《The Astral Sea》Chapter 6: Gardeners


Rydel ran straight to Galather. He willed the spiritual energy to coat his sword and made an upward slash. Galather still defended with just a finger, but Rydel didn't care, his entire focus was on the light green sheen of his sword. Rydel took a half a step back and stabbed, Galather used the back of his palm to deflect the hit. "You have reduced the time to coat your weapon to two seconds and you can attack twice." Galather stated. Rydel had already been training for a week. The schematic hadn’t varied, he was still getting repeatedly beaten, but at least he had made enormous progress. Before, using spiritual energy on his sword was just asking to be killed, now he could use it as his trump card. “Elder, could you show me how you do it to have a reference?” Rydel asked. Galather stood still for a few seconds and eventually nodded. “This area is not suitable.” Rydel was confused, they were training in the school’s backyard. It had an arena bigger than a soccer field, and it was currently empty. Galather walked to the forest behind the school and Rydel followed him. “This should be enough.” After having walked for an hour, Galather stopped. He then waved in his direction. Rydel was immediately protected by a dark green sphere. He was fascinated because he could see like it wasn’t there. He punched the barrier and it didn’t even ripple. He made a spiritual slash and got the same result. Then, Rydel shivered. He felt suffocated, his instincts screamed at him to run and never come back. He carefully looked in Galather’s direction. Waves of power rippled from Galather. His spiritual energy had taken the form of an emerald armor that was filled with runes and intricate lines. Rydel had a headache just from watching the profound truths that Galather naturally exuded. The energy was so dense that it had transformed into liquid. Galather opened his palm and thrust forward. Time stopped for an instant, the world screamed in agony, and then, the explosion happened. BOOOOOOOOM Rydel closed his eyes and thanked Mother Earth that Galather bothered to give him a barrier. He would have died just from the ripples. When the dust cleared, he saw the result of the attack. He saw a giant crater, it was so big that Rydel could only see the end thanks to his improved senses. The crater was 500m long and 20m deep. “Are you an elf?” Rydel seriously asked. Galather ignored his question. “Let this be your reminder that the world is filled with old monsters that can squash you like an ant. Do not grow complacent about learning a few tricks.” Galather said. Rydel stood still, he solemnly watched the destruction for ten minutes. He reflected on his motives to become stronger. It seemed so clear to him the moment that he watched the adoration of the crowd for his father. Even when his mother used spiritual energy for the first time, he was still treating this like a game. If he had attributes, then he of course had to grind them and then do whatever he wants with his life. “Was it hard to become so powerful?” Rydel asked. “Yes.” Galather said. “Was it worth it?” Rydel asked. “Yes.” Galather said. “Why?” Rydel asked. “To protect those that I love, to protect the little haven that we managed to carve with our blood.” Galather responded, without hesitation. “Do we have any enemies?” Rydel asked. “Yes. We, forest elves, are mere gardeners, a position envied by many.” Galather's voice was tinted with exhaustion. Rydel nodded. They both stayed still for ten more minutes. “It’s time to go back home.” Galather said, he then put his hands in prayer. The hole was filled with dirt, grass and flowers grew back, in no time at all the scenery was restored as nothing had happened there. “Mother Earth’s fury can destroy the heavens themselves. But her love makes nature return to how it should be.” Galather added before going back. *** Rydel’s mood was affected for the next few weeks. He turned more taciturn and put his whole being into training. He managed to make rapid progress with his spiritual energy control, but even that didn’t manage to remove the bad taste in his mouth. Rydel was able to infer from the talk with Galather that Elphyra’s Clan situation wasn’t as good as he thought. He didn’t think that they were in immediate danger, more like they were being eyed like a succulent piece of meat. The gardener's parallel stuck a chord in him. Forest elves were just one of the many types of elves that lived on the Afrein Peninsula. The only strip of land that was connected to the rest of the continent was the Mountains of Desolation, home to the Dark Elves and our unwitting protectors. The rest of the peninsula was governed by the Imperial Family, and every member was a high elf. The different kinds of elves served and paid tributes to them in exchange for protection. We didn’t have countries, as every elven clan was relatively isolated on their own, so High Elves were more akin to landowners that demanded rent. Rydel didn’t know the intricacies but it made sense to have their clan on a forest to farm specialized natural resources. They were indeed glorified gardeners. It wasn’t like they were slaves though, they should still receive part of the resources that they harvest. Also, if you forgot about the beasts, they lived in a peaceful place. He had mixed feelings about this whole thing. He didn’t think about overthrowing the Imperial Family, he didn’t have