《Suddenly, a succubus》Chapter 41 - Operation Succubi


"The Confederation of Druidic Clans has become increasingly vocal in speaking against the Empire. That cannot stand."

Since pissing off both elves and dwarves wasn't enough, this evil demon-summoning empire is now planning to attack the Druidic Clans too.

Apparently I'm part of imperial generals' meeting concerning their new operation. I was just about to sneak back to hell (to make the demon lord to volunteer everything he knows about my situation - that weasel is sure to know something), when their messenger appeared to summon me to this meeting here. Just plain refusing would probably cause too much trouble, and I didn't want to brainwash the poor servant to tell them he didn't find me, so here I am, sitting at the round meeting table and trying to balance a fountain pen vertically while the generals drone on. It's curious. The fountain pen, that is. While nothing very advanced is needed to make one, you'd still wouldn't expect them in a below medieval culture.

Although... I stop fiddling with the pen, and think about the subject. I almost forgot it after that train-wreck sequence of losing memories, getting them back, and then immediately finding that they aren't my memories after all, but I have a whole skeleton's worth of bones to pick with the druids too. While it'll most likely be a royal pain in the ass, if the empire is really moving against them, I might have chance to find out just what they did to my mind too.

And something they must have done, since those thoughts subtly planted into me were neither part of my borrowed memories nor anything my hypothetical previous demon-self would have. On hindsight I see that it caused me to be more regretful and judgmental, but I almost didn't notice it's existence for a long time. It's probably that they didn't count on my bland neutralness either, and therefore the moral-guardian part they planted only rarely, if ever, triggered. Hooray for the True Neutral alignment.

But anyway, back to the meeting. Another general, the one with über-sideburns, continues what the previous oligarch of the empire said.

"Regrettably we don't have the resources to take them on openly."

At least you people aren't completely raving mad then. Their remaining option is obvious.

"So you come to demons for help again."

"Yes, though not exactly the demons as whole..."

I'm not going to like this, am I?

"We want you specifically, lady Aisen. We wish you to form an additional contract with the empire."

"... To what end?"

"To put it shortly: assassination of the central leadership of the Clans."

I'll rescind ever thinking you aren't completely insane. Why do they bother me with things like this? Am I the popular choice because I'm so reasonable and nice for a demon?

"(Maybe I should rip off few heads now and again just to make a point...)"


"Did she just say something very worrying?"

I put on my best smile.

"Oh nothing! I just was wondering if you have ANYTHING to motivate me to do this, since lately you've just done shitty stuff like refusing to give anything for defeating the crazy Dwarven suicide bombers because 'We made no contract about that, so regretfully we cannot authorize a reward'."

It may have turned bit icy at the point I imitated their answer from back then. I seriously hate all penny pinchers. Well, except for myself - when I do it, it's prudency.

"Uhh... Hmmh... You liked magic items, right? Holoster can enchant you something as a reward! How about that?"

They are just pushing it all to the enchanter?

"Not just some quick small enchantment... A larger scale project."


As much as this stinks of pandering, I'll take it though. Nothing beats a brand new enchantment. My plan to replicate Dwarven explosives didn't gain ground since it's simply too slow and expensive to make - the dwarves must have been really, really pissed to have managed to make twelve kegs of it - but with an order from the council of generals, maybe then... But that is for later.

"It has to be you lady Aisen! Your feud with druids predates your alliance with us. If you decide to visit vengeance upon them, the Empire can plausibly deny responsibility. Any other plan would risk war we can ill afford."

"That's called being a pawn! I'll pass."

General Mega-Burnside takes a wet-eyed pleading look. Disgusting!

"Please! You are our best ally!"

"Do you even have any other allies!?"

Another general, one with whiskers that make him look like a gaunt walrus joins in.

"The price paid for this will be generous, of course."

"Generous to me or to you--"


Celica bursts open the door, bursting with enthusiasm herself. I'd say she was eavesdropping, but eavesdroppers at least try to be discreet.

"Don't just accept it for me!"

"Come on Ais~, let's off~ some geezers~! It'll be fun~!"

"Like the Dwarven campaign was 'fun'?"

"Now now..."

Another new arrival joins in; Holoster had followed at Celica's wake, and the stone-faced demonologist has something to say too.

"Lady Aisen here is practical. You all should tell her the actual plan instead of just going on about rewards and glory."

So they do have a plan beyond 'let's make demons do our job, again'?

"Fine, I can hear it at least."

"Now, normally all the high druids would be with each in their own clans, making eliminating them a grudge..."

