《Curse of the Drakku: Origins》Chapter 22


Etain was paralyzed with indecision. What have I done? Father, please forgive me.

If what she had just participated in was true, she somehow locked her father’s soul away in a gem controlled by a Magus from the same Order that murdered him.

But was it real? Were her actions, her blood, her hand…were they all necessary components to a spell ensnaring her father? The Drakku were powerful and Magus spells were too.

When a blood-curdling scream sounded in the hallway, Etain poked her head out the door to see what was the problem. A novice Magus lay bleeding on the floor, a deep gash across his neck.

“The Drakku have attacked!” one servant yelled. “Hurry, tell the Kull the Drakku have come to destroy us!”

No, we haven’t! We did not come here for any such thing. We came here to settle a dispute. You tricked us into sending my father here so you could kill him!

Etain’s anger boiled inside, and she rushed into the hall, blending in with the rest. She needed out of there before she did something rash. Anger, powerful forces of anger, grew inside. Her father’s murder. The Magus who lied to her about saving her father. Her betrayal by participating in the ritual. All of it gnawed at her.

“Drakku, this way.”

The voice startled her. How did anyone know? She stopped running and hunted for the source of the voice.

“Drakku, hurry. They’ll harm you.”

She caught sight of a small man in a black robe near a narrow hallway waving at her to come.

“Drakku, there is no time left. These horrible Magus are after you.”

Against her better judgement, Etain carefully approached the older man. He had thinning white hair and deep, inset eyes. He stunk as though he hadn’t bathed in weeks. When he smiled at her, most of his teeth were black or missing.


“Who are you?”

The man waved her past him until they were in the hallway alone.

“I’m the librarian here. What the Kull has done is horrific. I fear much damage has been done today.”

Etain channeled her energy into her hand where she created a small ball of flame. The librarian noticed and took a step back.

“I come as friend. You will not need to kill me this day.”

“That’s what the last one of you said. Why should I trust you?”

The librarian nodded. “I fear we’ve not been gracious hosts. The time has finally come when Magus and Drakku will hate one another. I hoped to never see this day come.”

“Why shouldn’t I kill you old man?”

“I know things. About your father. About the gem.”

Etain took a deep breath. “How?”

“That horrid Drexon. I’ve been watching him. I knew what he was up to, but I also didn’t think he’d ever get a chance to create that gem, the Blood Stone.”

“You knew and you let him run free?”

“How would I know things were to turn out this way? Never in our history would we need to create such a thing. But now…now I fear it’s the beginning of the end. You can end this. Your blood helped create it, it can help destroy it.”

Etain ran her uninjured hand through her hair. “But how? I don’t even know what it is.”

“The Blood Stone, legend tells us, houses the soul of your father. He’s now a night-wraith. A terrifying creature able to devour the dreams of those with Drakku blood in their veins.”

Etain laughed. “Old man, what kind of fool do you take me for?”

“Drakku, I know you are the daughter of Lord Avess. You know it’s real. You know I am not lying to you.”


“But how…I don’t understand.”

“One day, it will be clear. One day, you will understand what to do. Don’t hate all humankind because of today. Greed and hate made this happen. Don’t give in to those emotions. You will overcome, I can foresee it.”

He turned her to the side as Tower Guards raced by. After they left, he motioned for her to follow.

“This way Drakku. You will be safe. The Blood Stone is dangerous, but I will do what I can to keep that fool-headed boy from causing any harm with it. But you will have to destroy it. It will cause you great pain and grief when you do, but you can end it.”

“End what? Nothing’s happened with it. My father is dead. The gem turned warm and a light shown inside it.”

The librarian stopped and faced her. “The light…that is your father.”

He scurried down the hallway until they reached a plain wooden door.

“Here is the exit. You can leave the Tower this way. I will send what information I have when I discover it. Dark times are ahead Drakku. The Order made a grave mistake this day. Be well. Be ready.”

He opened the door and the moonlit streets were nearly empty.

“Go now, before the Tower Guards decide to question an old man with a younger girl.”

“But…what comes next? Who are you? What do I do now?”

“My name is Wolfram. I am an ally and friend. You will know what to do when the time comes.”

He gently nudged Etain through the door, closing it behind her.

She stood in the dark of night, the Tower a buzz of activity but the streets were empty and alone. She’d need to find her way back to her home. The Drakku would be in chaos, but she could unite them. Her father trusted her. She’d have to trust herself.

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