《Suddenly, a succubus》Chapter 54 - Great plans


The fleshmask mage looks at the smoldering remains of the two adventurers at a loss for words. It got a little ugly here when the lightning bolt Silvana threw chaotically bounced between all the iron chains in the dungeon, multiplying the damage.

The elf of course did it because she tried bit too hard to please me. In any case, I didn't really plan to have the adventurers executed. I guess when we are talking about destroying a whole city soonish a couple of dead weirdos isn't a big deal though.

But really, that Silvana turned against her allies in a heartbeat... I'm not sure if her disposition is result of multiple charms mucking up her mind or if her head was more than a few cards short of a full deck to begin with. That time my earlier incarnation somehow managed to be worshiped as goddess by the elves may have played some part too. I wonder if I still have a cult amongst them? It was long ago, but since it's the elves, it's not impossible. I should ask her about it later...

By the way, my breastplate got zapped as well. I can't feel my breasts.

"Mistress...! Please punish me for my foolishness!!"

Completely numb. I attempt to massage them while that idiot elf keeps on kowtowing eagerly. The mage came back to check on my progress just in time to see this kind of scene. You're welcome! He's too perplexed to appreciate it though.

"W-what's going on here?"

"You could say that the pussy got destroyed."

Ba dum tss!

Oh, now he just gasps there looking at me like I'm completely insane. The guy wearing mask made of flesh thinks I'm the insane one? ...Well, granted, ever since I started recalling my past incarnations I may have experienced some sanity decay. But you'd feel so too with these occasional weird thoughts like strong urges to go punch bears... Seriously, fuck bears.

"'Pussy' as in 'pussy cat'."

"I get it!! What I don't get is how interrogation turned into disintegration! (All those body parts, wasted...)"

"Alright, to clarify: it was this moronic elf whom I charmed that caused it..."

I wave my hand at the culprit and the electrocuted and very dead adventurers. I intentionally left out the part that I had done the charming long ago in my explanation by the way. My summoners don't need to know my charm doesn't work anymore.

"...Also, I already got the parts that matter, and she will volunteer the rest... when I order her to, that is."

There. You need me. He looks a bit annoyed realizing my machinations, but still beckons me to join him and the other two back in the main lair. Right, anyone who summons a demon should expect at least some machinations. I've done bare minimum of that now.



"...and the rest of them are staying in an inn, waiting for the scout group's return. Meaning, by now they must be getting suspicious and might go get reinforcements from the Etmi assembly."

We're back at the large chamber split by the empty sewer canal, I've just finished summing up the situation to the Harmbringers. If the mage trio doesn't deal with it quickly, the cavalry will arrive. Well, not cavalry literally, this sewer lair isn't really ideal for horses...

Silvana was left in adjacent chamber; I told her to shut up and stay. She'd probably start screaming at the mages if they didn't treat me as the best thing since invention of fire. Not that wouldn't be amusing, but my recovery from the blessing is at stake, so no liabilities please. Despite my explicit order I can see her peeking from behind the corner. Right. Yanderes do like their stalking.

The mages whisper to each other, making up their minds about what to do. I decide not to eavesdrop, and instead consider the situation.

They called this mythical entity they are trying to summon 'the great destroyer'... it does sound serious, in a completely unimaginative way at least. However, it's completely possible that a) it doesn't even exist, b) thousands of years of retellings have exaggerated the myth beyond recognition, or c) these three can't actually summon something like that anyway. Still, I probably should assume they can. I don't need to prepare for the eventuality that the very important ritual ends up being a dud; but were it to succeed, then the aftermath will be of critical importance.

Assuming it succeeds and is what they expected, then I ought to get my demonic essence back and then some, giving me more leeway. Even if it goes out of control and attacks me among others, I think hellrime should disencourage that course of action. I find it hard to believe the entity could even in the worst case be so much more powerful than me that I could do nothing. It was described as 'a shape of fire', and fire types are supposed to be weak towards coldness, right? I hope... Regardless, somebody managed to kill it before, so it's not invincible. And since its remains are in hell, it was most likely a bunch of demons that did it in.

Otherwise I'd assume it's a demon of some sort, an old and powerful one at that, but since we can reform in hell, someone like that would have made waves in more recent history and wouldn't be a mystery. I certainly haven't heard of any quite worthy of being described as mythical destroyers, though some wrath demons do throw quite epic tantrums. Demons are powerful, but not unassailable.

In the end, I know too little to make any specific preparations. Meaning that I should inquire more about this from them... which is probably better done after I've successfully dealt with the situation.


