《The Princess of Potential》Chapter 47: For Sanity's Salvation


When Alina awoke again, the sun had drifted across the hazy blue sky, passing its high point for the day; however, she felt far more wakeful than she had that morning– albeit a little bit sticky with sweat. No longer having a fever and experiencing chills meant that sleeping under blankets in the midst of summer was similar to being stifled in a blacksmith's shop.

Rising from her bed slowly, and nearly passing out at the sudden exertion, Alina gripped one of the four posts of her bed to stop herself from completely crumpling to the floor.

Days laying down had not done wonders for her stamina.

“E-Excuse me?” Alina called out while clearing her throat.

She didn’t want to risk crossing over to the door, even though she knew that the odds there were maids standing right outside her room were-

The door flew open, and in charged Paula with several other maids behind her who all looked as though they had been weeping.

“Princess! We were so worried! Those horrible men! How could they?!” Paula, completely forgetting any sense of decorum, threw her arms around Alina, her tears starting to run anew.

Alina gingerly wrapped an arm around the young maid she felt guilty for only being able to vaguely recall her name...

“There, there, I’m home safe, and… a bit… hungry.” Alina felt her cheeks turn pink at having to bring to attention the fact that while their concern was heartwarming, she hadn’t had a proper meal in days.

“O-Of course, Your Highness! We will go fetch your meal straight away! We’ll also tell the kitchen staff to start warming the water for your bath.” Paula released Alina hastily with a sniffle as all the maids dipped into curtsies.

“Thank you, I truly appreciate it.” Alina managed to resume her mask of nobility as she smiled politely and bowed her head.

Her maids filed out, and when the door was open, Alina found herself craning her neck in an effort to see if Brendan was still waiting outside.

Unfortunately, the cluster of maids blocked the hall from view, and so she couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

‘No. I should be relieved… After all, I need to sort out my own feelings and thoughts about him first…’

Alina gave her head a small shake, which proved to be a poor idea as a wave of dizziness overtook her, making her once again have to grab onto her bed post.

After a moment, she managed to take another deep breath, and do what she always did when faced with tangled thoughts and emotions.

She paced.

Though at a far slower speed than usual.

‘I still haven’t forgiven him for considering bringing in a mistress to bear his children, and no matter how well-intentioned he is, if he tries to tell me that we won’t have our own children then we really will have to end the betrothal.’

Alina felt her hands grip her sleep shift nervously.

‘My own mistake in the situation, was undermining the amount of preparation I need to be a Queen. Though once I’m more familiar with the Troivackian customs, perhaps I could try suggesting to him that he share more about his work, and prove myself to him with any insights I get. Then, perhaps he’d let me join discussions with some of his closer advisors… Henry would most likely help me, though I doubt he has a high standing in court, I think I can count on him to be honest about the state of their political dealings…’

Alina sighed. There was much of her conversation with Brendan Devark that relied on how he would respond to their last conversation.


The fact that he remained in Daxaria despite everything was promising.

Alina froze in her tracks then as her wrists began to sting. Casting her eyes down to her bandages with a frown, she discovered… she was trembling…

The sound of her three kidnappers shouting at Kat and Reese… the images of Katarina being struck across the face… Reese returning from outside more battered and bruised each and every time… the memories flashed in Alina’s mind and suddenly she was crouched on the floor as the shaking weakened her knees.

She remembered Dexter reaching for his sword as they discussed leaving her buried in the woods.

The maids burst through the door carrying Alina’s meal and an empty tub.

“Your Highness, we-! Oh, there you are!” Paula observed Alina’s hunched position on the floor with a relieved smile after realizing the royal was not in her bed. Though the expression faded when Alina didn’t immediately rise and look at her.

“Princess, is everything alright?”

“Is something wrong?” Brendan Devark’s voice from the corridor made all the maids jump and turn to courtesy as he stood behind them, his dark eyes searching the chamber for Alina, but unable to spot her as she remained crouched.

“O-Oh, Y-Your Majesty the Princess is- uh,” Paula trailed off, unable to finish the sentence as she stood staring at Alina’s back. She still had yet to raise her head.

Brendan strode forward past the guards and maids.

Stepping around the bed, he regarded Alina’s crouched still form, his jaw clenching powerfully for a moment before he moved forward swiftly and then crouched down in front of her.

“Princess, you aren’t there any more,” Brendan murmured as he recognized her unsteadiness and her eyes staring blindly at the floor. “You’re home.”

With great difficulty, and her face pale, Alina slowly raised her face to stare at Brendan. Though it was clear that she was barely able to register his presence through the haze in her mind.

