《Dungeon Core Abi》Chapter 5 : Final Preparations
A few centuries ago, monsters known as Mimics could be found in the dungeons across Tironia.
Mimics are patient creatures. Capable of sitting motionless for days on end until they are ready to act. In no way does this means that they are docile or lazy. They are exceptionally cunning and extremely vicious, one must tread very carefully if encountering one.
They lure their prey in with the hopes of obtaining rewards and riches, under the guise of a regular treasure chest. They have no extra features that are noticeable until it's too late and your're already in its maw.
All the races of Tironia know that dungeons provided rewards for the people brave enough to journey inside. It's common knowledge. But when the mimics started to appear in large numbers, a change occurred.
The adventurers who had made their livings, by venturing into dungeons, became wary of entering because of the calculating monsters. This reduced the number of dungeon goods available in the market and only then was something done about the dangerous enemy. If one was to search the history records for such details on why Mimics are no longer commonplace in dungeons, then the conclusion they would reach is that the creatures have been wiped out.
An incalculable number of parties made up of the collective forces of Tironia, put an end to the threat plaguing their lands and minds. For a full week, parties ventured into every known dungeon across the world in search of chests. Not to loot but to kill from afar in hopes that it was a monster. This was what would later come to be known as 'The Week of Release'. Removing fear from adventurers, old and new, over their enemy. Ever since that day, any Mimic that has been recorded has been destroyed along with the core that created it, with extreme prejudice.
Mimics are born from the dungeon, just like all the other mysterious types of monsters that they can create. After Mimics and their Cores were wiped out across the land newer dungeons stopped producing them. This showed more intelligence on the part of the dungeons. Avoiding their own death by removing the monster that was detested by all.
No one has recorded seeing a Mimic in the last hundred years and they are now presumed extinct. If anyone were come across a Mimic whilst inside a dungeon in this day and age, they are required to turn over any and all information on the creature and anything else that could be relevant to the type of despatch required. People do not take being eaten by a treasure chest lightly and anyone found harbouring information on such a creature, may also find themselves punished with the same fate as the aforementioned monster.
A History of Monsters. Chapter 3 Mimics. Written by O'mi Soras.
Stockpile is level 7!
Barry has been ploughing away, all this time.
That's definitely cheating now, right? You can answer me this time, Me. I mean, if I ever come across another dungeon won't they hate the fact that I had a power start and they didn't?
It is not cheating. Stockpile is available as a skill for any Dungeon Core. Should they choose to waste their DP trying to acquire it, that is. They cannot hate you for doing what they themselves can also do.
So I'm not special then?
You are most certainly unique, Abi. That I can guarantee.
Thanks, Me.
I'm not a hundred percent sure that was a compliment, but that's how I'm choosing to take it.
Can I see my stats, please?
Dungeon Core Abi Level 3:
1/15 XP Until Next Level
9 Rooms
8 Tunnels
4 Monsters
0 Traps
102/60 DP Available
Wow! I can only imagine how beneficial Stockpile is going to be when I have a larger pool of DP to abuse. Not that it will be happening any time soon, but a girl can dream.
Ok, time to spend these built-up points. I'm a little worried that I've fallen behind due to my recent escapade to nightmare land. In reality though, the points I could have spent were used differently so they weren't really wasted.
I'll put my expansion on hold for now and try to fill the rooms I currently have. There's no point creating them if there's no one to defend them, right?
After that terrortation session, I've realised that I need to strengthen my dungeon. I have no need to bring up my purchase list, as I know exactly what I'm going to do.
Me, summon 8 Rogues, please.
Ok, but what about the wolves?
The bright-blue light of creation forms into existence, only this time it's eight times larger.
When it disappears it leaves eight, almost identical, Rogues lined up waiting for my orders. There isn't much that differentiates except their builds and heights. To be Frank, every male looks the same underneath their cowls. The females are more recognisable as they have different coloured hair. Everyone has the same gear, only in a different arrangement of sizes and they all own a Crude Iron Dagger.
I'll build up the courage soon, Me. I promise.
