《Dungeon Instinct》Life, Dungeons, and Stories...


So yeah... Sorry about not posting much lately, but "LIFE" got in the way and i figured that any spare time i had would be better spent writing whatever i could than making a post about why i haven't been writing...

I know, bad AaronDragon... But hey, i'm here now and that's what counts right?

anyway anyone who's followed me and my stories for any significant amount of time will know that i have this sort of... Well... Let's call it an "Attention Problem". Basically i'll start a new story and then just sort of move on after the first few chapters...

I'm going to start making a serious effort to stop doing that now. I figure it's not far to you (the readers), the story, or myself. So instead of doing all this story mapping and outlining only to stop working on it on the second chapter and going on to start something new where i just repeat that process i'm going to cut that loop off right here and now.

I'm saying it here and now, from now into the foreseeable future (at the very least the rest of 2017) i'm going to stick to only 3 stories. i've started them, commited to writing them, and now i just need to be a good little author and finish the damn job by writing them out until they end.

Honestly, i'm a bit annoyed with myself so i know that all of you must be annoyed as hell with me...

So here's what's getting worked on and around when i think i'm going to be working on it:

Dungeon Instinct: Fall 2017 (May move forward or back depending on when i can find the week it'll take to reread and edit out the first volume...)

The Shadow Dungeon: Currently, but subject to random breaks (I plan to work on this off and on along side the other two projects.)


Night Saga: Spring and summer, i'm hopping i can eke out at least half the first book in that time. maybe even finish the entire full book out entirely...

So that's that. i've already started to train myself into focusing solely on these stories and just ignoring all the other wonderful and tempting ideas that pop into my head. I'm also going to try and put out a chapter every two weeks at the very least, but i cant make any serious promises about that because as this last month has shown me sometimes life steps in and just utterly wrecks any plans or schedule you may have... Plus i'm trying to get back to releasing longer chapters so it takes more time to write them out...


Yep... so that's basically it... Just wanted to let you guys know what's up, and give you some reassurance that now you can commit to a story without worrying about when i'll lose interest in it and stop writing it.

...Oh and if you're reading this on RRL then i'd like to say that this post will be removed as soon as i begin working on D.I. again. oh and please answer the poll...

AaronDragon Out...

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