《Forging his own destiny》chapter 008
New chapter here. This one will be bit boring, BUT! From the next one this will change by whole 360 degree! ( theheheheheheeheh wrote dat on purpose).
Kay, not makin’ it any longer – here ya go:
Once again in the darkness… Am I dead again? That actually could be funny… be Re-born in a New Word and die in less than a week.. That would be shortest story ever… uhmmm, so comfy here, almost if I was laying in bed…
No, wait… I am actually in a bed… with someone... that someone is hugging me? I don’t want to move from here.
The giggle rang in the room.
- You are quite a sloth, are you? – what a nice voice, I could listen to it for ages… I want to hear her sing…
With all my powers I have turned my position, first I was laying on my back, and now, as I turned direction I returned the embrace and burrow my face in her body. What a nice smell… like a honey and a bit of cinnamon.
Giggle again escaped her mouth. Ah, she was petting my head… how nice. Now I am definitely not moving from here…
- Can you still remember, who you are? – what a silly question I am Zariel! Boy out of nowhere desperately trying to survive while murdering all bunnies around. But why am I here? What I was doing just n…
Memories struck like thunder. In an instant everything was forcibly throw at my head… the sliced throat… the eyes that were looking at me till very end. The head blew out with morning star… and anger… and then feeling of being completely hollow and worn out. Oh, so I am dead…
- No, you aren’t dead you little fool. – oh, this voice… please keep talking to me… - aw, what a cutie you are… when I first saw you, there was nothing special in you. Just some soul that broke out from the system… And there was your little journey… your passion, your anger, your greed, your lust… I am feeding on those… but in different way mortal have to feed. Those are a source of my pleasure… I was called a Dark Goddess… I don’t mind it, names means nothing to me… but I do help someone with strong desires… the thief raised on street that want to steal in order to know a luxury… a rejected boy who would never be with one he love, and want to take vengeance upon the one who took it away… a mage that want to violate every single law of nature only because he want to taste a power of gods… I do help them all… they all take my help with joy, sacrificing everything they deem worthy just to get what they desire… and you, you want everything… what a wonderful goal… but there is something in you… you do reject a help! You want to pay with the only value that is actually worth anything… with your very own blood. How could I not take you for myself… be mine!
Such a nice voice… but… became someone’s property just like this? You know… I may be old-fashioned… but maybe a walk first? Then maybe dinner? Take it slowly! Let’s just know each other better…
Laugh rang in the room like millions of shattered diamonds falling on the floor.
- I want you more and more – she purred – or, as someone said in your world… come to the dark side, we have a cookies – she was laughing again and again… such a nice aura she has… I have imagined a goddess of darkness somehow different… ya know, throne from bones inside a torture room, and all in tight leather black cloths… no, no, stop me… this now is just your fantasia…
- My very special soul – she changed ours positions, I was now laying under and she was pinning me to the soft bed – you thought that you managed to kill them all by yourself? Oh, an enraged status was reached by you all alone, but let’s just say that I have helped you a little with that bloodlust, just a little… triggered the right thing… ignite other and boom – we have a wonderful berserk…battle was still wonderful… and I am soooo jealous for woman who triggered such emotions inside of you… oh I do know, that it was no any kind of love, but simply admiration of worthy opponent… but still…
Door to this wonderfully dark room has been opened and unnatural amount of light was forced inside. DAMN! MY EYES! STOP IT! IT’S WAY TO BRIGHT! THERE IS NO OPPTION THAT SUCH LIGHT IS NATURAL!
- Uh, I hoped we would have more time together… just for us… goodbye boy, and please, consider my offer… we could cuddle more often then – and she pressed her lips to my head.
And everything went blurry once again.
As the spirit of Zariel was sent away, Heira turned her gaze into the corner of her room. The light has stopped invading her sanctuary, it was only her sister – the deity of light – who politely informer her that she is pushing her luck with her actions. As her eyes laid on the cloud of accumulated darkness – one of her many servants – the devil, she asked aloud:
- aww you took interest in him too, Bahoru?
