《Forging his own destiny》chapter 015
As I am writing it The Foxy-kun is winning. Not far behind the dhanpir and shapeshifter are catching it tail. Then, there is a demon. Kay’ as it looks like those 4 are the one who are winning I will say just a few stuff how the story would more or less follow depending on a race (how he will behave and fighting style. I was cooking it up for this day)
- Foxy-kun – full mage ( don’t be surprised! show me one kitsune, that is not using magic to nuke enemy down – we’re not counting kyubi!) aaand he will be fluffy cuddle buddy… with some pride. He will have no evolve. Not at all till 99lvl. Every 11 or so lvls he will grown a tail. Oh, I do consider making him a monster instead of beast-kin. Just for lols. As he get stronger he will have one shape shift – to beast mode, as he do it, his physical power will increase, but he will not be able to use most of his magic
- 50-50 dijin-vamp – that will be mix of all as the story will follow, will add rogue 1st to make him some self-enchanting assassin, then I will add something like fencing skill – he will be some kind of monster aristocrat… but it will take time too. He will be a hated one (especially at beginning… you know… some evil spirit in undead body is not someone who you imagine as the hero of a nation… or your drink buddy) but then I want to do some stuff to happened and got him a few buddies
- The demon – as in vampire, but he will get a warrior 1st. And as he would get a rogue sup class, he would not get any stealth skill, more like who d get more agile… maybe smth like dual wielder? He will grown a bit bigger but not 2.2meter and higher. I wanted to make him semi-samurai. His magic will be a bit… “blocked”? it’s not what I want to say, but he will get harder to summon ect, but his self enchanting (especially pure force) will hit completely new level. I already have for him a VERY SPECIAL magic-related skill. And of course his magic will be mostly nuking one. (bit weak at first, but fire bolt FTW)
To thy chapter!!
[Your skill [Basic Potion Creation] Has leveled up. Your skill [Basic Potion Creation] is now level 10]
[Condition met. Your skill [Basic Potion Creation level 10] will now rank up to [Medium Potion Creation level 1]
[Medium Potion Creation level 1
Allow user to create more complex potions.
Poisons created by user will be 25% more potent
Healing Potions created by user will be 25% more potent
Every Potion created by user may have bonus effect]
- Hahaha… ahahahah… HAHAHAHAHA!!! – I went into my completely insane mode… it didn’t took me 3 days to level it up. It took goddamned 5 whole days and nights! No sleeping! Barely eating! Almost no talking! Who cares that it is the middle of the night?! I fucking did it!!!
- Zair!! What happened! Are you all right? – Ruby was sleeping just now, but it looks like my joy wake her up… and probably half of the village too…
- It’s too late for him. I was afraid of it. He finally overdosed that venom…
- In small doses mixed with right potions it is putting the one who takes it into semi-sleep state, helps to relax and removes mental exhaustion… he said he would be alright
- I AM ALRIGHT GODS DAMN IT! I just did it! I have almost everything I need! Now I can create that potion! I have skill! I almost have ingredients for I have order my familiars to collect them… I can start creating right n… - huh? Everything is blurry?
I have fall back on my back completely exhausted losing my consciousness. Looks like living on energy-drink potions has its limit.
Pov change
- … did he just… fall asleep?
- Seem so.
- In the middle of conversation?
- Aha
- Just a minute after he wake a whole village and half of the forest?
- He is not weird. He is just completely insane
- Ruby… for past 3 weeks, day and night he was trying everything he could in order to release you from your seal… you could be a bit nicer for him.
- I know… but he is just too weird! – I chuckled. That boy is impossible! Walking insanity. He know me for about 3 weeks, and even then he said as he want to study EVERYTHING at the same time. Yet he postponed it as he found out that I need help. He is so pure… if he can do something for someone who is in any way related to him …as friend… he will throw everything aside and do it! – we still have to move him from the floor. We can’t let him sleep here..
- But we still have no bed to put him to…
- He may stay in my bed. It’s big enough…
- Looks like you like him more than I thought.
