《Curse of the Drakku: Origins》Chapter 20


Drexon whisked them away to a small room not far from the chamber where the Kull Naga continued to shout his decrees.

“I have no idea what happened in there. The Kull is not himself. Something is wrong. I’ve never seen this side of him.”

“How long have you been here?” Grymryg asked.

Etain barely controlled her temper. Watching her father’s murder was an awful moment she’d never forget. Her blood boiled within her and she fought the urge to unleash her fury.

“Long enough to know something isn’t right. I have an idea that can help, but it will take something from you.”

Etain wiped at her tears. Outside the open door of the small room, Magus and their novices raced back and forth. It seemed a massive shift was happening and they were at the center of it all.

“What?” she replied weakly. “What do you propose?”

“There is a way to connect with your father once more. It’s dangerous, but if done correctly, we might be able to undo part of what the Kull has done. It requires…blood. You’re blood. And mine.”

“What are you asking of her?”

Drexon held up his hands. “I do not wish to make the situation worse. In order for this to work, we’ll need to act now. Time is short.”

“Anything. Whatever you need, I’ll do it.”

“Etain! Be careful of what you say. You don’t even know this man!”

“I understand your concern, but I promise you she’ll be safe. Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

Drexon looked out into the bustling hallway and left, blending in with the crowd.

“Etain, we can flee. We can return to our homeland and stir the Drakku to action. We can make them pay for this!”


“Grymryg, I want this to be over. I want my father back! I want things how they used to be.” She pressed her face against his chest and sobbed. He stroked her long hair, trying to comfort her.

“It’s ok Etain. I have you. You’re safe with me.”

Moments later, Drexon returned with a book under one arm and an object covered by a piece of wool. He closed the door behind him.

“The Tower is in confusion. The Kull’s directive is causing chaos. We mustn’t wait much longer.”

Drexon sat the object on a table and pulled off the wool, revealing a fist-sized onyx stone.

“What…is that?” Etain asked.

“It looks like one of those stones the Magus use, but larger.”

“You are right my friend,” Drexon said to Grymryg.

“How is that going to help? Are you gonna bring him back to life?”

“Not exactly.”

Etain squinted, unsure she heard him correctly.

“What do you mean…not exactly?”

“I can keep his memory alive and intact. But I need your blood, and mine, to do it. Are you prepared?”

“Prepared for what? Why would I do such a thing?”

“I told you. To preserve what’s left of your father.”

“Etain, this doesn’t seem right. I don’t know what he’s proposing but it cannot be the right thing to do. Let’s leave and be among our kind. The humans have turned us into enemies.”

“Not all of them Grymryg. The southern Magus don’t agree. They were just as appalled as we are. Whatever happened in there was wrong. If we can change it, we must. We have to!”

Grymryg shook his head. “I will not be part of this madness! We already lost the Dragon Lord. Are we to lose his daughter too?”


“My decision is made. Live with it or not. If this Magus says he can do something, who am I to say he can’t?”

Grymryg paced the room. “Didn’t you see what the Magus did to your father? They ordered him killed! They pierced his flesh with swords and let him bleed out!”

“We have little time left. Are you willing to try?” Drexon looked to both of them, then fixed his gaze on Etain.

Grymryg shook his head. “Forget it. I won’t be part of this. I’ll stir the Drakku to action if I have to. I will honor Lord Avess’s memory.” He held out a hand to Etain. “Come with me. This is your last chance.”

Etain was torn. Grymryg made a solid case. What had the Order done but betray them? Who was to say this one wasn’t preparing to do the same to her? She didn’t feel like he was trying to trick her, but her father probably thought the same thing.

There was a scream in the hallway, followed by shouts.

“To arms! The Drakku have come to rip us apart!”

Grymryg stared at her. “Come now.” When she refused to move, he shook his head. “Then I will lead the Drakku as a true Dragon Lord.” He spared one last glance at her, then raced out the door.

Etain stood, pondering her next move.

“The time is now. We have to act.”

She nodded to Drexon and he gestured for her to sit. When she did, he sat opposite her and opened the book he brought with him, turning it to a nearly blank page with only a few words scribbled on it in a deep-red, almost brown ink. No, she thought…in blood.

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