As only she asked a cloud took a shape of handsome male in his 30s. In Elegant suit he kneeled while bowing his head
- please forgive me my impudence
- haha! No no! it’s fine! It can be even more interesting this way..
I woke up with both headache, and awful pain in my stomach. My throat was dry. I checked my status, but only things I paid attention to were my hp/stamina bar and statuses
Hp [18/120] improving
Stamina [27/130] improving
Mental exhaustion
Body exhaustion
Herbal medicine in use
Nature recovery magic in use.
I just looked in all direction, only for that I had power left, I was inside a hut. Shaman was cooking something in big pot, and some other goblin was doing something with my right arm. I couldn’t focus my gaze, but whatever this little bugger was doing to me, it hurt like hell. I groaned, and as I did my stomach was screaming in pain even more. The goblin messing with my hand didn’t react at all as he was extremely busy with his job, but shaman almost immediately stopped what he was doing, came to me, checked my general condition, and gave me something to drink. I almost spat it out, and I probably would, if shaman wouldn’t covered my mouth. Taste was horrible, like rotted grass and some moss.
There was a notification saying something about Herbal medicine effect being renewed. But I didn’t care. After a minute or so I get sleepy again… that horrible drink effect huh?
Woke up again… now both my condition and statuses where better. My mental and body exhaustions were gone and both health and stamina hit over 50%. I raised up to sitting position. There was no one here now… I could now take a closer look for everything. There was a big table on which some herbs were drying, a big pot in the center of hut. I looked on some weird drawings on one of the walls, I looked on some strange tools that looked like taken away from some horror movie about mad surgeon, I looked on my right arm covered is some tribal tattoos, I looked on… WHAT THE FUCK?!
What did they do to my precious arm?! Those tattoos where showing some kind of animals, first my hand, there was a spider picture, 4 of it legs where spreading with my fingers, from pointing to small one, other 4 legs where raised in direction of my arm, then there was a wolf’s head with bared fangs. From elbow and higher the snake was climbing it way to my shoulder, on which the eagle was sitting proudly with one of its wings spread at my chest. There was also a tattoo on my very heart. It was a dragon moving in spiral to the inside… that one has no paws not wings, a bit like Chinese dragon… I don’t like tattoos, I mean.. they are all cool, but only if they have very own meaning… back on earth there were some kinds of skin all covered in tribal tattoos. It was okay, but what was making me mad, was that they were wearing it “cuz it’s cool”. Dude! You have permanently marked your body! You should put there something with extremely personal meaning!
Eh whatever, but now you could see why I am a bit furious. They have marked it as they pleased without asking me!
I raised from bed. I can stand by myself, no dizzy, no walking problem, I should thank to the shaman. I was completely naked. My clothing was near bed, but only a jeans pants. I put it on myself and walked outside. The village was living everyday’s life. The only difference was theirs reaction toward me. They bowed to me as they were passing me, no, don’t get a wrong idea, it wasn’t some kind of bow you offer to royalty, rather to someone who did a lot for community… did I do something good for their community? Last time I checked I make some shorts in their warriors supply.
The shaman was performing some kinds of ritual under totem. There where hunters there too, knelling on the ground with one hand on the ground used as support and other at their hearts.
The shaman ended his performance and walked to me, but hunters keep kneeling before it.
- You seem better hiumanh.
- Yes, thank you for your care.
- Don’t need to bid your thankz, there haz to be a winner of war ritual.
I stayed silent for a bit. But there was something irritating me to his point I had to ask.
- What are those tattoos?
He didn’t seem to be surprised about this question… even more, he waited for me to ask about it.
- Those kindz of fightz are rare… usually when we pick a general among among tibez. The tattoos sayz how one fought hiz 10 fightz. The spider meanz someone, who iz careful, as someone who slice hiz enemy vein and wait for him to bleed. The wolf iz swift attacker who jump at enemy throat, the snake is cunning, he findz other wayz of fighting. Other meaning of snake is someone who pins his prey to ground and slowly killz it wtih overwhelming with power – his voice trembled a little while saying it – the eagle is proud hunter. He iz a king of sky. And he will hunt even a small mouse with all hiz might.
