《A Modern Day Demon King》* Chapter 28 – Day Ⅱ


On the 2nd day of training, Ye Ming could barely move after the cliff training, but sadly there was still more left including sparing with the Master. Exhausted both mentally and physically, Ye Ming didn’t know how he even managed to complete all the training regimen nor much less remembered meditating later in the evening.

Ye Ming even thought that he was going to go crazy those first few days, but soon to his great relief he began to notice that his body was improving at a rather rapid rate. Slowly, but surely, his body was aching less than the day before. Sadly, Ye Ming made the mistake of commenting this to his Master.

Reyn with a most a cheerful smile, rather matter-of-factly replies, “A body only grows when being pushed to it’s very limits. Seeing as your limit have grown, we’ll just have to increase your tasks for the day.” Ye Ming almost coughed out blood in despair as his Master is true to her word and increases the hell paced training.

Exhausted after sparing, Ye Ming is somehow still on his feet, when Reyn smiles and says, “We’ll be skipping your break time from now and so from now on meditation will be done in your free time.”

Ye Ming almost has the urge to scream out his inner turmoil, his break was his only real time to rest. And now, even meditation was being pushed into his sleeping time! When was he supposed to get any sleep or rest for that matter!?

Reyn lets out a soft chuckle causing the hairs on the back of Ye Ming’s neck to stand on end. Grabbing him by the neck, Reyn suddenly teleports them to the top of the nearby mountain. Ye Ming turns green and quickly heads to the bushes.

Ignoring the retched sounds of Ye Ming, Reyn lets out a soft whistle. Ye Ming sickly glances up as he wipes his mouth clean and his eyes dry. Ye Ming suddenly has the feeling he is being watched as he slowly turns his head towards the darkness.


In the dim dusk light yellow glowing eyes can be seen. Ye Ming remains still for a moment as Reyn happily walks towards the source of the yellow eyes. “Come here precious,” Reyn cooed as a large tiger emerges from the shrubs.

Ye Ming gapes as the tiger rolls onto its belly and begins to purr. Reyn happily pets the large tiger under its chin and rubs the tigers belly. Ye Ming is in shock as he sputters, “Master, er, that’s a tiger!”

“Yes, isn’t he just simply gorgeous? I thought Panthera tigris tigris were extinct in southern Anatolia, but to my surprise I found this exquisite big boy. He’s absolutely marvelous, isn’t he?” Reyn commented out loud.

Ye Ming doesn’t reply and warily nods his head in agreement. Climbing to her feet, Reyn cheerfully says, “Any who, tiger-sama is most kind and has offered to help you with your daily training.”

Ye Ming turns pale as he takes a step back and stammers, “Ma-master, what do you mean by that?”

“Why I thought I was overworking you, so I decided to make training much more fun by playing a simple children’s game. The children’s game is called Cat and Mouse, but I believe it is better known to you as Cat Catching the Mice. I believe you know how the game is played and tiger-sama here has been so kind as to volunteer to be the cat. Though the rules are slightly different as there are no safe zones unless you make it back to the log cabin,” Reyn pauses and glances around, before pointing to the east.

“The log cabin is on that second mountain to the east of us. Also, tiger-sama is playing for keeps as I promised him the added incentive that if he caught you, he could eat you. So, make sure to be light on your feet and not get caught,” Reyn pointedly said with a kind smile.

The area under Reyn’s feet begins to glow as Reyn adds, “Oh, and hurry back to the log cabin, dinner will be ready soon.” And without further words, Reyn vanishes from the mountain.


The male tiger rises to its feet and lets out a low growl in warning. Ye Ming instinctively springs into action and begins to run down the mountain as the sun disappears over the horizon plunging the mountain into darkness. The tiger let’s out a growl that echoes throughout the nearby area, before setting off in pursuit.

Ye Ming doesn’t even have time to curse as he breathlessly ran down the mountain in the dark. To his surprise, he finds that he is that much nimbler than before as he leaps over twigs and ducks smoothly between branches without getting so much as a scratch. At least that is until the tiger closed in and Ye Ming just runs for his life across the mountain weaving between the trees.

Several times Ye Ming can almost feel the tiger’s claws swipe at him and even once he felt the sting of the tiger’s sharp claws across his skin causing him to only leap forward in fear. Out of breath and unable to tell the time, Ye Ming somehow manages to find his way back to the log cabin. With a final sprint of strength, Ye Ming rushes for the safety of the log cabin door as the door opens to greet him. Tears of relief almost spring down Ye Ming’s eyes as he rushes past his master into the warm safety of the log cabin.

Reyn ignores Ye Ming and walks over to the panting tiger that halts at the edge of the moonlit clearing. Leaning over Reyn places a gentle kiss on the tiger’s nose and whispers, “Thank you for your help. I left a nice dead deer for you just over the next hill for your trouble. See you tomorrow night at the same time,” The tiger let’s out a content huff in reply, before vanishing into the moonlight and heading towards the next hill.

Reyn turns back towards the log cabin to find Ye Ming stuffing his face with dinner. Reyn snorts and says, “Did you learn anything?”

Ye Ming hastily swallows and sarcastically says, “Never run down the mountain in the dark nor be chased by the tiger.”

“No, you panic much too easily for your own good,” Reyn matter-of-factly stated.

Ye Ming opens his mouth to protest but Reyn ruthlessly interjects, “At first, you were easily able to dodge between the trees without a single scratch, but once the tiger closed in you just focused on running for your life. Though important, did you ever calm your mind or pay attention where you were running? There were times where you almost fell into a ravine, because you were so caught up in trying to get away that you lost view of your surroundings and almost fell into a deadly trap.”

Ye Ming closes his mouth unable to argue, master’s words were all true. He lost his calm much to easily in battle becoming predictable rather than concentrating on observing his opponent and counterattacking. Rather quietly Ye Ming says, “How do I improve?”

“For now, simply take a deep breath and be aware of your surroundings. With enough time, you will be able to retain that calm state and be able to react accordingly,” Reyn truthfully replied. “Of course, tiger-sama will aid with that as he will be your daily playmate until you learn to control yourself under pressure.”

Ye Ming sighs dejectedly and says, “Yes, master. And as usual meditation after dinner?”

“Of course,” Reyn answered with a rueful smile.

Ye Ming merely sighs tiredly and finishes eating his food, because he wasn’t about to get any rest any time soon. His life sucked.

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