I blushed but said nothing. It’s pointless to argue with Hanna. I just drag boy by hands to the direction of my small room
And again Pov change
I woke up, but I didn’t open my eyes. Reason? Something is clung to my body. It has hands and legs. How do I know? For I am completely bind by those! Legs are crossed on high of my pelvis and hands on level of my neck. And hot breath on my check. Honestly! What kind of monster can snore so loud! Is it this famous behemoth!? Bit to small… Mayb…
- Zari.. you can’t… - it was Ruby… it was definitely Ruby… but those words… was she sleep-talking?! WAIT?! Why is Ruby sleeping with me?!?! Did I do it!? WHY CAN’T I REMEMBER ANYTHING IN MOMNETS LIKE THESE?!
Okay - lets open eyes for now. C..CUTE! she is sleeping with mouth opened! Complete grown up child! But how do I release from here!? The most powerful of the dark binding spells – the hell cage, wouldn’t be this effective!!! Slowly, first, let’s free my hands… my hands… just noticed… what are they doing under her shirt? Am I touching … easy me… easy me… don’t think about it. The Dark Knight shall not rise! Oh, hero we deserve but we don’t need right now! Remove hands… I don’t wanna… CRAP! Pull them back you perv! But such a nice sensation they give… you normally can’t say anything about her chest area, as her body is usually well covered in robe.. Kay hands are now free… let’s just free my neck.
HOW DID SHE TIED THOSE HANDS AROUND ME?! Human body do not twist this way!!! It will be even harder as I don’t see them… crap let’s just…
- Ahh… - shit! She moaned! No! stay calm little me! it’s not your time! – Zari… slower… - NO!!! DON’T SAY SUCH WORDS! YOU IDIOT!
It took me 30 minutes to free myself. One more time – How did I end in Ruby’s bed? Uh, my whole body is numb – outcome of sleeping in weird position. I feel like I have forgot to do something import… fuck. I am a retard. Potion!
Slowly I walked out of the room just to find a Hanna in a laboratory. She didn’t even look at me while greeting.
- How was your night?
- As if I was laying under a rock.
- So she still has this habit to bind her victims as she sleep? It was less irritating as she was small, now I can only imagine to what kind of agonizing experiences you were put to.
- Ha-ha keep laughing. When will you finish?
- You have barely wake up after 3 weeks of potion creation and you want to start it yet again?
- These 3 weeks were only in order to get more skillful in creation. Now I will start the right one.
- How can you get better in doing one thing while you do another one? It’s impossible to know how to do one potion while you make others! – I already forgot they don’t have same leveling up system as I do. How much more weird can I get in your eyes?
I just smirked. No need to answer, even more as I have no idea how to tell it.
- I will be done in an hour. Find something to keep yourself busy till then
Aaand – I have no idea what to do. Completely. My head is empty. It’s is only an hour, so no point in starting anything complex, yet I find wandering around pointless too.
- Hanna? Do you have any book about races or geography. I would like to know what country is where…
- In my room. Brown book on the table. Stay away from the Grimoire!
Tsh, you don’t have to tell me such things! Who even want to have something like black, leather, possessing own mind ancient grimoire…. It’s sooo badass! Wait…
- Why do you even have such thing?!
- It belonged to Darrion. No one knows where did he find it. They only know that it granted him a great powers by forsaking something. This is how it works. The thing you will lost is random… or actually it’s better to say that grimoire itself pick what it takes away.
- What did Darrion lost?
- Emotions.
Crap. An artificial super mage, bonded with evil Grimoire, deprived of emotions… it is even more badass…
- Yet it’s still not an answer for my question. How did you get it?
- Why do I have to tell you!?
- You don’t. I may find it on my own – it was a lie. I have no idea where to even start!
- As the war was a big one and Demon Lord was very powerful, human decided to summon a Hero – … THERE IS A DEMON LORD VS SUMMONED HERO STORY! – the war was progressing slowly, you could say that there was almost no progress at all. Even if there was victory on the side of human, the demons would soon strike back and take ground once again. And then Darrion appeared. Because of his actions the pact was signed and both human and demon hunt warlock down. The hero killed him, but he died in process. The arch mage made a seal to bond it, but as he had no powers the spell was casted with powers of Demon Lord. Officially it was destroyed. The truth is that we couldn’t do it. You couldn’t tear it, burn it… nothing. So it was sealed and given to me. And as no one knows it is still intact no one seek for it. And even as few suspect that we couldn’t destroy it, they are looking for it in great kingdoms and in libraries of Magic Academy. Now go for that book about geography, hands off grimoire.