- And then there is a dragon – he looked deep in my eyes – while they unleash their anger nothing shall withstand the manifestation of their fury.
Aha, and this is why you putted it on my heart? You have me for some kind of psycho that you don’t want to irritate? Thanks mate, appreciate it, really.
-About the hunting ground… I don’t need it, I have about 4 of those and can find them pretty easily.
Shaman turned his gaze one me with shock. He wanted to said something, but simply he lacked words.
- T..thiz iz generouz of yiu… we don’t know how to pay back…
- But I do… do you have some bow and arrows? I could even hunt something for you… but don’t get a wrong idea… I am just waiting for something. It could take me a day or weeks, but then I am moving out.
- …I see… even after we wanted you dead, you still wizh to help uz. Then I humbly accept your generouz offert… you muzt be send my godz..
Oh boy, you have NO idea… The shaman screeched in his langue and one of the goblins run towards the biggest building in the village, guarder by 2 lancers. They didn’t even flinched when the goblin rushed pass them as they saw that he was send by shaman. After a minute he ran back with bow in pretty good condition and quiver filled with arrows, as he approached to us while bowing his head he offered it to me. I grabbed a bow.
Ding [ skill knowledge transfer in process]
[skill obtained: Bow usage – beginner level 4
Bows are a weapon used by hunters, and specially trained solider. They are excellent both in hunting and decimating enemy forces before they approach.
User will deal more damage while using bows
User will be able to shoot arrows faster
User with deal bonus critical damage while using bows
First attack will always land a critical if user is not spotted while shooting
User may put various status effects on target. Status depends on arrow type
Those effects rise with skill level
Those effects rise with dexterity
Those effects rise with reflex
Those effects rise with luck]
Huh, a skill? But I didn’t use it yet… is it because I was quite skilled with it in my previous life? Good things are good. Now let’s aim at that tree there… HOLY FUCKING BALLS! It just.. it was a viewfinder, was it? I mean… as only I stretched a bow a circle appeared in my vision… it was pulsating and getting bigger and smaller every time… and as I shoot an arrow it hit place within it…
It was getting smaller as I hold breath and focused more... so I can regulate accuracy like this too? It probably also get better with reflex and dexterity… I hope I am the only one who can get such cheats… uh.. how troublesome it was to take into consideration all possibilities… wind speed, distance, now it’s all calculated in real life time and depending on my skills the area where my arrow will fall is shown to me.
- Are yours hunters heading to the forest now?
- They should be ready soon…
- Good, tell them to follow me, and move as quiet as possible. I will show them some hunting grounds and methods – he bowed his head in thankful gesture.
I want to hit level 5 as fast as possible. I have enough of this forest. And I want to get stronger. Be faster. Be wiser. I have this mentality of gamer to reach everything that was possible to claim. I want to see sunset in as many places as possible, eat as many various dishes as possible. I want a knowledge to understand as many things as possible.
And fame? Of course too. Maybe I will go to some kind of adventure guild? It’s sounds like fun. But to experience all of these things I have to get out of this nowhere.
I warned them about traps, so there should be no accidents. First we headed to the place where we met each other. My body was a bit stiff after laying so many days in bed, shaman claimed I was laying for over a week.
We spotted rabbits pretty fast, somehow it seem like their population grown as there were 7 of these in clearing. I wanted to use a bow to hunt them down. Now a good question – why goblins, last time, instead of shooting them from afar jumped from the bushes and wanted to chase them? Because they were small little shits! They were so small that they couldn’t shot from behind of the bush as those were higher than them. So they used to jump from the bushes and shoot to them in open area.
But shooting a rabbit in move is a bit hard task. So they collect not as much as they need. Later I will tell shaman about building some kinds of covered platforms in the forest, where goblins may be able to hide and wait for prey. Showing them traps will do too. For now let’s just exp a little bit
I took a breath and calmed my nerves. I did it in order to improve my accuracy. I slowly stretch a bow. A circle appear, it was a bit bigger than a rabbit so there was a possibility of missing. I let a string go and arrow flew through the air.