A new monster has been unlocked:
Vagabond: 20 DP
New features have been unlocked:
Rundown Rogue Bar: 20 DP
Weak Ale: 1 DP
Weak Wooden Table: 1 DP
Weak Wooden Chair: 1 DP
That's a lot more than I was expecting. I was only after the upgrade.
You will find that most upgrades come with similar features.
That's good to know. Thanks, Me. What would I do without you?
Probably cry.
Hey! Don't be mean after being so nice. True as it is.
I need to focus. The two new purchases are quite expensive and I'm not feeling as rich as I was before.
I let the Rogues explore as I still don't have anything for them to do. Hopfully Light or Ali can give them pointers to occupy their time.
Now that everyone is settled in I still have sufficient points to summon the Vagabond. For the same cost as a room, I might add. I'd be lying if I said that it didn't hurt a little, but I need these guys to defend me. Just in case that army of knights that I mentioned earlier are actually loitering around outside.
The now-familiar light of creation erupts into existence once again and a hoodless Vagabond, with hair as white as snow, is left behind after it receeds. Patiently kneeling before my Core, awaiting her first command. Her picture-perfect face is a sight that could pierce any man's soul. Her eyes are the same colour as the light of creation and her hair is tied up in a ponytail behind her.
Dressed all in black, a set of full-sleeved leather armour protects her modest chest and is engraved with intricate designs. The armour sculpts her body all the way down to her thighs where it has been shredded off. Holding the fabric tight around her hip is a belt decorated with owls. It has multiple storage pouches and two sheaths for the daggers she has hung in them. Knee-length boots shape her legs and are buckled closed at the top, leaving her thighs on view for all to see. Her hands are protected by leather gauntlets.
She looks a far sight stronger than my Rouges. Damn, girl!
I notice that the soft light of creation is still clinging to her body, as though it is waiting for me to do something. Not being one to leave things unfinished, I concentrate on her light and a new notification pops up.
Optional Choice:
Make the Vagabond the Boss of the first floor
How did I forget about the Floor Bosses? There's so much to remember as a dungeon.
Sure, why not?
I'm sure she will do a much better job than any of the Rogues. Not to be mean but she is the next step up from them. She's also going to need a name.
It will have to be a strong one as well. Especially if she's going to be the floor Boss.
Crap! This is where it gets hard!
After struggling for a while, I name her Veris and leave her in my core room. Anyone that might be looking to take out a newbie Dungeon Core, such as myself, would have to go through my Rogues and my Golem. Then, they would have to beat Veris in my last room. If they manage that, then I suppose I can let Colin eat them. All he does is sit in front of my core, happily drooling away.
Hmmm? Me. Why couldn't Barry or Colin be a Floor Boss?
Unique or contracted Monsters cannot be set as such. There are other parameters and restrictions as well but none that you need worry about right now.
Seems unfair. Also, I think that I'm going to have to give these rooms some permanent features. It's hard to keep track of them by number and direction.
Me, how come I couldn't place a new floor before?
You needed 5 rooms and a Boss Monster to satisfy the conditions to create a second floor.
Damn, so I wasted quite a bit of DP up here then? Why didn't you tell me?
You never asked and you have not wasted any points necessarily. Especially when you include the early acquired Stockpile into your calculations. Having a larger dungeon and more monsters is always a good quality for a Core to possess. Even humans use the term safety in numbers. The only downfall is that you would be a higher level if you had already gone down a floor by now and your Regeneration rate would have increased.
If I went down a floor, can I still come back up and alter the rooms here?
You can alter any room or floor whenever you want, from where you want. The only time you cannot change things is when adventurers are on the floor that you are trying to change. If that's the case then the floor will be restricted until they either change floors or have died.
We're on a roll with this useful information business. Thanks, Me.
I'm still a little weirded out over killing adventurers, I'm not going to lie, but if I have to do it to protect myself from dying again, then that's what I'm going to do.
No ifs or buts.
I don't want to die again.
