《Tethralin (LitRPG)》Chapter 10: A Goblin’s Deal


Chapter 10: A Goblin's Deal

“So, what are we doing here?”

Karafil, the Royal Goblin, and the Crown Prince to the Goblin Kingdom, brought me to its study.

After arriving to its study, I removed the hood it gave me to hide myself. The Royal Guards had stepped out, guarding the entrance, leaving me alone with this Prince.

“Hmm. I thought you wanted answers?” Karafil waved his hand toward the side of the room. There were books lined up. “Perhaps if you do something for me, you can have some of these ‘answers’.”

“You don’t even know what kind of answers I want. I want to know how I’m being watched, how you monsters are able to move through floors, and—”

“Stop.” Karafil sent a glare at me. “First off, we aren’t these ‘monsters’. If anything, you are the monster. Invading our kingdom, assaulting our citizens. If you weren’t the least bit useful, I’d already have your head in my hands. You even insulted one of my Royal Guards, calling her an ‘it’. I could sense her anger overflowing! And watching you? Like I said before, you are in our kingdom. Our Court Sorcerer can easily spot you. My Royal Father and the Lord Chancellor decided that you needed to be dealt with. Luckily for me, however, you delivered yourself.”

Wait—these Goblins actually have genders? Although they were just mobs, I suppose that I should at least refer to them correctly. And a Court Sorcerer? If there are things like this in the future, then I definitely need to find a way to hide myself. Wait… “Then can’t this sorcerer see that you are talking with me?”

“Of course not. I have a natural aura that repels such abilities. Now, let’s talk business?”

“What kind of business do you even have in mind?”

“Ah. It’s nothing much, Mr. Felix. I just want to—say—speed up my ascension to the throne. And I want you to be the one to do the deed.” Karafil seemed to have a smile of sadness appear on his face. “Ah, right. The Lord Chancellor needs to go as well. I have a replacement already set up. Sigh, if only Zilmazil were alive…”

I was stunned for a moment. To think the request was something like this.

“So,” Karafil continued, “just do this little thing for me, and I’ll see how your sentence will be. Better me than my Royal Father.”

[System Notice: Optional Quest received from Royal Goblin Paladin, Karafil Crownkeeper, the Crown Prince, Lv9:

Overthrow the Royal Goblin King and his Lord Chancellor.

Possible Reward: Favor with the new King.]

[System Notice: Do you accept? Y/N]

I accepted the Optional Quest.


[System Notice: Optional Quest accepted. Changes have been made to Floor Four. The amount of remaining mobs has decreased. New amount: 0/3.]

“Ah, great. Glad you obliged—truly.” Karafil gave out a seemingly genuine smile. “Now, let’s go meet the Lord Chancellor’s soon-to-be replacement and the Court Sorcerer to go over the plans I have in mind. Shall we?”

“The Court Sorcerer? But, isn’t it under your father’s command?”

Karafil shook his head. “He. Not ‘it’. And no, you see, the Court Sorcerer is a strong, but smart man. He’d much rather have favor with the one to succeed the throne, especially if it is one he considers a friend. Not to mention a certain grudge. Come now, I cannot wait. Put the hood back on, please.”

A grudge? I ended up following Karafil out of the room. The Royal Guards resumed their position of guarding the Prince, although it was more relaxed. We went through some hallways, and the curious servants tried to take looks at me, but knew better and kneeled or bowed as we went by. We came to a stairwell that led down.

“You all can stay here. We two have business with the Court Sorcerer. No one is allowed entry.”

The Royal Guards saluted, and assumed their position. I followed Karafil down the stairwell.

“You may remove that hood now. It will take a couple of minutes to reach the Court Sorcerer’s room.”

At the bottom of the stairwell was a wooden door. There was a lock on the outside that Karafil was currently unlocking. We started walking in.

“Ah! Karaf—” The voice stopped. There was a person there—though it wasn’t a Goblin, nor Human. I wasn’t sure what it was. It had long ears protruding the side of its head, and was furry. It wasn’t too tall, but was around the same size as the Goblins, though not as stout, much thinner. It had what looked similar to a snout, and even had a tail. What was definite, though, was the amount of magic power radiating around it. It was powerful!

[Kra’il Sorcerer, Salazar, Lv13]

“Cough, my apologies, Your Royal Highness. I was unaware there was a guest.”

Karafil stepped towards the Kra’il. “Salazar, my friend. This guest is not one to be... too wary of. Take a look.”

Salazar looked at me. “Ah! The Human. Does this mean that—”

Karafil nodded, “Yes. However, where is Kirbel?”

