


“How’s Bertha?” asked Hank.

“Extremely secured, and connected to an IV bag full of enough tranquilizers to put something twice her size down. Speaking of that, I’ll have to monitor her situation. She seems to be shrinking without any new food to eat. I’ve only heard of a couple of species in the known universes that can change their body mass like that, and I don’t recognize whatever she is. My scans are coming up inconclusive as well... She is in smart cables so they will keep contracting as she shrinks. That in itself is redundant anyway with how drugged and injured she is,” Cerulean replied.

“And the people in Winthrop?” asked Hank

“It seems as long as Bertha is deeply unconscious they are free of her influence. I would bet her control has a pretty short range as well. So once we fly out of here they will continue to be fine. Speaking of that, I’m ready to leave as soon as we pick up Dractus. He should be done firebombing the rest of Bertha’s nest any time now. Got any last minute things you need to do before we leave?”

“I wouldn’t mind loading up a crate full of bacon, cigars, and good whiskey before.”

“We have variants of all of that on Prime. That’s what we call the planet that the Hall of Arbiters is on.”

“I figured as much. You still going to give me that personal tour?”

“Hank, let’s skip the foreplay. We are Arbiters, we could die any second. Kiss me you big dumb lug.”

Hank wrapped his large muscular arms around Cerulean and reached down to grab her well defined butt. He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. They stared deeply into each others eyes. Jimmy chose that moment to walk into the room.


“Hey listen, I was thinking- Shit, y’all should lock the door if you are trying to play hide the weasel!” said Jimmy.

“Jimmy we are leaving the planet soon. If you got anything to do, now is the time before it's too late,” said Hank before he sealed and locked the door.

Jimmy did have something to do. He popped open his phone and sent an email to a freelance hacker who was on his payroll. The email had four words in it: Burn it all down. The hacker received the email and sent out a series of emails thick with attachments to news and law enforcement agencies all over the country. The emails included up to date reports on everything Jimmy was working on and all of the suspicions he had about who was taking payoffs from whom. The information he had would lead the police to serious evidence of government corruption.

Some of it would even point to congressman and senators taking payoffs from organized crime. A second set of emails was sent off to different criminal organizations. This set had the new aliases of every hardcore criminal who had turned on their own people and testified in exchange for immunity and entrance into the Witsec program. Jimmy never did understand letting a criminal go in order to punish other criminals.

The final set of emails went out to everyone in organized crime who Jimmy figured had a chance at redemption. People who were born into it criminal organizations, or who got into it out of necessity. People who only stayed in because their families would be in danger if they left. These emails had directions to run, with banking information for overseas accounts that they could use to establish new lives, and directions on how to get a new identity.


Jimmy had been holding onto this information for a long time now, and adding to it regularly. He always figured when this day came he would be hiding out on a beach somewhere. This information is going to rock the world and people all over the planet are going to be hunting the man who released it. To bad he won't be on the planet.

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