However, they're tomorrow's problem. I've still got today's to worry about. Do I stick with my plan to build more troops for defence. Or should I drop some floors for the XP? Even after debating the pros and cons for a while, I'm still at a loss.
Screw it. I'll stick with the original plan for the moment. I can alter it when, or if, I need to. I've got just under 6 hours left. In total that should work out at around 358 DPs worth of time. As long as Barry doesn't slack off that is. Not that he would, he lives for digging apparently and he's my most proficient monster.
His cave system in the first room I created looks incredibly large from where I can see it from, which is only from above. I could take control of it, but I daren't risk damaging my core again and I'm not able to enter it as it's not part of my dungeon.
How come Barry can enter it? Isn't he part of me because I created him?
You can send monsters outside your dungeon to scavenge, harvest, pillage and such. However, this would attract unwanted attention if there are any settlements nearby. The reason you cannot leave is because you are the dungeon. If you were able to leave somehow, then your dungeon would cease to exist as you would no longer have a connection to it.
Oh yeah, how do I keep forgetting such obvious details? Dungeons are meant to be terrifying. They can use monsters to attack villages and are known to be extremely dangerous.
But is that really me now?
Extremely dangerous?
That's awesome for Barry and the gang being able to go out and I know there are no settlements outside as well, Me. My old-village Orad was probably the closest town to the dungeon and that's an eight-hour walk from here. It's unlikely that we'll see anyone randomly strolling by. Especially if we're in the same place.
I'm reluctant to get my hopes up though, just in case Kal is still nearby. He could be outside somewhere, what if my entrance opens while he's around and he sees it? He'll either report me or try to check it out himself, just like last time. Then I'm screwed.
OK. I'll change my plans. Just in case.
Light, Ali and all the other Rogues, move to the front entrance, please.
What are you planning now?
This is just in case Kal or anyone else is lurking around outside. I'll get the Rogues to rush out as soon as I open and surprise attack whoever is out there.
That... Is actually a good plan, Abi.
I know, Me. I know.
Veris and Colin, you two stay where you are for now. Barry, just keep on digging, my little rockstar.
Now then, Me. I want the Rundown Rogue Bar in the corner room, please. Opposite both tunnels, so you can see it from either one.
Rundown Rogue Bar has been purchased:
2 XP Awarded.
You need to select a Rogue to work in the establishment for it to operate successfully.
Establishment? I wasn't expecting that. I thought it would be a hideout of sorts. I'm not going to complain though, thanks for the XP.
Looking at the ten Rogues crammed in my entrance, I decide to spare one of them from the plan. Selecting a female for the position, I name her Talia assigning her to the feature.
This leaves me a Rogue short at the entrance as Talia disappears, teleporting away to the bar.
Rogue Talia has been upgraded to Shady Rogue Barkeeper Talia:
All stats increased by 10.
New skills have been earned.
The rundown establishment has been constructed in all its cobwebbed glory. Looking as bad as it sounds, let's be honest, this building is a dump. Broken windows, a rickety roof and there's almost nothing inside except a few cockroaches.
Did they come with the bar, or do I have bugs?
That isn't stopping my ex-Rogue Talia standing outside, where the doors would be if it had any, beaming a huge smile at her new mission. She no longer has the cowl that the other Rogues wear, leaving her beautiful blue hair free from entrapment.
Now that I can actually see her face, she's absolutely beautiful. Just like Veris. I wonder if all the Rogues I create will turn out like that? Still dressed all in black, but now wearing what appears to be a shirt and pants combo with an apron around her waist, she fits the role of a barmaid perfectly.
I certainly wouldn't mess around in her establishment.
The bar came with one sorry-excuse-of-a-table and two equally poor chairs. A lonley-looking bottle of alcohol sits alone on one of the not-many unbroken shelves.
I was expecting more from a 20 DP purchase. The best part was the Rogue upgrade.
Whilst I stare at her, she stares at the dessecated bar and I decide to lighten the Rogues' Corner up for her.
Oh, that sounds like a name. I'm definitely using that now.
Hehe. That one came easily.