"Indeed. As Holoster says, carrying out operations to off every one of them - protected by elite guards and the whole clan around them - would be very inadvisable."


"But there is an exception. The annual Great Hunt. Now, this isn't a just a venison party for barbarians, but a monster hunt that doubles as opportunity for their warriors to excell."

The Great Hunt. How wonderfully generic name.

"... And the winners get an audience with the high druids and a nifty trophy?"

"Almost. The high druids will bestow some sort of blessing upon the victors - it's apparently very prestigious thing to have among the Clans. But what interests us about the blessing ritual is that it's when they are the most vulnerable. But only from within. We... attempted to scout it last year, but they had formidable defenses around the site."

For demons, who are basically the most dangerous kind of monsters in the world, slaying few regular monsters shouldn't be a problem - it's like game's final boss going out to hunt low level mobs. But that's not the problem here, the druids themselves are. I press on for more explanations from Holoster and generals.

"And how do you propose to get demons in? Never mind demon detection measures, they may very well recognize me, seeing as I've clashed with the Clans before."

"Previous years they have had detection stones at the entrances to the meeting area, but actual competitors weren't targeted individually. After all, it would be a slight to a proud barbarian brutes if they were put on suspicion."

"And as for being recognized, Holoster has been working on solution."

"Indeed. I'll spare the details for later--"

I glare at him intensively, making even the hardened demonologist pause. He better not be considering a magical plastic surgery... Tampering my face is blasphemy!

"... It's just a mundane disguise and an enchanted item to boost its effect. Nothing permanent!"

I suppose they have actually made a proper plan then. And I do want to ask druids few very pointed questions... Celica eagerly nods at me as I take a look at her.

"...Fine. I'll do it."


"But there better not be any unpleasant surprises."

"Ah. About that..."

He's hesitating. I renew my death glare at the demonologist and he hurries on.

"...there'll be a third member in your group."

Speak of the devil, another demon steps into the meeting chamber as on cue. Striding in with grandiose steps, unfitting the runty form, he appears. Ugh..

"Azara hath arrived! The druids won't know what hit them when-- The molester succubus is here!?"

Everyone follows the shape-shifting envy demon's frantic gaze at me, with Holoster rising an eye-brow, generals in various states of keen interest, and Celica's smile widening until I think she might rip her cheeks. Awkward.

"Technically it counted as only masturbation."

... That didn't help.


"So... You are saying that for my barbarian disguise to work I simply look too eye-catchingly good, and that needs to be magically countered? I guess I'm flattered."

"Ais~! Pride demons are pricks~, don't you become one~!"

After Azara ruined the atmosphere, the meeting was soon ended. He shiftily shifted somewhere else, while Celica and I got to see what Holoster's 'don't get recognized by druids' countermeasures were. In addition to rose blonde hair dye and some choice clanspeople styled gear, I have my original wolf-pelt armor - which was barbaric enough as is - and a bronze breastplate that looks just like something a fat lady in opera would wear, minus the surplus fat. But the item that caught my attention was what I shall call 'Ring of Ugliness'.

"This ring... it cancels the succubus glamour?"

"Effectively yes. Though it's more like it adds roughly equal amount of repulsing aura rather than just nullifying the glamour..."

Well, I have wished to be able to turn that on and off on several occasions, so here goes nothing. I put on the ring, which itself is simple but not at all ugly: it's a silver ring with etched pattern typical for the Druidic Clans for sake of the disguise as well - Holoster is nothing if not thorough.

"Hiiigh~! Ais is normal~! Weird~, seriously weird!"

You are making me sound like I was abnormal before!

I look at my reflection in the mirror in Holoster's private chamber. I almost don't recognize myself! Never mind my the ever-deepening identity crisis, just changing hair style - Celica did it into a big braid that swings around like a dead snake whenever I turn my head - and magically giving appearance of some flaws on my skin is enough.


"It works even better than I anticipated. Normally the enchantment in the ring would be a powerful curse that makes its bearer look downright hideous, but against succubus' power it barely managed to bring you down to normal."

Praise me more. But wait a minute, what about Celica? She could be recognized by druids, because of that incident where one of their wooden, flammable towns met hellfire.

"Where's Celica's ring then?"

"Huh~? Ring~? What is this ring you speak of~?"

"Hmmm? I gave her one."

That shrew! She doesn't want to downgrade her looks!

"If I have to, then you will too!"

"Nooo~! Celica is perfect~ as is!"

"I'll make you wear ten of those damn rings if you won't cut the shit!"


Ghhh... Never mind the shape-shifter with a trauma about me, how am I supposed to manage this idiot on a difficult and perilous mission!?

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