anything against them. Also, if it was so easy to do it, they wouldn’t still be there after ruling for tens of thousands of years. It all came back as him not being strong enough. If he was as strong as Galather, as strong as the Imperial Family they would have to accept his terms and his family would flourish. He could also leave with the peace of mind that nobody will dare to attack anyone of his own. Rydel didn't know why he reincarnated with his memories. He wasn't someone special nor any chosen one. What he did know is that he won't squander the gift that he has received. If Mother Earth is watching she is in for a show. *** Rydel didn't rush his training for the next two years, he continued his fighting practices with Galather. He still meditated at night, and he felt that he was reaching middle proficiency in the Dao of Moonlight. Today, he was going to have his morning duel with his only male classmate, Feno. They stood in the school's arena armed with wooden swords. Rydel had a calm expression, the wind ruffled his clothes and his long blue hair. He didn't put any fighting stance, he just observed his opponent. His sword was sheathed. Feno had a look of utmost concentration, like he was facing a monster in elf skin rather than his classmate. His sword was parallel to the ground, waiting to counter his opponent’s move. Rydel made the first movement. He redirected spiritual energy to his legs and took a step forward. The 20m of distance was crossed in an instant. Rydel punched and was met with a sword. Feno tried his best to keep the rhythm but as strikes kept coming he was forced to continuously step back. "Infuse your sword with spiritual energy." Rydel advised. Feno concentrated while willing his entire being into the sword, only faint sparks were emitted. "Good, continue like that, you almost got it." "Take this!" Feno gritted his teeth and slashed with his whole power, Rydel lightly evaded to one side. Feno wasn't able to stop the momentum and fell onto the ground. Rydel didn't want to give him false hopes. He appeared in front of Feno and made a chop with his left hand and softly struck Feno's chest. Feno felt like he was hit by a battering ram. He was thrown to the ground again, he struggled to regain his breathing. "You are improving, you will catch me in no time." Rydel made a courtesy and left. He wasn't even sweating. *** Feno had a wry smile. The difference was too stark. It wasn't just a matter that Rydel has been training for a longer time. His talent was just impressive. Feno considered himself as some rare prodigy. His father had told him as much, he had even unlocked the system two months ago. It was his bad luck to be born in the same generation as him. He hasn't given up though, but he won't mortify himself either if he doesn't manage to catch up. *** Rydel went to the third floor of the school. It was almost empty, with some mats to sit on. It was for those who after practice felt that they needed peace to digest their gains. There were a couple of older students sitting with their eyes closed. Galather was sitting at the front. 'Go to Elder Roshia's home for your next lesson.' Galather sent him a spiritual message. Spiritual messages were made by sending extremely fine tendrils of spiritual energy and connecting them to the person you want to talk to. Then, you made the tendril vibrate to a certain frequency to formulate your message. The control needed to pull it off was currently out of Rydel's league. He had only seen the Elders using it. Rydel nodded and set off for the Elder's home. Elder Roshia's home was located in the north. It had a large dining room where she was currently having lunch. “Oh my, I didn’t expect any visitor for lunch. Come and sit, I’ll bring you something to eat.” Roshia hurriedly got up and went to the kitchen. “Don’t worry grandma, I’m not hungry. I’ve come because Galather asked me to come to receive more training.” Rydel exasperatedly responded. “Nonsense, how can you keep talking about training without eating properly. You have to eat, you are still growing up.” Roshia said while bringing more and more plates filled to the brim. After an hour and a half of eating and Rydel begging the elder to have mercy, Roshia was finally satisfied and left him off the hook. “What did you put in the food?” Rydel finally asked her. He was currently laying down on a sofa, he felt so bloated that he couldn’t move. It wasn’t just a physical thing, his spiritual energy was invigorated too. “You should know that I am an alchemist. I was extra careful to put just the right amount of pill shavings, don’t worry.” Roshia innocently said. Rydel was horrified. Any kind of pill was meant to be consumed in closed-door cultivation so you can calmly respond to the effects. Wolfing down pill shavings was just asking to be killed. Rydel concentrated on his spiritual energy and prayed to Mother Earth that he will live to see another day. Thankfully, Roshia was an experienced alchemist and knew what she was doing. Rydel only had to stabilize his energies for half an hour, he didn’t suffer any pain in the process. He felt that his energy reserves had increased, so he checked his status. Name: Rydel Elphyra Age: 7 years Race: Forest Elf Class: --- Daodrops: Dao of the Moonlight (Early) Traits: Moontouched Vitality: 4 Strength: 5 Dexterity: 6 Endurance: 6 Perception: 27 Spirit: 35

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