《A Modern Day Demon King》* Chapter 36 – Dots Ⅱ


Zhū warily watches the old man who was rising from the bench and moving away. Zhū had felt a trace of unease ever since the appearance of that old man, but he didn’t know the reason why. Shaking his head, Zhū turns his attention away from the old man and back to his target. Suddenly, every instinct in his body screams at him to run. Before Zhū can react suddenly the old man is leisurely standing before him.

Zhū is unable to move nor much less breathe as a terrifying pressure crushes his body. Suddenly, the pressure is withdrawn and Zhū is able to move but hesitates to do so lest he attracts the attention of the old man. Bowing his head, Zhū politely asks, “I apologize for my rudeness in failing to recognize you, Elder. Have I offended you in any manner, Elder, or is there something that this insignificant cultivator can provide for thee?”

The old man snorts and says, “That young woman is a sweet girl and I’ve taken a likening to her.” And without even waiting for a reply, the old man disappears from view.

Zhū suddenly finds himself breathing heavily as cold sweat can be felt on the back of his neck. Shivering Zhū glances in the direction of his target and almost begins to curse. In just what had he gotten himself mixed up in?! Angrily taking his phone out, Zhū makes a call.

On the other end, the familiar scarred figure of Yì answers the call, “Yes, what have you found?”

Zhū releases a stream of curses and hisses, “In just what the he*l have you gotten me mixed up in?”

Yì furrows his brows and asks, “Whatever do you mean?”

“Don’t pretend with me! You already knew that foreign woman was being protected by who g*d knows who! No wonder you came to me, you and your boss wouldn’t have plausible deniability! Will I’m not having it and I sure am not going to stick my neck out on a chopping block for you. I Quit!” Zhū roared and hung up the call.


Yì stares in surprise at his phone and almost dials Zhū’s number but thinks better of it. In the mood, Zhū was in, not only would he fail to answer the phone nor much less answer his questions. But that brought out an interesting point, Zhū wouldn’t have shouted in such a way unless much more powerful figure had appeared before him. But they both knew all the important figures in the city and if it wasn’t them, then who?

Yì suddenly recalls the incident, where an infinitely large power was felt descending upon the city, before vanishing. Yì furrows his brows and connects the dots. If unknown larger power had descended into the city for whatever purposes, it would explain why despite scourging the city, they had yet to find Ye Ming. The only logical answer was that unknown powerful figure had something do with it. But the real question now was, could they still afford to go after Ye Ming if he had such a powerful protector?

Yì swiftly messages his boss with the new information, before rushing back to the compound. With a new figure in town, the best possible solution was to increase security for now. One couldn’t be certain if the new powerhouse would have good intentions towards and much less if they had picked up Ye Ming.

Inside his office, Sūn Lì sits up as he reads the report from Yì. Sūn Lì narrows his eyes in cold fury, before swiftly heading towards his father’s office. Sūn Lì slams the door open to find a giggling secretary in his father’s lap. “Out,” Sūn Lì roared as the secretary lets out a cry of fear and hides her face in her boss’s chest.

Sūn Lì’s face darkens as his father, Sūn Hui crossly says, “Is this really that important?” But failing to see his son budge, Sūn Hui rolls his eyes and turns towards his well-endowed secretary. “You little minx, I’ll see you later,” Sūn Hui purred.


The pretty little secretary flushes with glee and happily wiggles to her feet. Sūn Lì’s face twitches with irritation but binds his tongue in front of his father. All the while, Sūn Hui nods in approval as he watches the tight little bum of his secretary sashay out of the office. The door finally closes shut and Sūn Hui turns his attention towards his sun. Leaning back into his chair, Sūn Hui raises an eyebrow and asks, “Well, what is it?”

Sūn Lì coolly replies, “Our suspicions have been confirmed, a new powerhouse has arrived in the city. And they more than likely are responsible for the disappearance of Ye Ming.”

Sūn Hui sits up straight in his seat and hisses, “Who?!”

“Our forces have yet to confirm the elder’s identity,” Sūn Lì honestly confirmed.

Sūn Hui narrows his eyes and growls, “Has this new elder allied himself with anyone?”

“No, which is what worries me. I suspect that this elder may be representing a more powerful group that seeks to establish roots in our city,” Sūn Lì unhappily reaffirmed.

Sūn Hui pauses for a moment in thought, before rising to his feet. “I will go and inform father, while you find out more about our new guest and at all cost do not anger him! Attempt to invite him to our side and see if he is willing to yield,” Sūn Hui stated.

Sūn Lì nods in understanding for many powerful figures had been swayed to one side or another in the face of great benefits. Without waiting for his son to begin giving out orders, Sūn Hui hurriedly rushes out of their building and back to the Sūn manor to seek out the aid of his father, Sūn Gui, who was in closed closet cultivation.

Out of breath, Sūn Hui hurries through the family manor before respectfully pausing in front of his father’s closed-door cultivation. Sūn Hui respectfully kneels before the doors of his father and waits for his father to speak. Finally, after some time, a firm voice asks, “What is it?”

“Father, a powerful elder has descended into the city,” Sūn Hui swiftly replied.

“Does he pose a danger?” Sūn Gui asked.

“We are not certain, we are still attempting to locate the elder and sound out his intentions,” Sūn Hui carefully stated.

From inside the meditative chambers, Sūn Gui frowns and says, “Increase the security of the manor for now.”

Sūn Hui bows his forehead to the ground and says, “I will do as you have asked father,” before politely rising to his feet and swiftly departing.

From inside the meditation chambers, Sūn Gui furrows his brows in thought, before once more entering into his meditative state. The sooner he entered the Saint Stage the safer his family would be. But more importantly, at that time no one in the city would be able to match him and his Sūn family, and they would become the sole rulers of the entire city.

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