Talia looks happy in her new position as the hostess of a rundown bar so I return my focus back to the task at hand, dungeon planning. This is going to be a long 6 hours and I need to give it my full focus!
Time passed by faster than I had anticipated and as predicted, my DP brought in 348 points. There's still 10 minutes to go until I open too and I'm just calling Rogues back to the entrance. After twenty minutes they were all shuffling around and I felt kind of bad for just cramming them in there out of fear. Now it's almost go time, they need to be there to spring out when I open.
I've managed to spend my points wisely over this time, trying to layout a good floor plan. I could've done with more DP if we're being honest, but making the best out of a bad situation is what I do these days apparently. However, making plans and spending points are not the only things I've been doing over these last 6 hours.
I've been examining everything with a skill I acquired a while ago. Coincidentally, it's also called Examine! I learned it at Level 2 but never got round to using it, not until a few hours ago at least.
It gives me information about everything in my dungeon. It would be easier to list what I can't examine rather than what I can.
One of the first things to be examined was the rockstar, Barry. Good old, loveable rock-dropper, Barry. I found out he costs 5000 DP to purchase. I mean OMG did I get lucky or what? He's probably earned me close to 20% of that in this last day alone!
What a Golem!
That wasn't the only shocker though and it was far from the worst. Colin, my loveable and comical Mimic, takes the cake by far. If I were to purchase another drooling beauty like him, it would cost me 20,000 DP! I nearly passed out when I saw the cost. I mean, no wonder he's so cute at that price! If I ever reach that amount of points, I'll definitely have to get another one! That's a plan!
I asked Me about it and he informed me that Colin's cost is due to an incident that happened over five centuries ago. The same reason as to why they are classified as a dangerous monster.
Me thought I was out of my mind when I mention a second Mimic. He just doesn't understand how adorable they are though and if they're well hidden, what's the problem? I checked all my monsters in the purchase list, except the Goblins. I can see how many I have to summon for the next upgrades to unlock but for some reason the monster itself has ????. I examined my torches and I can upgrade them at ten times the cost of placing them, which is horrendous.
I can't see myself using that feature often but you never know what the future holds.
Anyway, I began my spending-spree by upgrading my most recent purchase. After using Examine and seeing the XP reward, I had Me upgrade it as soon as we could.
Rundown Rogue Bar has been upgraded to Shabby Rogue Bar
New features are available:
Regular Ale: 2 DP
Watch House: 40 DP
4 XP Awarded
For the steep cost of 40 DP, the roof tiles that were missing reappeared in their original places, albeit a bit slanted, and a couple of windows were magically repaired. One of the two front doors also magically appeared back in its place. A few more bottles line the less depleted wall behind the bar and another two table and chair sets fill a corner of the building.
After that I Examined the bar again. The upgrade showed that its next level cost twice the amount of the previous one.
Shabby Rogue Bar:
A place for weary Rogues to rest their heads
Whilst on the same floor as the bar, all Rogue-type monsters have their attributes boosted by 10%
Upgrade Shabby Rogue Bar to ????: 80DP
Strong Ale: 4DP
Building's Second Floor: 80DP
It was very expensive but knowing the XP I'd earn from it made it worth my while. Once I had enough points I went ahead and made my second purchase.
Shabby Rogue Bar has been upgraded to Rogues' Tavern
New features are available:
Strong Ale: 4DP
Tavern's Second Floor: 80DP
8 XP Awarded
Dungeon Core Abi has reached Level 4
DP has been increased by 20
New features have been unlocked:
Light Cluster: 3DP
Fire Cluster: 3DP
Swindlers Den: 40DP
A new tunnel has been unlocked:
Shady Tunnel: 20DP
More windows repaired themselves and the second door reappeared next to the first, somewhat crooked. This time a good deal of tables and chairs filled the inside of the establishment and behind the counter, the wall was stocked with a moderate amount of bottles. Talia was absolutely beaming whilst wiping down her counter with a cloth she'd acquired from somewhere.
Another level up was phenomenal for me aswell, that means my DP could go to 136/80.