The brown book on the table. Go take a brown book from the table. The only thing you need is…
- Release meee… I will grant you…
- Shut the fuck up! Brown book from the table… oh here it is: “Races and Kingdoms of World”, come to daddy.
- You will come to me… sooner or later… everyone comes… you were not mean to be born as pathetic human… you were mean for greatness. You will not achieve it as..
- See ya book-chan. We will see each other again, as I will be desperate to throw my humanity away… or as I will be taking some other book to read… till then!
- You are…
I have shut the door and while humming I walked outside, sat on the bench in front of the hut and begin to read. Oh, there are elves pretty close… uh, it’s close in straight line… you would have to walk through the forest in order to get there, a funny thing – their kingdom is forest too. The author says, that there is simply some kind of boarder between those 2 forests, a line that as you step the dark and lethal forest change drastically into brighter and not any less deadly forest covered in mist. The elven nation is an matriarchy kingdom. There is an equality between males and females, but every representative job is occupied by a woman. So – the queen, the high priestess, the war general… oh the last one has an advisors, that depending is she is less skilled all more important decisions would be made by him/them, and then she would only give a speech or sign the decision. Why do they do it like this? A tradition! Looks like as the legends says, elves where made by gods of nature and hunting (our lovely Aira!) and wisdom and magic. Some of stories says that they were made because of some kind of promise or even a debt, the elves says that those two goddesses had a… sex. Can’t imagine that child Aira to know even a definition of this word. At the end. They were make out of love of 2 female goddesses so their representatives are women too
Firstly I thought that this book will be more scientific. And it looks like it is more like data base of all legends about races with locations of their kingdoms. It’s good for me – from time to time I find it hard to force myself to read a full science book. At the other hand - if it is a story I would eat it in one go.
- Oy, Zari, the table is all yours. – crap! I was reading for an hour!? I was sure that something like 20 min has passed max!
As I went inside and started to prepare ingredients I saw sleepy Ruby sitting in the corner with mug of herbal drink extremely similar in everything to tea.
- Morning sleep-head. You looks like you had no sleep at all at night. And it would be something extremely different from what I have seen.
- Just give me 10-20 minutes. Soon I will be up. How long are you awake?
- Just bit more than an hour. I would sleep longer, but someone was snoring so loud that I thought that a sky is falling. – she throw me a hateful gaze
- It was your imagination.
- I thought that too, but when I was already awaken it happened again, and as I was looking for Dragon attacking a village I found out, that it was you.
- You are just paying back for my jokes about you singing?
- Yes, but I had to say that you scared a shit out of me too…
- Just start making that potion already!
- What do you thing I am doing right now? But you really do look terrible… Maybe… I have a potion removing exhaustion… it’s a…
- Lethal venom of giant spider. No thanks. I am good. I want to stay alive for few more years… without becoming a mental cripple.
- Tsh, I was taking it for some time and I am all right!
- You were never sane… - I will give her that diarrhea poison. Definitely.
Let’s get to the job.
[You have failed while creating [Strong Purifying Potion of Leia’s Flower]] -… what the…
- Something wrong? Aww, you screw it? And in night you were acting like someone all powerful and mighty.
- Be quiet. I have skills needed for it.
- Aha, after less than a month of study you want to create such a difficult potion…
- It’s more like hex bags creation. I would tell you something more about it, but you have no idea even what ingredients are necessary for them, so I will not waste my time…
- You two are arguing as good old marriage.
[You have failed while creating [Strong Purifying Potion of Leia’s Flower]]
- Watch your mouth boy. By ingredients I can say, that you are making very complex potion. I would be more then impressed if you would…
[You have succed while creating [Strong Purifying Potion of Leia’s Flower]]
[You have gained 15 exp]
- FINALY! Now it only has to cool down. Huh, you were saying something Hanna? I wasn’t paying attention. This whole process kept be a bit busy.
- No, nothing at all
After few minutes Ruby drank a potion. In the end I didn’t give her that poison. I just haven’t got it under my hand and I was already too tired to make another one.
- Um… how long should I wait? Actually… do you know what did you give me?
- Haha… a bit too late to ask it now, but…
[Quest complete.
You have successfully made a potion and gave it to your friend.
