《Sky Prince》Sky Prince Book 1 Chapter 22
The betrayal of a wolf and a trial for a pig.
Slyfer and Trisha eventually find out where his tent has been set up among the others. The camp is in a sorry state, no longer neat and set up in a formation but in disarray due to the fact that they had to be set up quickly. What makes it worse, is the mud the wolves and elves running around had trampled the grass into a thick slop of grass and mud that sticks to your feet as you walk making all kinds of funny sloshing noises.
To Slyfer’s tired mind and body this is just, too much. Each step gives him a dull ache that makes him wants to crawl rather then walk. “Just a bit further and we will be there.” Says Trisha while half supporting, half falling with him towards his tent. When they reach it eventually Slyfer simply walks in and falls over, asleep instantly. Which leaves Trisha just standing there awkwardly.
She stands there for a whole minute, looking at the entrance and then Slyfer intermittently, her face set in confusion until she makes a cute huffing noise. A greedy gleam appears in her eyes and she bends down determined and resolute……..To start taking off Slyfer’s wet and dirty clothes.
First to go, are the boots not caring where they land she simply throws them over her shoulder. They hit the ground with a squelch. Vinx watches all this in rapt attention not saying a word.
“Next is the shirt.” Trisha thinks while clambering over Slyfer’s legs. She sits next to him for a second looking at the first button. She had seen him without a shirt before, but seeing him without one and undressing him are two different things! Her hands move, her ears twitch with nervousness, tail swishes then stops for a second like someone walking in the dark that suddenly heard something and had to stop to confirm. It starts to move again as her hands, moves to the next button. Stop. Move. Stop. Move…. “Last button.”
She quickly loosens it then sits back, heart racing. The things that happened in the afternoon go through her mind, as she looks at Slyfer’s firm and undeniably healthy body. She remembers how it had pressed against her. She shakes her head her ears standing like antennas. “Focus, Trisha.” She says to herself balling her fists with determination. She lifts him up gingerly and pulls the shirt off.
Her gaze wanders down his chest that already has a few hairs growing on it signifying the start of his transition to manhood. She gets a naughty urge to pull them but pushes it down thinking. “I’ll definitely do that one day.” Her gaze travels further down and over his abs to end where his pants is buckled.
She bites her finger while thinking. “Should I do it? No, what will he think, we only kissed for the first time today!” She still hesitates remembering how the younger girls had talked about; when to do what with the boy you like. She wasn’t part of the conversation of course since no one wanted to be friends with her but she had listened intently. Her eyes grow wide and she squirms a little. “We already kissed that is only supposed to be allowed after the first date!” She stops. “Does rolling around in the grass and then having a life and death battle with a griffon count as a first date…… we did share a meal?”
She pushes the thought aside unable to solve the conundrum at the moment. Looking back to his pants she also decides to leave it on. Nodding her head she feels satisfied. She heads for the exit but just before she leaves, she turns back and takes, a tentative step towards him. Then five quick steps, bends down and plants a quick kiss on his forehead. Then she leaves, disappearing into the night to find her own tent
The next morning before Slyfer can even wake properly Aldowin is there asking questions. “Where were you? What happened!” While marching up and down like he always does, when upset. “Master I want you to calm down first. At least give me a chance to answer the first question before you ask five other ones!” Slyfer says this while propping himself up on one elbow and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with the other hand. Aldowin looks at him, his eyes wide, and brows furrowed. His mouth opens like he wants to say something but nothing comes out. Aldowin lets out a long breath his body relaxes visibly.
“You're right start from the beginning, I will only listen.” Five minutes later……. “What! You killed a griffon!” Slyfer gets up and clamps his hand down on his master’s mouth. “Sshhhht! Do you want the whole camp to hear? Aldowin shakes his head bringing himself under control. After making sure the wild look is gone Slyfer removes his hand. Aldowin this time whispers unnecessarily soft, holding out his hands next to his body while bending his back, as if he is doing a squat. “You killed a griffon?” Slyfer doesn’t know if his master is acting proud or just plain weird so he nods not saying anything and leans back as if the elf is going to slap him in the next few seconds.
