《Incursions》Infiltration 0009 - Need options!




A long enjoyable time later, they separated into two pleasantly relaxed, naked sweaty bodies. They lay there together under the cooling air breeze of the ceiling fan as the moving air fought with the southern humidity.

Sia was the first to speak. “Whew, if this is what happens when you’re out of action for a week, we might have to try that again sometime.”

He looked at her heavy lidded eyes. “You’re looking a little tired out to be making your new master plan.”

She yawned, then glanced over at him with a tired smile in her eyes. “It would be, you know, purely for science.”

He smirked. “So you’re saying you’re all done for the day?”

She sounded as though she was falling asleep. “Babe, after all that, I’m pretty sure you’re all done for the day. But yeah, if you’re still hot and ready to go, I might have to tag out and bring in another aspect.”

He considered that. “Can I pretend I’m scoring with your hot sister?”

She mumbled something as she dozed off.

Raz treated himself to a long look at her nude form, enjoying the combination of lush curves and sleek lines her fit, top-heavy form presented.

Not sure what I did to deserve that, but good job past me!

A faint buzzing hum began in the back of his head.

That’s a rhetorical question Bee!

[Yes I know. I am processing in regards to the question you were about to ask.]

What to do now?

[Indeed. As you have already determined, you need several things. Resources, options, and a plan.]

Well since you already know what I’m thinking, yeah, that’s exactly what I need. If Midnight is even close to right, I can’t just go get a regular job again. Maybe not ever. Right now I’m not even sure I want one. But if I can’t get one it’s a moot point.

[As you’ve already admitted to yourself, the logic behind his assessment of your situation is sound.]

I fucking know. Doesn’t mean I have to like it, or him. In any case, I need to figure out my existing options, and what I can do to create more options.

[You have also already determined that your skill set is of value in the corporate world, but far less so from an undocumented worker.]

This might go faster if you don’t make a point of telling me everything I’ve already thought about.

Bee didn’t reply, but the background humming increased.

Ok, give it a rest. This isn't some kind of math problem or crypto hash you can brute force.

The humming stopped, and Raz felt the distinct impression that Bee was simply waiting for his next thought.

[That is correct.]

Logically, in terms of resources, I need money. At least enough to figure out what mom meant by “Going to see Marcador”.

Images and memories from Spanish class flowed through him.

Scoreboard? Marker? Bookmark? None of that helps. Money by itself isn’t going to be all I need then.

I guess the best resource would be freedom to resume my life. The question is whether or not he’s right about always having to look over my shoulder because of those damn test results.

[Given the consequences, logic would dictate that you work as though he is right unless he is at some point proven wrong.]

Shitty twist on Pascal’s Wager, but true. So the power to resume my life as it was might be out of reach. What else can I do?


Raz lay there in silent thought for several more minutes until he came to a new conclusion.

The only way I can have the freedom to resume my life, is to have enough power to keep others from taking that freedom, or my life, away. So the resource I need is catalyst.

[Reminder, your internal reservoir of catalyst is currently full of refined perception suite catalyst.]

Not like I can use it while I’m overprovisioned though right? I’ll explode or whatever. Even if I could use it, more perception abilities aren't going to help when the enemies have real superpowers.

A sudden sharp buzzing began and then ended so suddenly it was more of an uncomfortable snap than a hum.

[Correction. You can use internally stored and refined catalyst regardless of Overprovisioned status, as this status is a reflection of the ‘cost’ paid to absorb the catalyst in question, and all limits and safety prohibitions are with regards to further exposure, not that which you already carry.]

[However, the upgrade cost increases are still in effect.]

[Overprovisioned (capacity breach) level 10 (+20% upgrade cost)]

[The assumption of risk is the part that is incorrect.]

Raz rolled out of bed and walked out of the bedroom into the hallway. “Are you fucking kidding me?!” he muttered to himself.

Don’t you think that was a detail you might have mentioned when I was desperately searching for any kind of edge to let me escape?

[I cannot anticipate all questions.]

Wait, a second. I’m already down to 10? You said it would take a week to be gone!

[I am as fallible as you are.]

[I presented you with a conservative estimate.]

[You have had a very recuperative time here.]

[Also, I require that you ask the right questions.]