Salazar looked behind himself, and jerked his head. “Kirbel is currently…”

A sound, along with a smell quite unpleasant, came from beyond a curtain towards the end of the room. Then, a voice, “Aish, I’m here, I’m here. Can’t a Goblin take care of business?” The curtain moved, and a chubby Goblin came out from behind it. “Well, well. Now this is a whole different type of business, now ain’t it?”


Karafil made a disgusted face. “Really, Kirbel? If I didn’t know any better, I’d have thought you were waiting for this moment to make your appearance.”

Kirbel smiled, “Hey now. Are you so certain I wasn’t waiting? Kahaha.”

Salazar chimed in, “Kirbel’s literally been in there since the Human showed up at the gates. Ever since becoming a General, Kirbel has been slacking so much.” Salazar shook his head and laughed.

I looked upon Kirbel with an uncertain expression. This round Goblin—and this Kra’il, both were just talking with a Prince so easy going. They must have a bond of sorts. Looking at Kirbel, his name and level popped up.

[Goblin General, Kirbel Smashsmash, Lv9]

Kirbel waddled up to me. “Hmm, ain’t much, this one. But it’ll have to do. I’m all kinds of excited now. Especially for you, Karafil. Only a little excited for you, Salazar.”

Salazar looked down. “Karafil doing this—although it isn’t for me in particular—this grudge will be washed away, and hopefully I won’t be stuck at this weak point I’m currently in. It won’t bring them back, though…”

Karafil reached over to Salazar, and patted his head. “You two are my most beloved friends. Growing up together was a real treat. It’s just father has become too corrupt. And needs salvation. This is for the Kingdom.”

The three of them nodded. “Ah, right. Mr. Felix,” Karafil glanced in my direction. “Let’s begin discussing the plan I had in mind.”

Salazar walked over to a trunk, pulled out a bag, and from the bag pulled out some chains. He walked it over to Karafil. Karafil grabbed it and held it up.

“This—the plan revolves around this.”

I looked at the chains. They looked very normal.

“I don’t understand. Since you said you wanted me to do it, am I supposed to chain up the King?”

“No you idiot!” Kirbel pointed at me. “You are the one bein’ chained up. Our Salazar here is a real wiz. We chain you up. We take you to the King. You kill the King, and ‘is crazy pal. Make sense? Need a picture? I ain’t good at drawing pictures.”

“What? Take me to the King?! Chained up? Are you lot insane?” I poked Kirbel in his gut. “Like hell. I’ll handle this myself.”

At that moment, I felt the ground crack. “Did you—did ya’ just call me fat?” Kirbel took a step closer to me. “Did ya’ just call me fat??”

I felt uneasy now. Karafil facepalmed. Salazar started muttering something under his breath. The ground beneath me cracked a little more. Kirbel rounded up his arm like he was about to swing at me. I didn’t even see when it happened. His fist struck out, but, for some reason, Kirbel was actually two meters away from me now. It was only the pressure of air from his fist that struck me, yet I still took 20 damage.

Instead of looking at me, Kirbel looked at Salazar. “Goblin dammit Salazar! You know I hate it when you move me around like that! And now you are rooting me down, too? Grr.”

“Kirbel, you are just too short tempered. The Human doesn’t know better—Ah, Karafil. Was it necessary for Kirbel to be here?”

“Let it be. Now, let me continue. Mr. Felix, just take a look for yourself before jumping to conclusions. This is important to us.” Karafil threw the chains over to me. I hesitated, but grabbed them anyway.

[Chains of False Castigation (Unique Item)] - An item that makes others view the chained as suffering severe punishment, however the chains break under the command, ‘Shatter’. When shattered, the Chains of False Castigation creates an area of effect knockback and knockout, making those in a vicinity of five meters suffer punishment. Additionally, grants the user multiple buffs: +15 Willpower, +5 Strength, +5 Dexterity, +5 Agility, +100 Health, Damage Increase +100%. Buff duration: 5 minutes. After the buff expires, user will temporarily lose consciousness.]

“Incredible. These chains truly are incredible, however…”

“Yes.” Karafil interjected, “You will lose consciousness. However, at that time, you should already be done with the deed—but you will be taken care of. The three of us should recover by then and seize you. Of course, a show needs to be put on for the citizens. I can’t rule a Kingdom without its people, even if I take control over from my sick Royal Father.”

I looked at Karafil. He didn’t seem like he was lying. But, now, I was doubting myself. Would I really be able to do this? I don’t even know how strong the enemy is. But, I need to do this. I need to get stronger and move on. I need to survive.

“Fine. I… trust you. But these chains.”

“They are seven years in the making. Salazar is a genius and it still took seven years to make. Quite incredible indeed.”

“Well, then. Let’s get this ‘show’ on the road.” I cleared my head and readied myself. It was time. Karafil wrapped the chains around my arms and we began the ascent up the stairs.

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