“This is great!” Still whispering with the weird look. As if realizing something, Aldowin’s face turns serious and he stands up straight trying to look dignified. “Were there any others?” Slyfer shakes his head still standing in the I-am-expecting-a-slap position. Aldowin looks him up and down as if Slyfer is the crazy one! He then pulls Slyfer by the hand while saying. “Let’s go get something to eat!”
Aldowin feels incredibly happy. His student had killed a griffon! He wants to shout it to the world. The reason for his happiness is not that Slyfer is strong and he is the one that taught him. No, It’s because of something much more precious. Slyfer gave him hope. Aldowin had seen the flocks of griffons all those years ago, how they had destroyed and killed, he had gone through many towns where not one person was left.
That is why even a large army like this one, had not run into any villages or other people traveling. Most were wiped out leaving many places in the east completely empty.
Why the armies of Chronos had stopped no-one really knew perhaps he was afraid if he continued the races that were standing on the sidelines will join and take up arms, like they were supposed to from the beginning. Perhaps he was just tired or injured. There were many rumors and speculations but no one truly knows why. Chrono’s stays in seclusion, so very few see him and those that do are only the most trusted of his people.
SLyfer killing a griffon is not even a small scratch on the monster that is Chrono’s army. But people had gotten hope before, from far less extraordinary things. Aldowin finally felt like there is light at the end of the tunnel. He himself didn’t know how pressured he truly felt until some of it had been removed. So he was chatting with Slyfer, a big smile on his face as they eat breakfast. Slyfer is laughing at something the master just said when he feels a shadow loom over him from behind, he turns to look who it is and when he does, the smile fades. “Goodmorning Prince.” Slyfer looks at Pathfinder surprised and a bit worried.
The almost carefree boyish face that Pathfinder had has completely changed. He has dark circles under his eyes, his complexion paler than usual. This is not what brought on the worry. The reason for it is the obvious, unrestrained, all-consuming hate in Pathfinder’s eyes.
“Can we help you?” Asks Aldowin from behind Slyfer. Yesterday Pathfinder had questioned him in a rage but he had chalked it up to the Prince being worried. But now looking at the gaze he is directing at Slyfer he felt he had obviously mistaken jealousy on Slyfer, for worry about Trisha. Pathfinder does not say anything for a few seconds only looming over them like predator.
When he does start to speak however, the voices in Slyfer start to roar with outrage. “You, you think you are so special, so far above us! You just take what you want when you want it!” Pathfinder breathes heavily in anger as he says each word his face in an ugly sneer. “I will show you, you are nothing special, you will bow to me and then I will decide if your life is worth sparing or not!”
Slyfer stands up pushing the anger down with everything he has. “Pathfinder, if I have done anything to offend you I will apologize if you have a legitimate reason. But this is not the way, we sorted out all past grievances and came to an understanding did we not? I think of you as a friend, why are you attacking me now?”
“Haha hahaha. A friend? Past grievances?! Friends do not take from others what is not theirs! Friends do not steel and lie to their friends!” Pathfinder screams at Slyfer looking at him as if he is a dog, a cur underneath his boot. “What are you talking about?!” Slyfer is losing the battle in his mind. His eyes are red. Aldowin wants to step forward between the two but Slyfer gestures to his master that it is still okay.
Pathfinder looks at his feet laughing sardonically, then steps forward his face a mere inch from Slyfer’s which causes him to look up a bit, this fact only aggravates him more. “I am talking about Trisha! She was mine and you took her from me. But I will show you! Pathfinder turns around and gestures at the crowd that has long ago formed to see what’s going on. “I will show everyone here!” The prince then lowers his voice into a sinister whisper as he looks back at Slyfer. “And I will especially show that Bitch! That I am better then you in everything, even in bed!”
