《To Protect》Chapter 12: The Ceremony
Morning came too quickly for my taste. When I had awoke and felt the call of nature, so I quickly dressed into the clothes I had worn the other day. I then opened my door to quite a shock. Well, a shock for me, two muscular priests stood at the ready at my door. Devotees of Holve I assumed. I was so important to these people that I had my door guarded. Even when I announced I was going to the privy they followed! This whole VIP treatment made my skin itch something fierce. AS I sat on the makeshift toilet I broke out of my early morning stupor. The day had finally arrived. The day where I would make my first speech to an entire city. My exterior was a visage of calm. But inside, I was screaming my mental lungs out. I didn’t mind being in large groups of people. But its a different story entirely when a city is watching and listening!
Just thinking about it brought goosebumps to my skin.
As I finished my morning duty the call for breakfast went out. And I hadn’t even had the chance to wash my hands yet! I’d have to get them to set up some buckets of water in all the bathrooms like I had done at home. I felt unclean throughout breakfast until I escaped to wash my hands in the gardens. When asked what I was doing, I responded that ‘father wanted me to wash my hands a lot’. Then I explained we had buckets in our privies to wash our hands on the spot.
Once breakfast was finished they came for me. The council in their magnificent, expensive, gaudy robes they wore for public appearances. Meanwhile, here I was in the clothes that Sitarre had made for me, looking like someone who was just barely above peasantry. It was a good look, but I wouldn’t have minded something more flashy for a public address.
“Come, Daen of the Five, it is time.” Jinaes spoke. I nodded and followed.
Surrounded by the Council, and they in turn surrounded by Devotees of Holve, we marched through the streets. Guards lined the streets, keeping the massed people away from our procession. Along the main street heading west, the people were all cheering and yelling their blessings towards us. I felt myself stand a little taller, my pace more confident. I was the focus of these people’s attention, it wouldn’t do to break their illusions about me, whatever they may be. I held in my hands a glowing golden orb that I held up to the crowds and received more cheers.
When we turned south to head towards the gatehouse however, the cheering slowly began to subside in place of jeers. Beastmen lined the roads in place of humans and they didn’t look happy. While most stood in silence, the rest were making a large ruckus. One had even thrown old fruit towards us, but was quickly struck from the air by a Devotee of Holve. The offender had disappeared into the crowd before he could be apprehended.
“Why are some quiet and the others loud?” I asked Utelle as I raised the golden orb towards the crowds. This quieted them for a few moments before the jeering returned. Her gaze hardened.
“Because the quiet ones are the slaves, obeying their masters’ orders to not cause problems. The loud ones are beasts that haven’t been chained…yet.”
“Not all Beastmen are slaves, Daen.” Rolst confirmed. “When they were brought here, they all were. But beasts breed quickly and they hide their young from the slavers. That has led to a large group of unruly beasts that roam our streets. Its hard to discern which is slave and which is free from a distance. But we’ve had no reason to crack down upon the slums to take them all, so we leave them be.”
“For the moment.” Utelle grumbled.
I looked to Gollard who had a regretful look on his face. But he said nothing. Perhaps that was for the best, as his opinion would only emphasize a noticeable rift in our group. He caught sight of me staring at him, smiled, then looked away in shame. A part of me felt a prick of annoyance at the man. What use was honor if you lacked the courage to stand for your beliefs?
Kyrrah watched the procession alongside her daughter Freio. Their eyes were red like the morning sun and both wore no better than rags over their furred bodies. Kyrrah’s stomach stabbed her inside from lack of food. Anything she could scrap together would be given to her daughter. With a warm smile watched her daughter as she looked in amazement at the flowing clothes that the priests wore with awe.
“Mama, look!” Freio pointed. “So pretty.” Kyrrah patted her daughter’s head, causing the girls ears and tail to twitch happily. Unlike her, Freio had light tan fur, the only reminder she had of her deceased love. Her own fur was brown, darker than normal due to the sheer amount of dirt stuck in it. She had brought her daughter with her to the event as there was likely to be food left out after in celebration. It would be their best meal in…she couldn’t even recall. Not even the previous High Priest’s ascensions garnered this much attention.
“I see, my love.” She looked towards where he daughter was pointing, only to see a young boy stood in the center holding a glowing golden orb. Something she had never in her life seen before. But the boy was a human, he would ignore them like all the rest. Kyrrah silently chastised herself, that wasn’t true. The one High Priest, Gollard, frequented the slums to hand out bread to the hungry. She and her daughter had lived this long thanks to that man’s kindness.
