《Forging his own destiny》chapter 015 part 2


Kay’ I wrote this chap cuz i can’t sleep… and of course because i want to give you a closer look at monsters of my World. So here we go:

Professor Kleir was walking through the hall of Magic Academy. His lesson has started 10 minutes ago, but he did not care. He was an amazing researcher, yet principal decided to give him a lessons. HIM! His academic achievements were greatest! Most amount of published scientific works! And now he have to teach some brats from reach families! What a pain in the ass!

He was a grumpy old man, but he could allow himself to be grumpy, vulgar, annoying and many maaany more! Every week he was declining application of students that wanted to conduct researches under his eye. What a disgrace.

He entered a classroom. As he did all whispers went silent. Oh, boy. He could already saw how his lessons will be going. He has to live through this one, gave some theoretical speeches, then he would gave them literature they would have to study for next lesson, and then he would gave them a test that will last for duration of whole lesson. Then he would gave some more literature and the cycle would never end.

Of course he wouldn’t be the one to check those tests. He has assistants for that.

- Okay! Listen to me lads! My name is Professor Hieronymus Kleir, I have title of Grand Magus and I will have this torment on myself to teach you stuff that you would probably never understand. As I don’t give a damn about you I would be very glad if you could tell me what lesson I am suppose to bring.

The whole class went simply dumb. A teacher that have no idea what he is suppose to teach!? But they were told that he is really brilliant… and to not provoke him

- Ummm. It’s supposed to be a “Knowledge about magical races and monster”, sir. – a shy looking girl from first row said

- Tsh, of course it is…. In the end it’s my specialty… listen here! The magic itself is not fully understandable phenomenon! We just know, it came from gods… or whatever you want to call those higher beings. We divide them in this order. There is The First Magic, called also as The Magic Of beginning. No mortal has access to it. It’s domain of so called gods. Then, there are 3 elements of balance. Those are: Nature, Chaos and Order. I don’t think I have to say anything about those. If you have no idea about them, then it mean you’re a too dumb to study here!

He took a small break for breath… he will need to describe it a bit… just to continue his thoughts.

- The nature is neutral and can combine whit every other magic. It do has some problems with other elements of balance but it’s not impossible. At the other hand chaos and order and fighting each other. It’s extremely rare to find a creature that would have both…

- Sir! Sir! How rare it is?

- So rare, that if you would find one I would pay u fortune so I could dissect it and learn anything about it! Now, where did I… ah, yes. There are many lower elements that can combine mostly freely and they came out of attributes of balance… from chaos that can be all kinds of curses, shadow magic, dark magic, blood magic… from order it would healing magic, purifying magic, light magic… and from the nature those would be elements. Even as elements of balance are mostly unstable between each other, they sub-elements can mix freely. Even if they are coming from chaos and order. There is problem in creating blood magic of light.


He take few steps in the classroom as he was walking left and right

- Now we shall proceed to monsters and races… we could talk for years about it, so my question to you is… do you have any particular race you want to talk about?

- The strongest one! Or rarest! – it was a boy… 14 years old max… tsh, no naïve! The strong one! Such people tend to be blockhead. If he could, he would throw a boy outside. BUT he was almost sure that his parent are making generous donation on Academy…

- Kay lad. We will start with those… hmm so called celestial or godlike creatures… who to.. oh. Let’s start with rare and powerful. So rare that one was not spotted in millennia! Tell me boy, what do you know about mostly evil spirits living in the middle of nowhere. I will give you some tips, they have a physical body! Nothing? Djinn! Nothing? No one? Who am I teaching? There are magical creature that have tendency to eat humanoids. Have powerful bodies and much more powerful magic. They are said to be a devils variation those can be from low one like High Ghouls to powerful and terrifying Ifrits. They love solitude, and can leave millennia without eating. But if they would find some mortal walking through their domain they would be eaten immediately. Huh? What did surprise you? Ghouls?! IT WAS HIGH GHOUL YOU DUMBASS! High ghouls and ghouls are 2 totally different species! Ghouls are but mere undeads without a bit of intelligence! In the same time High Ghouls as they are partly undead have very powerful magic. They were named also the witches of nowhere! They are extremely intelligent, self aware, and deadly.

- As I can see you are not interested in Djinns I will proceed to next one… maybe? No… you will not know them… they are almost myths… tell me kids. What do you know about kitsune? Nothing? As expected. Those are humanoid fox beasts… NO THEY ARE NOT BEAST-KIN!!! The truth is that they are extremely similar. But trust me. If you would ever seen a fox beastman… be wary. They are tricky. They can give you a candy… or eat your heart. As young one has not much power, the old one are walking calamity. Even dragons tremble in presence of old kitsune. How can you recognize one? Tails. The stronger kitsune the more tails it has. Tails are their true weapon. As they grown they gain special ability that drastically improves their magic. And by drastically… as they have no tails they are like every other human, when they got 1st one… it’s the only thing we know about them – they magic pool would double… impressing is it? And it’s but a one tail! And every next is stronger! One more thing… they are celestial class. It means they have special aura around them. They are for beatmens the same thing that angels are for humans. They worship them. So if you would ever see beastmen throwing aside everything they were doing aside, just to kneel to some other beastmen… it means that the other creature is not the beastmen. Run away. Or play dead. Or whatever as if they have ill intention you are dead anyway.

