ Month

E7: Yoman (Sargeant First Class) Base Pay: 250 / Month Leads: Platoon

E8: Franklin (Master Sargeant) Base Pay: 270/ Month

E9: Squire (First Sargeant) Base Pay: 300/ Month Leads: Company

E10: First Squire (Sargeant Major) Base Pay: 350/Month

O1: Junior Knight, (2nd Lieutenant) Base Pay: 250/month Leads: Platoon

O2: Knight, (1st Lieutenant) Base Pay: 300/Month

O3: Master Knight, (Captain) Base Pay: 350/Month Leads: Company

O4:Knight Commander, (Major) Base Pay: 400/Month

O5: Knight Captain, (Lt Colonel) Base Pay: 450/Month Leads: Battalion

O6:Lord Knight, (Colonel) Base Pay:500/Month Leads: Brigade

O7:Rear Admiral Base Pay: 750/Month Leads: Planet

O8:Admiral Base Pay: 1,000/Month Leads: System

O9: Lord Admiral Base Pay: 1,250/Month Leads: Region

O10: Marshal Base Pay: 1,500/Month Leads: Sector

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