Boom! Pathfinder’s feet leave the ground as Slyfer’s fist hammers into his jaw. He flies back two steps his spit and blood forming an arc as he does. His back hits the ground and his breath is forced out. Slyfer walks forward seething with rage! His jaw and fists clenched. It took everything for him to tone back that hit in order not to blow the princes head clean off his shoulders. He starts to talk as he nears the prince. “I have extended my hand to you three times! We made peace with each other, I thought you a friend!” Slyfer kneels down and grabs the prince by his hair. “You can insult me, try and kick me and that I may still forgive, but you threaten or insult Trisha one more time!.....” Slyfer leans in closer, his voice turning into a whisper. “And I will burn you alive.”
Slyfer stands up turning his back. He sees Fira standing not far off. Her hand is over her mouth her brows furrowed in worry. She too has rings under her eyes. She had tried to talk sense into her brother’s head but he did not want to listen as he just sat mumbling and talking to himself. She had tried to take his hand but then he lashed out resulting in a bruise on her left cheek.
She knew when her brother heard Slyfer was back and stormed out of his tent, there would be trouble but she had not expected this. She can see Slyfer is trying hard to control himself, to not become the beast as Trisha calls him. Suddenly a ghastly gurgling laugh rings out. Pathfinder on the ground rolls over as he laughs and spits out a mouthful of blood.
“You think this is over, trash!” Pathfinder struggles to get up still a little woozy. “I will end you!” The prince draws his sword but before he can take another step. His father’s guards appear and grab him. They start to drag him away as he continues to laugh.
Fira sees it happening and starts running afterwards in doing so she passes by Slyfer and he grabs her hand lightly stopping her. “What happened to your face?” She turns her head trying to hide the bruise. This is answer enough for him. He wants to go and beat the prince to a pulp, break his arms and legs to teach that miserable whelp a lesson he won’t soon forget! But his heart stops him. Inside he knows it wont help Fira but only make things worse for her.
He lets her hand go and gives her a warm hug not saying anything. She starts to cry in his arms, she wants to let everything out like she did before…. But she is torn between Slyfer and her brother. Slyfer lets go and against his better judgement. “Go, see if you can help him get his head straight.”
She does not hesitate a second and runs following the route the guards had taken.
The rest of the day is terrible. They move slowly through the mud. Slyfer can pull the wagon much easier now but he keeps slipping and falling. But that’s not the worst for him, he truly believed Pathfinder was a friend and the situation frustrates him. The bruise on Fira’s cheek keeps popping into his mind. Vinx and the other fairies had tried their best to cheer him up but his only reactions to their funny stories and jokes was to grunt now and then.
After a while Vinx had given up and now just sat on his shoulder singing with the others calming Slyfer down to a degree. Trisha had also come around after hearing what happened. She felt guilty about it as soon as she heard and had mentioned as much to Slyfer. “What if I had stayed away from him more, or pushed him away from the beginning. I am so sorry it’s my fault! Her ears drooping and tail just hanging had made Slyfer even more pissed off with the stupid prince!
He had kept is irritation out of his voice when he replied saying while cupping her cheeks in his hand and lifting her face so she looked at him. “Its not your fault Trish, the guy basically followed you around. You also did not know at the time things would happen between us, even I didn’t know! Don’t feel guilty okay?” She had nodded but he could still see the guilt she felt swimming in her golden eyes.
Slyfer slips falling in the on his side. He gets up feeling like he wants to throw the wagon at something. He swears at the wagon like a mad man drawing the attention of everyone. Aldowin sees it as he sits on the mount and sighs as he knows the anger is it not caused by the wagon but the situation his student is in.
Aldowin was proud of how he handled it. “The punch, eh… was a little touch and go. But what the boy had said shows how he is fast growing up to be man. I will need to remind myself often that he is not the boy from the valley anymore.”
Aldowin’s and most of the others witnessing it, had felt their respect grow a little for the young man and what he said.
