《Forging his own destiny》chapter 017
I was sitting back in Hanna’s hut, preparing some goodbye gifts… well, those were also gifts for myself. What exactly? A Hex… not exactly bag. More trinket. Special kind of them, and I have no idea if I will be even able to create them soon… nor if they would work as I want them too… Yet I will not leave until I made them.
Those were small, wooden pendants…
You have succeed while creating [Medium Hex Bag of Call] [Medium Hex Bag of Call] Pendant class Hex Bag created by inexperienced Black Druid
If the creator of this Hex Bag would die the pendant shall break
The creator of this Hex Bag will always know the direction of location of this Hex Bag
If this Hex Bag would be broken, the owner would know about it For creating a Hex Bag you have obtained 8 exp
- Hanna… may I take few books? I would really…
- Take whatever you need boy… I already memorized those and can teach Ruby by myself… be safe wherever you go, don’t do anything stupid… don’t look for troubles… actually you are one of those that is being found by troubles whatever they do… and…
I hugged her. She is like a mother... I know that I can’t stay for much longer, in good case they villagers make attack me or make me theirs idol. In bad case Hanna may ask me to stay. Even as she was the who told me to leave, she said it for me own sake.
- I have something for you too… - I said raising my hands with pendants to Ruby and Hanna – If you would take it… well you would know if I would die… and I could find you in the future… and if you would break it, I will come. No matter where I would be I will answer you call.
Hanna took it with sad smile on her face, Ruby at the other hand took a look somewhere else… just to not look into my eyes… it hurts… why does it hurt so bad? You don’t want it? So be it… while forcing my tears to not fall I broke pendant. I got notification about it and the place I was standing appeared in my mind. At least it works… I went to the inn, took my stuff, I headed to the forest, haha I am coming back to that forest so fast, huh? Oh irony, back to where it all started, with bag in my hand, dagger on my side, bow, the gift from goblins, on my back, and staff in other hand I went into direction of Aira. As I was pretty far from the village I said:
- Remus, Gilbert… I have a job for you… take care of them… no, take care of Ruby. Watch upon her, but don’t interact. Stay hidden all the time. Every week one of you would come to me reporting what you saw. Then the other one would still be looking at her. As one of you came back to watch upon her again, another one would fly back to me. And so on.
Ravens flapped their wings and flew away back to the village. Idiot. Someone has to take care of you. I do feel bad about it… but I will not lose you. I reject an option to be alone ever again. And I will not leave you. Not until you will say it to my face. Not till I will hear your voice… even if that would be the last time.
- Are you ready, big brother? There are many fluffy animals to kill in the forest! it will be fun! – for a moment I forgot she is a goddess of hunting… seriously, couldn’t your avatar be more… sinister? You look more like someone who would cuddle them, no kill them!
- Forest… here I come… no longer as prey… - in the last moment I appraised one of new skill I get… just from curiosity
Pov change
The inside of hut was silent. Hanna was preparing herbs for potions and Ruby was sitting with blank expression. There was no need for Hanna to made them now, but she needed something to distract herself. She liked a boy. It was strange, for usually she was the person that find it hard to make new friends. She was just grumpy, overprotective and old witch. Yet in these past 3 weeks this kid made a very strong impression on her. He was hardworking, stubborn, loyal… and extremely weird… almost like herself as she was young… maybe she wasn’t that weird… you know, it’s hard to be weirder then artificial mage marked by gods…
- It will be quiet without him… - she didn’t intend to say it aloud.
- But… Did you see his face? Do we even can call it a face? I mean… when he was fighting… His eyes… He slaughter a Behemoth with ease… and he was grinning! All this time… was he a monster this whole time? – this poor idiot… she has no idea what happened… she only saw a monster site of Zari in that battle
- Do you know that Codex Diabolicus is missing? – she probably do not know… let’s show her how this battle was really going…
- He… He took it?! And you allowed it?! How more dangerous he can get…
- You are misunderstanding something. He took it in the middle of battle, that monster you saw was the power he gained to save us all… now you get it?
- He.. he forsaken his humanity? Just to gain power? – you idiot… the power was not his goal… not the ultimate… not in that moment. He forsake it to save us… to save you… but you have to understand it by yourself. Maybe you will find him once again… if you would proof yourself worthy. Do you even know the fact, that he love you so much, that he can throw away his humanity? Not for power… for you… stupid, stupid child.
