《Black Titan》Chapter 16 Necrotic War Beast


Chapter 16

As Renya began running to avoid the Necrotic War Beast’s pursuit. Shooting at the beast as many times as he can using normal arrows, he despaired as he realized that it is ignoring the large amounts of of arrows that are stuck onto it.

“(Am I gonna have to resort to releasing the [Limiter]?)”(Renya)

Just as the Necrotic War Beast was slowing down, the red glare in its eyes became even fiercer, making Renya realized that it has become enraged. It’s body began pulsating as its muscle like flesh began moving and re building making them appear larger and stronger.

Watching the beast charge, he aimed at its joints in the hopes to disable it. But instead of hitting the beast and piercing it, it’s body became several times stronger as it deflected the arrow as if it was nothing.

Not only that, but the Necrotic War Beast gained immense speed as the distance between the two became nonexistent in mere moments. Renya, who had a slower reaction time due to [Limiter], was struck by it’s hard skull sending him flying a few dozen meters before he hit a tree. Seeing him become somewhat stunned, he proceeded to charge yet again, destroying a few trees in the process.

“(Fuck, this guy!)”(Renya)

Standing up and regaining his composure, Renya didn’t hesitate any longer as he stored his bow in his inventory and unsheathed a black short sword that had a blue glare from his waist. Seeing [Lunar Edge], the Necrotic War Beast did not even flinch as it continued to madly charged at him.

Seeing this, he disabled the [Limiter] that severely weakened him. His aura filled the forest making the Necrotic War Beast shiver in fear as it stopped dead in its tracks, glaring at Renya with its glowing red eyes.

Brandishing [Lunar Edge], he slowly walked towards the Necrotic War Beast who stood still. As he finally reached it, he stood in front of it, [Lunar Edge] in hand. It did not dare make a move in Renya’s presence as it waited anxiously for his next move.

Renya, who realized that the Beast was scared stiff, gained insight on how terrifying a level 200’s aura can be. He found a large nearby rock to sit on as he pulled out a small stone from his bag and poured mana in it.


“Amitiel, I encountered a Necrotic War Beast in the vicinity of [Ostwald City]. It’s currently scared stiff as I removed my [limiter].”(Renya)


“Which means there’s something going on in the western region. The talk about a Nether Rift opening in the area should be true.”(Renya)


“I see, then should I make a report on it to the prince?”(Renya)

“You should, I believe that there will be a large scale assault on the city in the future. Tell him about that possibility as well.”(Amitiel)

“Alright, make your men report to me about your findings on the western region when you receive them. I need to go.”(Renya)

Shifting his gaze onto the Necrotic War Beast, it sensed what was about to happen and began to attack Renya as a last resort.


A Fierce roar containing all of its strength was let out, however it did not sound all too powerful as it was drowned in Renya’s aura. As it did, it charged forward rushing Renya with the full intent of not dying without a fight.



A sound akin to wind can be heard as Renya cuts down the Necrotic War Beast in two in the middle without much effort.

With its large figure falling into the ground, it’s originally grotesque appearance became disfigured as it’s figure became unrecognizable apart from the large skull and numerous pairs of horns that remain, half buried in the piles of rotting flesh and bones.

Thinking it was not wise to stay around it’s corpse as well as learning his lesson from last time, he ran to the city in the hopes to catch up with Chris and the others after activating [Limiter] again.


Near the out skirts of the forest, Chris and the others arrived exhausted.

“Shouldn’t we go back and help?”(Maria)

She asked while she panted.

“I know... But I don’t think we’ll be much help.”(Jennifer)

She answered dejectedly while she slightly lowers her head.

“No, I’m going to go back and help.”(Chris)

Mustering up the courage, he decided to go back. With Little White hearing his words, she became happy as she perched on a nearby tree and watched them plan their next move.

“Count me in, even if he is quite annoying at times, he’s still our party member.”(Nana)

She with an annoyed tone, but her worried face says otherwise. Hearing her words Chris gave a strong nod as the two of them looked at Jennifer and Maria.

“Fine, we’ll see what we can do.”(Jennifer)

She said while Maria just gave a nod. With this, Little White flew down from the tree as if implying that she wanted to join them, her action made Chris and the others smile at her behavior.

With their course of action having been confirmed, they turned around only to see Renya in a messy state making them surprised as they ran to his side.


He shouted with some tears in his eyes.

“You okay?”(Jennifer)

She asked with a worried expression.

“I’m fine, just a bit beaten up from trying to fight that monster.”(Renya)

“And what about the monster? Did you manage to beat it? What was it anyways?”(Nana)

“You think I can beat a monster that terrifying? It’s a Necrotic War Beast, a monster that is used by demons and it’s level usually in the late 60, I caused some damage to it, but not much. I lost it while I was trying to escape when the situation became too dangerous.”(Renya)

He said as he made a troubled expression.

“Why did you even try to face it on your own? You could’ve died you know?!?!”(Nana)

She said in anger which made Renya smirk behind his cloth mask.

“Well, I had to at least buy you guys some time. Besides, I’m alive and somewhat well aren’t I?”(Renya)

“*sigh* let’s go back and report to the guild so that proper measure could be taken.”(Jennifer)

She heaves a sigh of relief as they hurry to the guild to make a report. As they went through the town, their appearance made everyone they passed focus on them.

