《Tethralin (LitRPG)》Chapter 11: Those Within the Throne Room


Chapter 11: Those Within the Throne Room

As we walked up the stairs, I had lots of thoughts just coming in. I didn’t know what would happen, but, at least according to the remaining mob count, I should only be faced with three enemies. The King, the Chancellor, and some unknown mob…

I asked Karafil, “Besides the King and Chancellor, who else is expected to be there?”

“Just the standard guards. They should just get knocked out, and you shouldn’t have to worry about them. Almost at the top. Cease talking and act captured.”

I took a glance at Karafil. I couldn’t help but have a bad feeling in my gut. We approached the door at the top, and Kirbel opened it. The royal guards resumed their position as we walked down the corridor. There seemed to be less Goblins along the way than earlier. My heart kept pounding. Maybe this isn’t such a good idea after all—what was I thinking? I couldn’t keep the bad thoughts out of my mind.

We kept an even pace as we walked throughout the castle until we came to two adorned doors, which you would just assume had to be the doors defending the room where the king and his throne would sit. I took a deep breath, but I wasn’t the only one. The Crown Prince slightly glanced in my direction after his sigh, and I gave him a nod. I was already here. There was no way I could not do this. If I tried to stop now, I wouldn’t get far. I could knock the few around me down, but would be chased by all the others in the vicinity. Additionally, I had a quest to fulfill.

As we started walking to the throne room, the doors flew open. An old Goblin came out holding a large platter of food and grumbling, “Why the hell do the King and Royal Chancellor not want to eat my food?! Takes a couple bites and tells me to take the damned things. It’s food for a fucking Ki—Oh.” The Goblin looked at our group. “Your royal highness!” He did a slight bow.

Karafil smiled at the old Goblin. “Mm. Zarbie. My Royal Father mistreating you again?”

“I just can’t understand what is going on. The both of them! Whatever, I’ll go give this food to the servants.” Zarbie walked away seemingly very frustrated. I looked his way.

[Goblin Royal Chef, Zarbie Meatchopper, Lv8]

Even a chef is so high-leveled! I’ve truly entered a den of hidden—

I looked straight ahead, and at the end of the room was a dark human-looking Goblin, sitting upon a throne. Obviously the King, and beside him, a hunched figure in a robe, assumedly the Royal Chancellor.

[???, Lv10] [???, Lv9]

The two of them were both leveled high. With the third enemy still unknown to me. A raspy voice entered the ears of we who were just outside the doors, “Heheh, Karafil, my glorious son. That thing in chains beside you—might it truly be the evil human?” Veins visible to the eye could be seen on this King’s face, the color black. His face seemed like it would collapse into itself with how broken it looked. “Come closer!”


The Royal Chancellor beside him slammed his staff into the ground. Immediately, it felt as if I was dragged before the stairs leading up to them. The King laughed, “Heheh, definitely will taste better alive than dead! Karafil! We shall talk later. It has been awhile since I’ve had an appropriate meal.”

“Royal Father!” Karafil tried to reach out to the King, but the doors slammed shut. I could hear the pounding on the door as they beat it. The Royal Chancellor waved his hand and I appeared atop the stairs before them. I could see them much more clearly now. The hands of the Royal Chancellor beneath his robe sleeves were rotten, the face beneath the hood similar to the King’s, broken with black veins. I wasn’t sure if the Crown Prince was able to see these truths, but these two figures in this room—something was wrong with them.

[Royal Goblin King, Sorofil Crownkeeper, the Dead King of Goblins, Lv10]

[Goblin High Mage, Fartha Staffshaker, the Dead Royal Chancellor, Lv9]

They were both dead. Yet, here they were. I grimaced.

“Ah, the pain and fear you are exuding—wonderful!” The King reached his hand out and gripped my head.

[System Notice: Your health is being drained. HP: 158/160]

[System Notice: Your health is being drained. HP: 156/160]

“Arghhh!” The pain. It felt like my being was being squeezed tight. I needed to get out of the situation. I had to continue the plan. I yelled “Shat—”

“Quiet!” The Goblin King threw his free hand over my mouth, clasping it shut. I was still on my knees before the king, clad in chains. My health continued dropping, quickly.

[System Notice: Your health is being drained. HP: 152/160]

[System Notice: Your health is being drained. HP: 150/160]

Abruptly, the doors flew open. I could hear a tired Salazar, “Huff, huff, I did it… I did it…”

“Royal Father!” Karafil started walking through the doors. “Royal Father, we need to talk!”

Salazar spoke out to Karafil, “Your Royal Highness—open your eyes! That isn’t your father! “

“What are you talking about, Salazar?! It is most definitely—” A spell of light spread around Karafil and Kirbel.

“Look, Your Royal Highness—I’ve… done what I can.” Salazar laid on the floor. Breaking the spell upon the door taxed the Kra’il despite the level difference.

Karafil stood still, frozen in expression.

“D—demons!” Karafil pulled his bastard sword out of its sheath. It radiated a bright and holy energy, befitting his class as a Paladin.

The sword momentarily caused the King to retract his hand from my mouth.

“Shatter!” I immediately yelled. The chains began shining before shattering into pieces, with a wave of energy being expelled. It pushed the King and Chancellor away from me, albeit barely, but it did not affect those behind me as they were much too far. It had gone differently than the original plan, but this definitely seemed to be the better path, as I would now have allies conscious.