If only all could be as kind as him, man and beast alike. She had been exceptionally lucky the few times she had encountered the man who apologized for not being able to do more. To think that a man of high standing such as him would apologize to such lowly beings like her. There was an unspoken rule among the slums to not touch that man no matter what. Those that broke that rule would be dealt with swiftly and harshly. The rule had only been broken once and Kyrrah herself had thrown a stone in anger at the offender.
It wasn’t long until the procession ascended to the top of the gatehouse to make their address. Silence descended to the streets as ears both man and beast twitched, eager to hear every word. The first to address the crowd was a large bald man of pure muscle. The High Priest of Holve.
I watched the giant of a man approach the edge of the top of the gatehouse. It was decided along the way in what order we would make our speeches. I would be last, as the Council would introduce me to the crowd after they had finished. Jalholm would be first. A pair of Enchanters would help us by making our words much louder than shouting normally would be. This was good for me, I wasn’t a very loud speaker in general.
“Blessings of the Five to you all!” He spoke ritualistically. “May the Strength of Holve reside in each of us for now and forever!” He then backed away from the edge, finished with his speech. A bit blunt, but the man was known for his brawn, not his tongue. At least he got his point across, so I gave him three out of five stars. Next to approach the edge was Rolst.
“Blessings of the Five to you all!” He mimicked and began his speech about the wisdom of Opell. While the man was certainly eloquent in his delivery, I found myself not paying attention to it. A public address shouldn’t be overly flowery to the point of being boring like this. It should be powerful, have meaning, emphasized at points to draw attention and keep it. Two out of five stars. The man may have been wise, but in public speaking he was below average.
Maybe I just had high standards.
Gollard was next. He gave the ritualistic greeting and spoke of honor to all beings both human and beast alike. Quite a few more cheers than usual went up in the crowd than the others when he had finished. The speech wasn’t particularly memorable in any way, but it did have a point. To respect others as you would respect yourself. That in itself was an honorable quality in all people. I may have been a bit biased, as I gave him a rating of four of five stars.
Jinaes was the second to last to give her speech. She spoke of finding our courage to face any challenge. Climb any height no matter how insurmountable it may seem. To not be held back by our fear and charge head first to our destinies. It was powerful, it had meaning, and most of all, it wasn’t too long. The crowd roared when she had finished. I rated it five of five stars. The best one yet by far.
Utelle came last in the Council. After her greeting she gave a speech about the need for knowledge in our world. How such a thing could serve to better all life in the world. It certainly was striking, but I knew that those were just words spoken to appease everyone watching and listening. The girl herself was a racist who couldn’t care less about the beastmen. I’d rate the speech three out of five, but degraded it to two of five because she was insincere in her words.
When she had finished, all five approached the edge and spoke.
“By the grace of the Five, we are elated to introduce to you a boy blessed by the Five!” That was my signal. With powerful steps, I walked to the edge of the gatehouse and held my glowing golden orb high for all to see. The crowd roared at my appearance. “Blessed be Daen Faltelo, chosen of the Five!” The crowd roared even louder. It was time for my speech. My heartbeat raced as I waited for the crowd to silence itself. I didn’t have to wait long.
“People of the Holy City!” I announced loud and proud. “I am Daen of the Five!” My mouth tasted sour from that bit of bullshit I spouted, I sure as hell didn’t believe in these gods. But if my words pleased the crowd then so be it. My next words I spoke truly from the heart. “Trust in me, and I shall assist you to the best of my abilities!” The crowd roared once more. If I had to be honest, my speech was shit. But for a child like me, it was alright. I give myself three of five stars. I looked out over the city from this vantage point. My eyes immediately looked to the slums where the Beastmen lived. Such a sight made my heart heavy, how could anyone live in such conditions?
But I knew the answer, they had no choice.
“Trust in me, and I shall assist you to the best of my abilities!” Those words rung in Kyrrah’s ears. Her mind raced, none of the others promised such a thing. This boy was different from usual, and not just from the orb that glowed a beautiful gold. Her eyes focused on the boy, and even from afar she could tell that he looked upon people like her with sorrow. He seemed sincere in his words, but he was only a child. What could a child do? More than likely his speech was prepared by the High Priests. The boy himself was probably nothing more than a puppet.
