《Dungeon Core Abi》Chapter 19 : The Warm Up Tour
I appear at the entrance and have to shout to get my Rogues to bring Katrina back in as my will still doesn't reach outside. I've done all that I can and it's time to show it off.
Seeing how Katrina isn't as dungeon destruction inclined as I had originally pegged her to be, I'm hoping that this tour goes okay. Or as well as something that's as strange as being inside of me could go, especially when that means you're actually inside a mountain that now has its own fully functioning sun.
Regardless, it's still a good warm-up for when the real Categoriser turns up.
As we pass through the dungeon I explain to Ali, who relays the information to Katrina, that I intend to turn the entrance into a welcoming area for anyone wishing to enter. She looks at Ali quizzically but doesn't say anything that she may be thinking, she might be holding all her questions until the end but I doubt she will make it that long. After a short well-lit tunnel we arrive at my new rule room. It's twice the size of my entrance, with a small hole on the north wall, this one is different to the last time she came through with her guides and she can't help releasing her curiosity.
"Why did you get rid of the traps and why do you have a hole in you? Although, it's smaller than last time, isn't it? And what are those large rocks for?" She's a little confused as to why this man-eating dungeon would replace her primary defences with large stones that have writing on and why she's also sporting a circular sized gap in her inner walls that the apprentice is rudely pointing at.
"It was an experiment," I quickly reply before I let her in on another dungeon related secret to change the topic. The one about us being able to move our features around free of charge, another glamourous effect that humans would pay an exorbitant amount of money to possess.
I explain that I've moved them further in as I needed them up here before when I was still growing to protect myself from dangerous monsters or humans.
That sounds convincing, right?
It sounds believable, especially coming from Ali. She does appear to be shocked.
I can't even fault him as he's correct.
Ali could sell rat on a stick from her future restaurant and people would probably still buy it.
She's a charmer.
Perfect lime green eyes and gorgeous green hair, ahh it's like looking into a mirror.
"These rocks of rule, or rule rocks if you will, are there to inform my visitors of what 'is' or 'isn't' acceptable when entering me." I let Katrina know the reasoning behind their appearance is basically to show my hospitability and understanding nature.
Gentle yet firm is always fine.
We continue on down the second well-lit tunnel before we reach the door to the Guard House. The building covers the entire tunnel and the only access is through the large door before us, where Hana and Mira would usually be waiting to check out whether a person is safe to walk within my walls. If they're not, then we let them in any way but the chances of them leaving again are slim to none. I've imposed my will and dictated my dictatorship, my guys should know who 'is' and 'isn't' fair game now.
We enter the rundown feature, with the guards who normally fill the positions inside the crumbling infrastructure, and I instantly regret bumping Shack City up the queue of upgrades. This place is a ruin still, even after the debris and clutter have been removed, I reckon the next upgrade will hold a few good repairs and some more features for it at least but I'm nowhere near that yet. We leave Mira and Hana here as it's their duty to guard the dungeon, both look a little sad that I have not spent points on their building in particular but I have not mentioned the matter verbally. It pains my Core more and I feel worse than before over the living conditions, I've only just realised that these two have a 24/7 position with no relief. I will get on that before I upgrade this building later so that they can have some free time for themselves too, that's after the tour has finished though and once my DP has climbed back up as I don't have enough at the moment.
Dungeonin' ain't cheap ya know.
I quickly let them know of the plans for their building whilst me and my two other female companions pass through towards the opposite door. Katrina doesn't look amazed seeing as she's seen most of this on the way out, but she does seem to be puzzled.
It's only been two rooms and a feature, will she make it all the way around do you think?
Her collapse last time was probably brought on by the large and sudden shock that was laid before her.
Yeah, Mira is beautiful too. right?
Y-yes, quite, except that's not what I meant. It was the fact that she called you her master and that you created multiple amounts of food, including a brand new weapon for her, whilst she was on your doorstep was the shocking part.
Oh, yeah I suppose that makes more sense.
Hehe, you agreed that Mira was beautiful though.
You just caught me off guard.
That's shocking all on its own, but at least you know beauty.
Exiting the door of the Guard House we are greeted by the sight of the Retreat, graciously being shown off in between the two new rows of houses. If she wasn't shocked before then she should be now. I could have done with the guard upgrade first, to be honest, but what's done is done. Luckily for me, the Expert is behaving exactly as I wanted her too.
She's already seen the sun-filled large room on the way out so that's no shocker either but Shack City, the abominable quarters for her heroes that once lined the walls of my fourth room, have now become a nice amount of Hospitable Homes. Twelve houses are on our left, still lining the wall of the dungeon, while nine are on our right joined in threes leaving two empty plots between them for travel. The rows of red roofs look nice in the evening sun and have captured her attention, she's beaming a big smile and is fast to point out how good the living standards of the people in my dungeon have just risen by.
