《To Protect》Chapter 10: The Holy City
That morning I had begun scolding people far older than I, which was interesting. Interesting in that the reactions were all different. Brute’s expression I couldn’t make out. Sitarre was grinning, the woman, Glicei, was both indignant and ashamed, and Cyn had her head bowed in shame. Being yelled at by a child must be a strange experience. Granted, I’m no child even if I’m in the body of one, but the effect was still there. Once I had yelled at them enough, they retaliated with a buzz of questions. Most of which got the political runaround. Most notably, they wondered about the strange language I used sometimes while I was sick.
“Well, I wasn’t entirely mentally sound at the time. I’d assume what I said was some mixed words, such as a drunken person.” I rationalized to them.
“What does m’lord know about bein drunk?” Cyn pointed out.
“Remember Lakka’s party? Grashel smashing a table over his head? Ring any bells?” She smiled,
“Me have great question!” Stitch excitedly exclaimed. “How you make arm wrap thing? Look interesting! Save many limbs!”
And thus began my quick lesson in bone setting and splint making. I made use of Cyn as an example again.
“Why are ye pokin’ me arm m’lord?” She asked as I was setting up her splint using some leather that Sitarre had laying around.
“Just making sure everything is okay. You sure you don’t feel any pain or discomfort?”
“Never better m’lord.”
“Well alright then.”
After a single demonstration Stitch gave it a shot and had it down. He was one clever rat. Once more the question came up on where I had gained this knowledge. I debated on telling them the truth, but how would I go about such a thing? ‘Yeah sure, I’ll tell you about this knowledge, but first I need to explain multiple universes.’ No thank you. If I was lost during that video there was no way these guys would be able to understand anything.
“I’ll tell you when I’m older.” I smirked, god it felt so good to turn that around! They weren’t amused. Well, Sitarre was, but he looked at everything as if it were some grand joke. I would have liked to stay with these people if possible, they were a good bunch. But I really needed to get to the holy capital. I’m sure the head priests were getting nervous when I hadn’t arrived when I should have.
“Thank you all for your hospitality.” I bowed to them which got mixed reactions. “But I really must be going to Lenzeros.”
“Alright,” Sitarre began, “Brute, hitch up the wagon. We shall make all haste to the capital!”
“Yes.” Brute nodded and marched off.
“Why do I have to go?” Glicei growled, “You know I hate that city!”
“Ah, but we must keep up appearances, dear wife.” Sitarre smirked.
“I swear, next land we are based in I’m going to be the noblewoman and you my manservant.”
“Yes mistress.” Sitarre bowed.
Yeah, I really was going to miss them.
Together, all six of us headed out. Brute jogged alongside the wagon as we moved. I sat in the back of the wagon with Cyn and Stitch while Sitarre and Glicei sat up front, pretending to be a couple. They certainly bickered like an old married couple.
“So when are you two getting married for real?” I asked which earned both me and Sitarre a glare from Glicei. That man needed to learn when to hold in his laughter.
“Never.” Glicei spoke with finality.
“Bah, don’t be like that m’lady.” Sitarre began, “I’m sure one day your love will blossom to my antics.”
“Hrmph.” Yeah, she totally dug him, she just didn’t want to show it.
After the two bickered on for a few minutes I began to speak with Stitch for awhile about medical stuff. Namely, me telling him to wash his operating utensils before and after every use, mainly with alcohol as it sterilizes the objects. To wear gloves before working on someone was another talking point. These guys didn’t know about germs, since you couldn’t see them they didn’t exist, but they did understand infection. These two steps would cut down on infection easily. I also hammered into all their heads how important it was to wash your hands. After waking up, after every meal, every bathroom break, anytime you use your hands for something unclean, wash those fuckers.
I never knew I was a germaphobe until I was born in this world. So much so that I briefly considered conquering the known world and establishing order with a clean fist. Public health would skyrocket under my rule and death to disease and illness would plummet! All would gaze upon me and stare in awe! Behold your savior, Daen, in all his majesty! Look at how clean he is! God damn!