“Mama, are you okay?” Freio asked her mother, her ears flat with worry. Kyrrah smiled and hugged her daughter.
“I’m fine, my love.” She stared up at the boy while the High Priests gave their final statements. Most notably, the public ceremony would be taking place in the Temple of Lenzero. There, people could meet the boy and give a gift if they had brought one. The Beastmen in the crowd began to disperse as the procession headed towards the temple to begin the ceremony. Only humans went to such things, but perhaps…
“Freio, would you like to meet that boy with the golden orb?”
“Yes!” Her daughter squealed. “Can we mama?”
“Then we shall try to do so later. For now, lets see if we can find some food.” Kyrrah smiled and headed north towards the temple all the whole holding her daughter’s hand. Even if it proved fruitless, even if others mocked her, she would take any chance to improve her daughter’s life.
Inside the temple of Lenzero I sat with the Council members. Their chairs each had the crest of their chosen deity. My chair was just a normal high quality chair. And boy did it make my ass hurt. No matter how I shifted in my seat, I was rewarded with discomfort. It’d have been nice to have a pillow to sit on, but nope! Soon after we had taken our seats that a rush of people entered the temple and knelt before us. Most would quickly introduce themselves, ask for my blessing, drop off a pouch of coins and then left proudly. I didn’t want to raise a fuss about my screaming spine, so I shifted my position after a few people dismissed themselves. I made it look like I was shifting my position to pay rapt attention to whoever next approached.
This would cause them to swell up like a peacock and act more subservient towards me. I almost lost my composure the first time somone began to strut towards me. So I did it a few more times. Dance puppets, dance! It was all good fun, even Jalholm snorted in amusement when one wealthy-looking patron almost tripped over himself.
Over the course of the ceremony I had been given a great many gifts. Most were, as predicted, small bags of coins. My favorite gift was a pair of golden rings each with decent sized ruby studded in them. If Ilsha ever visited I’d give one to her, that way we’d have matching rings. I was also given an emerald pendant with a silver chain, which would go straight to Lakka as green was her favorite color. The rest of the jewelry I received would be given to Mytti, Myril, and my mother. I doubt my father and brothers would want any, dudes don’t like jewelry the same way chicks do. Its a fact of life.
It took three agonizing hours of sitting on that gods forsaken chair before the crowd began to thin. My sore backside was praying for salvation as I greeted the next person that came to pay their respects. As I looked up from the man who had given me another bag of coins I saw a pair of animal ears standing in the back of the line to meet me. At this distance I couldn’t tell if they were wolf ears or fox ears, but dark, matted fur covered the beast woman’s canine face. Beside her was another pair of light-furred ears of the same type, but beyond the ears they were too small to see from my position. They were the only beastfolk I had seen enter the temple while I had sat here.
‘Theres a reason for that.’ I thought in my head as I felt an immediate change in the atmosphere.
Agitation was painted upon the faces of the men behind the beast folk. It wasn’t long until that agitation turned to mockery, and even the priests that guarded the door became involved by attempting to remove that person from the line. I looked to the High Priests, but none of them made a motion to stop what was happening. Not even Gollard, though he looked as if he wanted to say something. I could hear their cries as they began to be dragged back towards the entrance. I stood up and began to walk towards the door. The people in line moved to the side before I passed them. If Gollard wouldn’t act like his devotion said he should, I would.
This would break my cover of trying to appear ignorant, but I was too pissed to care.
“Blessed!” “Daen!” Utelle and Jinaes exclaimed at me, but I didn’t listen to them. I briefly locked eyes with Gollard as if to say ‘This is what honor looks like’. He looked away, clearly ashamed of himself. He should have been the one to raise his voice against this injustice. But instead, I did.
“Whats the meaning of this?!” I yelled at the priests pulling the beast women away. Everyone froze and regarded me with confusion.
Kyrrah and her daughter waited outside the temple of Lenzero for the crowd to die down. Her daughter had a pleased look on her face, they had managed to scrounge up some freshly baked bread that felt like it melted in their mouths. A few people passed by thinking they were beggars and tossed them a few bronze coins. Which they eagerly gathered up. ‘Even if this is in vain, at least we’ll be able to afford something to eat tomorrow.’ Kyrrah thought. Once the crowds began to disperse, she took her daughter into the line to go into the temple. People around them immediately looked disgusted, but made no motion of stopping them.