Slyfer starts to pull the wagon cursing as he does. They start to crest a hill and what lays behind it fills everyone with joy. “The main camp!” One elf shouts with joy. Even Slyfer feels a bit better seeing it and smiles, until his mind returns to brooding on his problems.
A group of riders instantly break off from the camp and starts to head in their way. Old Sun also heads out with a few of his riders. The report needs to be done fast and the clans need to be assembled as soon as possible, if trouble is to be avoided.
Slyfer thought the mud in the previous camp was bad but here things are way worse. Ruts form wherever a wagons pass and people have to walk on their tippy toes to avoid the waterpools that form in those ruts to avoid having their boots drenched with dirty water. The overall smell of the camp has also worsened by ten times simply because it had stood at this location for a longer period of time.
The looks on the faces as Slyfer, Aldowin, Trisha and the fairies pass them, is looks of utter defeat and resignation. The army looks defeated already because of the weather. Morale is definitely one of the most important things an army needs. It made the difference between defeat and victory in many skirmishes between foes. If a general could break the morale of his enemies’ army before they attack each other, then he deserves the position.
Slyfer does not blame the soldiers for their disheartened looks. They are dirty and grimy wet and miserable anyone would feel the same. He feels the same. As the motley group makes their way to the camp they see lots of arguments going on. Soldiers swearing at each other that were friends just a few days ago their mood sour because of the circumstances.
The first to greet them is the servant as they enter their allocated tent. Slyfer gives her a simple tired wave. Aldowin greets her properly and asks that she fetches water for them all to have a proper bath. Slyfer looks over to Vinx his face still dispirited. “Could you please go and let Elyna know we are back and also ask her to see if she can scrounge up some clothes for all of us.” Vinx moans a little but soon leaves. The overall bad mood has even affected her!
They all sit in silence until Aldowin brakes it. “So, Trisha you know about Slyfer?” Trisha nods her eyes brightening and ears that are leaning forward a little curious to see, and hear what comes next. “Aldowin sighs. “Are you going to tell anyone?” She bites her lip as she thinks, her feelings conflicted she is still a subject of the high elves, she made a promise to serve. “I won’t unless the Princess and Queen asks me directly.” Aldowin nods, that’s the best he can hope for.
Slyfer feels a bit betrayed and it shows in his eyes as he looks at her. She looks away not wanting to meet his gaze. “I made a promise Slyfer, I…. I can’t go against my word.” Slyfer has had enough fighting for one day and just feels tired of it all. “It’s okay, I understand.” His tone of voice hurts a little but what can Trisha do. She has feelings for him but she does not want to be a person that breaks her promises.
The audible silence fills the tent again….. “Here is the water requested.” The servant is back and Trisha is happy she didn’t want to sit in the oppressive silence for a second longer! Slyfer and Aldowin both suggest that she can bath first.
“I don’t know if they are being gentleman or just trying to get rid of me so they can start planning. I miss being alone with him things were so easy, uncomplicated…even if it was only for a day.”
Contrary to what she is thinking Aldowin and Slyfer don’t say a word to each other until Slyfer remembers something. “Master I wonder if the challengers are done competing against each other?” Aldowin looks up and his face tells Slyfer that he had also forgotten about it. ‘Good question we can ask Elyna once she arrives.” Which happens to be right at this moment. Elyna looks a bit less miserable then the rest.... but still miserable. Her hair looks a bit wet as well as her clothes, boots clustered with mud.
Slyfer feels a bit of relief at seeing her. “Elyna you are a site for sore eyes.” She looks at Slyfer and in a way she can almost not recognize him. The atmosphere he gives off feels stronger, more experienced. “I am happy to see you too, Slyfer.” Slyfer smiles at the obvious reply the truth of it showing in her smile. “It seems you guys had a bit of a bumpy ride?” Slyfer nods his face going solemn and brooding again. Aldowin steps forward and gives the formal greeting. “Did you have any trouble with the wagons.” She shakes her head as she places the bundle of clothes she brought with, on the bed.