Is it strange that she still refers to them as people?
Would she still act the same way if it was Trixie that saved her from her fate?
Probably, Trixie is a stunner.
We head down the newly formed street towards the Retreat, Katrina can't seem to keep her eyes off it even with the hot feature of Sweet A and B arguing over rooms outside one of the first half-decent houses. Ali quickly claims herself the detached home on the end as we approach and seeing the adorable grin spread across the face of my culinary cutie, I'm filled with the same happiness as she is. The moment is not lost on the apprentice either, she looks to be even more satisfied with my current upgrade than I am now that she is witnessing the heart squeezing sight that is Ali's joy first hand.
Biting her lower lip and posing a question that she knows I won't answer, whilst still glancing over to Talia's place, Katrina is hit perfectly by the orange rays from above and looks ridiculously beautiful in the process. "How did you change all the huts so fast?"
They weren't huts and also, what the hell is with the beauty factor in my dungeon?
I imagine Trixie, laid behind the woman calling the previous abodes that lined my inner domain 'huts', the light shines down on both of them and the gentle breeze of days gone by hits both Katrina's hair and the Alpha's fur. A meadow of golden flowers sways beneath their feet, dancing to the song of the wind whilst behind them, all the exceptionally attractive family of monsters that I have created are gathered together. Ali was the very first being I ever summoned, the feeling of power I had back then is not lost on me now, and I never would have imagined that the crowd before me now would have grown to the size it did in such a short space of time. All together and in one space for the first time, it honestly looks like a little army and if I didn't love the fact that I created them I may even be scared at the amount here. From Ali, all the way to Carrie on the opposite side, everyone is here.
I'm really going to start considering creating good looking people as my superpower soon.
You do not have superpowers.
Are you sure, Me? I was kind of dazzled for a moment there, she must be getting prettier whilst she's in here or something like that. It's a good thing she called the shacks 'huts' otherwise I might have spilt more of my secrets.
Maybe you just like women?
Where did that one come from, Me?
I'm not opposed to women but, I like everyone for your information, they are all hotties.
Setting my companion straight, about what this Core deems sexy, the tour moves on.
Less than the length of a tunnel away, the Retreat is absolutely amazing in the sun and stands out magnificently as the apprentice had noticed. The oak beams that were dark brown before now have a warm vibrant colour to them and the sunlight covering them also reflects off the windows, blinding any who dare stare at them for too long. The grey walls now look white and let off a soft glow, Katrina looks blown away at the magnificent building now that she is finally stood before it.
I'm puzzled for a second as to why she is amazed at the Retreat when not only has she eaten here but she slept in one of the rooms too. I then realise that when we exited the tavern, it was the sun that had her attention, not the structure itself.
Now that she is face to face with it though, she really is in a state of awe. I suppose I never really took the time to notice all the small details as I've either been too busy upgrading, building, or purchasing to really take anything in around me. Having an actual person inside me is a good way to slow me down a bit and take notice of the little things.
For example, I never actually noticed when the Retreat got its own sign outside.
It actually says 'The Rogues' Retreat' in big white tubed letters across the front of the building above the door. It's also rather large so how I missed that I have no idea.
I guess we'll never know.
May I offer a suggestion?
If it's that I'm not the most attentive person, then no.
Were you actually going to say that again?
I thought you would find it humorous.
Yeah, ok it wasn't bad, I'd smile if I could.
Just like Katrina?
Even bigger, Me, even bigger.
As I gaze longingly at a smile I may never be able to recreate, she turns to Ali and asks me "How?" She's in wonder and to be fair, so am I. What can I say to satisfy her curiosity over the almost amazing building that is constructed in my dungeon?
Any idea, Me?
You could always still kill her?
Yeah, that's not happening.
Hmm, how about, "It was one of the features I was created with but that's all I can tell you, unfortunately." It's almost the truth if you forget about the Rogues that had to be created in order to unlock it.
She begrudgingly accepts my answer whilst still muttering phrases to herself, like 'shouldn't be possible' and 'so beautiful' for everyone to hear.
Turning right at the Retreat we don't move very far before we are greeted by Tara, Lara and Lucinda from the Shop of Secrets and the Cracked Cauldron.
"Hello, Master," they say in unison on our approach.
"Hey ladies, be nice to our guest ok and try not to fleece your first customer," I inform the hurt looking trio. "We need to show the Categorisers that we're fair, generous and other shit like that as I don't want to die again and neither will you. However, the merchants, if or when we get any you can rob blind." This time large smiles sneak across each face as the thought of wealthy merchants, with deep pockets, is a potential opportunity for us to grow.
