《Curse of the Drakku: Origins》Chapter 15


Etain soared across the sky, diving through puffy clouds and bursting forth from the other side. Ever since reaching the age of maturity at fifty, her father reluctantly allowed her to travel freely across Rowyth, going to the southern shores and their griffon cousins all the way to the northern lands of Tregaron, where the Opal and Lapis dragons lived. The cavern in the Dragon Lands was wonderful, but many of the clans preferred to live on their own.

She enjoyed the cooler air up high, watching the land race by underneath and the people waving at her.

Going north, she crossed Opaline Mountain, the largest peak in the Dragonback Mountains. She circled it, looking for other Drakku, but when she realized they weren’t there, she crossed through the mountain range and into Tregaron.

She could think of nothing else other than her father. The trouble he faced with the Order was incomprehensible. How could they think the Drakku or her father had anything to do with Nighthill? He did not murder anyone! They had to know the truth. Why would they hold a tribunal to accuse him of something so terrible?

She headed toward Kulketh and the home of the Black Tower. Her father was there and she wanted to join the proceedings, curious as to the handling of such things. As heir, she’d one day have to attend to similar matters. And she needed to see the truth win out.

Etain darted across Tregaron, passing over the Verdant Tower, a few Magus noticing her red body against the blue sky and waving at her. In return, she exhaled a great plume of fire, those on the ground cheering wildly. She giggled. It’s only fire! Why’s it so special? she thought. Leaving the city of Woodpine behind her, she pushed harder, hoping to reach the city of Kulketh by nightfall. She had a few hours left, but already the winds were blowing against her making the trek more strenuous than normal.


Treetops bended below her. Flocks of birds scattered as she approached, wary of her massive size and destructive power. The clouds lost their puffy shape the further north she flew, instead thinning out and stretching like long strands of sheer cotton.

When arriving at Kulketh, she planned on shifting so she’d have a better chance of sneaking into the proceedings. Of course, her father didn’t know she changed already and would probably not recognize her.

Etain pushed harder against the strong winds. They seemed to want to push her back, push her away from Kulketh. It was a silly thought, but the harder she flew, the more the winds resisted her.

By the time she approached the city with the tall Black Tower rising in the distance, she’d grown weary and her body groaned for rest. She dropped from the sky in the forest outside the city and shifted into her human form, remembering how to bring clothing with her. Walking into the city nude would do no good to keep herself hidden!

Etain emerged from the forest in a brown robe with brown sandals and her long red hair tied back with a strand of leather. She carried a dagger under her robe in case of trouble. The nearby road leading into Kulketh was filled with travelers hoping to reach the city by nightfall and she stepped into the road, falling in line with the rest.

She hadn’t gotten far when a man on horseback rode up next to her, startling her.

“Aye, you’re a pretty one. Coming to the city to mate with a dragon?”

Etain turned to the man, his horse trying to shy away from her. The man was dirty with scars on his arms and face. He wore a leather conical cap and his black teeth dominated his narrow face.


“I’m on my way home. I’m not here to mate with anyone.”

“Such a shame that. You’re a good looker. I ain’t ever been with a redhead. Yet.” He grinned and wiped the drool running down his stubbled chin.

“I suppose you will one day.” Etain hadn’t spoken much to people and didn’t know how to interact with them. She’d been by her father’s side when he met with dignitaries or even some of his friends who were fully human, but she tended not to pay attention to their banter, preferring to play instead.

“Aye, I might even this day. Would ya care for a ride? It’s much better than walking.”

Tired and sore from all the flying, she considered his offer.

“Sure, a ride would be nice.”

The man grinned at her. “Name’s Marston. And you are?” He extended a hand to pull her up on the horse. For some reason the horse started bucking and acting skittish.

“Woah, calm down Grayspot. It’s only a pretty girl. Come on now boy, keep it together.”

Marston grabbed the reigns with both hands trying to get Grayspot under control. The horse danced and moved, trying to break free from his grip.

“Grayspot! No!” Marston’s knuckles turned white as he gripped the reigns. His cap fell off and sweat dripped down his forehead. Other travelers on the road moved farther away as the horse became more unruly.

“I do apologize. She’s normally not like this!” Marston continued to fight against the horse while trying to appear in control. Etain took a few steps back and the horse calmed down.

Marston wiped his shiny forehead. “As I was saying…come on up and I’ll take you into town. I’ve got a nice place we can…get to know each other.” He winked at her and she smiled.


When she stepped closer, the horse once again grew agitated. It was then her lessons came to her. Horses sensed the Drakku. They won’t allow dragons or halflings to ride them, fearing for their safety. She’d never been around one before and forgot all about it.

“Maybe I shouldn’t.” She stepped back and the horse calmed down, but as Marston held his reigns, the horse eyed her carefully.

“Oh come now. You ought not to be alone out here. All kinds of dangers lurk on the road. You never know when someone’s gonna do ya wrong.”

The sick grin crossing his face alarmed her. She hadn’t been around many humans but she understood that look. How could I be so naive? she thought. She carefully patted the dagger under her robe, reminding herself it was still there.

“I’ll take my chances. I can handle myself.”

Marston shrugged. “Suit yourself girl. Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.” He pulled on the reigns, turning Grayspot toward Kulketh and joined the rest of the travelers headed to the city.

You must be careful. You don’t know all the dangers yet. Be ready for anything.

Etain dusted herself off and blended in with the crowd, shaking her head at her actions earlier. She was going to be the Dragon Lord. Forgetting simple things like horses and when a man means to harm you would do her no good if she were going to lead them. Kulketh was far different from the cavern back home. She’d need to be wary of dangers, especially those that looked innocent.

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