She hoped against her instinct that they would leave her and her daughter alone so that they could see this boy blessed by the Five. No Beastmen worshiped the Five before, and Kyrrah was no exception. But for the first time, she prayed to them that the boy would help her daughter. Freio looked fearful from all the angry looks that they both received, so Kyrrah hugged her daughter close. Before long they were inside the temple and Kyrrah caught sight of all the High Priests and the boy sitting and facing the crowd of people. As they moved up in line, Kyrrah swore she felt the boy’s gaze fall upon them.
That was when the agitated looks all around her and her daughter turned to mockery.
“Didn’t think they’d let dirty beasts into a holy place.” One man chuckled
“Bet they’re covered in fleas. Foul things fit only for the streets.” Another chided.
“Get out ya stinkin’ freak. A boy blessed by the gods has no time for strays.”
Kyrrah felt her ears fall back upon her head and her tail tuck between her legs in sorrow. Freio lightly cried into her right leg, her ears and tail also tucked back in sadness. She gently stroked her daughter’s head,
“Be strong, my love.” She whispered. But it was not to be, she felt a hand grab her left arm.
“Lets go.” The priest demanded and began to drag her.
“N-no!” Kyrrah cried out.
“Mama!” Freio wailed next to her. Together, they were being removed from their one chance to ask for the assistance the boy had promised. Kyrrah felt her heart freeze as she was dragged.
“What is the meaning of this?!” A young voice yelled out from where the priests sat. Everyone froze as the young boy approached them. His face filled with fury. Behind him, the High Priests scrambled to attend to the boy, but he brushed them away disrespectfully and told them to go back to their seats. They looked as if they had been struck, but the followed the command. The priests that had dragged Kyrrah and her daughter stammered and knelt respectfully to the boy as he stood before them. Kyrrah watched everyone follow suit in kneeling and she did as well. Her daughter, thankfully, did the same. She then felt a hand touch her shoulder.
“You may stand.” The boy spoke softly, and then repeated the same to her daughter.
“T-thank you Blessed One.” Kyrrah stammered. ‘Is this the same boy that had made a short speech before? He seems so…different’. Kyrrah thought. The boy nodded towards us and then glared at the priests.
“I said, what was the meaning of this?” he crossed his arms, clearly agitated.
“M-most Blessed One…we just thought that they were disrupting the ceremony! They were causing problems to everyone around them!”
“Were they now? Very well.” The boy spoke coldly. Kyrrah felt her heart being squeezed in regret. Was he going to allow her and her daughter to be thrown out? He turned to look at the two beastfolk, “Come with me.” It wasn’t a request. Kyrrah nodded and grabbed her daughter’s hand. Together, they walked towards the back of the temple, where the High Priests sat.
They boy brought them to the front of the line, sat back in his chair, and leaned forward.
“Introduce yourselves.”
“M-my name is Kyrrah, Blessed One.” Kyrrah managed to speak in the tense atmosphere. “T-this is my daughter, Freio.”
“I greet you Kyrrah and Freio.” The boy nodded towards us. “You’re the only Beastfolk to have entered this temple for this ceremony.”
“Yes, Blessed One.” Kyrrah spoke reverently. She didn’t know what to think of the situation. Everyone but them stayed silent throughout the whole affair. One of the High Priestesses looked ready to burst in anger.
“You knew you’d be openly harassed, yet you came anyway?”
“Yes, Blessed One.”
“I have no gift to give, Blessed One. Except my daughter. I beg of you, please take her as your servant. Let her live a better life than one in the streets.” Kyrrah laid her desires bare for all watching.
“Mama no!” Freio cried out and hugged her mother tightly. “I won’t leave you!” Kyrrah hugged her daughter close.
“Be strong, my love. This is the best chance for you.”
I watched the two Beast Women hug each other tightly as the mother made her plea to me. When I had first seen them I was struck with sorrow. Their fur was dirty beyond belief, like they hadn’t bathed in years. They smelled too, but I could overlook that. Anyone would smell when they looked as awful as they did. Their clothes were naught but rags that looked ready to crumble at any moment. But worst of all, they looked emaciated to the point of being almost skeletal. It hurt to see anyone in such a state.
Utelle scoffed from beside me, clearly overcome by her hatred of Beastkind.
“We don’t need an unchained beast walking our halls.” I glared directly into her eyes and she glared back. “If you think you know better than I, prove it. Daen of the Five.”