“Princess, you are home with your father. You, and Lady Katarina are safe,” Brendan repeated, his voice calm, but his dark eyes not leaving her wide hazel ones.

“What’ve I done?” Alina breathed weakly. “Kat is… she’s…”

Words no longer came out as Alina felt a cold sweat spread across her skin.

“It is not your fault. You will come out of this, and when you do, you will feel very tired,” Brendan explained, his voice soothing and gentle.

“They were going to kill me,” Alina managed, her throat restricting as she stared at Brendan desperately. “They were going to… bury me in the woods. They tried to sell me. Kat could… she might… die. I-”

“Lady Katarina is not dead. They did not kill you, you will not be sold. You are home. You are safe,” Brendan counseled, making sure to repeat his words firmly despite a bloodthirsty rage filling him as she recounted what she had been through.

“What is-” the sound of Norman’s voice had Brendan’s dark eyes flitting upwards for a moment, but despite seeing the Daxarian King’s agitated expression, he dropped his gaze back to Alina.

“Princess, your father is here. Now, can you tell me the words to your favorite ballad for us?”

“W-Why?” Alina asked, her eyes beginning to drop back to the floor.

“I’m curious what your favorite song is,” Brendan managed to remain casual despite Norman’s frown.

For a moment Alina’s brow furrowed. She didn’t speak, and Brendan began to worry if she was slipping into a place further than his words could reach, when she spoke once more.


“To the port of my home

To the land of my father

I bring tales of woe

Tales of love, storms, and fun

I bring flowers for my mother…”

Brendan nodded along as Alina recanted the lyrics, the tension in her shoulders gradually easing as she spoke.

Meanwhile, Norman’s expression grew uncertain as he watched the exchange.

Behind him the guards and maids shared uneasy stares.

When Alina had finished the song lyrics, she felt her body grow heavy with weariness…

“How about you have a meal with your father, a bath, and a good sleep.” Brendan gave Alina a soft smile while offering his hand to her.

Alina stared at Brendan then, her mind still not entirely clear, but the details of his face becoming sharper nonetheless. He hadn’t shaved in days, and his eyes had sunken into his face, and his hair was disheveled. He wore a simple black tunic and black pants, and it was clear they were rumpled after days of wear.

Alina blinked.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered quietly.

Brendan’s features stiffened for a moment, a look of pain passing briefly through his eyes.

“You don’t have anything to be sorry for. Come, have something to eat. You must be hungry,” he prompted again while inching his hand forward ever so slightly.

Slowly, Alina reached out, and clasped Brendan’s hand.

She hadn’t realized how cool or clammy her palms had become, and she wasn’t entirely sure what had just happened to her either… Perhaps the stress of the abduction and sickness was wearing on her…

Once standing, Brendan guided Alina over to her father, who was all too grateful to take his daughter’s hands into his own.

“Come, my dear. Let’s eat, and then I will leave you to wash and rest in peace.”

Alina felt her teeth set themselves on edge as the maids sprang back into action as they began to set food on the small round table for her while the other maids moved and set the tub down.

She didn’t like how everyone was looking at her like a porcelain doll…

As her father moved her over to her chair, Alina glanced over her shoulder and noted Brendan’s back as he left the chamber, his shoulders as straight and broad as ever.

Her gut twisted, and she had to bite down on her tongue not to call out to him. It wasn’t time yet to talk to him…

Taking a slow, fortifying breath, Alina regarded the steaming plate before her.

Perhaps tomorrow she would regain some of the strength she knew she so desperately needed.


Fin sat beside his wife, his forearms braced against his knees, his hair oily and unkempt. His face unshaven, and his clothes unchanged from the day they had first rescued Alina and Kat.

Annika sat beside her husband, slightly cleaner, but no less haggard.

Neither of them said a word as they sat at their daughter’s bedside.

Katarina had been permitted to stay in the castle so that not only the Royal Court Physician could attend to her, but also members from the Coven of Wittica.

More mutated witches had been permitted into the inner council of the coven throughout the years thanks to Fin’s influence, and one of which was a witch who could regrow bones, another who could put people to sleep for hours at a time which was incredibly useful to the Physician she aided…

However, despite every resource being available, the simple fact was that there wasn’t anything they could do but wait and see if Katarina Ashowan would wake up.

Tam sat on the opposite side of his sister’s bed across from his parents, his dark eyes lost in thought as he thought about losing his sister, and how the world would become a little colder as a result…

“She… she killed a man,” Fin’s quiet voice broke the heavy silence.