- Hanna… I will leave soon. I want to become an adventurer… don’t stop me…
- Stop you? I will go with you.. NO! I will not go to become an adventurer ever again. I just want to meet someone, so we can head in the same direction.
- And.. what about the village?
- I have no true job for past 50 years in this village. No serious illness. I will leave them a few potions, and receipt for basic one, even those idiots can create it as long as they can cook a chicken. Start preparing yourself. We are moving in 3 days.
Pov change
Professor Kleir was sitting in the classroom almost burning from rage. Even as he told, that he will not teach them ever again he was forced to do so again. If he wouldn’t , the priority of researches about this new-born monster would get that bitch – Morgana. HA! As if he even allows for this to happen! She won’t get it even if she would walked for it upon his own corpse! NOT! PERIOD! His ideas of just repeating tests as way of teaching were prohibited too. He has to teach. Word by word… GUH!
- So… what do you want to know? I have no such thing like teaching program… any ideas? Any questions?
- Umm.. Sir? There was a celestial monster spotted? Do you know what it is already?
- We can suspect… it is probably Chimera… yes, the Divine one… so things may get nasty. They are usually violent… tend to start wars…
- Sir? Last time… there was something said by you, that make no sense for me… You have said, that chimera is an monster with body parts of other monster, yet Richard, as you asked him about Chimeras, mentioned Centaurs as one of chimeras… Aren’t they beast-kin? I mean… they have other body parts… but those are humans body parts…
- And who told you, that Beast-kin are no chimera? You think, that having human parts make them even less monstrous? The only difference between those is, that beast-kin change their name to not be treated like monsters, and they tend to live more peacefully with humans, elves.. other so called “high races” and tend to build countries and cities. Chimera is not exactly the monster possessing other monster body parts… it’s actually the creature that have body parts of 2 different races. So it can be combination of monster and elf, dwarf, human… they just need to posses at least one trait of monsters… And as the beast-kin hail kitsunes, Chimeras used to bow their heads to Devourers. Kitsune can be violent, but usually is not leading wars, unlike Chimeras. Just imagine the super monster leading all those centaurs, minotaurs, arachnes… gryphons and hydras… on war. This is why we have to find it! And we should kill it or at least convince to not spread aggression. Aaand instead of that I am sitting here with you, cuz your parents are giving high bribes… pardon, donations on this academy, and I was threatened, that if I would not teach you all about this stuff you don’t care, I will get no founds for my studies! NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW WASTFUL THIS IS? SO PLEASE ! GO TO PRINCIPAL AND BEG HIM TO LET ME STUDY ALONE, OR WE ALL WILL DIE IN MOST BRUTE WAR SINCE DEMON INVASION!!!
He lost himself, the whole lesson from this point was containing only his cries and swearing about injustice on this world.
Pov change
In mountains, far, very far on east in small village a little girl with long dark hairs was sitting and eating a candies in same time. What was so very special about her? Maybe her wonderful white dress with red marks, or maybe her cute animal ears that were twitching happily as she ate. Or maybe 7 tails that were moving all around… yes, that would be definitely those tails that were special.
- U…umm. My lady? Is something wrong? You are eating a lot… usually you do so when you are nervous… is there any way we can help you?
Oh, she was nervous, and fact that her nervousness was pointed out make her nervous even more. Such a nervous situation can make anyone nervous! Are you, dear readers, nervous yet?
- Bad things may happen. – she said while munching.
- How bad, my Lady? Oh, do you mean that there may be no rain soon? If so, it is really a bad information! Without a rain, rice would no grown, and then we couldn’t make you favorite dishes…
- No! Not so bad! That would be a calamity! It’s something less important… just some war possibility, nothing you should be wary of.
- Oh I see, it’s goo… WHAT!? A WAR!? MY LADY! HOW IS THAT NOT A BAD THING!
- Nyahaha! Fear not! I will protect you! Some young Beast God is nothing that I would have problem with!
- BEAST GOD!? YOU MEAN CHIMERA?! DIVINE?! IT’S A TRUE CALAMITY! A CATASTOPHY! Last time we were saved by your mother! But she was ancient! She had all 9 tails! You have only 7! And chimeras used to grow stronger fast! In like a year he can be a challenge!!!