He drink some water and continue lesson:

- Now about one more… casual. You know… if not you are too dumb to even breath… that at other continent there is a race of demons living. We have a non-aggression pact with them. From time to time one of them came to our kingdoms, academies to be accurate, to study and grow “bonds of friendship”… however ridiculously it sounds… there is a special variation of them. They are called Oni. They are more common. There are pretty few of them. They magic power is a bit limited, but they physical capability are top-notch. They are as strong as whole battalion. And as they are pretty numerous they are spreading terror on battlefields. They are elite of demon nation army. Skilled in every kind of close range weapon. There are rumors about their higher variation, but our knowledge is lacking in this mater.


- Now… please… anyone can say me anything about chimeras? – one of the boys raised his hand. By nodding he allowed him to speak

- T..those are monsters that has part of their bodies from monster of different species. The most common are so called chimeras warriors, they are creatures mostly changed by environments containing high mana condensations… or magical expirements. They have high breeding potential, and they offspring may have yet other body parts modified… then there are noble chimeras. Those are also called as wild beast mens, those are centaurs, minotaurs… they have part’s of their body changed, but they are one race creature, their offspring are similar to parents. Then there are Royal Chimeras. We can say that those are Gryphons, Hydras, Manticores… they are legendary, powerful and rare monster with high magical condensations. They are known for their racial attribute.. like hydra's regeneration… they also grow monster core inside of them.

- Very well. But you didn’t mention one kind. And I am not surprised at all. They are mostly extinct. So called Divine Chimera. The gods or Kings for every other chimera. They have also another name: the Devourers. Those are humanoids. What is so magnificent about them? They are shapeshifters! And they gain more shapes as they eat. When they grown older they grow a monster core inside of them. And now a question – what is so rare in them? Many monster has monster’s core! THEY HAVE MANY OF THEM! Yes dear students! Every time they get older… or more powerful they grow monster core. It’s used as DNA data base. As they eat the memory of monster they have eaten are stored in those. And by pouring a magic they can get some traits of beast they eat. Let’s just say they have 2 cores with memories of wolf and eagle. They can combine them in any way they want. Imagine a werewolf with eagle talons and wings! There was one confirmed body of such creature. It contained 137 monster cores. No one know how exactly it died, for we know it could live for whole eras. We know one, by damages on bones – it was killed in battle. We didn’t find what killed it. And for hell and heaven we are glad for it.

- Something more worth of attention? – he made a dramatical pause – oh! Of course! How could I forgotten! – he did not, and everyone know he did not. He was a bad actor – you know about angels, you know about devils. What is between?

- Um.. sir.. do you mean a high nature based monsters? Those would be dragons, leviathans…

- NO no no! I mean half angel, half devil. – everything went quiet

- Sir… it is impossible for such thing to live…

- Is it? Then please tell me what I am studding in dungeon of this very academy? – if it was quiet before, then now even souls frozen – yes my dear. We have very low information about it. Mostly the scripts of the ancients. We know, from legends, that 3 eras ago there was a war between chaos and order. Between light and dark, life and death. Angels and devils clashed, and this realm was a battlefield. It was taking a millennia. But in one moments one of devils commanders fall in love with Seraph. And she fall for him. And they had a child. It’s a magnificent creature! Horns surrounded by halo! One wing black, one white! We called him: the purifier, as he was a reason to end a war. No one won, no one lose, everyone has returned to its realm. But it’s body stayed here! In perfect conditions! It was frozen in mana crystal, and is now in sleeping state. What would happen if it would awake? Maybe a prosperity. Maybe end of the world.

- Ah we could talk about it till end of the world! About dragons! About manticoras! But as we are running out of time, I will tell you last legend – about silver scaled black dragon.

- B…but sir… the name of the dragon comes from the color of its scales… how can he be both black and silver? There are no variation! The dragon is manifestation of one element… he can’t be in 2 colors!

- Very well! You are not so useless as I thought! But here we have a story about it. He was a calamity of 2nd era! He had 2 colors and 2 attributes! Order for silver, Chaos for black. He was completely black… but he has some silver scales, not many, but they were there. From his head through the spine till tail, and on tips of its wings were silver scales placed. He was bringing despair and pain. He destroyed everything on it’s path

- Sir… how was he defeated?

- It wasn’t, he fell asleep. Somewhere… and he would awake … when? Hope in the same time as this little pal below our feet, so they could kill each other. Now coming to conclusion – the monster of …

The doors to the classroom opened violently and small girl wearing glasses rushed in, she was named Deira and she was one if professor assistances.

- S..sir!!! there was an awakening! A celestial level creature was awoken!

- Aw Deira… you have just probably hit measuring devices…

- I…I thought that too… but soon we get communication from other research stations on whole continent! They say it too!

- How many of them did say it? There could me mana violation… it could be…

- NO SIR! Every single one of 312 stations reported it! Here! In this kingdom! It was just born!

In his whole life he couldn’t be more happy. It was phenomenal event! They are born once every few millennia! He wanted to study it’s grown! His behavior!

- Dear class. We will end in now. Go to do whatever you want. There will be no more lesson. Ever. And I don’t care what principal will say. It’s the moment I was living for!

Kay guyz. I will not check it, if there are any mistakes here. You can report it in comment, and maybe I will take care of them as I wake up. It’s 5 Am now and I don’t give a fuck about errors now. Will be up in smth like 8 hours as I wake up. cya

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