Finally reaching the guild, everyone looked at them with a surprised expression. Renya and Jennifer came to the man from before while the rest of them rested.

“Back already? That was fast.”(Receptionist Man)


“No, we had to leave early.”(Jennifer)

She said with a grave expression. Seeing this, the man became quiet as he waited for their explanation.

“Do you know what a Necrotic War Beast is?”(Renya)

The moment he mentioned the words ‘Necrotic War Beast’, a majority of the veteran hunters became silent as they heard the words, making their eyes focus on Renya. Not only them, but when the rest of the hunters saw this happen, they couldn’t help but become silent and do the same.

“Yes, I know what they are.”(Receptionist Man)

“Then I don’t need to explain how dangerous they are.”(Renya)

He nodded at his words with troubled expression as he realized where this conversation was going.

“We encountered one when we came to hunt in a nearby forest. Although i managed to fend it off as my party members escaped, I wasn’t able to kill it as it was too strong.”(Renya)

He said with a serious tone. Even if he is telling a lie, the chances of there being another Necrotic War Beast in the area is high. When the receptionist heard his words, his face went pale as he could tell that he wasn’t lying, not just him, but the rest of the hunters who heard him became pale as well.

“I’ll report this to the manager, please wait for a moment.”(Receptionist man)

He gave a light bow before leaving and as he did Renya and Jennifer went towards Chris and the others. As he did, the atmosphere of the guild building became noisy as they started discussing about what they’ve just heard.

As he sat down next to Chris and the others, Maria suddenly spoke up.

“What exactly is a Necrotic War Beast?”(Maria)

“From the name itself, what do you think?”(Renya)

He said in a monotone voice.

“It’s used for war? Then that means....”(Maria)

“Yeah, a high chance of war happening.”(Renya)

“But why?”(Maria)

“I don’t know for sure.”(Renya)

Even in [Alt Online], the reason of war between different races was always changing, at times it would be because of territory conflict, Internal conflict causing a country to go into civil war giving other countries an opportunity to attack causing an even greater war, and at times, simply because they want to.

Hearing his reply, Maria became somewhat depressed. Nana then tried to cheer her up by switching the topic and as they were talking amongst themselves, a sudden voice interrupted them.

“Sir Renya.”(???)

Turning his head around, Renya saw the receptionist man from before and as he saw Renya notice him, he spoke.

“Please follow me as the manager would like to see you, he said to bring your party members along with you as well.” (Receptionist Man)

Standing up as he nods, Renya and the others followed the man to the upper floors of the guild building into a room. Entering the room, it was a small well lit room as it was only around 5x5 meters large. The room itself had minimal decorations as there was a desk and behind it was a middle aged man sitting on a chair.

He had black hair, amber colored eyes, had brown skin and wore the same type of clothing as Elena from before. He sat there with his eyes focused on us before he spoke.

“Greetings, I am Evans Vicellio, the current manager of this guild branch.”(Evans)

“I’m Renya, and these are my party members.”(Renya)

He said as Chris and the others slightly nodded.

“Then I’ll go straight to the point, is it true?”(Evans)

“Why would I have a reason to lie?”(Renya)

He said as he started paying attention to his gestures.

“There are many, many reasons. For example, you could say it to prevent the access of trade routes, or you wanted the specific forest for yourself and wanted to keep people from going inside, or perhaps you wanted to prevent the wedding that is going to happen in a week from now.”(Evans)

Although he said it in a flat voice, Nana still felt irritated from his behavior.

“Then would I do such things if I had this?”(Renya)

He said as he pulled out the medal that Michael had given him and showed it to him. Once Evans saw the medal, his face twitched slightly as he replied.

“I see your report is not a fraud, however we’ll send a few of our best men to scout the area to confirm. If it has left the area, there will be nothing we can do, however if we do encounter them, we’ll make a notice on the guild as well as alert the people of the city.”(Evans)

“And what if I was lying all this time?”(Renya)

He asked with doubt to which made Evans chuckle.

“You could say all the most ridiculous lies in the world, such as a demon king appearing in the nearby forest and we’ll still have investigate it because of the badge. Don’t worry, it’s not that I doubt your news, it’s just that I want to see the people whose managed to survive from an encounter with one of those beasts.”(Evans)

He said with a mischievous smile making Chris and the others open their mouths.

“You mean you believed the story since the beginning?”(Nana)

She said with a raised voice.

“Yes, in fact, I was kind of expecting this kind of news sooner or later. [Ostwald City] is not the only city where the Necrotic War Beast has been spotted. Anyways, you should rest for the day, and expect a reward for warning the guild beforehand.”(Evans)

He said as they sent them on their way.

Author Note: This has been uploaded super late like 10:30PM late! Jayzus I wont say much cause I am tired, I didn't manage to wake up early ;~; plus Amber Sword wasn't helping one bit in my writing speed. But I triumphed! There was also a request for me to draw the Necrotic War Beast, another reason why it's so late, and I did. And as always, there will be another chapter tomorrow so no worries~ I need to go to sleep now~

I decided to use the pen and brush instead of digital and the small black bar and the man is around the size of Renya so yeah kek. Sorry for le bad quality ;~;

PS: That monster does indeed have thumbs, well the frontal limbs do as the hind legs are hooves!

Author Note 2: I just realized I broke my consistency of only using 2 words as a maximum for a chapter title NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Author Note 3: The series is pretty close to 200 followers wooo~!

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