- Hmmm… hm…… HMMMMM! Kay! I ve got this! Fear not! I will go to him! And talk! And if he will not listen to all my ultimatums then I will nuke him down! NYAHAHA! I am a genius! Tell me Chloe, am I as smart as mommy yet?
She defiantly wasn’t. her mother was known to be the sage. Yet Chloe has no heart strong enough to break imagination of this little foxy. Even as she was 742 years old… if she acts like a child, looks like a child. Then she is a child. Age has no meaning.
Pov change
Predatory This skill evolved from [Survival] skill. As your race changed, you are no longer weak creature that is stranger to the forest.
You have became the being, that lurks in the shadows, that hides in the bushes and waits for prey.
Rogue classes will be more potent
Your fighting capabilities rises in unhabited places
You level up faster in unhabited places
You learn faster in unhabitated places
Your senses where boosted (smell, sight, hearing)
You can track other creatures
Assasinastion attpemts will be more potent
I was following Aira. She said, that she found a great place for me to live. Not some awful, sticky, smelly cave… as she called it. It was a clearing close to the river… she want to peek at me again… does she? I asked her when would we come there. She answered “soon”. How long is “soon”? well, since then we were walking for 4 hours and we still had “a bit” to go. Again, how far is “a bit”? I preferred to not ask. She is a goddess, a century for her is as fast as blink of the eye. Yet honestly, how long does she intend to… oh, here we are. It’s nice but… empty? There is a tree inside of it… nothing more..
- Um, Aira… how am I supposed to leave here? I mean, there is nothing where I could lay… or anything… you know… it’s really nice here but lack of shelter may be bad for me.
- You silly! You will grown one! – … what? Grown a house? She is insane.
- Can you please tell me how anyone can grown a house?
- Umm, were you hurt in the head, Zari? Isn’t it obvious? You have a magic! By improving grow of plant you can also shape it the you like it. You have to accelerate the grown of the tree! This is how wood elves may they primitive houses at new place before they start to make a city!
- But.. you do know, that it’s level 1? How long would it take?
- Not so long! A month? Maybe two?
- … Aira… I think we have different definitions of “no so long”…
- Ahaha… you can still use it in meditation state! It will be faster this way!!
- By how much? A week? I will still have to stay 2 weeks more under sky…
- Uhhh… i.i..i..i.if you want, you can stay at my place till you finish it… - now… why is she blushing like mad… no, wait. She can’t be that dumb… she wanted this to happen from the very start… this little..
- And where this “your place” is? You know, I doubt I can enter gods realm by will.
- No! it’s here! In the forest! by occasion I have it prepared… a..a..and by occasion my bed last time get somehow bigger, so it can easily accommodate 2 people… if we would sleep tight, that is… - “By occasion” you say… wait, I hope you didn’t prepared it, as I said that one day I would be back… did you? Oh crap… why do I have chills running through my spine?
Okay, don’t be rude for her. She is a goddess, we can spoil her a little… but for now I should have other things to do. Once again I have checked how many arrows I have in quiver. 12 – it’s normal amount for this size of quiver. No need to drag alongside bigger, it will only disturb movements, it can be halted by branches of bushes and so on. Plus in the end hunter do not need more. Actually they need up to 5. As they kill prey and bring it with them.
To kill you need, depending on animal size, from 1 to 3 arrows, 2 are extra as you would miss. I have 12 so it means I am allowed to miss more times. Or to hunt bigger mother fuckers. No. no reason. My core is still not big enough to contain bigger monster…
~ actually you have no monster core left at all, that one has DNA of human… if you would lose it, you couldn’t hold this form… well actually if you would lose it now, you would die… why are you so surprised hearing me? Oy! I merged with you, don’t you remember? Probably not. You have better things to do, then to pay attention at some book, don’t you?
Great. That freak is inside my head now. Fucking sweet. I really have to keep myself busy… once again.. how many those I have? 12? You sure? Better check one more time. I prefer to have one arrow to much then be ripped apart. So… 12? No matter how much time I count it’s 12… GUH! LET’S KILL SOMETHING ALREADY!
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