That night we set up camp early so we’d be well rested for when we arrived at Lenzeros. We all sat around the campfire and stared into the flames, our minds each with their own thoughts. I was a little worried about our two beastmen companions, but Sitarre said that they’d be left alone. Beastmen were a common sight in the Holy Kingdom, mostly as slaves. Its a bit of a shock, coming from a different world only to realize that they still used a slavery system. Even the Ahlgim Dominion had legal slavery. And of course, only beastmen were enslaved as turning a human into a slave was considered morally wrong and against the god’s will.
Buncha racist fucks.
“So how did Brute and Stitch escape captivity to join with you?” I asked Sitarre.
“Broke free. Escaped. Sitarre found. Removed curse.”
“Ah yes, before I regale you with the tale of how Brute and I met, let me first explain that not all Enchanters who use black magic are persecuted. Most Enchanters that pursue the study of that school of magic join with the slave trade. Black magic can alter a being’s mind, as you’ve experienced to an extent. For slavery, they pour magic into their target’s heart, ensnaring it like vines that coil tight when they disobey their master. Nasty work.” Sitarre explained,
“Yeah, thats really messed up.”
“Then we are all in agreement! As for Brute’s tale, this strong fellow played meek while he was owned by a farmer and used solely for manual labor. A broken Werewolf is a rare find, so the man was exceedingly wealthy to have purchased our friend here. However, as Brute was assumed to be broken in and subservient, he wasn’t watched as closely as he should have been. As sun was setting, he knocked his owner out and fled his captors. But he only got so far before the magic kicked in and he collapsed by our humble home.” Sitarre took a breath to continue his eloquent tale, but was interrupted by Glicei.
“Naturally, Sitarre immediately meddled in the affairs of others and broke the curse with his own magic. Brute originally had wanted to return to his homelands, but he serves Sitarre now until he is no longer needed.”
“As my fake wife so succinctly stated, thats his story. Stitch here was different. I simply purchased the poor man at an auction. Ratmen are seen as a nuisance, cheaply priced and if they do not sell, are killed after the auction.”
“Stitch very grateful to mister Sitarre. Bought Stitch for ten silvers! Stitch pay that back and then some!”
“Indeed! Stitch has been very handy to have around. From sewing clothes to sewing wounds, he has saved me from some unsightly cuts in many a fight!”
“Do you often get into fights?” I questioned.
“Good heavens, no! Fighting is bad for my complexion. But sometimes a bit of force is necessary to preserve one’s well-being.” Sitarre sat proudly, like an eagle who had just cleaned his wings.
“Sitarre drinks heavily, flirts with married women, and accepts duels in taverns.” Glicei flatly stated and Sitarre’s expression soured.
“Ah.” I smirked, poor guy was getting a good roasting.
“That explains much.” Cyn nodded sagely.
“I wish you luck.” I said to Glicei who upturned her head to my words with rosy cheeks.
“Well if we’re all done here, then I will just catch my night’s rest. Hrmph.” Sitarre stormed off.
Conversation died down to more relaxed topics, but it wasn’t long until we all turned in for the night. As I lay atop my bedroll, Sitarre spoke to me.
“Hey golden boy, nervous about tomorrow?”
“A little, yeah.”
“Understandable, it’ll be your first time stepping into the Holy City. Ah, to see the pristine walls for the first time once more.”
“Pristine walls huh. What’s it like inside?”
“You’ll see.”
“Gee thanks Sitarre. Let me guess, looks radiant from the outside and in certain parts, but the rest are poor residential areas or slums.”
“Wow, its like you’ve already been there!” We both shared a chuckle at that. A few moments of comfortable silence passed before I decided to break the calm.
“I’m going to miss you guys.”
“Oh? Attached to us already are you? Perhaps you’d like to join the ranks of us Black Enchanters?”
“Hah, as if. We both know I can’t.” I grinned, “But thanks for the offer.”
“Its an open invitation, my boy! Perhaps when you’re older and you tell us all those secrets of yours you’ll decide to join our merry band.”
“I’ll keep it in mind. Someone needs to set you guys straight.”
“Yeah, so don’t forget about us, okay?” I snorted,
“As if I could forget the people who could have killed me by helping me.”
“Snrk.” It wasn’t long until we were both laughing our heads off at the whole affair. Even as the women yelled at us from afar to ‘shut our yaps’ we kept on. Any attempt to stifle ourselves was futile so we kept on.
“You’re a great kid Daen. I’m glad we weren’t ordered to kill you.” He spoke with a sincere tone.
