《Tethralin (LitRPG)》Chapter 6: Journey Through the Paths


Chapter 6: Journey Through the Paths

I withdrew my blade from the neck of the Goblin Bowman.

[Goblin Bowman, Lv5, takes 14 damage.]

[System Notice: You gained 25 EXP.]

That was the fourth one. Now, which path to take? I looked at the paths before me, five paths. I had decided to call each area that seemed to be new and had the next set of paths a zone. Only one path took me to the next zone, the other four- they took me back to the entrance, zone one. Each walk between paths took at least two hours. Plus, there were more log traps involved, so I couldn’t just run haphazardly until the traps were sprung. And, I had only just now made it to the fourth zone. It’s been three days.

Ugh. Let’s start with the two this time. Each zone consisted of five paths in the same pattern, and comparing it to a clock, it would be 10, 11, 12, 1, and 2. I figured out that I had been going back to the beginning right after the first zone because I took the ten and it brought me back to the pool of blood where I had been wallowing in self-pity like a numbskull, but I think that wallowing allowed me to grow. I remembered what I had gained after I looked at the system notices from that first fight in zone one.

[System Notice: You learned a new Ability through {Assimilation}. You learned {Battle Prowess}.]

{Battle Prowess} - A passive ability. While in combat, your thinking speed and ability to make wise decisions is increased. When fighting strong enemies, you may earn an increase in an attribute.

[System Notice: Wisdom increased by 0.8]

After I had got up and looked at them, I had increased motivation and recalled something I learned from a friend’s father long ago. He had said a popular quote, “You learn through making mistakes.” With that, I had gotten up, and trudged along down the paths. I reached zone two when I found the right path, and it had a Lv5 bowman, and zone three had a Lv4 regular old Goblin. So, the pattern so far from each zone has been melee, range, melee, range. As I was in zone four, I just needed to take the correct path to zone five.

After walking through for a couple of hours, and avoiding the log traps, I made it. I made it back to zone one. The pool of blood was still there. I started running to make it back to zone four. The traps never reset, so running was the better option. This time, I took path one. I made it through the path, and came to a zone. The zone was missing my pool of blood, so it definitely wasn’t zone one! But, it was also missing a big symbol- a Goblin. Every time I succeeded in getting to a new zone, there was a Goblin. There was no pool of blood, and there were five paths, so this definitely had to be a new zone.

[System Notice: You feel as if you are being watched…]

I looked around, but saw nothing. There were no trees rustling, nor bushes. Just the creepy forest. I used {Area Scan} but the report came back with zero presences. After looking around for a while, I decided I needed to keep moving. I took the ten path, and actually made it to zone six after walking the lengthy path. Then, I was greeted by a goblin.

[Goblin Bowman, Lv5]

Hmm, another Bowman. The next mob should have definitely been a melee. I know I am at the correct area as I didn’t reset to zone one. And—there was that notice.


An arrow came at me. I could sense how it was arriving, and decided to dodge the attack instead of blocking it. These level five Bowmen definitely had less than 56 health, because I knew for certain they die in four hits from my Buckler Blade.

I quickly tried to close the gap between us. That was the trick for Goblin Bowmen. You just needed to close the gap, and then it became a one-sided slaughter. It got off two more shots before I was able to close in. I dodged one, and blocked the other with my kite shield, quite similar to the fight I had hours ago in zone four.

[Biding Hellfire Rupture power at 130/260.]

I cut into it, and quickly remained by it so it couldn’t fire at me with an arrow again. I repeated it three more times, and it died.

[System Notice: You gained 25 EXP.]

“Remaining Mobs!”

[System Notice: There are 4 Mobs remaining. Mobs cleared: 5/9]

Still four left—so does that mean there are 10 zones in total? What a bother. Truly, this must just be a test of endurance.

I picked a path, and walked it. I went back to zone one, and decided that this was where I would rest for a while, and continue the paths the next day.

“Oh. It looks like there is another Goblin ahead—Finally!” After an annoying four days, I reached zone nine.

Yep, this one is melee, but the level pattern is different.

[Goblin Chief, Lv5]

A Goblin Chief stood before me, tall as usual. It held a greatsword in two hands. It wasn’t named like the three Chiefs of Floor One. As such, I didn’t feel very threatened by it.

The Goblin Chief charged at me, and I dodged to the side as it brought its greatsword down. I stabbed it, but in return, got a shoulder check.

[Goblin Chief, Lv5, takes 14 damage.]

[You took 25 damage from Goblin Chief, Lv4. Current Health: 105/130]

I quickly activated {Goblin’s Recovery Hymn}, and focused on just evading the greatsword. {Battle Prowess} definitely made fighting much easier. I was able to quickly and efficiently take down the Goblin Chief after eight blade strikes.