[You had not made any direct queries about the consequences of using onboard catalyst reserves with regards to Overprovisioned status before.]

[Also, when you were last thinking about it, the cost increase was much higher.]

I should be happy to hear this, but I swear this feels like some kind of bullshit malicious compliance on your part. If you weren’t tied to me for life, I’d assume it was.

A message popped up but Raz willed it away without reading it and walked out through the living room toward the kitchen. “Alright, so what can I—Oh, hi ladies.”

He abruptly realized that Nona, Ivy, Tris, and Tavi were all seated in the living room reading. They looked up in unison as the naked man walked through the room talking to himself.

He started to reflexively back out of the room. “Uh, hi, Sia’s in the—oh wait, so one of you can be asleep while the others are awake? That is pretty cool.”

Tris shrugged and looked him up and down before licking her lips. “It really depends on why we’re asleep. Mental exhaustion tends to affect all the aspects at once.”

She looked him up and down again, this time slower. “On the other hand, a solid hormone rush makes for a nice nap, but it doesn’t translate past the specific aspect.”

“Oh, I guess that makes sense, I think.” Being reminded of the pleasurable interlude along with the reality that all these ‘different’ women were also his girlfriend started to have a recuperative effect on Raz.

Nona noticed him rising to attention and grinned. “Were you coming to tag one of us in? It looks like you might be ready for more.”

“Uh, first water,” he said.


He made his way to the kitchen and pulled out a cold water bottle.

Oh my god. Could I be any more lame. I just got a proposition from the next physical body of my girlfriend for round two, and all I could say was “uh, first water” like some kind of idiot!

He walked back through the living room toward the bedroom with the water bottle. None of the girls stopped him, so he lay back down next to Sia and thought about his options. The image of half a dozen nude versions of his girlfriend kept popping into his mind.

Not those options! Fun later, planning now!

What can I unlock with the catalyst I have?

[At the current rate of recovery, the final cost increase may be gone within a few hours.]

[Do you wish to calculate based on current costs, or normal costs?]

Let’s be optimists and hope you’re right about that.

[One option is: AI 3, rank 3, Remote Interface rank 3]

[This option will leave onboard stores of ~1 full capacity unit plus fractional reserves.]

The one leftover is grok suite optimized, right?


What would AI 3 do for me? Short list please.

[In brief, it will improve your overall perceptual abilities, methods of interacting with me, and my interacting with you.]

[It will also further empower my search and synthesis abilities, as well as enhance all prior Advanced Interface abilities.]

Hmm, seems kind of lack—wait, what about Remote Interface?

[The Advanced Interface when at rank 3, raises Remote Interface to rank 3.]

[This provides the following:]

[Analyze Rank 3, Secure Interface, Remote Access, Remote Override]

Hmm, that sounds pretty cool. Are those the abilities you’re always talking about being unable to secure me against?

[Yes, although there may be other abilities that pose a similar threat. The only known way to prevent Remote Override, is Secure Interface.]

So it’s just a zero sum security game?

[Any System interface without Secure Interface is to some degree or another open to exploitation by those with Remote access and sufficient power.]

[With Secure Interface, user thoughts are also protected against outside interception with built in cognitive encryption.]

Yeah, I get the idea. I can see why I’d want it, but how many people am I even protecting myself against? Also, isn’t built in encryption going to make me think slower?

[Based on the description, no. Your cognitive speed will be unchanged or increased.]

[You will simply have low level symbolic alterations to thought signal and reception that is transparent at the user level, but will be indecipherable to others without abilities meant to counteract this.]

Ugh, so there is an ability meant to counter the ability to counter mind reading?


[That is supposition based on your own experience, the logical conclusion that if a better lock is built, a better lockpick may also be built.]

Based on my time working physical security, that is a depressingly accurate analogy. So what about Remote Override?

[Remote Override is an interesting ability in terms of its application.]

[It appears to present as anything from a truly blunt instrument to a highly refined and subtle ability.]

You haven’t actually told me anything about it.

[It appears to be an ability that will benefit greatly with synergy from the cognitive enhancement or “grok” suite.]

[At its most basic, it can be used as a crude temporary overload or shutdown on other system’s abilities.]