Vinx flits into the tent behind her, going directly to the sapling where the other fairies are. She is tired of the depressed looks. “No trouble at all, it was boring actually the only senses of entertainment were the battles between the supposed champions. “And how did it go, are they done deciding?”
“Yes there were some disputes within the clans after each battle, one claiming the other had cheated and stupid things like that but most accusations were false.” Slyfer shrugs not really worried about who he has to face. They continue to talk and take turns to bath and soon its dark outside.
The mood lifts a little as the original four companions chat. The other three, gives Elyna the news of everything that’s happened, except the parts with a certain dragon and tiger of course. Her face changes between shock, horror, awe and sometimes she smiles as they tell her about something funny that happened. They are still talking when a messenger arrives. “The king summons you to the main tent!” The dark elf quickly salutes when they tell him they will be there as soon as they can and runs off. “The poor guy probably needs to go summon a bunch of other people.” Thinks Slyfer watching as the messenger disappears behind another tent.
They all look like nobles as they head toward the main tent. Slyfer has a silver and black shirt on with some embroidery down the sides black pants and boots. Aldowin is wearing black pants and boots with a white shirt. He doesn’t like to wear black, preferring white but the mud outside would just spoil it. The ladies are dressed in black, tight fitting pants. Slyfer couldn’t help but look at Trisha’s well defined bottom and when she had caught him doing it she smiled and wiggled her tail that is now proudly on display. It dampened the atmosphere between the two a little and they couldn’t help but laugh.
With the black pants she has a red long sleeved shirt that sits a bit low revealing her peaks and over that a long coat with fur lined inside to keep the slight chill out. Slyfer feels the fluffy fur totally matches with her ears making him want to bite them again, luckily for her the jacket saves her from Slyfer’s hungry gaze on that part of her body. Elyna also opted for white so she has a white top on.
Slyfer has never seen the tent so full of elves. Faces stare at them as they enter. There is no food, no beverages, none of the merry-making that had been there before. The atmosphere stale, the four go to sit on left side of the tent where they are directed by a serious faced elf. The chairs are set up in a circular fashion and in the center is a pedestal. In front of the pedestal is a long table where all the clan leaders are seated, all except for Great Spear and the King. Their faces are grim and set in stone betraying nothing.
Old Sun stands up. “We have all gathered here to discuss a grave matter. Some of you may not believe the things that are about to come to light, even I do not want to believe, but I saw and experienced it with my own eyes and flesh.” Old Sun keeps quiet for a while so that his words can sink in. Grunts, snickers and questions fill the tent. Old Sun lifts his hand for silence and only when a creek of a chair or a lone cough can be heard does he continue and he does not hold anything back.
Bang! His fist connects with the table top making most jump at the sudden sound. “The Spear clan betrayed us all! Led us into a war that was unnecessary causing us to lose many young warriors men and woman with families, even my own son died!” Voices of outrage and ridicule sound out elves stand up shaking their hands shouting in anger in one corner a brawl breaks out which is quickly stopped by a group of guards. Old Sun’s face grows uglier by the minute as he looks the the supposed nobles of the clans.
The ones to lose shout with rage. The ones that will gain something out of the Spear clan’s demise shout with approval. “All hypocrites!” Thinks Slyfer to himself and for the second time in his life he looks down on people. Bang! This time the stout table breaks in half as Old Sun’s fist connects. The shouting stops as they look at his face. “Look at you all bickering over scraps while an enemy has infiltrated our ranks! It is weakness! Weakness in us, as a people that has caused this!”
Some start to shout again but one look from the old man and they shut up. “Many of you ask for proof of this matter. Well I will give you some, I will rub your faces in it until you want to vomit, so shut your traps and listen!” Some grumble, others look around wide eyed to see if someone else is going to say something about Old Sun’s rude behavior, forgetting instantly how they had shouted just a few seconds ago.