Noticing the women before her showing off their devious sales tactic smiles, Katrina looks to Ali in part panic, part wonder.
"Don't worry, no harm will come to you here unless you pass the priests," she kindly informs the worried apprentice as she is led into the Broken Cauldron by Lucinda.
That's my fault, I should have told her to actually read the rule rocks.
A faulty start is not a good omen.
Back to melodramatic, Me, I see.
The future does not bode well for Me.
I want to roll on the floor at that one.
Ahh, if only I could.
Ok, Me, no messing around now.
What's up?
I... Do not know.
Admittance is the first step.
I'm proud of you buddy.
Katrina exits the potion shop and is quickly snatched up by the two remaining shop keepers Tara and Lara giving me some more Me time.
Next up is the hard part, you need to admit you have feelings.
I most certainly do not have feelings.
Are you sure?
Really sure?
Yes, Abi.
Super sure?
Stop it.
Because it an...
Go on, Me, you can do it. You were nearly there.
They're not feelings they're... just bugs.
Bugs my shiny green Core. They're gods-damn feelings and you know it.
Ali has a huge smile plastered over her face, it's not the same one as when she called dibs on her new home but instead it's more of a comical smile like she can hear my conversation with Me.
I can speak to the monsters and they can see me just as you do.
I never even thought about that. If you can do what I do, then why did the system even need me?
I can not do everything you do.
Interrupting the sour mood that was about to descend over thoughts of the system, even though she gave my dungeon light, Katrina has finished her shopping trip and it is time for the tour to move on.
On the way, Katrina is rambling to Ali about the new possessions she has acquired and how much variety she has already seen in my dungeon, commenting that it is almost like a regular town.
After another short stroll, south of the shops we arrive at the Swindler's Den and are greeted by Jack and Koniva. Once more Katrina is taken away, but this time she is almost dazed by the physique of the Con Men that are leading her with their offers of riches and enjoyment.
She won't have any money left by the time she leaves here.
It's unlikely but she may win a few games perhaps.
Not when her opponent is Shifty Jack.
Nevermind that, what about what you were saying a moment ago?
What about
Don't play dumb with me Mr, you know damn well what I'm talking about, why did the system make me a dungeon when she can create them through other means?
I'm sorry Abi, I honestly do not know why? I also find it a rather strange thing to do, now that you have mentioned it.
I know right, so what need does she have for me to be turned into a Core in the first place?
Stupid gods and a stupid system, I just don't get it.
How can she know what I want and need, yet Me here is clueless about the matter even though he was created by her in the first place?
So many questions that I can't deal with right now, not whilst the tour is underway. If I survive long enough to see myself not get crushed horribly then I'll have to find a way to have a discussion with the system at some point.
With this thought going through my mind I catch Koniva with his hand in Katrina's pouch whilst she is fiercely arguing with Jack over something to do with the game.
"Koniva, the only people you can't steal from at the moment are the Categorisers, ok? We need them to give us a pass so we don't get destroyed and can continue to fleece more potential victims ok?" He seems a little reluctant but removes his hand bringing nothing out with it. It feels a little harsh telling my creations not to do the things that I specifically created them to do, but it's only for now. Anyone who turns up that isn't an Expert can have their boxers swindled from them for all I care as that's the risk you take when you gamble.
Overhearing my conversation with his twin, Jack drops his side of the argument with Katrina and concedes the game letting her earn her money back. She looks psyched like she's ready to play again, but if I let her continue she might stay here until she has nothing left. I get Ali to inform our visitor that it's time to move on with the tour and, dejected as she appears to be, she agrees before bidding goodbye to Jack and Koniva.
Things are going quite well I must say, even if she was a bit spooked over my own merchants' smiles. We walk over to the Sparring Ground next and Katrina is in good spirits, still smiling pleasantly at her experience so far.
Upon arrival, Sandy and Senna are sparring against each other in a dazzling display of skill.
I mean, really, they look better and more skilled than I did, how's that even possible?
We only watch for a few minutes as Katrina explains she's not the biggest fan of physical combat and after her last brief outing would like to stay away from it for a while if possible. Not wanting to offend her we move on and walk the furthest empty distance so far towards the Shed of Salvation where we come across seven people in total. Avos is preaching to Zen and Ang, who look to be getting an earful. Rocky, Baluka, Dum and Dee are on their knees on the floor of the dungeon, all praying to someone silently. That was a sight I wasn't expecting to see, I wonder who they're praying to and the apprentice seems to be thinking the same thoughts as myself. She is also curiously gazing at the praying Vagabonds and Rogues before her but this time makes no comment. Instead, she walks over quite fearlessly and once she has reached them she also kneels down and offers up a few prayers of her own. Avos is quick to notice this and is smiling pleasantly at Katrina who hasn't noticed anything since she closed her eyes in what is supposed to be dangerous territory for her.