[System Notice: You gained 25 EXP.]

[System Notice: You gained attribute(s) through battle. Strength increased by 1.]

Oh, great. I guess it recognized the Chief to be strong as compared to the other Goblins. Ah, and a loot bag finally dropped, too. I picked up the loot bag. It contained a Goblin Chief essence. I looked at the paths available, and they were, again, in a 10, 11, 12, 1, 2 pattern.

I really hope I get the correct path on the first try. Otherwise, it will take me almost eight hours to get back here, and that is while running! Alas, after trying twice and failing, I rested up at zone one, and then continued on from there, and finally made it on the fourth path. I guess Luck doesn’t work with this—unless it is just bad luck.

I approached zone ten, but, there didn’t seem to be any Mobs around. I looked around and eventually saw the spiral staircase that led to the next floor. As I set my eyes on it, I received another notice.

[System Notice: You feel as if you are being watched…]

I used {Area Scan} and received nothing. The one watching me—it has to be the last Mob on this floor. Just where is it? And as I was thinking to myself, I saw it. It was actually sitting on the bottom step of the spiral staircase. It got up, and started walking towards my position.


[???, Lv?]

An—an unknown Mob!!

The Goblin had its entire body covered in black Garb, and wore a mask that covered its head. It actually resembled a ninja. I stepped back more, and it got closer. Then—it spoke.

“Hoo. Greetings, adventurer Human.”

It—it greeted me.

“Human. We know you understand our language. Don’t be so… shy.” I couldn’t see its expression, but it really seemed to be mocking me.


“Great. Now then, I have been sent here by my masters to take your head. My name is Zilmazil.”

“Um, I don’t know you, but—you can’t take my head.”

“Well, of course you don’t know me. I can count the few who survived on one hand.” It bent down, and pulled a blade from behind its back. “I’m coming.”

[Goblin Ninja, Zilmazil Shroudstepper the Honorable Assassin, Lv6]

[System Notice: Optional Quest is active. Survive the assassin’s onslaught for 10 minutes, and it will be recalled.]

It’s—it’s named and titled! And level 6? It even gave an optional quest just to survive for 10 minutes! I—stop thinking I’m so weak!

Zilmazil suddenly appeared right in front of me, with the tip of its blade pointing at my neck.

“Human. You. Are. Weak.”

I stiffened up. It—it knows what I’m thinking!

“No. I am just making guesses from looking at your silly expressions. You leave yourself so open…”

Zilmazil took its blade from my neck.

“Human. At least provide me with some kind of cha—” Zilmazil slowly looked over its shoulder, then looked back at me. “Fine. The masters don’t want me playing with my targets.”

I saw it bringing its blade back to me. I swiftly stabbed my blade into its chest, then, it dispersed into smoke. It's—it's gone! Wait! I was able to barely glance up, and I felt my body getting sliced. My right shoulder to midway down my back was cut open.

[System Notice: Sneak Attack! You took 103 damage from Goblin Ninja, Zilmazil Shroudstepper the Honorable Assassin, Lv6. You are bleeding. Your right arm has been disabled. Current Health: 27/130]

“Hoo. At least you could survive one attack. But can you take anymore?”

I quickly drank two potions and activated {Goblin’s Recovery Hymn}. This Goblin—it is definitely not a joke. Why is it so advanced? How did it just disappear like that? How high must its Agility be to be so fast… As I was thinking about everything, it appeared right before me, and started swinging its blade. I tried to intercept with my kite shield, swinging it towards it. It disappeared into smoke again, and I quickly prepared myself by aiming in the air with my kite. It must have attacked from there before when it cut me, so I predicted where it would be. I launched my {Biding Hellfire Rupture} that had been charged from the Bowmen in previous battles.

[You took 48 damage from backlash. Current Health: 82/130]

“Ah, foolish Human. I was still right in front of you.” Zilmazil stabbed me in my gut.

[You took 51 damage from Goblin Ninja, Zilmazil Shroudstepper the Honorable Assassin, Lv6. Current Health: 31/130]

I backed away from it. I missed—my rupture actually missed—No. I didn’t miss. I just didn’t think things through well enough! I quickly healed with another two potions—Five left. My arm is disabled, I’m bleeding and losing health, although my recovery hymn should be covering that and then some… I can’t even get it still. Every time I hit it, it seems to disappear into smoke and appear wherever it wants. I am almost out of chances. I need to build up my rupture’s charge—focus—focus solely on defense for now, while seeing how to deal with its movement. Its attack seems much weaker when it isn’t a sneak attack.