“We have witnesses. One even being the King himself! Why do you think he is not present?” No one answers, no one dares to. “The Spear clan attacked us while we were outside hunting. If not for that boy there!” Old Sun points at Slyfer and all the faces turn to him making him want to disappear into his seat. “If not for him our King would have died by Great Spear’s hand. Yes people an outsider had to save our King because we are too weak to do it ourselves, too corrupted and disordered!”
This time everyone holds their tongues. “This is not even close to all of their crimes. They also sent assassins to kill the King’s, beloved daughter and frame my clan for it. Once again the brave boy stepped up doing what we cannot; once again he defended what we used to stand for…unity!”
“I ask you my people are we weak?” Some heads shake others say no softly and yet others shout no loudly. Old Sun stares at them looking all around the room drawing them in with his gaze. “The way you answered is indication enough of how we stand. I will let you think on it as we conduct the trial of one of the assassins….Great Spear’s son himself!”
As if on Que two guards bursts through the entrance with Singing spear between them. He looks dirty and fowl his pig face even more pig-like as he whimpers and cries. The two guards shove him onto the pedestal locking his feet in place with a resounding clack, which sounds even harder due to it being so quiet.
Old Sun looks at him with contempt that makes him shiver in fear. “Singing Spear do you swear to tell the truth in the name of your ancestors! Do you swear that if you were to lie lightning may come down and strike you down where you stand?!” Old Sun says it loudly almost spitting the words out at the cringing pig. “Answer me boy!” Slyfer sits forward at the edge of his seat, a bit nervous that his mind meddling may have worn off or that someone else may have gotten to him afterwards. But he soon relaxes as the pig starts to nod vigorously.
“Good. Lady Nirn you may begin the questioning.” Old Sun sits down crossing his arms just as Lady Nirn stands up her face more serious and severe then Slyfer has ever seen it. “She was there and she went through his mind after I did. So she does not only know of his crimes but has also seen it.”
Slyfer feels sick as he remembers what he saw.
The questions go on for hours and it feels to Slyfer like it will go on forever. Singing Spear answers every one truthfully, without hesitation. The people around have shocked faces as they hear of his father and his brother. Some get sick as he explains some of the things they did. Others jump up and want to kill him right there but they are held back by guards. The pig’s sentence will be decided by the council once the questioning is complete.
Slyfer wants to leave not wanting to hear about the things that he has already seen as it brings back the dreadful memories. He had not explained everything so thoroughly to the others, so when they hear their faces change with the rest. Trisha takes his hand without even realizing it and sometimes she hides her face behind his shoulder as if watching a horror happen in front of her.
Lady Nirn finally sits down and the questioning is complete. The nobles around have a mixture of reactions to what they heard. Some just stare vacantly, others screw up their faces in disgust some even look worried. Old Sun makes sure to remember those faces.
He once again stands up. “Normally the King would pass judgement but as he is still recuperating he gave me full authority to do it for him. I will give four rulings, two of them you will be allowed to vote on as it affects us all.”
Old Sun lets his gaze sweep the crowd to see if there are any objections. None step forward. “First, the Spear clan is to be dissolved and no other clan will be allowed to takes it name nor will any groups be allowed to have the name, what say you?”
People start to lift there hands, first a few but then more and more until almost all the hands are lifted. Old Sun once again takes a careful look at those that don’t lift their hands. “Second, The wolves are to be given their freedom in full, run by wolves as the wolves see fit. I have already learned that the wolf King’s son still lives. We owe them this and more, so, so much more.” The vote this time is pretty much split and guards are called in to start counting. One moves around from the left the other the right. They are not allowed to touch, look or make any kind of sound whatsoever. The two finish and are brought to the middle their backs facing each other. Each is given a piece of paper to write down the number they counted.
Old Sun picks up the papers holding them away from his body so the others can look at it. Slyfers heart is racing at this moment and his hand squeezes a little tighter causing Trisha to look at him. What she sees makes her cheeks go pink. Slyfer is concentrating hard on the two pieces of paper as if he can will them to be the way he wants it. His eyes are full of hope for the wolves. He wants their freedom!