A short while later as the orange sun is starting to darken into the faded evening glow before nightfall, gods damn my dungeon is amazing, and our apprentice has finally finished her prayers.
How many gods does she know?
We move on to the last location of the tour, strolling past the fishing pond we reach the nice soft grassy area with the small pool of water that I have named the park. Ali and Katrina sit down to rest on the eastern facing bench to take in my sunset yet the apprentice looks saddened.
I know it wasn't a bad tour but there's no need to get upset that it's over.
"Why?" Katrina asks the still air in front of her obviously directing her question at me. Again though, she hasn't given me much to go on but she quickly follows up with more. "Why do you want to help humans, they're mean and nasty people and they're all out for themselves? Why would you want to help such awful people like that? You can create such a beautiful place yet the people you've done it for don't even deserve this wonder. So yeah, why? Why would you do this for them?"
That is a good question, isn't it, Me?
It is when you think about it from her point of view. From your side however it is as simple as a primary and secondary objective.
Even if it is that easy to classify for me now, I would still have wanted to keep my human connection alive somehow without it. It's hard to move on from what I once was to what I am now.
I answer her question as we head back towards the Retreat letting her in on the one last secret that I'm willing to share at the moment on adding in the fact that I want to help humanity grow. The secret about me not being opposed to making bad people disappear, especially if they violate the rules within my dungeon. Or if someone with a contract comes walking in on their own accord I wouldn't be opposed to ending their lives and using them for primary goal number one, but I leave that bit out as I don't intend to reveal the details of The Syndicate to her.
That purchase seems like it's going to be instrumental in my future success.
As the sun has almost disappeared and darkness is slowly creeping over the ground of the first floor in my dungeon, we arrive back at Talia's and Ali hurries off to prepare a quick supper with what she has on hand. I rope Talia into being my public speaker as there's no one else around and over the course of the night she interprets my words to the now happy Katrina whilst serving in between to any who enter her establishment. She really is a marvel to see at work and the sight is not lost on the apprentice who can clearly see the strong determination to do well for the dungeon that created her. During the slow course of the conversation, I explain what some buildings could become and she explains Categorisation to me as we almost bond in a way. Alba and Nessa returned granting me some new woodlands creatures that I could potentially group up with Trixie and her Pack and a nice amount of DP and XP. Tagging out Rocky and Baluka disappear into the night, passing Veris on her return and saying hi whilst passing. Katrina was eating and almost choked on the meal Ali provided for her at the extra beautiful white-haired female that entered, although Veris did the same thing when she noticed the equally beautiful human staring at her. Not sticking around for long, yelling about being halfway there, she swapped her Sweets and headed straight back out for more XP. Catching a sly wink from Veris on her way past, Katrina almost choked once again but has been slowly won over by my monsters and mysteries and is no longer showing the tells of the suicidal wreck she was earlier. After the interactions and camaraderie from them, it would be hard for any human person to call them monsters, even if they knew I created them all.
My dungeon not only makes people gorgeous, but it cures their misery too.
Gods damn I'm good.
If I had lungs, I would sigh at that one.
Don't worry, Me, you're pretty damn good too.
O-oh... well, yes, thank you.
After supper, Ali asks Katrina if she wants to stay in her house or if she would prefer to remain in the Retreat. Not wanting to be alone, she chooses to go with her and even claims that it's just to check the standards inside the house.
Cheeky cow.
With the apprentice off to sleep and nothing to do now, I realise that Veris never dropped anything off inside me when she returned as I didn't receive a notification as I did with Alba and Nessa. Coral and Mystique should be back in four hours and Baluka and Rocky should be back around the time that Katrina is waking up.
With no way to spend my points as Katrina is fast asleep and with nothing else to do except admire the beauty I possess I decide to give the dreaded meditation another try.
Not gonna lie, I'm cacking it after last time but surely now that I've seen what happened to me, I should experience this like a normal Core right?
I was hoping for more than your hopes, Me.
And I really wish it could give it to you.
Did you just crack a dirty joke?
It was your imagination.
That's gotta be a good sign.
With that in mind I'm really hoping it is meditation and not terrortation like last time.
Imaginary fingers crossed, here we go.
Just incase you wanted some status.
Dungeon Core Abi Level 15:
95/390 XP until next level
5 Floors
38 Rooms
44 Tunnels
115 Monsters
1 Contract Monster
65 Traps
28/400 DP Available
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Distributor Meja Belajar di Malang
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