Naturally they'll ask me to solve this problem of a potential attack from the forces of the city they are going to destroy. Their golems and undead aren't fit for this kind of spy mission after all, any sane person would realize-- Oh crap!

"(Agreed then... the creations... will distract them.)"

"(...While we finish the Ritual!)"

"Wait! Wait? Wait."

Interrupted, they all turn to look at me.

"You're seriously attacking the city with your golems?"

Now they are puzzled why I'm against it. .......Sigh. How can they be smart enough to create advanced rituals and golems and undead, but simultaneously stupid enough to not see the problem here?

"Why not? We can do that, no problem."

"....You and what army? Lumbering fleshy monsters certainly will be distracting, but against a whole city state... not for very long."

"We'll just finish the Ritual before they can--"

"And if you make a mistake in the ritual and it takes longer than expected?"

The fleshmask dude thinks for a moment. If he's going to say 'we won't make mistakes then', I'll punch him.

"Oh. I see... Although, assaulting them would fit the Harmbringer philosophy better..."

"...You have a philosophy? What--"

"I'm so glad you asked!"

I didn't-- Yikes. His eyes gleam and he begins fidgeting excitedly. ...I said something unnecessary, didn't I? With a sickening smile and starts animatedly explaining...

"Where do I begin... Our philosophy is about how to become powerful, to stand above all others. It also delves deeper, into metaphysical, therefore marrying the practicality and wisdom! It's quite wonderful, if I say so myself.


"And you ask, what exactly is there to it?"

No, I didn't.

"It comes with many thought-provoking proverbs. My personal favourite is 'When you gaze into abyss, the abyss gazes into you. So do your abyss-gazing stealthily'!"


"'The weak plead, the strong order. Therefore we make sure to make lots of orders so we become strong'!!"

What kind of logic is that? You'll just get your ass kicked that way! The mousey demonologist woman pipes in.

"'Only the strongest survive. Law of the jungle is the ultimate truth of the world'!"

"...Do you know what a jungle is?"

"P-place where only t-the strong survive... obviously!"

...That circular logic hurts my head. But really, this was their motivation for their world domination quest? Whatever this... half-baked social Darwinism philosophy of theirs is called. Those sound eerily similar to some of the stuff in the another world though, especially that abyss gazing part. That makes me wonder if it is from... no, surely not. Their version is quite frankly completely bonkers.

"Alright... You guys have a philosophy. That's great. Now let's talk about stopping the attack, maybe?"

"Yes yes... You stay on standby while--"

"NO! I said it already. Not a good idea."

Who they think I am?! Celica? Hmm, come to think of it, I got the feeling at least the mousey demonologist had dealt with Celica before. And the interrogation turned into mess too... I suppose them assuming I am not capable of finesse is not so weird then.

Or is there some other reason they need me to stay here? I can't think of one though. Anyway, I need to use my persuasion skills. Too bad I can't just charm them and be done with it...

"It'd be better to let me handle that."

"Oh? Reeeally now?"

The demonologist woman drips maximum concentration of venom into those few short words. She really doesn't like succubi, does she?

I don't let that bother me though. Compared to how people who actually hate and fear demons act, little enmity is hardly anything. Also, I can hear Silvana gritting her teeth all the way from here. If I get visibly annoyed with this bitchy demonologist, she might do something drastic. With great care I lay down my argument.

"Have you heard of the... assassination of high druids? I carried out that."

I emphasis the part 'I carried out'. It's tad contentious, to be exact. As far as I know they are still trapped in their cave. It's been a month now though, so I'd say that equals effectively dead. Also, it was Celica who blocked it, but I was in command so clearly it's my achievement!


"Exactly. That's how discreet I am."

They look at each other doubtfully.

Alright, maybe the logic was bit flaky - but these three are apparently masters of mental gymnastics, so I respond in kind. And my other examples all devolved into brawls... Still, for a demon I'm remarkably goal oriented and discreet, real employee of the month material! Can I make them understand that? On hindsight I now realize the value of dragging Celica with me - her antics always make me look downright reliable...

However, there's no need for further arguments. The mage trio appears to have ceased caring about the finer points. The woman just waves her hand, while the other two nod.

"Whatever. As long as it'll be done I don't really care who does it."

I see. The golems and undead aren't her own toys, so she doesn't care then. The flesh mage and necromancer both agree too.

"Indeed... No time to deal with it ourselves... The Ritual still needs... preparations."

"Right! As marvellous as the golems are, they aren't exactly conspicious. We'll trust this Harmbringer mission to you!!"

Then they abrutly leave without further planning, apparently eager to continue with the ritual. And that's fine. I have a plan. ...This time it doesn't involve embarrassing any talking cats, I promise.

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