The potion will take some time to eradicate a curse.
You have been given 250 exp
You will be given a special reward in time
Reward calculating in process…]
- Oh, you can be calm about it. It will take some time to start working, but it definitely will.
- I will trust you… this time
As I was in mood to joke around a bit, situation didn’t let me too. Some of the villagers screamed:
I was said that those beast are strong. Ridiculously strong. How strong? Hanna did tell me, that she was an adventure some time ago. As she was being appraised by Appraisal Stone in guilds she was said to be level 38. And she couldn’t beat one. Not alone. Maybe with help of 2-3 other as skilled adventurer, and even then it was extremely hard task. We were in deep shit. From this moment everything changed. My whole life changed. The one of last things I heard as human was but a small giggle:
- I did tell you, that you will come to me sooner or later… what will you do, dear child? Will you run? Will you let them die? Or will you fight? Tic-tac, time is running, hi-hi-hi
- In Serial130 Chapters
Musical Land Trilogy
In an alternate universe where famous historical figures are all living in one era and musicals are their every day life, fourteen-year-old Marie Curie has been told that following her passion in science will lead to a future of flipping burgers and waiting tables. As hard as she tries, the arts remain an enigma to her. She is selected to attend Presley High, one of the most prestigious schools in the city, as part of a social experiment to help her grades. With budding geniuses all around her, she feels doomed to be forever an outcast. However, when she stumbles upon a secret which shakes the foundation of Musical Land, she realizes targets from bullies aren't as terrifying as targets from the president of the city. **This is a historical (fan)fiction, so technically I don't own these characters/real life humans. And I also take creative liberties with them, so they're not exactly who they are in real life, but that's what makes it fun!** Chapters every Tuesday and Thursday
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Zoomchard: The Battle of Dominance(Cancelled)
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What happens when one creates a story then leaves everything to chance? Thousands of paths stretch out endlessly that separate into even more, countless paths. And then, all but one is destroyed with a single roll of a twenty-sided die. The die becomes the true author while the writer just provides possibilities then takes a backseat and narrates. This story will be random. To save time, the characters and some of the events will be somewhat generic, but past that all bets are off. It will create tropes and then shatter them. Characters can and will die. Even the writer doesn’t know how this story will play out. The die is the god of this world that rolls and everything it says goes. The writer is the god of this world whose whims become reality after the die rolls. Cover art was done by PrimalAvatar from INKed.
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War Of Mortal Gods
In the universe, twelve beings created everything, they then created the gods and gave them unique domains to rule and tasked them with overseeing and maintaining the natural equilibrium of the worlds containing sentient life, but restricted them from interacting with the worlds directly. The gods, who could only interact with souls that are crossing worlds in the reincarnation cycle discovered that there were two types of souls as well. There were normal mortal souls and unique souls that they called the heroes soul that are born at random. These gods then commincate with these unique souls after their first life ends and gives them a deal, either complete a certain number of tasks on various worlds to maintain the natural balance or go through the reincarnation cycle which will cleanse the soul and the memories they hold. This story is of heroes that sometimes must commit to maintaining the natural balance at any cost. There are times that these heroes save millions of innocent lifes and times that they must kill billions of innocent lifes to protect the natural balance, they arent always pure and righteous or corrupt and villaneous, these are just souls that walk the path of legendary figures and infamous killers, but who can save these heroes when they are broken and must suffer repeatedly from their role as defenders. This is the journey of a group of heroes and their growth as warriors, their traumas that make them mortal humans, and the moments that define then as immortal legends, but can they survive when faced with their greatest challenge to come that threatens to destroy whole worlds. This is the story of war that happens among mortals, Stories of wars on the inside and outside the realm of the soul, and war between mortal gods. Only one thing is certain, the side that loses the war, loses absolutely everything.
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No Good (Daryl Dixon)
(DARYL DIXON FAN FICTION) Daryl was the only thing keeping her there. Her sister and brothers were gone, her fiancé was dead, and that crossbow-exerting redneck won't take no for an answer. He is determined to keep Rebel, yet scared to have her. It's a never ending cycle with him, and during the apocalypse, love isn't exactly easy to find. It isn't Rebel's fault that she won't give in, but it is her fault what happens because of it. © 2013 Lucky Oliver All rights reserved.
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