Zilmazil stood there with its blade, probably smirking at me. “Hoo. The change in your eyes. Fantastic…”

Zilmazil started walking towards me, and then disappeared. No, it wasn’t disappearing, it was moving very fast. It appeared on my right, and I turned to block with my kite. When its blade came into contact with my shield, it disappeared into smoke. I had a sense that it appeared behind me, so I quickly dashed forward and turned around to block its attack.

[Biding Hellfire Rupture power at 60/260.]


Then, I felt a stab in my thigh.

[System Notice: Sneak Attack! You took 120 damage from Goblin Ninja, Zilmazil Shroudstepper the Honorable Assassin, Lv6. Current Health: 10/130]

How! It’s—it’s much too fast. I healed up with three potions so that I was at full health. God dammit. Two potions left. I can’t keep taking hits. It’s only been three minutes.

I looked to find Zilmazil. It was gone. Then, the sound of something flying through the air came at me. Shurikens! I raised my kite.

[Biding Hellfire Rupture power at 90/260.]

[Biding Hellfire Rupture power at 120/260.]

I was alarmed by the sound coming from behind. Behind me! I quickly turned around.

[Biding Hellfire Rupture power at 180/260.]

I swung my shield in its direction, but it again disappeared into smoke when I hit it. It should be moving now—but where? I quickly tried sensing around me. Where—where—There!

I moved my shield above me, but the only thing in view was a shuriken! I blocked the shuriken, and then I could hear another coming from the tree line.

[Biding Hellfire Rupture power at 210/260.]

With the other shuriken coming at me, I had to quickly jump out of the way. Zilmazil appeared where I was going, and I blocked his blade. It disappeared again as I tried to block it. I think—I think I figured out how to hit this guy. I forgot about an important ability!

Zilmazil attacked me from behind, but I blocked it successfully.

[Biding Hellfire Rupture power at 260/260.]

[Shield unable to absorb damage due to fully charged power. You took 10 damage from Goblin Ninja, Zilmazil Shroudstepper the Honorable Assassin, Lv6. Current Health: 120/130]

[System Notice: You have 30 seconds to disperse power.]

Fully charged! I need to time this right—there is only one way for that to happen.

Zilmazil came behind me and tried to sneak in an attack. I turned as quickly as I could, trying to block it. Once it touched, Zilmazil disappeared into smoke and I awaited its attack. Okay, I can do this! I felt the attack coming from behind me, and I turned to meet it. I smiled at Zilmazil, “I got you!” The attack struck me right in the body.

[You took 51 damage from Goblin Ninja, Zilmazil Shroudstepper the Honorable Assassin, Lv6. Current Health: 72/130]

I instantly activated an ability I had yet to use.

“Sudden Slumber!”

I kicked at Zilmazil, and stumbled back, but I touched it with my foot. Then, it just stopped moving. I could see some “ZzZ” symbols above its head. It was a success. It’s—it’s asleep! I drank one of my potions, leaving one remaining. I stood right in front if it, propped my shield up, and blasted it. There was 17 seconds left before it exploded, and this was the perfect opportunity.

[Goblin Ninja, Zilmazil Shroudstepper the Honorable Assassin, Lv6, took 390 damage.]

[You took 97 damage from backlash. Current Health: 31/130]

[System Notice: You gained 160 EXP.]

[System Notice: You gained attribute(s) through battle. Dexterity increased by 2. Agility increased by 2.]

[System Notice: You learned a new Ability through {Assimilation}. You learned {Shrouded Blink}.]

[{Shrouded Blink} - An active ability. When activated, the next time you are hit, you will vanish into smoke. You are then granted 10 seconds to blink (teleport) to a location. Amount of blinks available: 1. Blink Distance: 2 meters. Available blinks increase with Dexterity. Blink Distance increases with Agility. Requirements: 10 Dexterity. 10 Agility. Cooldown scales off Dexterity and Agility. Two minute cooldown.]

[System Notice: You learned five abilities through mobs. {Assimilation} rating increased to D+.]

[System Notice: You continued learning an Ability through {Assimilation}: ???. Status: 2/50]

[System Notice: Optional Quest failed.]

I looked at the system notices—insane. I can’t use Shrouded Blink at the moment, but it seems powerful. Was that what Zilmazil was using? It had to be. If so, I need to get to ten Dexterity as soon as possible! I picked up the loot bag from Zilmazil. I got an item called ‘The Honorable Assassin’s head’. I walked to the spiral staircase to complete the floor.

I quietly whispered, “Thank you, Zilmazil.”

[System Notice: You cleared all the mobs on Floor 2: 9/9. You will get a reward on Floor 3.]

[System Notice: Floor 2 complete. Heading to starting point for Floor 3.]

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