“Then I will do just that.” I accepted her challenge without a second though. I then stood up from my chair and stood beside Kyrrah and Freio. “Rolst.”
“Yes Daen?” The man asked curiously.
“Before even making this request of me, Kyrrah has shown enough wisdom to know that her presence would disrupt the ceremony.” He nodded. I turned to look at Utelle who looked greatly displeased at me. “Kyrrah then knew that this was the best chance for her daughter’s future. She was intelligent enough to figure out what she had to do.” I then looked to Jalholm. “Then she stood with her daughter, surrounded by those that spared no second thought to throwing them out. She has displayed the strength of her spirit.” Jalholm nodded and smiled.
“Physical strength is not the only strength a person possesses. You are wise Daen.” I nodded and turned to Jinaes.
“Despite all these hardships, Kyrrah still had the courage to make her request. Even if I were to mock her, even were I to decline, she still made it.” And finally I faced Gollard who looked greatly ashamed. “And finally, she puts her daughter before herself. If that isn’t honorable then I don’t know what is.” The man nodded, “This Beast…no.” I shook my head. “This woman, has shown that she possesses all five aspects of the Gods. For this, I am far more impressed with her than any of these gifts freely given to honor me.”
“Then…then you will accept my daughter?” Kyrrah asked with tears in her eyes.
“No. I won’t.” I spoke with a smile. Kyrrah looked hurt at my words. “Why would I accept only one of you? It makes no sense to me to tear apart a family like that. You both will become my servants.” Kyrrah prostrated herself before me and began to openly weep. I didn’t want any of that, so I helped her and her daughter to their feet.
“You are too soft hearted Daen!” Utelle yelled. “What if more of these Beasts come from the slums to ask to become your servants?”
“Then I will decline them, for they have only shown to me their greed. But these two are special. Kyrrah faced hardship for the smallest chance of a better life for her daughter. I will not turn a blind eye to those suffering in the streets, Utelle, not while I can make a difference.”
“At least let them be enslaved for your protection Daen.” Utelle pleaded. Kyrrah and Freio looked at me fearfully.
“If that is what it takes…” Kyrrah spoke, but I motioned for her to stop.
“I refuse to enslave those who have come to me of their own free will. Enslaving them at this point would only ruin their, and others’, opinion of me. I’m a boy of my word Utelle, and I meant every word when I said ‘Trust in me and I shall assist you to the best of my abilities’.”
Utelle opened her mouth to protest, but was quickly cut off by Gollar. “I will accept them within our walls.” He spoke loudly for all to hear.
“I as well!” Jalholm roared. “Show me the strength of your resolve, Kyrrah and Freio!”
“I see no reason to refuse them.” Jinaes smiled. “I applaud you, Kyrrah.” Kyrrah bowed her head towards Jinaes in reverence.
“I will accept them as well.” Rolst smiled. “Forgive me for doubting you, Daen. You clearly show much of the Five in your young age.”
All eyes turned to Utelle. “Fine.” She scoffed, “I accept as well. But don’t come crying to me when they steal from you and flee into the night.”
“We would never!” Kyrrah began to protest, but once more I signaled her to stop.
“While I’m grateful for all of your support, you all forget one thing.” I grinned, “I don’t need any of your permission to accept these two as my servants.”
Both Freio and Kyrrah’s tails swished about rapidly as I took them each by the hand and led them towards the exit.
“This ceremony is concluded.” I spoke firmly. I then turned to the two beast women that followed me. “Lets go home.”
“Home…” Kyrrah uttered emotionally. Once more letting the tears flow.
“Home?” Freio asked.
“Thats right Freio.” I smiled at her, “From now on you’ll be living with your mother, all the other servants, all the Priests, the High Priests, and myself.”
As we exited the temple, a few people gave disdainful looks towards my new servants. So I flipped them off. They looked confused at my gesture, but they knew enough to know it was insulting.
With an escort of ten Holve Priests, we marched down the street together to the mansion. The whole while, Freio bombarded me with question after question about their new home. Kyrrah tried to silence her daughter, but she conceded when I said it was no trouble.
“She reminds me of my youngest sister.” I laughed. “Shes got just as much energy as Freio, perhaps more.”
“I don’t believe thats possible.” Kyrrah gave a motherly smile towards her daughter. “We can’t thank you enough, Blessed One.”
“Please, just call me Daen.”
“Okay Daen!” Freio exclaimed.
“At least call him Master Daen.” Kyrrah lightly chastised her daughter.