“A man who kidnapped and beat her. A man who threatened Alina’s life-” Annika countered fiercely, though her voice was still hushed.

“I know. I understand everything, but… Annika, she didn’t even seem like herself. It was like her magic overtook her and she just kept hitting him… she won’t ever be the same even if she does awaken.” Fin eyed his daughter’s bruised and battered knuckles, his stomach churning at the sight.

For a moment, the silence returned.

“She won’t be the same if you treat her like that,” Tam interjected quietly. His hands slowly gripping into fists. “She’s the same as ever until she shows us otherwise. We can’t go treating her differently right away.”

“Tam’s right,” Annika agreed. “We can’t presume anything about how she is or how she’ll be… Fin, is it that you feel differently about her after what you saw?”

The Viscount didn’t respond immediately as his blue eyes stared off blankly for a moment, his brows furrowed.

“I think I’m worried what exactly it is her magic does… her tutors did say that her abilities may reveal themselves more as time goes on… I also know Kat has a heart of gold. I’m worried how she’ll feel about what’s happened. I guess the root of my concern is that she wasn’t entirely in control when she killed Roscoe.”

Both Annika and Tam pondered Fin’s words. Both sharing similar worries, but unable to say anything.

As he stared at her pale sleeping face, her long red hair fanned out on the crisp white pillow and bed beneath her, Tam felt his insides grip painfully.

“I never got to tell her she was right. That… that I need to do more to prepare for the future… that I shouldn’t just be an observer…” he trailed off, unable to finish the sentence as his parents stared at him, both with matching expressions of pain and tenderness.

Then, Annika and Fin shared a glance with each other, a wordless communication passing between them before Fin squeezed his wife’s hand and stood.

Slowly, the Viscount rounded his daughter’s sick bed, and moved to kneel before his son.

“You will tell her. Right now, she is just recovering her magic. The physician said everything else was healing remarkably well. I myself was unconscious for a week the first time I started burning away my life energy instead of magic,” Fin reminded with a slight smile. “Your sister is strong. She’ll come out of this, I’m sure of it.”

Tam’s expression remained morose; the knowledge didn’t help him feel any better.

A black plume swished by Fin and Tam that drew their attention.

“Hi, Kraken,” Tam greeted as the feline gave a small chirp in response and leapt up onto Katarina’s bed.

Fin slowly raised himself up and lowered himself back down onto the edge of the bed as he watched Kraken stroll over carefully to Kat and sniff her face, then turn back and seat himself in front of the Viscount.

“Witch, what is the status here?” Kraken turned his wide green eyes to Fin.

“We’re just waiting for Kat to wake up. No telling how long it’ll be.”

Kraken glanced back over his shoulder at Katarina’s sleeping face, then returned his attention to Fin and began kneading the wool blanket beneath his paws.

“Ah. That explains it. I was wondering why everyone was still like this. I see you haven’t realized our eldest kitten is awake and pretending to sleep.”

Fin’s eyes shot up to his daughter’s face. His look of shock and alarm startling both Tam and Annika.

“Kat?! Kraken says you’re awake, and I swear to the Gods, young lady, it is not funny if you are!”

Katarina didn’t move, but had there been a slight tensing in her shoulders just then?

Kraken let out a long breath followed by another chirp, and then proceeded to stroll right back up to her face. Everyone watched as Kraken unceremoniously bumped his head against Kat’s forehead repeatedly and pressed his wet nose into her mouth as Fin rose from the edge of the bed, his gaze never leaving his daughter’s face.

When she still didn’t stir, Kraken turned around and proceeded to sit right on Katarina’s face.

There was a beat of silence before her hands slowly rose up and hoisted the large fluffy black cat off her face. Her golden eyes glaring at her father’s familiar.

“You know for a cat, Kraken, you can be a pretty crappy rat.”

“Katarina!” Annika burst out, jumping to her feet, her voice a mixture of chastising and relief.

Fin let out a long breath mixed with a groan of irritation and happiness while Tam’s face broke into a smile before he started laughing.

Kraken squirmed in Katarina’s grip until she released him, and as he sauntered towards the foot of the bed where he resumed kneading the blankets to begin making a perfect nap spot, he looked up at his witch.

“Once again, I have saved the day. I will accept my reward of grilled mackerel by dinner time.”

Fin didn’t bother with replying as he, Annika, and Tam all descended on Kat hugging and kissing her as she squawked under the barrage of affection.

At long last, things were beginning to turn right again with the world.

Even though there were dark days ahead, and more work to be done… at the very least, they were together again, and in that moment it was enough for them all to know they could take on any hardships to come.

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