《Suddenly, a succubus》Chapter 34 - How to be a succubus


Moratorium. That's the term in psychology for discovering your identity by trying out alternative roles. Basically it covers young people doing stupid things to 'find themselves'. I don't quite feel like getting a tattoo of a flaming skull spitting out a snake on my forehead, but I do believe some self-discovery is in order.

I'm technically less than one year old and I already have both sudden succubusdom and acquired amnesia to contend with. And since that Dwarven incident there have been these weird feelings I don't quite recognize as mine too. My plate is quite full with all these bullshit developments...

Which is why I've decided to concentrate only on the one thing that is certain: while I might not act like one or think like one, I am undeniably a succubus - I pass the duck test! And as such I should at least try being a proper lust demon, even if it's against my inclinations. I can't make informed decisions if I don't know how it is after all. With the Dwarven war and other stuff that has been going on I haven't had the chance to put that in practice, but now'd be a good time. I'm going to give being a real succubus at least nominal effort from now on!


"Leaving~?! Ais~! You can't!"

"That's why I made you stand-in ambassador. So I could."

I have spent majority of my time in this nation, or with its armies. And that has been fine. The empire is the most socially advanced nation in the world and generally a nice place to live in. Well, apart from demon summoning and an occasional genocide, that is. But I think a change in scene would better for my attempts to be more like a succubus. Also, if I want to get my memory back, hell might be a good place to look. Or at least better than any random place in mortal world would be.

Celica is not too happy about it though.

"I'll come back soon enough."

"You promise~?"

"Sure, I promise."

"Pinky swear~!"

...Pinky swear? No, I shall not suffer such indignity.


"Uuuuuuuuuu~~! Ais is leaving me~! FOR~EVER~!"

Ugh... Now she's bawling.

"If you make a scene, I won't bring you souvenirs."

"Ahaha~, what scene? Celica is not making any scenes~. Bye Ais~! Bring lots~, okay~?"

And she's over it. Maybe now I can leave-- Ugh... She switched gears again.

"Wait, Ais~! Don't let any weird~ demons to give you any weird~ ideas, okay~?"

"You are the weirdest demon I could find anyway."


"Are you sure~ you don't want big sis~ to come with you~?"

What's with this overtly motherly tone of hers?

"Or... 'come~' with me? Tehe~."

Aaaand the moment's gone. Seriously... this idiot says she's a big sister and then sniggers at her own childish jokes a moment later. Incorrigible, truly.

I'd otherwise take her along - despite the goofiness she's great in troubles. But as long as she's around, I don't think I can properly train to be a succubus. She tends to derail anything she's involved with and it's better if I try doing some contracts on my own too.


Holoster sends me back to hell. He didn't ask what for I'm going there, some going back and forth is to be expected in my position after all. I appear on the outskirts of the demon lord's city, and make my way in to the town. During my previous time here I bypassed it mostly, but this time I have the time to head towards the markets.

It's all really quite vivacious, bustling with demons going every each way in their own chores. Like a bazaar of some far away country except with demons. I have no interest in food items and other non-essentials, but I keep an eye out for magic items - for which I'm ever on the lookout - and for anything that would help with succubus training. I didn't come here just for a stroll.

I don't see any of these 'noobs' to acquire anywhere though. Noob-ownership seems to be an unknown form of power here. Instead a stall full of magical items from both mortal world and hell catches my eye. If I could get my hands on another similar skill enhancing enchantment, that'd be great. The one I have is considered an artifact though, so I'm not too hopeful.

"Spell tomes?"

These are instructions on casting magic spells? Cone of coldness, fireball, lightning bolt... bit uninspired, but useful in any case. I'd need to know the basics before I could even hope to learn new spells independently though.

"Ssstumped? If you wisssh to learn magic quickly, I have jussst what you need."

The merchant, a shifty looking man with lower body of a large snake coiled around a chest I presume to be the cashbox, picks one of the tomes and shows it to me.

"'Basic level magic skills -spell'?"

There's actually a spell to learn basics of magic quickly? That'd be great for kick-starting a branching out to magic. Except...

"How do I cast the spell without basic magic skills?"