Bunny died in one go, rest of them started to run, but there was enough time for me to shoot few times more. My hand automatically putted new arrow to use, it was a trained movement. If you do this few hundred times a day you will get used to it. Hah I said I did it hundred times a day? I did, but those days where at least a months apart.
Next arrow flew and hit its target. I have sent one more but that one actually missed by inch or so.
[You have slain an Brown Horned Rabbit – 3exp – exp boost 3 exp]
[You have slain an Brown Horned Rabbit – 4 exp – exp boost 4 exp – combo x2 4 exp]
If I hunt is same manner rabbits one more time I will level up, then only 1 level left till my class selection.
Goblins ran for the rabbits bodies, skillfully snatched an arrows and bring them back to me. They seem excited and pleased. Killing 2 rabbits in one go is that difficult for them? Ehh, I think I will show them few more tricks in the future… at last this way I can thank them for not letting me bleed out on the arena… actually they were the one who were responsible for injuries… ah screw dat. I leveled up hard there.
We have changed a location and keep hunting. In next go 4 of 7 arrows hit their targets… percentage accuracy of shots decreased… well at least there was more food for village and exp for me
[You have slain a Brown Horned Rabbit – 3exp – exp boost – 3exp]
[You have slain a Brown Horned Rabbit – 4 exp – exp boost – 4 exp – combo x2 4exp]
[You have slain a Brown Horned Rabbit – 4exp – exp boost – 4 exp – combo x3 8exp]
[You have slain a Brown Horned Rabbit – 3exp – exp boost – 3 exp – combo x4 9exp]
[You have reached level 4]
Name: Zariel
Level: 4 exp 08.75% [35/400]
Age: 16
Race: Human
Class: None
Job: None
Title: The one who forge his own fate
Champion slayer
Deadly Arena Champion
The Great Duelist
Hp: 71/130
Stamina: 67/140
Mana: NA
Strength: 9
Vitality: 13 (added 1)
Endurance: 11 (added 1)
Constitution: 14 (added 1)
Dexterity: 17 (added 1)
Reflex: 9 (added 1)
Intelligence: 22 (added 1)
Wisdom: 21 (added 2)
Spiritualism: 15 (added 1)
Luck: 7+10 (added 1)
Charisma: 4+20
Charm: 6
Appraisal level 2 exp 61.18%
Skinning level 1 exp 90.00%
Survival level 1 exp 26.27%
Dagger User –Beginner level 2 exp 14.11%
Human Language MAX
Bow usage – beginner level 4 exp 05.60%
One more time jack of all… hopefully for the last time. The goblins want to head back. I don’t. I want to hit level 5. Today. NOW! I am getting about 50 exp now, bow really did speed up my exping. With this and goblins running for me and bringing me arrows back I can hunt to the evening. There are many hunting grounds around, goblins can easily carry 2 or 3 rabbits. I have a bag so I can carry even more. AH! Why those little buggers can’t speak human language!
I made a gesture like as I wanted to show them some more places. They seem to understood my intention. No matter if they will beg me, even if we have to leave some rabbits behind, I will not go back until I get these 365 remaining exp.
There is nothing to relate… as long as you do not enjoy mindless grinding. Gh. If I had a bow from the very start instead of level 4 I would be 14!! The proficiency in my bow rise at nice speed. It didn’t level up, but I did! I hit level 5. It took me almost whole day. We were left with over 30 bunny corpses too…I looked like those 6 goblins tried to pick them all by themselves. Oh I did enjoy it! I waited like 10 minutes before I started throwing them to my bag… I will have to wash it pretty soon too. As I did they looked at me as at some kind of ultimate salvation.
I didn’t pick a class right away, nor allocated points. I will do it tomorrow, as I will be fully recovered.
For today we returned back to the village. When the villagers noticed how many food we have bring with us they throw a party… not. It was not a party. Not in human language meaning, it wasn’t a feast either. First they made a huge fireplace in center of village. Till then it was ok. Then they stated to prepare food. Still ok. But as the food was served… it was a complete chaos. I would rather prefer to take part in death match again than to try my luck with getting a bite of food. Tsh, prefer to fight with that gryphon that to participate in this eating fest! They use forks? They use plates? Forget about it! Their forks are their claws, and few of them indeed had bowls. Let me emphasize it: A FEW! Oh I did eat that night. Still have no idea how I did it, but I am proud of this! For a moment I thought that I would get some kind of achievement for not dying that night… or a sick exp boost in survival skill… somehow system don’t see some situation as extreme enough.