“Master Daen!” Freio exclaimed once more.
“How old are you Freio?” I asked.
“This many!” Freio spoke and showed six fingers.
“I myself am four hands and four fingers.” Kyrrah informed me.
“So six and twenty four, eh? Sorry to ask. I know its rude to ask a lady how old she is.”
Kyrrah’s tail and ears began to fidget, “Thank you Lord Daen.”
“Hmm? What for?”
“Thats the first time a human has ever called us ladies. To them, we are beasts.”
“Sorry for not being a typical human then.” They both giggled at that.
“I like Master Daen more than any other human!” Freio spoke as she hugged me.
“Freio, please don’t touch Master Daen like that! Its not proper.” Kyrrah worried.
“Its fine.” I stroked Freio’s head. “Its like having my sister around.”
Once we reached the mansion I ordered a servant to prepare a bath, fresh clothes, a room, and some warm food for the new servants. They nodded and rushed off to obey. My attempt at pretending to be a typical child was broken, so I may as well assume my regular role.
“Warm food…” Freio salivated.
“A bath…” Kyrrah smiled dreamily.
“Yeah, you both need a bath badly.” I spoke while holding my nose and wafting the air with my free hand. All as a joke, of course. But they did stink a little. They shuffled about, embarrassed by my joke. “Sorry, just joking around.”
“I don’t think we can ever repay your kindness, Master Daen.” Kyrrah spoke.
“Don’t worry about it. I’d have helped you regardless if you intended to pay me back or not.”
“Why is that?”
“Because I’ve never been able to not help those in need.” I smiled, “Its just what I do.”
- In Serial19 Chapters
Shadowspawn (Of Light and Darkness, Book 1)
Nameless, Six is the captive host of a local diety that, for generations, has brought peace & prosperity to the peoples of Altressor. Kept in chains and reviled as the failed generation, he produces no miracles and fails to provide blessings. His is truly a worthless existence. For his failures, he will soon be replaced by the Seventh. A traveler in the village breaks the harsh monotony of everyday life and lights a dim hope within Six. Outside Altressor, the Dark Forest and the lands beyond beckoned, an entire world of freedom. Will Six, self-named Shiro, survive long enough to seek out a greater meaning to his existene? Follow along to find out. *Updates biweekly every Tuesday & Thursday.
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Being a Bystander is the Best
Protagonist? Supporting character? Love interest? Cannon Fodder? Villain? No thanks. I would like to choose the bystander option please, so I only have to watch the drama while drinking tea and eating popcorn. What!? There's no bystander option? My stats are too high to be a bystander? What is with this broken system! I refuse to choose any of these roles. *Quickly grabs tea and snacks to escape* World Management Team: "............." Role Assignment Team: "..........." Yu Qian: "........." Yu Qian: "What the f*ck did you drag me into?"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Xue Yi had always been a lover of gossip and drama. Always seen at the side of a scene with her lemon tea and snacks watching intently at other people. She spends most of her time finding information on other people for entertainment, being a bystander is her best pastime. However, due to a mishap where she accidentally acquired top-secret information on other foreign countries, she got killed and that was the end to her short twenty years of entertainment filled life. After she died, Xue Yi arrived at the Afterlife HR where they would assign roles for the souls that had died and send them on to their next life in another world to live. Xue Yi was determined to choose the bystander option, however, she was too OP!? Nope, she will never become the main character no matter what. Let's just steal the World Traveling Machine and run. Yu Qian: "Who is this creature that just appeared out of nowhere?" Xue Yi: "Hello fellow mob character. I am Xue Yi a bystander and would like to know where the main characters are?" Yu Qian: "???" Xue Yi: \(^ o ^)/ Yu Qian: (*ಠ_ಠ;) Xiao Ji: ╥ ﹏ ╥
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Episode 2: SPAWN
A vampire was destroyed in the city of Two Rivers. Her second death points detectives Alton and Cook of the Unjust Existence Extermination Investigation Force in the direction of an agent of a foreign power, and suggests the existence of a greater vampiric plot that undermines the reputation of the city for fair treatment of living-impaired citizens. Set in the world of Manifest Destiny - a shared hombrew D&D 3.5/Pathfinder 1 campaign setting that has been in use since 2007, this is a fantasy police procedural similar in style to Law & Order. Retired player characters make cameo appearances. This work originally won NaNoWriMo in 2015, and will update every Saturday until complete.
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