《Dungeon Instinct》End of Volume 1 (Dungeon Instinct Q and A)


Ok, so here's how i'm going to have this work:

You guys leave a question you have about the story or just the series in general below in the comments and either I or some other willing and knowledgable fan will reply with an answer.

See it's simple, easy, and... Yeah, somehow i know i'll fuck it up.

a few quick things you should know about this "End of the volume Q&A":

1. Let me just say it now [Spoiler Warning!!!]. I'm going to try not to answer anything that's to much of a spoiler, but i might end up giving away hints or minor things so... yeah, you've been warned...

2. If someone is giving out wrong answers i'm probably going to end up correcting you, but there is a chance i'll just leave it alone so that i can mess with people later on int the story with a review.

3. if you're going to ask for confirmation on a plot theory you have for D.I. i'm not going to confirm anything. you might get a "That's close" or a "Maybe ; )" out of me, but that's it.

4. Yeah, dont ask me about why i'm not writing on this more, or why i've dropped other projects... the answers are "I have a life that gets in the way a lot" and "Various reasons..." So, yeah... Just, please dont ask...

And that's basically it... I'm probably going to stop replying to questions on this post after 2018, but until then i'll try and get to every question... Man i hope a few people post questions... This will be so embarassing to check up on later if no one had anything to ask me about the series...

Anyway, that's enough of me going on and on... Now's you, the fans, moment to shine!

Ask away!

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