[System Notice: The Chains of False Castigation have shattered, and you have received the buffs. Received: +15 Willpower, +5 Strength, +5 Dexterity, +5 Agility, +100 Health, Damage Increase +100%. Time remaining: 5 minutes.]

[System Notice: Current health: 242/160]

The King and the Chancellor weren’t affected by any knockout, as they were dead beings. They immediately hissed in unison, and both reached out at the same time, “Hsss, Karaaafiil!” One shot a strand of black energy while the other seemed to be trying to pull Karafil in front of them. The energy hit the light spell that was surrounding Karafil and Kirbel and dissipated.

“Kirbel!” said Karafil, “My Royal Father and the Royal Chancellor have been corrupted by demons, they must—” His voice trailed off quietly, “be vanquished.” He pointed his sword towards the end of the throne room, casting a spell. “Holy Ward!” I felt a relief spread throughout my body, alongside these buffs and the holy ward, as I finished standing up and pulling out my longsword.

I slashed towards the being that was closest to me, the Royal Chancellor. He tried casting a spell at me, as I activated my Shrouded Blink. I blinked behind him and cut through him. Once, then twice. With my stats buffed, I felt fast, I felt strong. Unfortunately, sneak attacks didn’t work on the dead.

[Goblin High Mage, Fartha Staffshaker, the Dead Royal Chancellor, Lv9, takes 164 damage.]

[Goblin High Mage, Fartha Staffshaker, the Dead Royal Chancellor, Lv9, takes 164 damage.]

Additionally, with an increase to my dexterity and agility, I was able to blink twice! As the Royal Chancellor started turning around, he swung his staff with fury. I again blinked behind him. He didn’t even know what struck him.

[Goblin High Mage, Fartha Staffshaker, the Dead Royal Chancellor, Lv9, takes 164 damage.]

[Goblin High Mage, Fartha Staffshaker, the Dead Royal Chancellor, Lv9, takes 164 damage.]

[System Notice: You gained 560 EXP.]

[System Notice: You gained attribute(s) through battle. Willpower increased by 2.]

The Royal Chancellor’s robe fell off, and the body fell to dust. The body had been dead, held together by some dark force. Suddenly, a dark shadow of sorts flew out from under the robe and stuck to the King. The King’s aura felt a bit stronger.

“HUUUMAN! KARAFIL!” The King shouted. The King had just finished a powerful spell, and it was headed for me. My {Shrouded Blink} was on cooldown. I blocked it with my shield.

[Biding Hellfire Rupture power at 260/260. Please discharge within 30 seconds.]

[Shield unable to absorb damage due to fully charged power. You took 240 damage from Royal Goblin King, Sorofil Crownkeeper, the Dead King of Goblins, Lv10. Current health: 2/160]

I was blasted back by the attack, almost dead. The pain seeped through my shield and devastated me. But as I laid back beside a rail, I felt a warm energy mending me.

[System Notice: You were healed by Royal Goblin Paladin, Karafil Crownkeeper, the Crown Prince, Lv9. Current health: 132/160]

If he truly wanted to, he could have killed me. There may be more to these characters than I gave credit. I glanced back toward Karafil, and could see Kirbel readying to lob an energy attack from his fist. It flew past the King as he deflected it and smashed the ornamented windows near the ceiling. Karafil ran up and engaged the King in melee. “Father—why did this…”

He suspected something had happened, but this situation was far worse than he expected. He thought his father had started being cruel to the kingdom under his own accord, but he had instead been corrupted by some demon.

Although the King was a level higher than Karafil, the holy ward was a low-level spell which weakened the ability of demons, undead, and evil by a bit. Kirbel came up to help Karafil in the melee. The King found an opportunity and threw Kirbel to the back. Then, something extracted itself from the King’s body, and threw the dead corpse as it started turning into dust at Karafil. Karafil caught the body as it started disintegrating. The dark mass flew towards the wall near the ceiling to escape out the shattered window.

[Gemini Shade, Lv9]

“A Shade?!” Karafil gasped. “It must be destroyed at all costs!” A Shade. A mob I have never seen before. I chugged a couple health potions. My rupture was close to imploding. The Gemini Shade attempted to go out the window, but as it jumped from the wall towards the exit, it bounced off an invisible barrier. Salazar had barely gotten up in time. I rushed over towards the Gemini Shade that had now fallen down beside the throne it once sat upon. Karafil started moving closer.

“Get back!” I shouted. My shield was swelling. I aimed towards the Gemini Shade. “Biding—Hellfire—Rupture!”

[System Notice: Biding Hellfire Rupture was affected by luck. Critical strike! You took no backlash damage.]

[Gemini Shade, Lv9, takes 780 damage.]

[System Notice: You gained 140 EXP.]

[System Notice: You gained attribute(s) through battle. Intelligence increased by 1.]

[System Notice: Optional Quest has been completed. A hidden set of stairs has been revealed. Optional Quest reward available through the new Goblin King, Karafil.]

[System Notice: You cleared all the mobs on Floor 4: 3/3. You will get a reward on Floor 5.]

Karafil stood there, then fell to his knees. He took in the situation at hand, and I stood there likewise. Kirbel and Salazar came up to Karafil, standing beside their King and friend. Kirbel comforted the two who were crying.


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