“Yeah, I’m happy about that too. I don’t want to die until I’m old and decrepit.”
“Ah, not for a great many years my boy. Still, if I ever sire a son, I hope he turns out like you.”
“Just be sure to name him after me, yeah?”
“Nah, my father would kill me if I didn’t name my firstborn after him. Sorry Daen.”
“Oh yeah? Whats his name.”
“Cassiendus. Cassiendus Derellos.”
“Quite a strong name.”
“He certainly lived up to it.”
“Alright, time for this old man to catch some sleep. Have a good rest Daen.”
“You too Sitarre. See you in the morrow.”
Sleep came easily to my tired mind. I dreamed of a city painted pure white, as if to cast away all shadows. But the brighter something is, the darker the shadow it casts. Inside this city, all eyes were constantly upon me. From the poor and destitute to the wealthy and fattened. All were the same as they fixed their gazes to me. In an echoing chorus they all spoke. “Help us.”
“I’ll do what I can.” I responded to the voices. Their eyes of fear soon became eyes of relief as the dream faded.
In the morning we all ate a quick breakfast of hard bread, salted meat and baked beans. I myself didn’t eat much. The dream from the night before had taken my appetite. The group seemed to chalk it up to nerves, so I agreed with them. I certainly was nervous, but not for the reasons they were thinking. Once breakfast had finished, we set off.
It wasn’t long until I caught sight of great white walls far off in the distance. Five white spires rose even higher than the walls.
“Behold, Lenzeros. Also known as the Home of the Five. Or the White City. But to you Daen, its the Holy City. I’m sure the priests will drill that into your mind before the day is done.” Sitarre snickered.
“Tis an imposing sight.” Cyn spoke in awe.
“Yes yes! Big city, many dens. Much to do, more to smell.” Stitch wrung his hands with glee.
“Crowded.” Brute simply stated.
“No matter how many times I see it I still say its too white.” Glicei observed.
“I’ve seen better and bigger.” All eyes turned to me with looks of disbelief. I just grinned and said no more.
After gazing at the city for a few moments, we moved on.
“Alright everyone, we need a plan.” I spoke.
“Plan? What for?” Glicei asked.
“Well, if we get to the gates there’ll be guards right?” Everyone nodded. “Right, and we get there and they ask ‘whats your name and purpose?’ Whats our response going to be? Oh we’re just here to deliver the golden child! We’ll all be escorted straight to the temple.”
“You mean the temples. Theres five. The five spires you see are each from a different temple and each one is devoted to a single god.” Sitarre explained.
“Nonetheless, we’ll all be taken there and you will be memorized by everyone there.”
“And we don’t want that kind of attention right.” Sitarre began to think heavily with his hand upon his chin. “So we’ll say we’re here for trade and such. Once we’re inside we’ll split our paths. Cyn and Daen will go to the temples and introduce themselves while we go about our business.”
“Wow, you made Sitarre use his brain. You truly are the golden boy, Daen.” Glicei complimented me.
“Wise boy.” Brute rumbled.
With our plan set, we marched towards the Holy City.
The guards at the entrance gave us no trouble and we entered the city. Hundreds of people rushed through the streets as people hawked their wares at stalls that lined the streets themselves. Large stores and inns were built along the main drag into the city. As we entered the human jungle I eyed all different kinds of stores. Armor and weapon shops caught my eye the most. What can I say? I’m a man who likes dangerous toys.
After we made a good way into the main street, Cyn and I jumped off the wagon.
“You all be well.” I bid my farewell to the Black Enchanters.
“And you Daen. Lady Cyn.” Sitarre and his group bowed their heads to us and we returned the motion. “Daen.”
“After we’re done here, we’re going back to the site of the attack. We’ll find out exactly who attacked you those few nights ago.” Sitarre promised with a serious look on his face. I held out my hand and he took hold of it. We shook.
“Tell me what you find, I won’t be young forever. I intend to pay back those who wronged me with interest.”
“Glad we’re not enemies!” We all laughed. It was time for us to depart.
“Let’s go Cyn.”
“Aye m’lord.” Cyn nodded and led the way deeper into the city.