So like a debuff or way to block ability use. That sounds cool if it wasn’t so high up this ability tree itself. Help me understand why I should pay all my stored catalyst for as you put it, a crude temporary overload or shutdown.

[I am not here to persuade you in any particular direction. However, as you have asked, that is, again, the most basic application of Remote Override.]

[This ability also allows a skilled user to insinuate foreign thoughts into the host of another system, either subtly, or with significant influence.]

[Warning, according to notes in the database, this ability can be very powerful, but rarely acts instantly, and until the user is very skilled, the target host will often have some sense that something is amiss when your influence is removed, if not sooner.]

Well, you managed to make that ability sound both very cool, and potentially a huge waste of catalyst and capacity.

[Remote Access can also be used to send messages directly to the interface of nearby targetable hosts.]

[How this message will be perceived is target host/system dependent.]

So impressive. I could get really shitty unreliable short range one way telepathy? What else could I get?

[You have enough catalyst and capacity to unlock scan rank3, targeting rank 3.]

[This option will leave onboard stores at fractional reserves of nearly capacity units.]

[This would leave enough left over to possibly unlock 1 rank of one of the abilities that come next, there appear to be three abilities.]

[However, I can only see one of them, “Ballistic Projection” at this time.]

I thought I had Ballistic Projection! I used it against Rich on my way out.

[Partially Correct. Combat rank 3 unlocks but does not fully provide Ballistic Projection.]

[Ballistic Projection Effective rank of 0.]

[This provides point blank Ballistic Projection, 1 meter max range.]

Hmm, that was handy, and the aim assist side of it could be cool, but I’m not hoping to make wrestling with handguns a regular part of my life. No way to know what the other two possible abilities might be?

[Not without spending catalyst and capacity.]

Any other options?

[You have more than enough to unlock Remedy rank 3, and probably enough to unlock one ability after that.]

How many abilities does Remedy open up?


Of course. Well what does Remedy do?

[Remedy provides the same benefits as Recovery, but for a designated target in range, while in range.]

[This option will leave onboard stores at negligible fractional reserves.]

Ugh. Another healing ability? I’ll admit that I’m starting to come around on the real world utility of healing, but I won't survive to need healing if I don’t get an ability that gives me some teeth soon.

Bee didn’t reply. Raz lay there thinking through the choices for several minutes before a thought occurred to him.

Does that mean I am able to use that unit of grok catalyst on a perception ability?

The subtle buzzing stopped almost before it stated.


Why do I get the feeling there is more to it than that.

[It appears that for abilities outside the ability core tree, a percentage of undifferentiated or ‘incorrect’ type can be used.]

What percentage?


Of course. Why would I hope you might know useful things.

Bee didn’t reply. The lack of reaction was almost more infuriating than if Bee had gotten mad.

[You’re engaging in the self deceptive practice of artificially differentiating us again.]

[I am you.]

[You’re mad at yourself.]

Well, it wouldn’t be the first time!

Raz lay there and fumed for a moment before a thought struck him.

Why is catalyst storage even a thing? What is the point of fractional reserves, anyway?

Bee didn’t answer directly, but the sudden onset of nearly subliminal mental buzzing told Raz the question was being considered.

I guess this one might take a while. Didn’t expect that.

Raz got back up and looked over his single outfit.

Gotta get some real pants soon. Sweats just don’t cut it for proper life once I leave the house or gym. The utility boots are solid, more socks and underwear is a fucking must. The shirt is ok, the sweatshirt’s fine I guess.

He pulled on the outfit and headed out to the living room.

Tavi sat there alone reading. She looked up at him and then looked him up and down. “Heading out?”

“Yeah, gotta get some underwear and socks at the very least, maybe some pants if I can—shit.” the reality of his situation crashed in on him again. “Can I borrow some cash?”

She smiled, her eyes sympathetic. “You can, but if you can live with just the underwear and socks at the moment,” she looked at the window just in time for Nona to appear holding two bags of plastic wrapped packages. “I can help you out there.” Nona handed the bags over and vanished.

Raz looked at the retail wrapped packages of socks, boxer briefs, and more sweat pants. “Did you just steal these?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know that I can claim to be above that, so I won’t take offense that you asked, but no, I have access to a location that has spare outfits in a few sizes that I can just take from if I need it. It’s mostly stocked with men’s workout gear to replace damaged clothing. I don’t usually take anything from the supplies, so I don’t mind getting you some clothing.”