After this madness was over, I came to the Shaman and talk with him about all possible improvement that they may use. Those were really basic one like those already mentioned. I also told him, that all my business in forest are done and soon I will be leaving… he acknowledge it. As he himself was laughing and singing his eyes didn’t. There was a sorrow, and I exactly knew why. Poor thing… keep strong wherever you will reincarnate.
For now I went to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day – my class picking day. I wasn’t tired at all. It was even more surprising when the sleep came in… till the very last moment I thought that I hear a song singed by this wonderful voice… oh irony, it was also a song from my world…
“Hush child, the darkness will rise from the deep,
and carry you down into sleep…”
So guyz… I both over accelerated his grown till this moment for I want to start the history itself. BUT! Before it, let’s pick his class, shall we? This is a very last moment for you to vote. Tomorrow I shall start writing a story from our new – no longer classless nor jobless MC perspective! Yeey!
Praise me a little, please (^_^)
- In Serial232 Chapters
Born with glowing green eyes. Destined for rotten luck. Peasant girl Meya Hild is offered the chance of a lifetime to become a Lady---at swordpoint. By mercenaries. Engaged to a dying nobleman. Poisoned with one month to live. Tasked to loot a castle. In a kingdom running out of resources. Little did Meya know that this shenanigan would lead her across land and over seas, from a mountain made of sapphire to an island shrouded in silver spiral clouds, with masquerades, heists, kidnappings, assassinations, shipwrecks, alchemy, reading lessons, romance, and an unexpected "bump" along the way. Let the misery begin. 🐉 🎯 PROGRESS: 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑🌑🌑 .....60%Bingers beware! This story is still ONGOING. 🎨 Cover: Aximetrik (IG: @aximetrik__ )🖱️ Website: https://www.jeidafei.com/💬 Discord: https://discord.gg/2G53wC6Q6q📧 Subscribe: https://subscribepage.com/luminous🐉 Manga: https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B09M9B67RN 🔖Content Guidelines:Mild language and sexual content. Yet, most chapters should be safe for work/school.Intimate scenes will be marked with ❣️ ⭐ DOs & DON'Ts ⭐ 💖DO: Add LUMINOUS to your library & follow me so you don't miss any updates! 💖DO: Comment away! I love answering them. 💖DO: If you enjoyed Meya's adventure, spread the word! 💖DO: Join the Luminous mailing list and Discord!Don't miss the latest developments on LUMINOUS: THE GRAPHIC NOVEL! (Chapter 0: Prologue now available on Amazon!) 🚫DON'T: SKIP THE PROLOGUE! You have been warned by the dragons that be that you will regret it!Why don't I just rename it "Chapter 1"? BECAUSE PROLOGUE SOUNDS COOLER! 🚫DON'T: Plug, spam or troll.Posting anything unrelated or toxic will lead to an instant mute. Copyright© 2020 Anchisa Utjapimuk (jeidafei)All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.
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Everyone probably dreams of being transmigrated into a sword and magic world, right? But not Kite. He was transmigrated without any warning at all. Worst of all the body he currently possesses is in the danger of dying. At least he had a system to level up and grew strong, at least that was what he thought. Until he realizes that all the people here have their own level-up system. He then tried to access the memory of the past owner when he received a message from the system. | Host is detected searching memory fragments.Random memory will be obtained by sacrificing any amount of Experience Points. | He was completely hopeless. Just checking his own memory cost a number of experience points. He was literally transmigrated into an unknown game-like world. And his level was also low, at Level 2. Join Kite as he experiences many troubles, tragedies, sufferings, and tribulations and embark on the path of being the strongest. The Legend of the All-Mighty God of Infinity has begun. ••• Book Cover made by SmilingBlueCloud ••• Join our Discord Channel guys! https://discord.gg/cxZNfQ
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