He clicks his forked tongue. I knew it! I bet it wouldn't work even if I had the skills. With a spell that makes you better at using spells, one could use it to create even better skill enhancing spells. That'd be a magic skill singularity! Since there aren't any godlike super sorcerers floating around, it clearly doesn't work.


"Don't let that charlatan fool you, dear customer. I can see you have an eye for quality. I'm certain you'll find what you seek in my wares. Effects guaranteed!"

A merchant from neighbor stall, an imp with big darting eyes, beckons me. He somehow manages to look formidable despite his lack of stature. I turn to look at his wares.

"Straight back from mortal world, I see. In that case..."

He probably based his assumption on my imperial styled chestplate. Majority of the demons around have clothing most mortals of the world wouldn't dare to wear, with many unique styles. He shows me an item that looks like pair of grasping hands made of dark metal with oily shine.

"... What is that?"

"This, my dear succubus customer, is item to enhance your charms unlike any dull human cloth article ever could. Wear this, and no mortal could take their eyes off, I guarantee."

Just how am I supposed to wear pair of hands connected with a chain? That's not a clothing at all-- Ah. Is it a... brassiere? How very kin-kyy.

"Oh, of course. What I was missing was that feeling of being constantly groped by cold hands, clearly. ...I'll pass--"

Wait... I was going be more like a true succubus, so shouldn't I have something like this? If I'm not trying to pass for a human, I could wear any outfit. So far I haven't been interested in seducing anyone, but I'm becoming increasingly aware that that, among other things, isn't quite demonic of me. A succubus is supposed to actively tempt and torment people, not just mind her business like I'm wont to do. Part of the reason I'm now back in hell is to figure this all out.

The trader imp patiently waits as I think. ... Okay, maybe grasping hand bra is still bit too much.

"My preferences are a bit more... conservative."

"Ah. I see you are a woman of culture. For a traditionalist such as you I believe this would be perfect..."

He shows me set of underwear... no, that's the whole outfit. Since when a spiky metal bikini has been conservative? Oh, right... Conservative for a lust... You know what? I'll buy it! If this doesn't put me in succubus mindset, then nothing will. I finish the transaction with the imp merchant and put on the... I wouldn't call this clothing - there's no cloth anywhere... It's made of metal so technically it's an armor, I guess?

Somehow wearing this manages to be more embarrassing than being stark naked. Okay, deep breath... didn't slip, good. I suppose if anyone can seriously wear something like this, then it's a lust demon like I am supposed to be. I'll just think this as a succubus uniform--

I spot another succubus in the crowd, one with tail and pointed ears. She's wearing exactly the same ‘armor’ as I am. I take a look around and I spot yet another succubus; she has one too. We all glare at each other silently for a moment.


When I thought of it as a uniform, this wasn't what I meant! I want to be unique snowflake, not a copy-paste succubus... I return to my trusty boobplate immediately afterwards.

Was this all for nothing? ...If I ever need to eat soup and there are no bowls anywhere, my brand new mass-produced succubus metal bikini might find at least some use. But otherwise my visit to the markets was rather fruitless. Lack of consumer protection is the true hell...

But, it's no big deal. That was just a detour from the real reason I'm here. And the reason is to be a bona fide succubus. Although, I'll be satisfied if people stop adding 'technically' when talking about me as a succubus... Let's have actually being a competent succubus as a stretch goal.

But I'm not entirely sure how I should proceed with this anyway. I suppose I should just look for contracts. I'll take any I get; besides the learning opportunity, I've found out the hard way that having reserves of the essence is essential. I left the markets and currently fly above the town, keeping an eye for summoning lights.


As soon as I spot one, I head straight to it. It could close any moment now, so I fly into it with full speed. As light engulfs me, there's the familiar feeling of being summoned again. I made it.

On the other side I successfully emerge into the summoning circle... and slam against the invisible force keeping summoned demons in with all the speed I had, bouncing around the enclosed space several times before crashing on the hard stone floor. ...Note to self: momentum is reserved during summoning.


Great job, me... I was aiming to be a succubus, but instead I managed to be a suck-ubus.

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