“The wolves….will….not be given their freedom!” Slyfers eyes blink a few times in disbelief. He feels like going around and slapping every single one of these dirty fucking elves. His eyes turn red and his jaw clenches. Trisha sees it happening she squeezes his hand. “Calm down, there may still be another way.” Her voice is like a bucket of cold water that cools him down and he sits back swearing under his breath. He looks up only to see Old Sun breathe a sigh of relief. “Smart old man you better know where I stand!”
“Third! Will Singing Spear be executed by quartering or will we banish him!” Many gasp at this; quartering had not been done for a long time within the clans. It’s a gruesome and ugly way to die. Each one of your limbs gets tied to a beast of burden and then all at once they start to pull in different directions. Basically ripping you apart!
“You may vote now.” Almost all the hands go up and Old Sun nods his face grim. “Quartering it is.” Singing Spears whines and starts to pee himself as he hears the result. A guard slaps him across the face making him quiet. Old Sun walks over looking at him in disgust as the smell of piss starts to waft around. “Have some dignity. If not for your clan do it for yourself.”
“The last and final decree should be seen as a gift to our clans. The King and I have decided to welcome Slyfer into the clans due to his courageous merits in saving the King and his daughter as well as defeating countless enemies on the battlefield. He does not have to fight to be accep-“
“I object!” The voice fills the room breaking Old Sun’s speech. The old man is clearly peeved, as he turns around to look who had uttered the shout. Slyfer and Trisha knew who it was as soon as they heard it. “Pathfinder, this decree is not up for debate, it has already been decided!”
“Decided my ass! I wish to challenge him for the right to become a member of our great nation.” Spittle flies as he shouts this, his face ugly and his fists clenched. Slyfer stands up and walks to where Old Sun is standing. His face and voice neutral hiding the anger and betrayal he feels. Slyfer asks. “Pathfinder are you sure you want to do this? This is the last and final time that I will give you the chance to let whatever it is that bothers you go.”
Pathfinder sneers and spits at Slyfer’s feet. “Even now you think yourself above me! You are not the one that lets things go, I am!”
Slyfer’s eyes flicker for a second between red and his usual blue. His fist is clenched so tightly blood is starting to seep through his nails Slyfer looks down at his blood dripping on the floor.
“Maim…. Kill….Burn…..”
He can hear the voices faintly in his head as they start to repeat his mantra of death.
Pathfinder takes a step forward.“Coward, I always knew you were a dog not good enough to even pick up my shit.”
As Slyfer looks up his eyes are glowing and there is a smile on his face that makes everyone’s skin crawl. Pathfinder even takes a step back involuntarily.
The temperature seems to drop in the entire tent, as Slyfer utters his words....
“Name your terms.”
Hoe hoe(weird giggle) had you guys worried there for a second only posting now. but you guys are my precious readers and i cant let you down........my preeeciouuuuus
This chapter nearly had me growing a split personality as I had to think of and put myself in different situations and then explain how the characters felt. I still don't think I completely pulled it off.....dammit.
This to me was a true wake up call as I realized this is what makes 3rd person POV difficult as apposed to 1st person since you only need to describe how one person feels. Dont get me wrong there are difficulties that apply to first person POV as well.
Just consider this if you guys want to start writing your own stories.