That's what I'm talking about!
With 120 points already gone from my predicted total of 358 DP, it left me with 238 points to spend.
For the next phase of my plan, I spent 10 points on Pitfall traps. At a measly cost of 1 DP each, I placed ten of them in the room just after my entrance and spread them out. They don't seem like they will do much damage and adventurers will be able to climb out of them quite easily. I'll change them once I have better versions and more spending money. Doing that also unlocked the next upgrade in the trap tree.
Trap Unlocked:
Spike Trap: 2 DP
After that I went a little trap-mad and place the same amount of Spike Traps around the Pitfall Traps to catch anyone trying to avoid the holes. They lay concealed on the dungeon floor and spring up when triggered. Placing my tenth one unlocked their next upgrade.
Trap Unlocked:
Firepit Trap: 4 DP
Still high on traps, I went ahead and got ten Firepit Traps too, placing them near the two tunnels. These traps are similar to the Pitfall Traps I placed first. The difference being that at the bottom of the hole, intruders are roasted to death by magical fire.
With thirty traps set down in the first room I created myself, I decided to call it a day for traps there. Even after the third upgrade in the trap tree seemed like a perfect fit for the shady tunnel I unlocked.
Trap Unlocked:
Poisonous Gas Trap: 8 DP
Throughout all the trap placing, I made sure none covered the area where Barry drops his loads in me.
As we got closer to the grand opening, I had 168 DP left to come from Barry before I opened. I finally gave in to my partner's constant bombardment about not having enough variety as well and did the unthinkable.
I purchased 10 wolves. Reluctantly, I might add. Forming into life before me, they all appeared in my core room as pitch-black monstrosities. Made from the singular essence of fear itself. Because of their sharp carniverous teeth, the sense of death and ten equally scary bone-chilling gazes, I instantly sent the wolves away. I moved them all to the second corner room until I can handle it.
Buying 10 wolves at once obviously unlocked the next monster in their evolution line.
A new monster has been unlocked:
Alpha Wolf: 10 DP
New loot unlocked:
Leather: 2 DP
Still a little shook over the first 10 wolves, I eventually manage to purchase the Alpha after procrastinating to Me for a while.
Every other wolf that I summoned was pitch black. The Alpha, which I decided to name Trixie, has white fur that reminds me of snow. I couldn't help myself as I thought, She is absolutely gorgeous.
Her entire body is the same colour as Veris's hair.
My imaginary heart, which is really my Core, pulsed madly for the beautiful creature that sat before it. At twice the size of the original wolves you would think I'd be petrified.
She's absolutely beautiful though.
Her large golden eyes peered at my core and gave me chills, not from fear or worry, but from love and devotion. She was telling me that she will protect me with all her heart and soul.
I just wanna cuddle you, Trixie!
After spending my waiting time admiring the Alpha, I willed her into the second corner room with the other wolves and decided to name it 'The Wolves' Den'. This action was immediately followed by a notification.
New features have been unlocked:
Grass: 1 DP (per square foot)
Large Woodland Room: 80 DP
Optional Mini-Boss has been Unlocked:
Set Alpha Wolf as the Mini-Boss of the first floor
I confirmed her status as a mini-boss without hesitation. As stunning as she is, I bet she's a beast in a fight. She's smaller than Barry but I would still put money on her to win against a normal adventurer one-on-one any day.
There's 10 minutes left before I open and I have 98 DP left to spend. I kind of got distracted by Trixie and spent the last of my time wishing I could brush her snow-white fur. She even gives Colin a run for his money with how adorable she is.
It's in this moment that I realise someone deserves praising for the magnificent specimen of a wolf laid before me.
Thank you, Me.
What for this time?
I would never have such a pretty wolf like Trixie if it wasn't for you.
Yes.....Quite. Next time, how about the goblins?
If you say that again, I will mute you forever. Do you understand?
Understood, Abi. No goblins.
Good. I'm glad that's settled.
May I suggest acquiring some different types of monsters then?
Now that's more like it.
Tell me more, Me?
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