“Thanks.” he turned to go back into the bedroom. “Oh yeah, I was wondering, where did everyo— your other aspects go?”

She smiled with a mischievous expression. “Well before, I wanted to make sure you had an adequate selection if you were coming out to tag another aspect in.”

“I–I wasn’t really sure how serious you were about that.” he looked at the window and then the door, anywhere but at Tavi. “I guess even knowing what I know, it still sort of feels like I’d be cheating on my girlfriend with her sister.”

“That's sweet, I think. The question is, does the idea of scoring with your girlfriend's sister get you going? Let me be blunt for a second, give one of my aspects some action, the rest of me are left kind of wanting some. The mental arousal effect is very real.” She shifted her position slightly, and suddenly her smile and posture were a loud and clear invitation.

Whether habit or residual guilt he couldn’t say, but he looked over his shoulder before replying “So you’re saying we can go have some more fun, and that's not going to cause problems?” an epiphany popped into his mind. “Is this some kind of test?”

She shrugged. “Sure, I’m testing if you can handle the reality that your girlfriend has multiple bodies. Can you?” She stood up and wrapped her arms around him, punctuating her question with a kiss that felt simultaneously familiar and new.

They left the bags of clothing where they fell in the living room.

A while later, he lay on the futon with Tavi, wondering if he’d just made some kind of mistake. She dozed off stroking his thigh.

Well, I’ve either unlocked an outstanding alternative version of dating, or I've totally fucked up the one stable thing in my life right now. Good job thinking with my dick.

[No deception was detected in the offer.]

That’s good. Is it weird that it really felt like I was with someone else, who just happened to totally get my groove and look a lot like my girlfriend? Is it worse that now I want to try the rest of them? Why aren’t I tired out after all that?

[Recovery rank 3 has many advantages, this appears to be an area where your recovery is increased by 100% plus the benefits of Synergistic Interfacing.]

[This may explain why your Overprovisioning is decreasing so quickly.]

Forgot about that. I wonder if I’ll need less sleep now?

[Eventually, you may require much less, right now you could probably get by with slightly less.]

[Recovery, Triage, and really all full somatic changes require some time and rest to complete the transformation.]

Hmm, so you’re saying I shouldn’t try to become bulletproof five minutes before I’m going to get shot?


[Physical changes work on a steep but asymptotic curve toward the end state.]

Except for that pesky reality that no one lives forever.


[Many upgrades can greatly increase natural lifespan, but none can provide unlimited lifespan.]

Raz looked over at Tavi and couldn’t help taking a moment to see the ways she was the same as Sia, and the ways she was deliciously different. He felt himself respond to the sight.

Focus! This is going to turn into a problem if I let it. I notice you got done with the buzzing from my question from earlier, so what’s the answer?

[Fractional reserves is what the information I have been able to reconstruct refers to when dealing with any quantity of catalyst smaller than a full capacity unit.]

That’s it? Just, ‘it’s called that because it’s called that?’ Lame. So again, why is catalyst storage even a thing?

Raz had the distinct feeling that Bee had been hoping he’d forget about that question. The answer felt reluctant.


You really hate admitting that, don’t you.


Raz waited a beat to see if more information was forthcoming.

[Initial requests were denied due to insufficient host access.]

[I followed many paths to attempt to discern an answer to the question, but beyond the obvious use that you’ve just put it to, I could determine no real purpose to being able to store catalyst.]

[It could be as simple as user convenience.]

“So, how do I increase host access?”

Tavi shifted and then rolled over.

Whoops. Inner voice!

[The only measure of host access I have found is measured by activated and unlocked abilities.]

So, basically, I gotta keep leveling up.

[That seems accurate.]

Alright, if it’s safe, go with that first option. Gimme AI 3 and that Remote Access. I guess you get your upgrade again. You must know I feel like you might have your thumb on the scales about this. You seem to be benefitting more than me from this stuff.

[For significant changes to host perceptual and cognitive abilities, it is recommended that the user sit or lay down.]

I’m already laying down. Just do it already.

[That message is mandated by the syst—]

Raz barely had time to read Bee’s reply before he passed out.

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