Hope you enjoy the chappie. P.S shit is going down next chapter so stay tuned for the next episode of dragooon ba- just kidding
- In Serial34 Chapters
Listonia Online
In the future, the biggest game that took the world by storm is Listonia Online, A full dive fantasy VRMMO. Jay is the foremost class researcher for one of the top professional teams in the game. However, even though he has made a name for himself, he still regrets not taking the game more seriously when playing during its early years. He finds a new dream by trying to become the pioneer for a Tier 5 class, the pinnacle in the game! However, the power structure amongst the top factions in the game makes it currently impossible, even though he finally found a way to make the first Tier 5! When he is thrown 10 years into the past, It seems his opportunity to realize his dream has come! Note: My current release schedule is 1 chapter at 12PM EST (4pm UTC) on Saturdays. Occasionally i may be able to put out an extra chapter during the week. I will aim for extra chapters to be released on wednesdays at 12PM EST (4PM UTC) Clarification: Since some people might have questions about it, This series is not a Harem series and will not focus on romance. While there is an introduction of alot of female characters in the first few chapters, the focus for this series will be the adventure and game aspects.
8 219 - In Serial25 Chapters
The Hand That Guides
The rust colored lands of Osnein are rich with artifacts and old-world technologies highly valued by the various empires and kingdoms inhabiting this distant world. Though many individuals make a living off what they can scavenge from ruins above ground, the true wealth lies beneath them in a iron labrynth known to all as 'The Network'. Whether it is in the pursuit of knowledge, artifacts of power or immeasurable wealth they all risk their lives in an effort to create a better future for themselves. However, entrances to The Network are far and few and rarely explored as metallic entities known as the Jötnar, guard its very depths. In order to defend themselves against such threats, humanity employs the use of Seidr, also known as sorcery. It is the foundation in which gives power to the incantations invoked from the realms beyond the veil... and through the blessing of 'Ljoss' bestowed upon humanity by the Goddess Oracle, the time may yet come for humanity to claim The Network for themselves... Yet wandering this vast region, with no place to call home, exists a curious individual by the name of Grit. Incapable of Seidr, he possesses a lineage mostly forgotten that he seeks to better understand. The fate that awaits him is likely one he never imagined for himself as he journeys to unravel the secrets of this world. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Disclaimer: This story may contain gore and use of profanity. This world also uses a hard magic system. Covert art placeholder by StTheo. Additional Tags: Blood Manipulation, Mecha _____________________________________________________________________________________________ If you enjoy my work, please consider leaving a rating, its free. If you wish to support me further, please consider supporting me through patreon as well. Your support will help me dedicate more time to writing and encourage me to continue. Thank you for your consideration.
8 212 - In Serial103 Chapters
Once a Hero
Welcome to Scott Smiths world. Retired Marine, living in the suburbs, has the hots for the local Beauty, regular neighbors, a very very boring life so to say. But what if life throws you a curve ball and resets you back a few years? What if your life became a game? What if you were not allowed to die in this game? Come venture with Scott as he ventures forth in Once A Hero.
8 65 - In Serial80 Chapters
INFERNO: Destruction [Completed]
Дэлхий ертөнц урьдын тайван байхаа больжээ. Гэнэтхэн энд тэндгүй хүчтэй газар хөдөлж, олон хот тосгод сүйрч, хүмүүс сая саяаараа үхэж үрэгдэв. Гэвч дан ганц энэ аюул дэлхийд нүүрлээгүй байв. Тун удалгүй дэлхий даяар хүн рүү дайрч, тэднийг тасчиж, өөртэйгөө ижил болон хувиргадаг үхдлүүд тархсан юм. Гэвч эдгээр аймшигт сүйрэл болоод үхдлүүдийн цаана маш том нууц, далд зорилго агуулагдаж байв.Ким Жисү их сургуулийн ангийнхантайгаа зугаалж байхуй эхний сүйрэл нүүрлэж, тэр зугтаж явсаар, нэгэн айлын зооринд орж амь гарах ч, дээрээс нь нуранги дарж, дээш гарч үл чадан олон хоног өнгөрөөнө. Ертөнцөд тэр эргэж ирвэл шууд үхдлүүд таарч, түүнийг болоод хамт байсан гэр бүлийг нь тасчин идэж, хөнөөж орхисноор үйл явдал эхлэх билээ.
8 91 - In Serial12 Chapters
8 75 - In Serial21 Chapters
Vegaspete peace & Love
8 133