As we walked, my eyes wandered. All the big buildings were painted white in some form of imitation of the walls themselves. The White City indeed. Everywhere I looked there were humans. Few beastmen walked these white streets, but the few that did looked malnourished, scarred, and broken as they carried fat, wealthy humans in expensive looking sedan chairs. Slaves. The sight sickened me, how could anyone treat another being like that?
I don’t know if I’d ever be able to change a world’s views on slavery, but I’d try. All great change starts with one person to stand tall and bring others to them. Problem was, most of those people ended up as martyrs to their cause. I would need to become strong before I made my stand.
Slaves consisted of many different kinds of beastmen. Most common were types with long, bushy tails that made me think of squirrels. A few had fox tails and ears, and even fewer had wolf appendages. But least common of all, were the scaled lizard folk. Originally from the Greenscale Marshlands, they were a tribal race that waged constant conflict with each other. Books I’d read said they only fared well in warm climates, so they didn’t really know about the whole warm-blood/cold-blood thing worked. They also fared poorly in dry areas and needed moisture so that their skin didn’t dry out which could cause severe breathing issues.
Like the one that was gasping for breath on the side of the road, chained to a lamppost wearing naught but a loincloth. A guard watched over him, glancing wearily at anyone who dared approach. Once his gaze moved beyond me, I rushed forth and doused him with water from my waterskin. Especially around the neck area where the lizard folk drew in their air.
“Bless you child.” The man…or woman, don’t rightly know, thanked me. Lizard folk don’t have breasts like humans do so they only wore loincloths. They also stressed their s’s which was so cool. “May the rains wash you often.”
“Hey!” the guard shouted and strutted towards us. “No helping the criminal!”
“Sorry, I tripped.” I turned and walked off.
“Damn brat.” The guard muttered and returned to his post. Cyn didn’t say anything, but she did nod to me in respect. I know I wouldn’t want to suffocate like that.
It took us another ten minutes of walking to reach the center of the city. There, the main road split to the east and split to the west. Each one of the roads would take us to another gatehouse to exit the city. But our destination was here. Five massive temples sat directly ahead. Each one depicted a god, and from left to right the order went Zaras, Holve, Lenzero, Bentillio, and Opell. They were massive enough that they looked as if they could hold a thousand people each!
“Which one shall we enter m’lord?” Cyn questioned. I myself had asked that very same question in my head. I mean, it would make sense to go into the temple of Lenzero, as the city was named after him. But I’m a bastard, so I picked Bentillio. I liked the God of Honor best out of all as I liked to think of myself as honorable.
Massive doors made of what looked to be polished oak opened without a sound as Cyn led the way. Once inside, we were greeted by a pair of priests in white and gold robes with the crest of Bentillio stitched into the cloth. His crest was a knight kneeling before a peasant. A show of how honor transcended social boundaries. This entrance was nothing compared to the room beyond, where hundreds of pews were lined up, all facing towards the far side of the temple. At the far side was a High Priest giving a sermon to all that had gathered. His robes were far more intricate and he carried a scepter of gold. Beyond him and his stand was a giant stained glass window, portraying Bentillio.
“How may we be of assistance to you?” The priest on the left asked.
“We’re here to announce m’lord Daen Faltelo. M’lord was tested and it was revealed that the orb did glow gold. So do I swear.” Cyn knelt. The two priests looked at one another in surprise. The priest to the right of us reached into his robe and pulled out a testing orb.
“Hold this boy, so we know her words be true.”
As I took hold of the orb it instantly shone gold. Far stronger than it had on the day of my testing. Both priests were speechless, and even a few people at the back of the room glanced at us and murmured in awe. The two priests, after a moment of recovering their wits, escorted me towards the High Priest of Bentillio. Down the center aisle we walked, my hand holding aloft the golden orb. Silence filled the room as more people took notice of my presence.
“Blessed be this day!” The High Priest called out and knelt as I reached his podium. “The Five have sent their blessed to us! Speak your name boy, so that all may know the name of the one anointed by the very gods!”
“Daen. Daen Faltelo sir.” I spoke with childlike innocence. From now on, I would play the role of a young boy. My father had told me to not become anyone’s puppet, and the first step to that was to get them to underestimate me.
“Praise be to Bentillio! Praise be to Daen Faltelo!” The High Priest shouted.
“Praise be!” Everyone in the temple echoed.
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